Biology Project

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A Report On


A project report submitted for the partial fulfillment for internal evaluation of Grade-XI

Submited by:
Aashish Sapkota Kusum GC Buddhi Nath Sanjel Bidhya Karki

Roll. No.03 Roll. No.18 Roll. No.11 Roll. No.10

Jharana Pun Anush Raj Timilsina Diya Bhattarai

Roll. No.16 Roll. No.08 Roll. No.15

Submitted To:

Department Of Science (Biology)

Gandaki Boarding School

Lamachaur, Pokhara. 2079B.S.


This project work entitled “Positive and Negative Effect of Drugs” Submitted by Aashish Sapkota,
Kusum GC, Buddhi Nath Sanjel, Anush Raj Timilsena, Jharana Pun, Bidhya Karki and Diya
Bhattarai of Gandaki Boarding School, Lamachaur, Pokhara has been prepared under my guidance as
a partial fulfillment of Biology practical examination for the grade 12. I, therefore, recommend the project
work report for evaluation.

…………………… …………………………..
Mr.Moti lal Sharma Miss. Sakuntala Gurung
(Zoology Teacher) (Head of department)
Faculty member Department of Science


Our heart pulsates with trill for tendering gratitude to those persons who helped us in completion of the
Project work. First and foremost, we express our sincere gratitude and indebtedness to Mrs.Ambika
Poudel madam for allowing us to carry on the present topic “Study on the Positive and Negative
Effect of Drugs” and later on for their inspiring guidance, constructive criticism and valuable
suggestions. We are very much thankful to her for able guidance and pain taking effort in improving our
understanding of this project. We would also like to thank Mr. Moti Lal Sir, for his expertise, valuable
insights, and constructive feedback were instrumental in shaping the direction and focus of this report.

We would also like to give a special thanks to our college, +2 Supervisor, Mr. Krishna Prasad Adhikari
Sir for providing all necessary facilities during the course. We owe our deep gratitude for his

We are grateful to our colleagues and friends who provided us with their support and assistance
whenever we needed it. We would like to thank them for providing us with the additional resources that
enabled us to carry out the research and analysis required for this project. Their contributions and input
have been instrumental in enhancing the quality and scope of this report.

At last, our sincere thanks to all our family members who have patiently extended all sorts of help for
accomplishing this.


Recommendation letter…………………………………………………….……………….II
Acknowledge letter………………………………………………………………………….III
Classification of Drug………………………………………………………………………..3
Causes of Drug……………………………………………………………………………...4
Effect of Drug…………………………………………………………………………………4
Combination of Drug and Alcohol…………………………………………………………..5
Percentage distribution of Drug users……………………………………………………...6
Preventive Measures of Drug addiction……………………………………………………9


Drug abuse or simply the misuse of drugs is a major social problem in most developing countries including
nepal. In nepal about 20% of the total population use drugs on a regular basis. In which about 90% of total
drug users belong to the age group of 16-20 year olds. The most commonly used drugs in nepal are
cannabis, followed by inhalants, tranqualizers, opiates and heroin. Beacause of the open boarder between
nepal and india the smuggling of these drugs have been more easier. Most drug users sart their drugs usage
from peer pressure or just out of curiosity and most people end up in an addiction which is very hard to get
rid of. As this is a hard problem to eradicate, it has caused the crumbling of socio economic condition of
almost every nation. The users experience anxiety if they dont take drugs so to relieve the anxiety one
increases their usage. Therefore we have conducted a thorough research in this topic.


With around 27 million people, Nepal is sandwiched between two most populous countries of the world,
India to the east, South and west, and China to the north. The word drug is derived from a french word
drogue which means a dry herb. In ancient times, people used many medicinal plants for the treatment of
different diseases. In Nepal, a collection of many medicinal plants along with their diagram and medicinal
value can be found in a book called chandra nighantu.

Drug abuse is a worldwide problem that affects millions of people, and Nepal is no exception.
Over the last years, Growing drug use has been of increasing concern to the society in Nepal.

It is mainly the young boys and girls who are engaging in drug use for a variety of reasons and
many young Nepalese have already died from drug use. Drug use poses serious challenges as
it affects foremost the health and life of the drug user, the social well-being of the family and

Drugs such as cannabis and alcohol were traditionally used in Nepal for centuries. Use of
these drugs as part of the cultural norms did not create major social problems during that
period. However, the types of drug used have been shifted since the last few decades from
cannabis to synthetic opiates and chemicals become one of the major causes of HIV infection
too. So, Drug abuse has become a multi-dimensional problem in Nepal and drug control, a
challenge for the government.


1.) To classify the different types of drugs.

2.) To discuss the causes and preventive measures of drug addiction.


There are a large number of drugs on which people become dependent. These are classified into four major
groups: sedatives and tranquilizers, opiate narcotics, stimulants and hallucinogens.

