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Name : Rahma Yanti

Npm : 2011040141
Class : PBI 6B
Course : Syllabus Design and Lesson Planning

Definition of Syllabus

1. According to Kunandar, 2011: 244 a syllabus is a learning plan for a particular subject
and/or group of subjects/themes that includes competency standards, basic competencies,
subject matter/learning, learning activities, competency achievement indicators for
assessment, assessment, time allocation, and learning resources.
2. Definition of Syllabus According to Salim (1987:98)
While the term syllabus according to Salim syllabus is to explain that the syllabus is an
outline, summary, abstract, or main points of content or learning material.
3. Yulaelawati (2004: 123) explains that the notion of a syllabus is a set of plans and
implementation of learning and assessment arrangements made for a system that contains
all components related to the goal of mastering basic competencies.
4. According to the 2013 Curriculum, the definition of a syllabus is a learning plan for a
particular subject/theme group that includes competency standards, basic competencies,
subject matter/learning, learning activities, indicators, assessments, time allocation, and
learning resources/materials/tools. The syllabus is the elaboration of competency
standards and basic competencies into subject matter/learning, learning activities, and
competency achievement indicators for assessment. Syllabus is a set of plans and
arrangements regarding learning activities, class management, and assessment of learning
5. The syllabus is a learning plan that is made based on competency standards, learning
subject matter, basic competencies, indicators of achievement of assessment
competencies, learning activities, learning resources, assessment and time allocation.
6. Not much different from Aisah's view of the syllabus. Syllabus as a learning plan for a
particular subject or group. The scope of the syllabus is compiled, namely competency
standards, basic competencies, subject matter, achievement indicators, learning activities
and competencies for assessment.
7. According to BNSP, the syllabus is used to design learning activities and class
management. The syllabus can also be interpreted as an elaboration of competency
standards and basic competency learning, achievement indicators, learning activities, to
determine competency assessment of learning outcomes and much more.
8. Syllabus is a set of plans and arrangements for the implementation of learning and
assessment which are arranged systematically which contain interrelated components to
achieve mastery of basic competencies.
9. Syllabus can also be interpreted as the elaboration of core competencies and basic
competencies into subject matter/learning, learning activities, and competency
achievement indicators for assessment.
10. According to the KTSP document, the definition of syllabus is quoted from the KTSP
document. The definition of a syllabus is a lesson plan that includes SK (competence
standards), KD (basic competencies), materials, learning activities, and student
achievement assessment.

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