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Section 1: Wine and the Consumer

1. The Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine

2. Wine with Food
3. Storage and Service of Wine

Food Pairing Overview Page 11
• Purpose of food and wine pairing: take advantage of the effects that the food and wine consumed together
ideally provide more pleasure than either would if consumed separately.
(讓 food+wine 的風味, 比分開吃更好.)
• Knowledge of the ways in which food and wine interact with each other will also help avoid negative or
unpleasant taste combinations.

• 注意: 需考量不同人對於taste/flavor preference會有所不同.

 When it comes to understanding the basic taste interactions between food and wine, it is important to
remember that people have different sensitivities to various flavour and aroma components.
 The same level of bitterness, for example, can affect one person much more strongly than another.
 This is different from a personal preference in that some people like strong reactions while others find
them unpleasant.
 This variation in both individual sensitivities and preferences means that what seems like a 'perfect
pairing' to one person may seem ordinary or even unsuccessful to another.
 Pairings should therefore take into account the preferences and/or sensitivities of the individual, as well
as the basic interactions between food and wine.

Primary Food & Wine Taste Interactions (1/2) Page 11
• General rules:
 salt and acid in food  food tends to make wines taste 'softer' (less astringent and bitter, less acidic,
sweeter, and more fruity)
 sweetness and umami in food  tend to make wines taste 'harder' (more astringent and bitter, more
acidic, less sweet and less fruity).

食物中的 salt & acid 是酒的好朋友,

食物中的 sweetness & umami 比較不好配酒.

• When you place food in your mouth your taste buds adapt so that the perception of the levels of sugar, salt,
acidity, etc. in what you taste next can be altered.
• EX: the unpleasantly acidic taste (超酸) of orange juice when consumed immediately after using toothpaste.
• Some foods, such as chocolate or thick creamy dishes (巧克力or奶油味濃郁的菜餚), have a mouth-coating
effect (妨害味覺) that can impair the sense of taste.

Primary Food & Wine Taste Interactions (2/2)
Food Food increase wine’s … Food decrease wine’s … comment or examples Page 11
Increases the perception of Decreases the perception of body, • EX 1: Sweetness in a dish can make a dry wine seem less
bitterness, astringency, acidity and sweetness and fruitiness in the wine. fruity and taste unpleasantly acidic. (菜餚甜, 會讓dry
Sweetness the warming effect of the alcohol in (食物的甜味會降低酒的(1)酒體,(2)甜 wine的果味降低, 且讓酸度更強.)
1 the wine. 度, (3)果味.) • EX 2: With dishes containing sugar, a good general rule is
in Food
(食物的甜味會強化酒的(1)苦,(2) to select a wine that has a higher level of sweetness than
澀,(3)酸,(4)酒精灼熱感) the dish. (菜餚甜, 酒要更甜, 否則酒會沒有存在感.)
Increases the perception of Decreases the perception of body, • See next page for details.
bitterness, astringency, acidity and sweetness and fruitiness in the wine. • Simple simmary:
Umami the warming effect of the alcohol in 1. 高鮮味,少鹹味 -> 很難配酒
2 the wine. 2. 高鮮味, 夠鹹味 -> 好配酒
in Food
(食物的鮮味, 會強化酒的(1)苦 3. 高鮮味的食物 -> 不要選L-tannin reds or oaked
味,(2)澀感, (3)酸度, (4)酒精灼熱感) whites (會有苦味出來) ; 但可選H-tannin reds.
Increases the perception of body, Decreases the perception of acidity in • Acidity in food is generally a good thing for food and wine
sweetness and fruitiness in the wine. the wine. (食物的酸度會弱化酒的(1) pairing as it can bring a wine with very high acidity levels
Acidity (食物的酸度會強化酒 酸度) into balance and enhance its fruitiness.
3 (1)body,(2)sweetness,(3)fruitiness) • However, if the level of acidity in the wine is low, high
in Food
levels of acidity in foods can make it seem flat, flabby and
lacking focus.
Increases the perception of body in
Decreases the perception of • Salt is another wine-friendly component of food that can
Salt the wine. (食物的鹹味會強化酒的 astringency, bitterness and acidity in enhance a wine's fruit character and soften astringency.
4 (1)body) the wine. (食物的鹹味會弱化酒的
in Food
(1)astringency, (2)bitterness, (3)acidity )
Increases the perception of • 苦味很主觀, 喜好因人而異.
bitterness in the wine. (食物的苦味 • bitter flavours add to each other. (苦味會疊加.)
Bitterness 會強化酒的(1)bitterness) • This means that although bitterness in the food alone
5 may be at a pleasant level, and any bitterness in the wine
in Food
may be in balance, together the bitter elements can
combine to reach an unpleasant level.
Increases the perception of Decreases the perception of body, • Chilli heat is a warming or burning sensation, and of
bitterness, astringency, acidity and richness, sweetness and fruitiness in sensitivity can vary greatly from person to person.
the burning effect of alcohol in the the wine. (食物的辣味會弱化酒的(1) • There is also huge variation in how pleasant or unpleasant
Chilli Heat wine (食物的辣味會強化酒的 body (2) richness (3) sweetness (4) this effect feels to the individual.
6 (1)bitterness (2) astringency (3) fruitiness) • The effects caused by chilli heat are greater in wines with
in Food
acidity (4) the burning effect of high alcohol levels than those with lower alcohol levels.
alcohol) • Alcohol also increases the burning sensation of the chilli;
some people enjoy this effect.

