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A. Mira el texto, una mujer esta hablado sobre su familia,

Write a paragraph about your family as the example above. (Escribe un párrafo sobre tu familia como el ejemplo
mostrado arriba)

My name is Hellen Melissa. I`m it year old. Istudy technical especialist programming. My mother Melania
Works a cooks she is happy with her job. My brother studies third grade primary school, in the affernoons
he likes top play basseball, my grand mother passes all the time with the bird is called paco and caramel
loves them.

Task 2. Mira el siguiente parrafo sobre una persona hablando de su mascota.

Escribe un párrafo similar sobre tu mascota

My bird name is paco it is a small Green, it is my best friend the

world we are always together. Paco is very affectionate and loyal.
Also my mother and grandmother love it it´s not just our mascot but
also an important member of our family paco is cute and charming.

Nota: Al grupo de WhatsApp se les envio vocabulario relacionado a estas tareas asignadas. Porfavor leerlos y

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