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Federal Republic
of Germany

include the additional states of East Germany, which had ceased to exist.
Federal Republic of Germany The expanded federal republic retained West Germany's political culture
and continued its existing memberships in international organisations, as
well as its Western foreign policy alignment and affiliation to Western
alliances such as the United Nations, NATO, OECD, and the European
Economic Community.
Monetary System
1 mark = 100 pfennig
Issuer Starting Number
Bank deutscher Länder ...............................................................AM001
Deutsche Bundesbank .................................................................AN001
Bundesschuldenverwaltung .........................................................AO001
Deutsche Bundespost ...................................................................AP001
Deutsche Bundesbahn .................................................................AQ001
Bank deutscher Länder
(Bank of German States)
1948 Issues

AM001 (P11): 5 pfennig VG VF

As: German text. Rs: German text. 60 x 40 mm
a. (1948) 5 10

West Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany,

retrospectively designated as the Bonn Republic, is the common English
name for the Federal Republic of Germany between its formation on 23
May 1949 and the German reunification through the accession of East
Germany on 3 October 1990. During this Cold War period, the western
portion of Germany was part of the Western Bloc. West Germany was AM002 (P12): 10 pfennig VG VF
formed as a political entity during the Allied occupation of Germany after As: German text. Rs: German text. 60 x 40 mm
World War II, established from eleven states formed in the three Allied a.(1948) 5 10
zones of occupation held by the United States, the United Kingdom and
France. Its provisional capital was the city of Bonn.
At the onset of the Cold War, Europe was divided between the Western
and Eastern blocs. Germany was de facto divided into two countries and
two special territories, the Saarland and a divided Berlin. Initially, West
Germany claimed an exclusive mandate for all of Germany, identifying
as the sole democratically reorganised continuation of the 1871–1945
German Reich. It took the line that the German Democratic Republic,
commonly referred to as East Germany, was an illegally constituted
puppet state controlled by the Soviet Union. AM002A (PNL): 2 mark VG VF
Three southwestern states of West Germany merged to form Baden- As: Hermes. Rs: blanc. 125 x 55 mm
Württemberg in 1952, and the Saarland joined West Germany in 1957. In a.(1948) -
addition to the resulting ten states, West Berlin was considered an
unofficial de facto eleventh state. While legally not part of West
Germany, as Berlin was under the control of the Allied Control Council,
West Berlin politically aligned with West Germany and was directly or
indirectly represented in its federal institutions.
The foundation for the influential position held by Germany today was
laid during the economic miracle of the 1950s (Wirtschaftswunder),
when West Germany rose from the enormous destruction wrought by
World War II to become the world's third-largest economy. The first
chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who remained in office until 1963, worked
for a full alignment with NATO rather than neutrality, and secured
membership in the military alliance. Adenauer was also a proponent of
agreements that developed into the present-day European Union. When
the G6 was established in 1975, there was no serious debate as to whether
West Germany would become a member.
Following the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe in
1989, symbolised by the opening of the Berlin Wall, both territories took
action to achieve German reunification. East Germany voted to dissolve
and accede to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990. Its five post-war AM003 (P13): 5 mark VG VF
states (Länder) were reconstituted, along with the reunited Berlin, which As: Europa. Rs: German text. 120 x 60 mm
ended its special status and formed an additional Land. They formally a. 9.12.1948 50 100
joined the federal republic on 3 October 1990, raising the total number of
states from ten to sixteen, and ending the division of Germany. The
reunited Germany is the direct continuation of the state previously
informally called West Germany and not a new state, as the process was
essentially a voluntary act of accession: West Germany was enlarged to
AM003A (PNL): 5 mark VG VF
As: Womans. Rs: blanc. 130 x 55 mm
a. (1948) -

AM003B (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Woman. Rs: blanc. 140 x 70 mm
a. (1948) - AM005 (P15): 100 mark VG VF
As: Jakob Muffel. Rs: Jakob Muffel. 160 x 80 mm
a. 9.12.1948 150 300