詳論Umami Page 11
1. Umami is a taste, and is distinct from the other primary tastes, although it can be difficult to isolate.
 sweetness can be tasted and identified with sugar individually ;
salt with sodium chloride (氯化鈉) ;
acidity with a number of acids (e.g. tartaric acid) ;
but umami tends to be present with other tastes.
 EX 1: Umami appears with saltiness in Monosodium Glutamate (MSG, 味精)
 EX 2: Umami appears with other flavours in cooked or dried mushrooms.

2. fresh mushroom vs cooked mushroom: umami taste of the cooked mushroom is more than fresh one.

3. Salt and Umami:

 Many foods that are considered difficult to pair with wine contain high levels of umami, but lack the salt necessary to
counteract its hardening effect on wine. (許多被認為難以與葡萄酒搭配的食物含有大量鮮味,其實是缺乏必要的鹽分
EX: Asparagus, eggs, mushrooms and ripe soft cheeses are all examples.
 cured (醃製的) or smoked seafood and meats, and hard cheeses such as Parmesan (帕瑪森), are high in both umami and
salt so tend not to have as much of an adverse effect on wine.
結論: 高鮮味,少鹹味 -> 很難配酒 ; (EX: Asparagus, eggs, mushrooms and ripe soft cheeses)
高鮮味, 夠鹹味 -> 好配酒. (EX: cured (醃製的) or smoked seafood and meats, and hard cheeses such as Parmesan (帕瑪森))

4. Bitterness and Umami:

 bitterness in wine comes from tannins extracted from grapes or oak.
 For a balanced high-tannin wine, the change in perceived bitterness may not appear to be excessive (過度的, 過份的) and
will not be enough to unbalance the wine. (一款平衡的高單寧葡萄酒, 鮮味不會使其苦味增加, 不會讓這款酒失去平
 However, low-tannin red wines, or white wines made with oak or skin contact, can become surprisingly bitter and
unbalanced when consumed with umami-rich foods. (但單寧量低的紅酒、或過橡木桶or浸過皮的白酒, 若與鮮味高的
食物搭配, 會有意想不到的苦味, 並失去平衡.)

Other Considerations Page 11
1. Flavour intensity
 It is usually desirable for the flavor intensities of the food and wine to be matched so that one does not overpower the
 However, in some circumstances, an intensely flavoured food (such as a cury can be successfully partnered with a lightly
flavoured wine (such as a simple, non-aromatic, unoaked white).

2. Acid and fat: (酸味與油膩)

 Most people find the combination of acidic wines with fatty or oily foods to be very satisfying.
 The pairing can provide a pleasant sensation of the acidic wine 'cutting through' the richness of the food and cleansing
the palate. (大多數人感覺酸可以去除油膩感, 而帶來清爽的感覺.)
 This is a subjective.

3. Sweet and salty: (甜味與鹹味)

 The pleasure of combining sweet and salty flavours is also subjective, but this is a combination many people enjoy and
one that leads to some very successful food and wine pairings. (大多數人感覺酸與甜很搭.)
 Sweet wine and blue cheese is a classic example.

