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City of Malolos, Bulacan


Client’s Initials: A.M.M. J.D.M. KJ.D.M Age: 42/42/20 Date: January 28, 2022

GOAL: To identify and understand the risk of having asthma and explain the underlying causes of asthma/asthma attack.


(Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective) ACTIVITIES ALLOTMENT
(in min.)
After the allotted 30 minutes of  Pamphlet After 30 minutes of
health teaching, the beneficiaries  Pen and health teaching, through
of this will be able to: paper question and answer
 Laptop technique, the client and
1. Define what is an What is an asthma?  PowerPoint family were able to gain
asthma/asthma attack. Asthma is a disease that affects Lecture Discussion 5 mins presentation understanding and
your lungs. It is one of the most  Video knowledge in managing
common long-term diseases of Presentation the risk of
children, but adults can have asthma/asthma attack
asthma, too. Asthma causes as evidenced by:
wheezing, breathlessness, chest 1. Define what is an
tightness, and coughing at night or asthma/asthma attack.
early in the morning. / _ Met
__ Partially Met
What is an asthma attack? __ Unmet
An asthma attack is a sudden
worsening of asthma symptoms
caused by the tightening of 2. Know what are the
muscles around your airways. This asthma triggers.
tightening is called a / _ Met
bronchospasm. During the asthma __ Partially Met
attack, the lining of the airways __ Unmet
also becomes swollen or inflamed
and thicker mucus more than
normal is produced.

Revision: 0
Bronchospasm 3. Analyze the underlying
is a tightening of the muscles that signs and symptoms of
line the airways (bronchi) in your having asthma.
lungs. When these muscles / _ Met
tighten, your airways narrow. __ Partially Met
__ Unmet

2. Know what are the asthma How can triggers one’s asthma? Video Presentation and lecture 5 mins 4. Distinguish the
triggers. Common Asthma Triggers discussion different kinds of
 Tobacco Smoke. asthma?
 Dust Mites. / _ Met
 Outdoor Air Pollution. __ Partially Met
 Pests (e.g., cockroaches, __ Unmet
 Pets. 5. Know what are the
 Cleaning and Disinfection. medications
asthma/asthma attack.
/ _ Met
What are the symptoms and the __ Partially Met
3. Analyze the underlying signs risks of having asthma? Lecture discussion 5 mins __ Unmet
and symptoms of having asthma. Asthma signs and symptoms
6. Enumerate ways on
 Shortness of breath
how to manage asthma.
 Chest tightness or pain
/ _ Met
 Wheezing when __ Partially Met
exhaling, which is a __ Unmet
common sign of asthma
in children
 Trouble sleeping
caused by shortness of
breath, coughing or
 Coughing or wheezing
attacks that are
worsened by a
respiratory virus, such
as a cold or the flu.

Revision: 0
Here’s some types of asthma: Lecture Discussion
4. Distinguish the different kinds There are many kinds of 5 minutes
of asthma? asthma but here are the
most common types:
 Allergic asthma
- Allergic (or atopic)
asthma is asthma that’s
triggered by allergens like
pollen, pets and dust
- About 80% of people with
allergic asthma have a
related condition like hay
fever, eczema or food

 Seasonal’ asthma
- Some people have asthma
that only flares up at certain
times of the year, such as
during hay fever season, or
when it’s cold.
 Severe Asthma
- About 4% of people with
asthma have what’s
known as severe asthma.
Severe asthma is
diagnosed in a specialist
asthma clinic. Some
people with severe
asthma is treated with a
new class of medicines
called biologics. These
can help to better control
your asthma symptoms
and reduce asthma

Revision: 0
 Childhood asthma
- Some children diagnosed
with asthma find it improves
or disappears completely
as they get older. This is
known as childhood asthma

Here are some medications that

5. Know what are the medications can treat asthma/asthma attack: Lecture Discussion 5 minutes
asthma/asthma attack.  Anti-inflammatory
 Bronchodilators
 Biologic therapies for
asthma when symptoms
persist despite being on
proper inhaler therapy
 Metered-dose inhaler,
 Nebulizer

Here are some ways to manage

6. Enumerate ways on how to Lecture Discussion 5 minutes
your asthma/asthma attack:
manage asthma.
1. Know the triggers of your
2. Take asthma medication as
prescribed by the doctor.
3. Make an asthma plan
4. Know the signs and symptoms
of asthma/asthma attack
5. Keep fit and healthy

 CDC. “Learn How to Take Control of Asthma.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 Oct. 2019,
Revision: 0
 CDC. “Common Asthma Triggers.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 Aug. 2012,
 Watson, Stephanie. “Bronchospasm: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments.” Healthline, 6 Nov. 2018,
 Cleveland Clinic. “Asthma: Symptoms, Types & Treatment.” (n,d), Cleveland Clinic,
 F, S. “What Is an Asthma Attack?” WebMD, 21 Oct. 2021,

Student’s Name: Kervin Jude D. Manahan Yr&Sec/Group No. 2B/G4 Clinical Instructor:Ms. Charmaine Dale Robles and Mrs. Mart Juaresa Yambao

Revision: 0

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