1949 Issues

AM003C (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Woman. Rs: blanc. 146 x 72 mm
a. (1948) -

AM006 (P16): 10 mark VG VF

As: Germania. Rs: German text. 142 x 67 mm
a. 22.08.1949 25 50

AM004 (P14): 50 mark VG VF

As: Hans Imhof. Rs: Hans Imhof. 150 x 75 mm
a. 9.12.1948 100 200
No image avaible
AM004A (PNL): 50 mark VG VF
As: Hermes. Rs: blanc. 150 x 75 mm
a. (1948) -

AM007 (P17): 20 mark VG VF

As: Germania. Rs: German text. 146 x 67 mm
a. 22.08.1949 50 100
1954 Issues

AM008 (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Richard Wagner. Rs: blanc. 140 x 70 mm
a. 9.10.1954 -

Deutsche Bundesbank
(Federal Bank of Germany)
1960 Issues (serie BBk I)

AN003 (P20): 20 mark VG VF

As: Elsbeth Tucher. Rs: Violin and clarinet. 140 x 70 mm
a. 2.01.1960 50 100
b. 2.01.1970 50 100
c. 1.06.1977 50 100
d. 2.01.1980 50 100

AN001 (P18): 5 mark VG VF

As: Venitian Woman. Rs: Oak. 120 x 60 mm
a. 2.01.1960 10 20
b. 2.01.1970 50 100

AN004 (P21): 50 mark VG VF

As: Hans Urmiller. Rs: Gate in Lübeck. 150 x 75 mm
a. 2.01.1960 50 100
b. 2.01.1970 100 200
c. 1.06.1977 100 200
d. 2.01.1980 50 100

AN002 (P19): 10 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Ship. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1960 20 50
b. 2.01.1970 50 100
c. 1.06.1977 20 50
d. 2.01.1980 10 20
AN005 (P22): 100 mark VG VF
As: Sebastian Münster. Rs: Eagle. 160 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1960 150 300
b. 2.01.1970 200 500
c. 1.06.1977 100 200 AN007 (P24): 1 000 mark VG VF
d. 2.01.1980 100 200 As: Johann Schöner. Rs: Catedral of Limburg. 180 x 90mm
a. 2.01.1960 1,000 1,500
b. 1.06.1977 1,000 1,500
1960 Issues (serie BBk Ib)

AN007A (PNL): 5 mark VG VF

As: Venitian Woman. Rs: Oak. 120 x 60 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN006 (P23): 500 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Castle Eltz. 170 x 85mm
a. 2.01.1960 500 1,000
b. 2.01.1970 500 1,000
c. 1.06.1977 500 1,000

AN007B (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Ship. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -
AN007C (PNL): 20 mark VG VF
As: Elsbeth Tucher. Rs: Violin and clarinet. 140 x 70 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN007F (PNL): 500 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Castle Eltz. 170 x 85mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN007D (PNL): 50 mark VG VF

As: Hans Urmiller. Rs: Gate in Lübeck. 150 x 75 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN007G (PNL): 500 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Castle Eltz. 170 x 85mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN007E (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: Sebastian Münster. Rs: Eagle. 160 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -
AN007L (PNL): 20 mark VG VF
As: Elsbeth Tucher. Rs: Violin and clarinet. 140 x 70 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN007H (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: Johann Schöner. Rs: Catedral of Limburg. 180 x 90mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

1960 Issues (serie BBk Ic)

AN007M (PNL): 50 mark VG VF

As: Hans Urmiller. Rs: Gate in Lübeck. 150 x 75 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -
AN007J (PNL): 5 mark VG VF
As: Venitian Woman. Rs: Oak. 120 x 60 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN007K (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Ship. 130 x 65 mm AN007N (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
a. 2.01.1960 - As: Sebastian Münster. Rs: Eagle. 160 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1960 -
1960 Unissues (serie BBk II)

AN008 (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: German text. 130 x 65mm
a. 1.07.1960 -

AN007O (PNL): 500 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Castle Eltz. 170 x 85mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN009 (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Elsbeth Tucher. Rs: German text. 140 x 70mm
a. 1.07.1960 -

