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UFCD Língua Inglesa - Serviço de Reservas e Apoio

Formador: Élia Dias Torres Freitas

Formado: Ricardo de Sousa e Violante Nunes

Checking out
Ricardo - Recepcionist: good afternoon Madam

Violante: Good afternon

I am doing my check-out tomorrow I wonder if you could help me
with some details

Ricardo - Recepcionist: Yes of course, how can I be of help

Violante: My fight is leaving tomorrow at 7 am, from Lisbon, I would need a

transfer from the hotel to airport

Ricardo - Recepcionist: Yes of course, no problem, would you like for me to

arrange for room service breakfast? And would you like a wake-up call

Violante: That would be lovely, perhaps you could call me at 5 am please and
probably the transfer for 6 am, would that be possible?

Ricardo - Recepcionist: Certanily And for today would you need any help?

Violante: Yes, tonight I am going to the centre what do you recommend I visit
and restaurants

Ricardo - Recepcionist: Well, there are several restaurants, What do you

have in mind in terms of restaurants?

Violante: Perhaps something like parmham

Ricardo - Recepcionist: do you need any help with your luggage?

Violante: oh no I'm fine thanks

Ricardo - Recepcionist: have a good trip Mm Violante thank you goodbye

Violante: goodbye

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