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True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are

I once believed that technology was going to bring us together as a global

community. I thought we would draw closer as it turns out, we are more polarized
than ever before.We are all searching for a place to fit in. If we don’t find our place
it can be a painful existence.It’s possible to be welcomed into a club or
organization and still feel like an outcast. Sometimes people feel angry for the
effort required to “fit in” and please others.It can often take a lot of time and
energy to belong to something or someone. But what happens when we stop
trying so hard to belong? Suppose we stop seeking acceptance from others? This
is when true being happens that's when we really are what we are. This feeling is
the feeling when you finally understand that you don't to do what people like to
"fit in" but just to be yourself.

In my opinion, changing who you are to be liked by people is just an unnecessary

need. it's better to show who truly you are so they can undestand who you are.
Surely some people will like you and the other will not that's where you can find
your real friends. So they can help you on things that you didn't even know you
needed help. An example that show that you do not need to be changed is TCK
(Third Culture Kid), most TCKs are constantly traveling and therefore do not try to
make friends. However, because of their culture it happens that, they are
sometimes criticized by others. People who are still trying to make friends will
learn how to take courage in their owns hand so they can shameless and find they
true belonging. The critics will only make them stronger.

At the end you will understand that you don't need to change yourself to be liked
by others. No matter if you get criticized or judge what's the most important in all
of that is that you don't need to change just be yourself, there will be always
someone to help you , cheer you or even love you. Because you are YOU and one
day you are the one that will help them.

Ricardo Pereira N-13 11Bn

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