Velasquez 2020

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E-mobility and PV Solar challenge in Peruvian

radial distribution feeders

Ricardo Arias Velásquez, IEEE Senior Member Jennifer Mejı́a Lara, IEEE Senior Member
Researcher Researcher
Universidad Nacional de San Agustı́n de Arequipa Universidad Nacional de San Agustı́n de Arequipa
Arequipa, Perú Arequipa, Perú

Abstract—Smart grids have big challenges for incorpo- 5:00pm and the detection of failures in cloudy condition
ration of new technologies, in the last years, many faults affect the medium voltage, so, it requires a grid manager
have been detected in inverters, station chargers, photovoltaic to control and supervise all that is happening along the
(PV) generation and distribution transformers; because, the
medium voltage grids have been designed for radial in- electric power grid [3]. In Germany is a good example
stallation. Nevertheless, for smart grids, it requires connec- for fast-charging facility, it has 210 kWh battery storage
tions between high voltage substations with medium voltage system “to keep it from overtaxing the local grid when
grids, high penetration of photovoltaic generation and station vehicles are plugged into its four DC charging stations”
chargers, required for new emerging countries. One of the [7]. In this case, 150kW is required for each station, for
most important aspects are electrical mobility (E-mobility) in
urban cities, ultra-grid penetration, the medium voltage grids 80% state of charge per 10 min.
have to consider new improvements.In this research, a new This research demonstrates local photovoltaic generation
methodology is proposed with seven steps. For electrical mo- impacts, in a urban city, associated from 10 %, to 100 %
bility in Perú, the electrical networks with photovoltaic Solar penetration, besides, loads associated to charging stations
panels and fast charging stations for emerging countries have from 1 to 15 points. It is validated in a case study, with 2
new effects as overload in transformers, inverter control and
modelling for station chargers and distribution transformers substations and 8 medium voltage circuits, in a Peruvian
should be review, due to loads transfer, voltage sag and losses, city. Some important contribution are obtained as follows:
the impact is high in a short term. These results provide Correct inverter design with a control strategy, to avoid
challenges for government, industry and prosumers. Results transformers fault and medium voltage grid improvement
have demonstrated voltage sag are from 5.68% to 3.81%, losses for smart grid projects in emerging countries as Peru. This
from 1,120kW to 860kW, voltage transformer from 1.21% to
1.09% and transformers rotations with a detailed load density paper complements the associated research in medium volt-
analysis with 20% penetration with fast charging stations and age grids, with ultra grid, prosumers and station chargers
40% of ultra grid penetration with photovoltaic generators. [6].
This paper is organized as follows, section II has grid
Index Terms—Distribution feeders, photovoltaic, charging description for smart grid implementation with photovoltaic
stations, power flow.
penetration and car chargers, with a traffic description in
Peru, a methodology for analysis and validation, besides,
a case study is developed with 130 km of medium volt-
In the last years, smart grids have increased around the age, 2 substations with 4 power transformers and 450
world, however it has challenges for the optimal operation distribution transformers, furthermore, local photovoltaic
with photovoltaic penetration, fast chargers, in the grid, generation from 10% to 100% penetration and 1 to 15 car
because the medium voltage grid has failured in power chargers. In section III has a discussion about results in
transformers and some problems with overvoltages, this the case study. Finally, IV concludes this papers and future
phenomenon has been demonstrated specially in Germany, recommendations.
due to inverter failure or design [1]. Failure in inverter con-
trol has presented in the transition from stand-by operation II. G RIDS AFTER AND BEFORE SMART GRID
into working mode regime, each inverter in the middle of IMPLEMENTATION
the city, will affect the transformers and medium voltage In urban cities, the traffic is a big problem associated to
grid [2]. The forthcoming energy transition could generate pollution in Peru, mainly in Lima. The urban zone in lima
complex technological systems, they has been developed has a population of 8,785 millions, and 1,752 million motor
interdependently: Photovoltaic penetration in cities and fast vehicles, in 2018 (the old units are working across Lima),
chargers for electrical mobility. where the projection of total vehicle growth is 7 % per
In 2018, a research demonstrated problems with a general year. The traffic and air quality have negative effects: For
effect of “EV/PV synergy on both technologies’ lifetime example, between 6:00 to 9:00, nearly 2.7 million trips are
costs due to the many and diverse influencing parameters”. made to work or study centers, and between 9:00 to 11:00
The power flows different with ultra grids, transition at another 2.3 million trips. In the afternoon, vehicles traffic
Thanks to Universidad Nacional de San Agustı́n de Arequipa
come back from 15:00 to 21:00 with more than 5 millions
of trips. It has to be noticed that the quantity of vehicles has
incremented from 2,3 millions in 2000 to 5,7 millions in
978-1-7281-8367-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 2018, a 147.8% increase in vehicles through the highways

