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High Pressure Cells:

Grade 10 Term 1: Social Sciences: Geography: Unit 4: Reading and interpreting synoptic weather maps
• Isobars are fairly circular (called cells)
• Highest pressure is in the centre (decreases as you move outwards)
• Caused by subsiding (sinking) air
• Air is generally dense and dry
• Weather is normally fair, clear skies and stable
Low Pressure Cells:
• Isobars are fairly circular (called cells)
• Lowest pressure in the centre (increases as you move outwards)
• Caused by rising air
• Air is generally less dense
• Weather is normally overcast, cloudy, rainy and unstable
• If a LP cell is situated along a coastline it is known as a coastal low, other LP
cells or systems are mid-latitude cyclones and tropical cyclones
These pressure systems are three dimensional, i.e. they extend from the surface into
the atmosphere. These high and low ridges may develop into troughs and ridges.
Low Pressure Trough:
• Extensions of a LP, isobars bend away from LP centre
• 2 LP cells may join
• Typical summer feature over South Africa associated with rainfall
High Pressure Ridge (Wedge):
• Isobars bend away from high pressure
• HP cell ridges in between 2 low pressures
• If 2 ridging HPs join they form a saddle

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Grade 10 Term 1: Social Sciences: Geography: Unit 4: Reading and interpreting synoptic weather maps
Using the information above, write a comparative piece on the following 2 satellite

• Infrared Image vs. Water Vapour Image.

• The images are typical of late summer conditions in South Africa.
• There is still a lot of cloud formation and the temperatures are still fairly high.
• With higher temperatures there is more evaporation and so there is more
moisture (water vapour) in the atmosphere.
• Learners should discuss why they think there are temperature differences
shown towards the South of the country and why there are drier areas.
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