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Lawrence Magne MAGNE TESTS...

Editor-in -Chief
Radio Database International

The Grundig Satellit 400

As wereported earlier, between New York and Philadel-
Grundig North America
is back in phia, you can place the '400 on a
beating the bushes selling world single FM channel and find two or
band receivers. Nowadays, you three stations popping in separately
can see them advertising shortwave and clearly simply by rotating the
radios regularly over the Cable antenna. Another difference is
News Network, which is a virtually that the '2010 also comes equipped
revolutionary idea, considering to operate only off 120 volts ac with
that most manufacturers treat their North -American -type ac sockets.
world band radio lines like some So you can't use it in most other
sort of high -level corporate secret. parts of the world without buying
an accessory transformer.
The problem with Grundig is
that their main receiver, the Satellit Verstehen Sie?
650, costs some $1,000 or so in the
US. It's a fine unit, but for most A final note is that the printed
of us $1,000 is a little tough to material that comes with the '400
digest for a radio. The '650 is also emanates from the "why - make -
too large and heavy to use for something - clear - when - you - can
traveling. - make - it - incomprehensible"
school. For example, under
Smaller Radio "Antennas" it reads:
Rounds Out Grundig Line "The strongest abatement of
an interfering station will be
So, to round out the line in
North America, Grundig is also achieved by means of aligning
marketing the much smaller and the reception minimum of an
lighter Satellit 400. It doesn't antenna with half wavelength
look at all like the '650 -- although or less to this particular
both are made in Portugal. And, Grundig's Satellit 400 - Looks like 1930's Art Deco, but station ".
at $399, the '400 costs less than half performs like state -of- the -art
what the '650 does. So we've put
this through the RDI hoops and So, in all, this offering from
hurdles for the past few weeks to Grundig is really designed for
see how it stacks up against the Travel Features produced all kinds of spurious pleasant listening to programs,
Asian competition. signals. The '400, in comparison, rather than DXing. It's also a
For traveling, there's a nice, performs quite well. In all, for good travel receiver, even though
The first thing you notice solid flip -up handle that's the best listening to shortwave broadcasts, there are other models that are
about the '400 is that it doesn't and most comfortable of any on the it's in a league second only to the smaller and lighter. In the US,
look at all like any other model on market. The fused ac power Sony ICF -2010. The '2010 is Lextronix, Grundig's representa-
the market. In fact, its design is supply is dual -voltage and built -in better because of its advanced tive, now has a toll -free number:
similar to 1930's Art Deco. so you can use it in nearly any part synchronous detection system, plus 800 -872 -2228. Elsewhere, you can
Fortunately, it doesn't perform like of the world. In North America, the '2010 is much better than the dial 415- 361 -1611.
a 1930's receiver. It's fully state - the '400 comes with an ac plug '400 in handling single -sideband
of- the -art, even if it's not quite in adapter that allows the set to be signals. In fact, below 9 MHz
the high -tech league of Sony's operated from the most popular single -sideband reception on the
innovative ICF -2010. types of wall sockets in most coun- '400 suffers severely from synthe-
tries. You can hear Larry Magne's
sizer instability to the point where
Tuning up? it's all but useless. Obviously, this equipment reviews, along with
The '400 incorporates two isn't a set for utility DXers or hams. reports from Radio Database
You've Got a Choice International's Don Jensen and
clocks and a timer, which is handy
for making sure you get up in time Tony Jones, the first Saturday night
The '400 covers the longwave, In fact, if you listen very care- each month over Radio Canada
mediumwave AM, FM and world when you're in a hotel with fully you can even hear the synthe-
Samantha Sonnambula at the sizer whooshing back and forth International's "SWL Digest" at
radio shortwave bands with double - 8:10 PM Eastern Time on 5960 and
conversion synthesized tuning. It switchboard. But the clocks and softly in the background with the
frequency share the same digital single -sideband mode switched off. 9755 kHz. Larry's "What's New in
uses a knob to tune stations, and a Equipment" is also featured over
nice aspect of this is that the knob display, so you can see only one of
these three at any given moment. "SWL Digest" various other Satur-
provides one tactile click for every Audio Quality days throughout the month.
one kilohertz tuned. You can and FM Performance
actually "tune by feel ", which is Other features include a panel
to angle the set towards the Where the '400 is superior to In the US, RDI White Papers are
handy if you're visually impaired... carried by Electronic Equipment
or trying to bandscan in the dark. listener. And if you're listening at the '2010 is in audio quality. The
night, you'll be pleased to find that '2010 doesn't even have proper Bank, Imprime and Universal Short-
Of course, a knob isn't the only it has a light that illuminates both tone controls, and its audio quality wave. A free catalogue of the latest
way you can tune the '400. There's the digital frequency readout and is only so -so. But the '400 has editions of all available RDI White
also an easy -to -use keypadfor the large analog signal- strength separate bass and treble controls, Papers, including those covering the
direct frequency entry, plus a and battery check meter. plus a higher -quality audio stage best in communications receivers
scanner and fully 24 programmable and speaker, so it sounds quite and antennas, may be obtained by
channel memories to store your Single Sideband? good. Its FM performance -- sending a self -addressed stamped
most listened -to stations. Addi- especially its capture ratio -- is also envelope to Publications Informa-
tionally, there are up /down band much better. tion, Radio Database International,
The '400 is a big improvement Box 300, Penn's Park PA 18943
slewing buttons for shortwave that over Grundig's earlier, but similar
second as a signal seeker in other At our Radio Database Interna- USA.
looking, Satellit 300. The '300 was
bands. insensitive, unselective and tional listening post located


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