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Pickup and Seduction Gambit: Sexual Tension and

Classic How To

By: Alek Rolstad   0 Comments

This seduc on gambit uses the concepts of liminality and sexual tension bubbles. In
fact, its objec ve is to create sexual tension by talking about sexual tension.
Hey guys, and welcome back.
Today I will share a gambit that builds upon the concept of liminality, which I've covered in
recent posts. Liminality is a concept taken from anthropology to describe the transi onal phase
Art of the Deep Dive
in a society that is "betwixt and between." It's the me period in which “what is” has been
broken down, and “what is to become” is yet unknown. A rac on Expires

Breaking Circle
We also discussed how liminality could help us understand certain aspects of seduc on, and
seduc on as a whole. Can't Get a Girl

Chase Framing
We saw how liminality could help us make sense of sexual tension, a powerful yet rather vague
tool. Most good seducers are aware of the power of sexual tension. There is no doubt that it Don't Chase Women

is one of the most powerful tools in a seducer's arsenal. Eye Contact Flir ng

The issue of sexual tension is twofold: Contents Facial Hair Styles

How do we explain what it is? It is such an odd experience I. The Sexual Tension Gambit Get to Know a Girl

that one may have difficulty describing it. a. Transition Ge ng Past Small Talk
b. Getting Physical
How do we generate it? Most experienced seducers have Girl Has a Boyfriend
c. Comfort vs. Discomfort
witnessed the power of sexual tension, but few have a d. Introducing the Concept of Liminality
Hook Up with Friends
good method for genera ng it at will. We’ve tried to not e. Fractionating Out

How Girls Show Interest

only understand sexual tension but also to figure out how II. Mechanisms at Play
to generate and maintain it. III. Recap
Just Friends

If you’d like to read my series on sexual tension, including how Keep Thinking of Her

to generate and maintain it, you are welcome to do so. I also have a cool “sexual tension”
Today, I will share a verbal gambit that can help you generate sexual tension. Yes, we are talking
about inducing sexual tension with a conversa on.
Before I get into the gambit, note that some nonverbal elements play a significant role in
whether this gambit will help you generate sexual tension and how much you will be able to
These nonverbal elements include:
Eye contact
Gestures and body language (recommended: relaxed and slow)
Tonality and pace of voice (recommended: a slower, darker voice with pauses; if you know
how to use a hypno c voice, use it here)
If you are a beginner or intermediate, or perhaps an advanced guy who does not have a strong Confrontative Frame Control:
When & When Not to Use
verbal game, you may not achieve the full effect. November 6, 2022 Alek Rolstad

However, even if you do not manage to generate sexual tension, or do so weakly, I s ll would not
consider it a failure. There are MANY other great benefits this gambit can provide! I will discuss Social Proof: A Force for
Dramatically Influencing
those further a er sharing the gambit itself. Behavior
This gambit is recommended a er an ini al hook, preferably in an isolated se ng with lots November 5, 2022 Chase Amante

of compliance. The vibe between both must be quite sexual. The purpose of this gambit is to
escalate things further. Reacting to Female Rudeness
and Faux Pas
November 2, 2022 Chase Amante

The Sexual Tension Gambit [VIDEOS] Walk Sexy, Move

Masterfully, & Magnetic
We will try to generate sexual tension by talking about it, or more specifically, by describing it.
October 31, 2022 Chase Amante
For that, you need to be familiar with the subject, of course. You can gain informa on from my
posts on liminality as well as any details about sexual tension from my “how-to” series in your View More
elabora on. Any good knowledge about sexual tension can be useful in the gambit.
Latest GirlsChase.TV Video
What I will present is an example based on how I usually do things. You may use this word-for-
word or as a template to create varia ons of the gambit that suit you be er.

Transition 14:48

The plan is to explain and descrip vely elaborate on what sexual tension is. Fantas c Fundamentals 10:
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Make sure you are VERY detailed and use rich language.
Alek: Have you ever met a guy you felt that magical spark with? Like you felt the energy was
sexual. Not explicitly sexual, but more magical and mysterious? Like the feeling when you
become more curious about not only him, but the way the vibe is between you two?
Her: Yes, blah blah blah.
Alek: Generally, whenever you meet a guy, you may look at him, and he may touch you, and
you may kiss, and that is all good. But I am talking about something more intense,
something deeper, something more powerful.
Her: I see what you mean.
   