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and main streets of Lima [12], this research has focus in
Tacna with an interesting location of two main substations
and a possibility of ultra grid location, an implementation
of PV solar projects and station chargers. In the Fig. 2,
describes two high voltage substations: Tacna with seven
distribution lines and Parque Industrial with 6 distribution
lines, The implementation of new smarts grid will require
an special analysis,
The methodology implemented in this research is ac-
cording to the Fig. 1, as follows:
• Load flow and short circuit analysis; besides, protec-
tion coordination study for medium voltage grids, and
evaluation of , in all the city, Fig. 2. Low flow should
be used for the modelling grid for high and medium
voltage,with transformers as nodes. It recommended
to used Thevening equivalent for low voltage grid.
• Density load for the city, It allows to detect the
chargers points around the city, and inverters impacts
Fig. 1. Methodology
in the ultra grid for voltage strategy [8] or harmonic
leves [9], Fig. 4. Load density is built with square, as
follow: Low density as: 250 kW/km2 , medium density
as 250 kW/km2 to 1000 kW/km2 , high density 1000
kW/km2̂ and future loads. At the same time, loads
from car chargers and new mobility stations. In the
case study, for example, Tacna substation is located
in square T76 and Parque industrial substation located
on T43 square.
• To identify impacts in load distribution transformers,
with rotation and overloading analysis [10].
• To identify business-as-usual with 20%, 40%, 60%,
80% and 100% photovoltaic penetration; with and Fig. 2. Case study location
without reduction of taps +50% and -50%. To identify
business-as-usual with inverter contribution for Volt-
Watt or Volt-var technique for the voltage control [4].

A. Case study location

It is located in south Peru (Fig. 2), with 2 main substa-
tions, they have 8 radial circuits. Load density is a key for
new assessment, as Fig. 4. For the case study, Tacna has
two power substations, as follows: Tacna substation has 5
medium voltage circuits (from A to E) and Parque Indus-
trial substation has 3 medium voltage circuits. In the down
town, car charger is 1.11M, besides, in all the city charger
are located in 15 points, as Fig. 10. Evaluation of the
centroid associated to loads and distribution transformers Fig. 3. High voltage substations and medium-voltage grid
location. To establish the interconnection points between
substations is required for photovoltaic implementations in
Fig. 3.
About main loads in maximum capacity, they are as
follows: T27 (616kW), T28 (296kW), T85 (594kW), T109
(328kW). Likewise, the main load in average performance
is 26.283MW. Tacna substation has load of 95% and Parque
industrial substation has load of 99%.

B. Inverter influence
Photovoltaic plants have a reagent delivery capacity that
is mainly limited by the limits imposed on the current, it
can circulate through the inverters. The limitation also de-
pends on the availability of the primary resource (depend-
ing on the type of inverter) and the maximum DC voltage at Fig. 4. high voltage substations and medium-voltage grid
the input of the inverter [15]. At the same time, it installed

