The Century - Starting Over

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Charles Coggins


1. Who did Americans elect as their president in 1976?  Jimmy Carter

2. The winter of 1977 turned out to be the coldest in 40 years. 
 3. A(n) oil shortage meant sacrifices for everyone.  
4. West Germany and Japan were now challenging American competitiveness in everything from steel to electronics.  
5. What city had been booming as the heart of American car production?    Detroit
6. An average car from this period received 11.9 miles per gallon of gas.  
7. By 1979, foreign cars captured 25% of the American automobile market.  
8. So many people were leaving Detroit that a saying cropped up: "The last one to leave Detroit, please “Turn out the
9. What caused health problems for people living in the Love Canal area of Niagara Falls, New York? Toxic waste
10. True or False: The protestors eventually won their fight to be evacuated by the federal government  
11. The Boston schools lost 25% of their student population over the issue of forced busing.  
12. True or False: Both blacks and whites were opposed to federally mandated forced busing.  
13. What city during this period focused on the rights of homosexuals?  San Francisco
 14. Conservatives formed the Silent Majority, the alternative to the Carter administration.  
15. 1979 marked the ousting of the Shah of Iran and the return of their fanatical religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeni.  
16. The accident at Three Mile Island cast doubt on the safety of nuclear energy.  
17. OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Nations, raised oil prices by 50%.  
18. Who did President Carter call upon to find out what was wrong with America?  Ordinary People
19. President Carter succeeded in helping Israel & Egypt make peace.  
20. True or False: Iran refused to free the hostages unless the Shah was returned to face trial.  
21. True or False: A failed rescue plan resulted in the deaths of 8 Americans.  
22. The 1980 "Miracle on Ice" involved the U.S. Hockey team defeating the USSR  
23. Who did Americans elect in the 1980 presidential election?   Ronald Regan
24. True or False: President Carter succeeded in negotiation the release of the hostages.  
25. The hostages were finally released after 444 days in captivity 

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