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Peete Mmckine Lean ning Devarylv’ Pte. Asviqu mut et 090) ADDIO10 leaving ot Explain botep ly About uns upervisedl Struttune. Explain vosuious fearon teclonigpies learning . bearning tus up envi sed ama tline volved tm learning is 4 ts troined O% | Powe = Ums up acuised techuigne in which = He model uuaheled data without ary prior kmowled e Sup envisor Tle ot of usp ex Ul seal —s S to find Walden patlerus 07 shed : Suelo gaan clus teres i cai siOm assovattos i Tune are Several tecluniques inuowed im uugepperviced learning » Imeluding * wo Clua-tesciong ee aitae techuigpe imuolver dividing flu deter nto groups oY duster based ou simalasetties ox Aissimdlauitves between dota points. The most wmmon Ulusteo'ng edgorith om Komen , hievaveluc! Uusteung 5 aud DRSCAM. ( Anomaly Detectou : Tg Detection imuolves ideuh fying catty calles ratrenclas a mapper that diffe sipnipions from tha mormol: voleda puiods.. TAR ImRii=s =tayormoy. anoma detection algovithans ave local outlier fercter, Tso loon forest aud Ow -clar sym. ¢ (i) Dimensiovaity Recluctiow : This teclmigue involves cea 7 features oy Vaseiables im edu ung tu dota = without losing Sigut peat Inhoy moh : . a Poi ot bad Component es i: im are Na most wommon at 4- SNE , auol frudveriodyn PPP Peoria. Rule Hen goa t ss tech wigpe involves Aisecovering arsociatows oY elationslups betwee ( 4 diff eeu Hems im the doa, Tle most (ommon 4 ayouctou rule cers ey eee ane fpriort 4 dud FP- Growth. 4 4 Qa Explain the voneept af Ulubteting approadus. How 1 differ from Chaeyyi fi cootion . : Pes CHusctesi is a echoigue Used in unsupervised | 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4 4 1 1 4 Gye) Shot involves preaptony similiue objet OY dota — points togettion im clusters . Clusteuing ithe he ote. © they define aud Hu way thay prone. Beoreos into Some dlusteseing ommeu approaches ane Meams Clusteuing » k-Meaus is & poputow algorithm that padi Ha data ino baseol ou tu distance between ta oud thu Ceutovicly of the clus to, | Curtetng Reg = as methoo thot eg 7h a BY repeatedly into smatlex clustews ued | tondains a py data point. WN Tg Ce deusity ~ based! eluastesuing = ad Pye dloca poly “trot Im Wat lesity regiond coluile owt dota po'ws im lew rdeuiny | ae ou tHe ote howl , 8 a Sup evisedl technique that —imvolue, training a moclel labeled data to predict tu Uoxs 04 (atexery 4 mew, Unlabeled lata. Ta Classification te a 1§ +40 learn a decistou boundaxy tod sepercdes “tte differed classes in tae dasa, whexens ton len fier arn no predéfinenl cloa | aud te qo is oto qroep Siwilian dlata — pois yee. ou ‘3 hist the application of clustoding aud lelewtty OEE aud dis asluawdages Ci chustenving algenitin Ps _Applieasttouy ’— w Tmage cn ae aud comp THHieu W) Curtommen Segmentodiou duel poofilimg in omasthetng (ii) Recommeudare systemas in e-Wmmertce (iv) Patten yteog nitiow tm doce. mining aud Me frdlvandoges ws | ty Custerdng can help to dis cover = tidalen pecttew ms in tu data thod ie be df peutt to olere t 6 thaswise- Wi) eo" ee eet Learning techni g pee iy et eye labeled clare. (BD Clustering Coe be used for explovatory dada ae to gon imsigtets fro ty sdoudure of thr — dota: Uv) Clustering x be used jor data preprocessing to yedute cLimnewrionaility f tte data ov to ‘dunt fy outlets auol anomalies. Hsadoauddeges : th Es etng fu be vom pucatiomal ly exp emsive aud Hire ~consumin eapecially $n lev date ets , GO Clustering rely canbe highly sensitive to thu Choice of distonce metric , Similawty meausuor, aud Clustering algovithan (Ww) a 2. Com procluce avbitya aud subjective vesults | epencling, ou the initial ~ Conditions aud Ax um pons mad dustiong the clustedng provers Ww Clustering ton be Ep cule qo evalucede vhsteed Qy write o glovt mote our ayening o Clarsifat ou Pgeortiers Pothownonée uring Auc -Roc Cunve. fur Assessing a Unnipicadion Ugoritim’s performauce is a Crucial step tm machine learning , as 't do deteumint +t aceebiacy auol reLiahi lity of te model. Ow tommon ech nique fer a a tte Peformance of 0 bimasiy claysificdion Algorivhen i ve ~ROC wuinle. wwe is a plot of tte true positive “tte folie positive vate at vatelores tertolel tte pooportion of adual potty. idewtifred oy pow tive by He th We proportion of actu) Imeovre ctty Fdewhizreal as a wae, Te Rue euvve "Sualires -off between TPR aud FPR o% tty jer pretiheng pile toms # vere

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