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Sustainable Redevelopment: Ospital Ning Angeles with Improved Environmental


Denise Ivy T. Surla

Architecture Department, SEA, Holy Angel University


Ar. John Daniel Hirro in RESMETHAR

(March 24, 2023)

Review of Related Literature

1. Hospital Design Considerations

As part of regular professional activity, hospitals and other health facilities must be

planned and designed to follow suitable architectural practices, satisfy required functional

requirements, and adhere to applicable codes (Choudhary, 2021).


Choudhary, D. (n.d.). hospital design considerations.


2. Methodology for hospital design in architectural education

Designers must have a particular set of expertise and abilities to prepare medical facility

documentation. Students should be made aware that while selecting on such a professional

practice path, they must consider taking into consideration difficult technological and functional

requirements, construction norms and laws, and communication with clients who often utilize

complicated medical language. The instructional technique employed is critical for obtaining

optimal design solutions and having an educational effect. (Wiete, 2020)


Gdańsk University of Technology. (2020). Methodology for hospital design in architectural

education. Weite. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from,%20No.2%20(2020)/27-Janowicz-

3. Policy Analysis on Determining Hospital Bed Capacity in Light of Universal Health


Due to hospital bed availability and maldistribution, the Philippines is experiencing

growing healthcare demand. To address this, legislation is being passed to boost bed capacity as

well as service capacity through more funding and manpower. Moreover, private, and charitable

beds must be assigned to maintain equity for all patients. Incentives are being offered to

encourage private hospitals to share their bed capacity with the public sector. (Silva et al., 2020)


ActaMedicaPhilippina. (2020). Policy Analysis on Determining Hospital Bed Capacity in Light

of Universal Health Care. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from

4. The Impact Of The Environment On Patient Care

The setting in which patients are cared for can have a substantial influence on the quality of care.

Noise, lighting, and temperature may all have an impact on the patient's experience and the

provider's capacity to deliver treatment. An environment that is peaceful and well-lit is generally

more favorable to healing than one that is loud and dim. (Samuel, 2022)


The Impact Of The Environment On Patient Care – (n.d.).


5. The Importance Of Hospitals

Hospitals develop to fulfill the needs of society while remaining faithful to their basic purpose:

to treat people. Hospitals have had an influence on society since they are always evolving to

meet the requirements of society. They save millions of lives and ensure that everyone receives

adequate healthcare. (Cram, 2023)


The Importance Of Hospitals - 1001 Words | Cram. (n.d.).




6. Do perceived working conditions and patient safety culture correlate with objective

workload and patient outcomes: A cross-sectional explorative study from a German

university hospital.

The workload and demands on hospital workers have increased in recent years. Hospitals

are increasingly surveying employees on their perceptions of working conditions and safety

culture to guarantee patient and workplace safety. Simultaneously, routine data is used to

manage resources and performance. to better understand the relationship between survey-derived

measures of how employees perceive work-related stress and strain and patient safety on the one

hand and regular data measurements of workload and quality of care (patient safety) on the other.

(Sturm et al., 2019)

Sturm, H., Rieger, M. A., Martus, P., Ueding, E., Wagner, A., Holderried, M., & Maschmann, J.

(2019). Do perceived working conditions and patient safety culture correlate with objective

workload and patient outcomes: A cross-sectional explorative study from a German university

hospital. PLOS ONE, 14(1), e0209487.

7. Hospital employees in the covid-19 pandemic: working conditions, loyalty and

emotional state.

The emergence of a novel coronavirus illness (COVID-19) necessitated substantial changes in

the healthcare system, as well as the job of medical staff under great stress and an increased risk

of infection. A study of the present nature of work, the emotional state of medical personnel, and

staff loyalty was conducted in order to establish broad guidelines for preventative work with

employees in emergency situations. (Bogdan et al., 2021)


Bogdan, I. V., Malenkova, N. L., Malysheva, E. S., Pravednikov, A. V., Sirina, E. A., &



Gigieny, Zdravoohraneniâ I Istoriâ Mediciny, 29(Special Issue).


8. Evidence Based Hospital Design.

Healthcare facilities are complex infrastructures that include elements from the technical,

social, therapeutic, and architectural fields. In modern healthcare systems, there is a rising

emphasis on the requirement for quality in terms of procedure and result, whereas structural
(physical) components are rarely considered. Since the nineties, the Evidence Based Design

(EBD) paradigm has stated that there is a considerable association between the built environment

and health-related outcomes. (Brambilla et al., 2019)


Politecnico di Milano. (2021, January 1). Evidence Based Hospital Design. IRIS. Retrieved

March 22, 2023, from

9. Biophilia and Salutogenesis as restorative design approaches in healthcare


This analysis shows the need of improving the architecture of our hospitals, so they are able

to play a real role in the rehabilitation of their patients. There is a rising trend to create these

healing spaces by reconnecting individuals to nature. It is based on extensive study and analysis

of the causes for today's industrialized hospitals' failures, as well as the potential for returning to

nature by implementing Restorative environmental design (RED) concepts to benefit both

building users and the surrounding environment. (Abdelaal & Soebarto, 2019)


Abdelaal, M., & Soebarto, V. (2019). Biophilia and Salutogenesis as restorative design

approaches in healthcare architecture. Architectural Science Review, 62(3), 195–205.

10. Towards generic modelling of hospital wards: Reuse and redevelopment of simple

Assessing ward bed capacity is a frequent problem for hospital administrators. There aren't

enough beds, and patient flow is a problem: patients may face considerable delays in receiving

expert treatment, or they may be unable to transfer from one ward to another in the same or a

separate hospital. In severe cases, patients may be admitted to wards that do not meet their

specialty needs. Too many beds and constant patient flow compromise a hospital's demand for

value for money. (Penn, 2019)


Penn, M. L., Monks, T., Kazmierska, A. A., & Alkoheji, M. R. a. R. (2020). Towards generic

modelling of hospital wards: Reuse and redevelopment of simple models. Journal of

Simulation, 14(2), 107–118.

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