Application Principles Page 12
• Because people vary in their sensitivities and preferences, there is no simple answer to questions about which wines go best
with which dishes.
• Although the ways in which food may affect the balance of a wine are generally understood, whether people like the results of a
particular combination is very personal.
• That said, most people prefer their wines to taste more fruity and less acidic, bitter and astringent.
• Using this generalization it is possible to make some cautious recommendations.
• When selecting wines to partner dishes, it can be helpful to divide dishes and wines into 'high-risk' and 'low-risk' categories.
• Most foods and wines contain more than one of the structural components listed below so there are many possible options.
• Sugar - Dishes high in sugar should be paired wine that has at least as much sugar as the dish.
• Umami -Umami in the food will emphasise the astringency and bitterness of the tannins, and therefore the chosen wine
will need to have the necessary components, such as concentrated fruit flavours, to be able to cope with this change in
the wine. (如果食物有Umami時, 找紅酒(有單寧)搭配, 要找有足以抗衡酒的風味的改變的成分的紅酒, EX:有濃郁果香
High-risk foods
1 • High Umami - High Ievels umami in a dish can be balanced by the addition of acid or salt providing this is in keeping with
(較難搭配的食物) the basic character of the dish. (在符合菜餚風味的前提下, 可以選有額外酸度or鹹度的酒, 來平衡菜餚的鮮味.)
• Bitterness – high-bitter dishes will emphasise bitterness in wine. Consider white wines or low-tannin. (Note: 苦味會疊加.)
• Chilli heat - Dishes high in chilli heat should be paired with white wines or low-tannin reds, neither of which should be high
in alcohol. A wine‘s fruitiness and sweetness can also be reduced by chilli heat so consider wines with higher levels of
these components to make this effect less severe. (結論: white | L-tannin red | fruity /sweet wines)
Low-risk foods • Dishes that are high in salt and/or acid generally pair well with wine.
2 • High-acid foods should generally be matched with high-acid wines, otherwise the wines can taste too soft and flabby.
• The more structural components in the wine (and food), the more possible taste interactions there will be.
High-risk wines • This makes pairing more complicated but the results can be much more interesting.
(較難搭配的葡萄酒) • The most challenge wines are those with high levels of bitterness and astringency from oak and grape tannins, combined
with high levels of acidity and alcohol, and complex flavours.
• Simple, unoaked wines with a little residual sugar are usually pair well with any dish. (但太安全, 比較不有趣.)
• 運用以上的 principles, 其他葡萄酒也可以與食物進行成功的搭配.
For example, Muscadet (密思卡岱葡萄酒) and Champagne both work well with oysters because they are unoaked (so
Low-risk wines there is no bitter component to be spoiled by the umami taste of the oyster), relatively light in flavour (so as not to
4 overwhelm the delicate flavour of oysters) and high in acidity (so they still seem vibrant and refreshing when oysters are
eaten with lemon juice, for example).
 Other wines that satisfy these basic criteria should also be successful pairings. Examples might include Rias Baixas
Albarino (下海灣的阿爾巴利諾) and Hunter Valley Semillon.
Alternative Food/Wine Pairing Approaches Page 13
• Matching example: a smoky, spicy, gamey or creamy dish is matched by a smoky, spicy, gamey or creamy flavoured wine.
Matching or Contrasting • The result may be successful, but success or failure does not depend on the matching of flavours.
• Paring success or failure dependent on the interaction of structural components in the food (sugar, oil/fat, salt, etc.) and
1 Flavours the wine (sugar, alcohol, acid, tannin, etc.). (成功與失敗, 並不取決於味道的匹配, 而是取決於食物與酒中的成分的交
口味的相稱or相斥(互補) 互作用. 若相配or相斥成功, 會進一部加強搭配效果 ; 但若失敗, 則是一敗塗地.)

• A regional dish is likely to be best suited to a wine from that region.

Successful food and wine pairings are likely to have evolved locally over time.
Local Wine with Local • However, most regions produce wines in a range of styles (red or white; sweet or dry; simple or complex; fruity or tannic),
2 Food so some knowledge of food and wine interactions is still needed to identify suitable choices.
地酒配地食 • 但還是有些地區產很少的酒, 或不產酒, 卻有美食or當地菜餚, 我們還是可以利用餐酒搭配的原則, 為這些菜餚盡量

• 紅酒配紅肉:
• (1) tannins in red wine bind to meat proteins, thus softening the impact of the wine.
• (2) the salt content of meat dishes could soften wine tannins.
• 白酒配白肉:
• (1) Some fish are high in umami, which can make a red wine appear more bitter and astringent, hence the
'Red wine with red meat; suggestion that white wines make a better match. (魚的Umami會使紅酒變得苦與澀, 所以一般建議用白酒來
white wine with fish‘
3 • However, this reaction can be counterbalanced by salt and acid, which are common elements in most fish dishes.
紅酒配紅肉; (但魚類菜餚裡的 salt and acid 卻也可以使紅酒的苦與澀得到中和.)
白酒配白肉 • More difficult to avoid is the reaction of compounds found in red wine with oily fish, which tends to produce a
metallic taste (金屬味, [məˋtælɪk]). (紅葡萄酒中的某些成分, 會與脂肪較多的魚類發生反應, 產生金屬味.) 
With these types of fish, it can be safer to stick to the rule and pair only with white wines.
• It is essential to consider all of the components of a dish (especially sauces), as well as what is served with it (和配料). If
the structural elements of a dish match, there is no reason not to serve white wine with red meat or red wine with fish.

• classic pairings of food and wine: (經典的搭配)

(1) goat‘s cheese and Sancerre;
(2) oysters with Muscadet or Champagne;
The Search for the (3) Stilton (思蒂爾頓乾酪) with Port;
(4) olives with Manzanilla.
4 Perfect Match • We have seen that these pairings work because of the taste interaction between structural components (salt, sweetness,
尋找完美的搭配 acid, etc.) in the food and the wine.
• The chef or sommelier 會尋找合適的酒匹配他們的菜餚. 但沒有所謂的 objectively perfect pairing. 但多數人會認同該
pairing, 但 chef or sommelier 還是得接受某些 guests 不認同. 8

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