Types of drugs Examples Effects

1. Sedatives and Benzodiazepines, Give a feeling of

tranquilizers Barbiturates calmness,

2. Stimulants Cocaine , caffeine Makes a person

more wakeful,
active, cause

3. Opiate narcotics Opium, Suppress brain


4. Hallucinogens Charas, Ganja Alter thoughts,

feeling and


There are many factors that lead people to drug addiction. Some of them are listed below:-

• Curiosity – Frequent references to drugs by public media create curiosity for having a
personal experience of the drugs.
• Friend’s pressure – Sometimes, Due to the pressure of friends, a person may lead in the
way of drug addiction.
• Frustration and depression – some people start taking drugs to get relief from
frustration and depression.
• Family history – Children may take drugs by seeing their elders in the family. • The desire
for more work – Students sometimes take drugs to keep awake the whole night to prepare
for the examination.


Positive effect
1. Drugs help to socialize.
2. Drugs help in relaxation.
3. Drugs help to make you less tired.

Negative effect
1. Drugs involve the physical damage that is done to the body.
2. It causes tension and stress within the family unit and friends.
3. It causes the financial crisis.
4. It causes legal problems.

Some addicts use the mixtures of drugs to have immediate charge. Simultaneously, use
of drugs and alcohol may produce dangerous effects, including health.

Combination Effects

1.) Alcohol+ Increases the depressant

Barbiturates effect

2.) Alcohol + Valium Dramatically increases the

sedative effect

3.) Alcohol + Aspirin Increases the chances of

damage to gastric mucosa

4.) Alcohol + Marked drowsiness


Figure:- Combination of drug categories by current hard drug users.


1. Percentage distribution of drug users using different types of drug

Respondents were also asked about the different types of drug they ever intake. Cannabis and
Opiates drugs are the most commonly used drugs (90.5% and 93.5% respectively). Of these,
87% drug users prefer Cannabis Ganja whereas 68%, 64% and 55% drug users prefer Heroin,
Pain Medicine and Cough Syrup respectively.
Tranquilizers like diazepam, nitrazepam, dormin accounted for 83.5%. Similarly, inhalants users
are 12.7%, Hallucinogens users are 8.7% and a small proportion (5.2%) have also experienced

Figure:-Percentage distribution of drug users using different type of drug

2. Percentage distribution of age at first drugs

Data reveals that most of the drug users started drug use from the very beginning.
Overwhelming majority (95.0%) of the drug users took drugs for the first time in their life before
they reached 20 years. More than three fourth (81.2%) drug users have experience of first time
drug intake before they reach 20 years. More than 32 % of drug users took drugs for the first
time in their early age of 15.

Figure:-Percentage distribution of age at first drug intake

3. Percentage distribution of educational status of drug users
Majority (41.9%) of the drug users have some secondary level of education 6- 10.
Those who have SLC to certificate level of education accounted to 34.2%.

Figure:-Percentage distribution of educational status of drug users


1.) The preventive measures of drugs addiction are as mentioned below:

2.) Avoid addiction to all these substances.
3.) Create awareness about the side effects and the consequences of the addiction.
4.) Treatment of the people who are already addicted.
5.) Provide moral support and counseling.


Some of the Rehabilitation centers of Nepal are :-

1.) Happy Nepal Female Centre,Jhapa

2.) Sunrise Community Service Centre,Jhapa
3.) Naya Aasa Pratisthan, Jhapa
4.) Lifeline Help Group, Jhapa
5.) Happy Nepal Punarsthapana Kendra, Jhapa
6.) Jeeban Bachau Sewa Kendra, Morang
7.) Naulo Ghumti Nepal,Kaski
8.) Shrada Nepal,Chitwan
9.) Aafno Nepal Sudhar Kendra, Bhaktapur
10.) New Vision Nepal, Kaski


Drug use and addiction cause a lot of disease and disability in the world. Recent
advances in neuroscience may help improve policies to reduce the harm that the
use of tobacco, alcohol, and other psychoactive drugs impose on society.

Effective action should take into account the following:

1.) Since the effects of drugs on health vary greatly depending on the type of
drug and on the way it is used, the public health response to drug use should
be proportional to the health-related harm it causes.
2.) Use of psychoactive substances is to be expected because of their
pleasurable effects as well as social influences. The greater the frequency
and amount of drug used, the higher the risk of becoming dependent.
3.) Effective public health policies and programmes that address not only drug
dependence but also other forms of harmful drug use could lead to a
significant reduction in the overall health burden of drug use.
4.) The risk of becoming dependent on drugs is determined by a combination of
biological, genetic, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental factors.
Currently, it is impossible to predict who will become drug dependent.
5.) Drug dependence is a medical disorder, not a lack of willpower or strength of
6.) Drug dependence and mental illnesses often affect the same individuals.
Therefore, it would be useful to integrate research, assessments, and
treatments for both types of disorders.
7.) The cost-effective treatment and management of drug dependence can save
lives, improve health, and reduce costs to society. Beyond stopping drug
use, effective treatment requires changes in the behavior of users and often
the use of substitute drugs.

8.) Treatment must be accessible to all in need and the health care sector
should provide the most cost-effective treatments.
9.) Prejudice and discrimination against drug dependent people is one of the
main barriers to their treatment. Everyone has the same rights to health care,
education, work opportunities and integration into society.
10.) Investment in brain research on drug dependence must continue and
expand to cover social science, prevention, treatment and policy research.
The results of research should be used to devise evidence-based policies to
reduce the burden from drug use.

Recent advances in the treatment of drug dependence raise difficult ethical issues
that must be addressed by scientific and policy communities as a priority.



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