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capacity and in terms purely based on its capacity curve,
a photovoltaic plant is expected to have equal or greater
flexibility for the delivery of reactive power than a conven-
tional plant, which exhibit different operational limits (for
example, stability or maximum excitation current, among
others). Fig. 5 shows a comparison between the reactive
power delivery capacity curves between a synchronous Fig. 5. Comparison of the capacity curves of a synchronous generator
generator and an inverter-based plant [10]. The voltage and an inverter based plant.
control under test corresponds to the control within the
normal operating band of the inverter, and not to the control
once the LVRT logic has been activated or to the dynamic
voltage support. The behavior of inverter-based systems can
be represented by Active Power-Reactive Power diagrams
(also called PQ diagrams, as Fig. 5.
The diagrams are constructed considering the steady
state limits of the maximum current and the minimum Fig. 6. Volt-VAR and Volt-Watt profile for case study
and maximum voltage. For a synchronous generator, on
the other hand, the curve is limited by factors such as
the excitation system, the stability and the thermal ca-
pacity of the rotor and stator, which are characteristic of
their construction characteristics. In unit terms, the PQ
diagram of an inverter offers greater flexibility than the
PQ diagram of a synchronous generator [8]. The tested
voltage control corresponds to rapid oscillations, within
the + -10% band, but which cannot activate the LVRT
logic of the inverters. The voltage record used as a witness
corresponds to a simulation carried out in DigSILENT.
An important design criterian is the dimension of the
inverter, it considered 110% of generation associated to Fig. 7. Low Voltage model and Thevening equivalent
panels capacity, for an optimal Volt-VAR profile [9], Fig. 6.
The capacitors associated to voltage control has to consider
the industrial facilities, because the transient associated to
overload transformer is important for inverter design [12].

C. Low voltage grid equivalent

About the low voltage grid, it modelled according to
the real condition and considered photovoltaic generation
as prosumer, the penetration is considered for all the 8 Fig. 8. Centroid according to prosumer penetration
medium voltage circuit, with 10% to 100% with 150
models, for each case, from 1 to 15 points of car chargers
from downtown to external location.
According to each stage, the centroid load has changed
according to the Fig. 8.

The first step is to connect this two high voltage substa-
tions, with medium voltage grids, besides, the protection Fig. 9. 40% penetration of ultra grid with photovoltaic generators with
control should be change with 67 and 67N protection taps on 0 position
schemes [14], the impact of the electrical chargers have
increased the load in the distribution system [5], especially
with fast charger stations [6], for the load variations.
On the other hand, The problems grew with 40% photo-
voltaic penetration, due to overload in the transformer for
the effect of the voltage and the inverter action [11], as
Fig. 9, in this stage, the system required to change 2 taps
position, besides, the inverters, should adequate an extra
oversized of 10%, with an Volt-var instead of Volt-Watt for
control voltage in the inverter [13], the control and load is
controlled with Volt-var control, as Fig. 10. In Fig. 10, volt- Fig. 10. 40% penetration of ultra grid with photovoltaic generators with
age limits in transformer reduced from 1.21% to 1.09% and off load taps position two and Volt-var control

