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Unit 6

A Fill in the gaps using the words from the list.

• sprained    • twisted    • hurt    • broke

1 A: Why are you limping? Is something 3 A: Ouch! My leg hurts so much!

wrong with your leg? B: I think you ..................... it; I’ll call an
B: Yes, I ..................... my ankle yesterday. ambulance.
A: Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear that!
4 A: What’s wrong with you?
2 A: Are you alright? B: I ..................... my back last night at
B: No, my wrist is very sore and I can’t basketball practice.
move it. A: Oh I’m so sorry! What did the doctor
A: Don’t panic! You probably just say?
..................... it; I’m sure you’ll be fine in B: I’m seeing him this afternoon. I’ll let you
a few days. know.

B Now replace the underlined phrases with the phrases from the list.

.........................................................Calm down:

...........................................................................2 killing me:

C Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the list.

• ignores    • adult    • occurred    • precaution    • residents    • remain    • oncoming • patrol    • lethal   

• dusk

1 In World War II, several people used to 5 Mounted police ................. this area twice a
stockpile food as a ................. against day.
2 You’re not allowed to wear headphones
when you drive because you might not hear
the ................. traffic.
3 The ................. of the area protested against
having a new tourist resort built there.
4 I have warned him to cut down on his
expenses several times, but he
always ................. me.

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6 Unfortunately, the witness to the murder 8 You have to be a(n) ................. to watch this
won’t testify in court, as he wishes to ......... film.
anonymous. 9 No thefts had ever ................. in the building
7 After the police searched his house, they where I work until today.
found several ................. weapons, among 10 Shark feeding time is at ................. or at
which there was also a shotgun. dawn.

D Who did what? Match the two columns.

1 A shoplifter a broke into Martha’s house and stole money and jewellery.

2 A burglar b took an expensive watch from Harrods.

3 A mugger c smashed windows and set a car on fire.

4 A robber d went into a bank with a gun and stole 5,000 pounds.

5 A pickpocket e attacked an old lady in broad daylight and stole her handbag.

6 A vandal f stole Mrs Jennings’ wallet on the subway.

E Match the columns and then use the phrases to fill in the gaps. Mind the tenses.

1 sit a my head

2 change b house

3 bang c an exam
4 move d weight

5 be e schools

6 put on f bullied

1 I ................. on the cupboard as I turned 4 She has to ................. next week, so she will
around. spend the weekend studying.
2 Dennis ................. by a group of older boys 5 Ever since Jason ................., he lost touch
at school but he decided to ignore them. with his friends.
3 Albert and his parents ................. a month 6 She .............., so she has decided to go on
ago and they like their new neighbourhood a diet.
very much.

Access 1 Module 6

1.break into a house

6.vandalism soon as possible
15busy area
16.oncoming traffic
18.tempt/ to tempt thievs
19. victim of a crime
20. to call somebody names

Extra words:
To sit an exam
To get bullied
To move house

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