AN007P (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: Johann Schöner. Rs: Catedral of Limburg. 180 x 90mm
a. 2.01.1960 -

AN010 (PNL): 50 mark VG VF

As: Hans Urmiller. Rs: German text. 150 x 75mm
a. 1.07.1960 -
AN010D (PNL): 50 mark VG VF
As: Hans Urmiller. Rs: German text. 150 x 75mm
AN010A (PNL): 100 mark VG VF a. (1960) -
As: Man. Rs: German text. 160 x 80mm
a. 1.07.1960 -

1960 Unissues (serie Bbk IIb)

AN010B (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: German text. 130 x 65mm AN010E (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
a. (1960) - As: Man. Rs: German text. 160 x 80mm
a. (1960) -
1980 Issues (serie BBk Ia)

AN011 (P30): 5 mark VG VF

AN010C (PNL): 20 mark VG VF As: Venetian Woman. Rs: Oak. 120 x 60mm
As: Elsbeth Tucher. Rs: German text. 140 x 70mm a. 2.01.1980 10 20
a. (1960) -
AN012 (P31): 10 mark VG VF
As: Man. Rs: Ship. 130 x 65mm
a. 2.01.1980 10 20

AN015 (P34): 100 mark VG VF

As: Sebastian Münster. Rs: Eagle. 160 x 80mm
a. 2.01.1980 100 200

AN013 (P32): 20 mark VG VF

As: Elsbeth Tucher. Rs: Vilin and clarinet. 140 x 70mm
a. 2.01.1980 20 50

AN016 (P35): 500 mark VG VF

As: Man. Rs: Castle Elz. 170 x 85mm
a. 2.01.1980 300 600

AN014 (P33): 50 mark VG VF

As: Hans Urmiller. Rs: Gate in Lübeck. 150 x 75mm
a. 2.01.1980 50 100
AN019 (P40): 50 mark VG VF
As: Balthasar Naumann. Rs: Kapele in Klitzingen. 146 x 71 mm
a. 2.01.1989 50 100

AN017 (P36): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: Johann Schöner. Rs: Catedral of Limburg. 180 x 90mm
a. 2.01.1980 600 1,200
1989 Issues (serie BBk III)

AN020 (P41): 100 mark VG VF

As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Paino. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1989 100 200

AN018 (P38): 10 mark VG VF

As: Karl Friedrich Gauß. Rs: Sexstant. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1989 10 20

AN021 (P42): 200 mark VG VF

As: Paul Erlich. Rs: Microscope. 162 x 77 mm
a. 2.01.1989 150 300
1990 Unissues (serie A)

AN021A (PNL): 5 mark VG VF

As: Betina von Arnim. Rs: Monument. 122 x 62 mm
a. 2.01.1990 - AN021D (PNL): 50 mark VG VF
As: Balthasar Neumann. Rs: Chapel of Kitzlinegen. 146 x 71 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021B (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Carl Friedrich Gauß. Rs: Sextans. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021E (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Piano. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021C (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Rs: Quilpen. 136 x 68 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021F (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: Maria Sinylla Merian. Rs: Dandelion. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021G (PNL): 200 mark VG VF AN021I (PNL): 500 mark VG VF
As: Paul Erlich. Rs: Microscope. 162 x 77 mm As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Piano. 170 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1990 - a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021H (PNL): 500 mark VG VF

As: Maria Sibylla Merian. Rs: Dandelion. 170 x 80 mm AN021J (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
a. 2.01.1990 - As: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Rs: German text. 178 x 83 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021N (PNL): 50 mark VG VF
As: Balthasar Neumann. Rs: Chapel of Kitzlinegen. 146 x 71 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021K (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Rs: German text. 178 x 83 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

1990 Unissues (serie B)

AN021O (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: Maria Sinylla Merian. Rs: Dandelion. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021L (PNL): 10 mark VG VF
As: Carl Friedrich Gauß. Rs: Sextans. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021M (PNL): 20 mark VG VF AN021P (PNL): 200 mark VG VF