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on June 03,2021 at 14:21:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
transformers rotations with a detailed load density analysis [9] Mahsa Ghapandar Kashani ; Maziar Mobarrez ; Subhashish Bhat-
with 20% penetration with fast charging stations and 40% tacharya, Smart inverter volt-watt control design in high PV pene-
trated distribution systems, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
of ultra grid penetration. The simulation has considered Exposition (ECCE), 2017, 1-4
15 fast charging stations for a 7,500 vehicles. Associated [10] Ricardo Manuel Arias Velásquez, Jennifer Vanessa Mejı́a Lara,
to 10% of the vehicle available, The investment required Harmonic failure in the filter of Static Var Compensator, Engineering
Failure Analysis, 107, 2020, Article 104207.
is USD 0.78 millions. From 150 stages, penetration upper [11] Ricardo Manuel Arias Velásquez, Jennifer Vanessa Mejı́a Lara,
than 40% is not appropiated for high voltage in the power Andres Melgar, Converting data into knowledge for preventing
transformer. The main stages are 16 from 150, with a failures in power transformers, Engineering Failure Analysis, 101,
2019, 215-229.
maximum demand of 24,482MW with 40% penetration in [12] Ricardo Manuel Arias Velásquez, Jennifer Vanessa Mejı́a Lara,
alternative 6 and lower demand of 24,469MW with 40% Explosion of power capacitors in a change of transformers with
penetration in alternative 1. reactive power compensation, Engineering Failure Analysis, 106,
2019, Article 104181.
[13] Mihovil Ivas, Ante Marušić, Juraj George Havelka, Igor Kuzle, P-Q
IV. C ONCLUSIONS capability chart analysis of multi-inverter photovoltaic power plant
connected to medium voltage grid, International Journal of Electrical
In this paper, a novel methodology for incorporation Power Energy Systems, 116, 2020, Article 105521.
technologies to urban cities as: local photovoltaic gener- [14] M. Dib, M. Ramzi, A. Nejmi, Voltage regulation in the medium volt-
ators, fast chargers for cars, in emerging countries. The age distribution grid in the presence of renewable energy sources,
Materials Today: Proceedings, 13, 32019, 739-745.
methodology composed by 7 steps has been validated with [15] Ricardo Manuel Arias Velásquez, Root cause analysis for inverters
a real case study in a Peruvian city. It determined an in solar photo-voltaic plants, Engineering Failure Analysis, 118,
upgraded of the middle voltage trunk, for capacity, voltage 2020, 104856, 1-18.
limits and losses. At the same time, the interconnection
between high voltage substations is an important factor for
this scheme, due to translation load and better performance.
Besides, inverter strategy with better performance is the
Volts-VAR strategy with a design of 110% according its
solar panels capacity; it should be used with a change
of taps in all transformers on position 2. This challanges
demostrated voltage sag arc from 5.68% to 3.81%, and
losses from 1,120kW to 860kW, voltage in transformers
from 1.21% to 1.09% and transformers rotations with a de- R.M.A. Velásquez IEEE Senior member and
IEEE PES Peru Vice chairman; he studied his
tailed load density analysis with 20% penetration with fast PhD in Engineering by PUCP, MSC concen-
charging stations and 40% of ultra grid penetration. Finally, tration Project Management, project engineer
this research helps to establish the necessary procedure to degree and electrical engineer degree. Scientific
research certificated by CONCYTEC - Renacyt.
determine the fast charging infrastructure in urban center Currently, he works as Operational Efficiency
and ultra grid influences with photovoltaic generation. Specialist in ENEL Latin America. Besides, he
worked in USA, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Peru. More than 37 papers in SCOPUS, h index
Thanks to Universidad Nacional de San Agustı́n de

[1] Benjamin Bayer, Adela Marian, Innovative measures for integrating
renewable energy in the German medium-voltage grids, Energy
Reports, Volume 6, November 2020, Pages 336-342
[2] Mihovil Ivas, Ante Marušić, Juraj George Havelka, Igor Kuzle, P-Q
capability chart analysis of multi-inverter photovoltaic power plant
connected to medium voltage grid, International Journal of Electrical
Power Energy Systems, Volume 116, March 2020, Article 105521.
J.V.M. Lara IEEE Senior member, currently,
[3] Eduardo F. Ferreira, J. Dionı́sio Barros, Faults Monitoring System
she is project manager for renewable inter-
in the Electric Power Grid of Medium Voltage, Procedia Computer
national projects. She studied Electrical engi-
Science, Volume 130, 2018, Pages 696-703.
neering by Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
[4] Izzah Afandi, Philip Ciufo, Ashish Agalgaonkar, Sarath Perera, A MSC concentration to Project management by
holistic approach for integrated volt/var control in MV and LV Universidad Nacional de San Agustı́n (UNSA).
networks, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 165, December Besides, she has finished her PhD in engineer-
2018, Pages 9-17. ing by Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
[5] Matjaz Knez, Gašper Kozelj Zevnik, Matevz Obrecht, A review of (PUCP). She has worked in USA, Colombia,
available chargers for electric vehicles: United States of America, Chile, Peru, Spain, Russia for mining, petroleum
European Union, and Asia, Renewable and Sustainable Energy and energy companies.
Reviews, Volume 109, July 2019, Pages 284-293.
[6] L. G. González, E. Siavichay, J. L. Espinoza, Impact of EV fast
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American intermediate city, Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, Volume 107, June 2019, Pages 309-318.
[7] IEEE, Charging up, IEEE Spectrum, 56, 2019, 3, 14-15.
[8] Julio H. Braslavsky ; Lyle D. Collins ; John K. Ward, Voltage
Stability in a Grid-Connected Inverter With Automatic Volt-Watt
and Volt-VAR Functions, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10,
2019, 1, 84-94.

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