As: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Rs: Building. 136 x 68 mm As: Paul Erlich. Rs: Microscope. 162 x 77 mm
a. 2.01.1990 - a. 2.01.1990 -
1990 Unissues (serie C)

AN021R (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Carl Friedrich Gauß. Rs: Sextans. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021P (PNL): 500 mark VG VF
As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Piano. 170 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021S (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Rs: Building. 136 x 68 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Q (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Rs: German text. 178 x 83 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021T (PNL): 50 mark VG VF

As: Balthasar Neumann. Rs: Chapel of Kitzlinegen. 146 x 71 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021U (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
As: Maria Sinylla Merian. Rs: Dandelion. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021W (PNL): 500 mark VG VF
As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Piano. 170 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021V (PNL): 200 mark VG VF

As: Paul Erlich. Rs: Microscope. 162 x 77 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021X (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Rs: German text. 178 x 83 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
1990 Unissues (serie D)

AN021Y (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: Carl Friedrich Gauß. Rs: Sextans. 130 x 65 mm
a. 2.01.1990 - AN021Z2 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
As: Maria Sinylla Merian. Rs: Dandelion. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Rs: Building. 136 x 68 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z3 (PNL): 200 mark VG VF

As: Paul Erlich. Rs: Microscope. 162 x 77 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z1 (PNL): 50 mark VG VF

As: Balthasar Neumann. Rs: Chapel of Kitzlinegen. 146 x 71 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
1990 Unissues (serie D)

AN021Z6 (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

AN021Z4 (PNL): 500 mark VG VF As: Carl Friedrich Gauß. Rs: Sextans. 130 x 65 mm
As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Piano. 170 x 80 mm a. 2.01.1990 -
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z7 (PNL): 20 mark VG VF

As: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Rs: Building. 136 x 68 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z5 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Rs: German text. 178 x 83 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z8 (PNL): 50 mark VG VF

As: Balthasar Neumann. Rs: Chapel of Kitzlinegen. 146 x 71 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021Z9 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
As: Maria Sinylla Merian. Rs: Dandelion. 154 x 74 mm
a. 2.01.1990 - AN021Z11 (PNL): 500 mark VG VF
As: Clara Schumann. Rs: Piano. 170 x 80 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -

AN021Z10 (PNL): 200 mark VG VF

As: Paul Erlich. Rs: Microscope. 162 x 77 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
AN021Z12 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Rs: German text. 178 x 83 mm
a. 2.01.1990 -
(Federal Dept Administration)
1951 Issues

AO001 (PNL): 10 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: German text. 174 x 75 mm
a. 19.05.1951 -
AO003 (PNL): 1 000 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
1965 Issues a. 1.10.1965 300
No image avaible b. 1.10.1966 300
AO001A (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF c. 1.10.1967 300
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm e. 1.10.1968 300
a. 1.10.1965 300 f. 1.10.1969 300
b. 1.10.1966 300 1967 Unissues
c. 1.10.1967 300
e. 1.10.1968 300
f. 1.10.1969 300

AO004 (P25): 5 pfenig VG VF

As: German text. Rs: German text. 60 x 40 mm
a.(1967) 20 50

AO005 (P26): 10 pfenig VG VF

As: German text. Rs: German text. 70 x 45 mm
a.(1967) 10 20

AO002 (PNL): 500 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.10.1965 300
b. 1.10.1966 300 AO006 (P27): 50 pfenig VG VF
c. 1.10.1967 300 As: German text. Rs: German text. 80 x 50 mm
e. 1.10.1968 300 a.(1967) -
f. 1.10.1969 300
No image avaible
AO010 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.05.1970 -

AO007 (P28): 1 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: German text. 90 x 55 mm
a.(1967) 50 100

AO008 (P28): 2 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: German text. 100 x 60 mm
a.(1967) 15 30

1970 Issues

AO011 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.05.1970 -

AO009 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.05.1970 -
Deutsche Bundespost
(Federal Post of Germany)
1959 Issues
No image avaible
AP001 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.11.1959 -
No image avaible
AP002 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.11.1959 -
No image avaible
AP003 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.11.1959 -
No image avaible
AP004 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.11.1959 -

AO012 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.05.1970 -

1970 Issues

AO013 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 297 x 105 mm
a.(1970) -

AP005 (PNL): 1 000 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 2.11.1959 -
1964 Issues
No image avaible
AP006 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
AO014 (PNL): 5 000 000 mark VG VF As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 297 x 105 mm a. 4.03.1964 -
A.28.10.1970 -
No image avaible
AP007 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 4.03.1964 -
1969 Issues

AP008 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm Ap011 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
a. 4.03.1964 - As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.07.1969 -
No image avaible
No image avaible
AP009 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm AP012 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
a. 4.03.1964 - As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.07.1969 -
No image avaible
AP010 (PNL): 1 000 000 mark VG VF No image avaible
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm AP013 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
a. 4.03.1964 - As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.07.1969 -
No image avaible
AP014 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.07.1969 -
No image avaible
AP015 (PNL): 1 000 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.07.1969 -

1971 Issues
No image avaible
AP016 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 6.09.1971 -
Deutsche Bundesbahn
(Federal Railway of Germany)
1965 Issues

AP017 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 6.09.1971 -

No image avaible
AQ001 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
AP018 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.05.1965 50 100
a. 6.09.1971 -
No image avaible
No image avaible AQ002 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
AP019 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm a. 1.05.1965 50 100
a. 6.09.1971 -
No image avaible
No image avaible
AP020 (PNL): 1 000 000 mark VG VF AQ003 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 6.09.1971 - a. 1.05.1965 50 100
No image avaible
AQ004 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.05.1965 50 100

1967 Issues
No image avaible
AQ005 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.10.1967 50 100
No image avaible
AQ006 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.10.1967 50 100
No image avaible
AQ007 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.10.1967 50 100
AQ008 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.10.1967 50 100
AQ010 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
1968 Issues As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.03.1968 50 100
No image avaible
AQ011 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.03.1968 50 100
No image avaible
AQ012 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.03.1968 50 100

AQ009 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 1.03.1968 50 100
1971 Issues Looking Forward
For later issues, see Germany

Die Noten der Deutschen Bundesbank. Frankfurt am Main 1964
Linzmayer Owen. The Banknote Book: Federal Republic of Germany. San
Francisco 2020
Pick Albert, Rixen Hans-Ludwig.Papiergeld - Spezialkatalog Deutschland. Alle
deutsche Banknoten inkl. Altdeutschland und Länderbanknote vom 18.
Jahrhundert bie heute. Regenstauf 1998
Rosenberg Holger. Die deutschen Banknoten ab 1871. Regenstauf 2001
Shafer Neil, Bruce Colin R, Shafer Joel. Standard catalof of World Paper Money.
Sixth Edition - Volume One. Specialized Issues. Iola 1993
Von der Baumwolle zum Geldschein. Eine neue Banknotenserie entsteht. Frankfurt
am Main 1995
Walburg Reinhold. “... Für alle Fälle ...” - Die geheimnisvollen Banknoten aus der
Zeit der Deutschen Mark. Frankfurt am Main 2011

25.03.2023: deleted AN007I
5.03.2023: added AO001A,AO008-AO014 and AP002-AP019
18.12.2022: added AM008
16.11.2021: added AN007A-AN007P
15.11.2021: added AN21A-AN21Z12
14.11.2021: added AN010B-AN010E
6.08.2021: added AM002A, AM003A-AM003C and AM004A
21.04.2021: initial publication

AQ013 (PNL): 100 mark VG VF

As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 20.10.1971 50 100
No image avaible
AQ014 (PNL): 1 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 20.10.1971 50 100

No image avaible
AQ015 (PNL): 10 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 20.10.1971 50 100
No image avaible
AQ016 (PNL): 100 000 mark VG VF
As: German text. Rs: blanc. 200 x 300 mm
a. 20.10.1971 50 100

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