Alek: You know, I will try to describe it with words, but everyday language is unfortunately
not always able to describe the deepest and most magical passions, but I will try.
Her: Alright.
Alek: It's like you feel this magne c connec on with someone, like you felt he was just
absorbing you into his world, and you into his? It was like this genuine a rac on between
you, yet the underlying vibe was purely sexual.
Her: Yes!

Getting Physical
Alek: And there may be some touching, but he touches you in the smoothest way, the way
you enjoy, yet leaving you wan ng more (you may, if the vibe allows it, touch her in a
smooth way, for example by using Pablo’s finger move). His eye contact is piercing
and seduc ve. (Look her in the eyes, but don’t try to force piercing eye contact; just
look at her in a normal way). You feel like you two are ge ng closer. (Move in closer
to her, but not too far or else you may trigger some serious resistance). His way of
being just leaves you wan ng more, and more.
Now, let's see what we've already accomplished:
You had an excuse to exchange some eye contact
You had an excuse to touch her: some mes that ALONE can be a key factor in your success
You had an excuse to move in closer

Comfort vs. Discomfort

Next, I’ll introduce the aspect covered in my sexual tension post. Sexual tension is at first more
uncomfortable than pleasurable. But as it grows, discomfort decreases, and pleasure increases.

Touch goes a long way in building comfort and sexual tension, and by now, the
gambit should have introduced touch if you haven't already.
So let's con nue...
Alek: And all this is exci ng, yet despite being exci ng and intriguing, you may feel a bit of
discomfort. You do not know him, but if you did, it surely would be less exci ng, and you
may feel a bit cau ous since you do not know where this is going. But if you did, you
wouldn’t feel as excited.
Her: Yeah.
This is interes ng because we use heavy reframes. We reframed the discomfort into something
posi ve. Hence, the discomfort she may experience may not be as detrimental as it would
usually be. Even be er, it may turn out to have a posi ve effect, because it shows her you're
socially aware and understand how sexual tension works.
Frame control, and more importantly, reframing, is something you mostly do with words and is
one of the main strengths of verbal game.
Anyway, let us con nue.
Alek: Yet, despite this discomfort, you realize you find him more intriguing. It makes you
more curious about him, about who he is. You start to wonder where this will lead. You may
find yourself feeling more excited, and even more aroused by this mys cal presence, and
the mys cal vibe that surrounds you two. The excitement grows so much that it eventually
outgrows the ini al discomfort, and then you realize there is only comfort and excitement.
Her: Yes.

Introducing the Concept of Liminality

We just saw how sexual tension goes from being uncomfortable to comfortable. Next, I will
apply the element of liminality to the gambit.
Alek: And what I think gets you immersed even further into such a transcendental
experience is the fact that you are there, next to that person, and there is this sexual
undertone. It may even be very sexual. Yet what causes this strong sexual tension is that
sensa on of, you know, 'something is going on.' While at the same me, you are not quite
sure about it, and this curiosity leads to an intriguing sensa on, an immersive experience, a
profound experience.
Her: Yes.
Alek: It's like a state of limbo. You know the other person feels the same; you both know
you want it. You both feel you need it. But nothing is official yet. This increases the tension
even further.
Her: Yes.

Fractionating Out
Now here's my favorite part. If you aren't familiar with frac ona on, check out this post.
Alek: Where passion flows, tension grows, and it only grows bigger, larger, deeper, like a
balloon filling up with air. It grows un l it EXPLODES (clap your hands to pull her out of
the trance, if you induced one, then take on a totally casual, relaxed
conversa onal tone). So, what kind of music do you listen to (change of subject,
frac ona ng out).
By frac ona ng out, you not only pull her out of the seduc ve state (or trance) you put her
into, but you also pull her out before she has a chance resist.

♪ If there's tension and you know it, clap your hands... ♪

If you see poten al resistance building in her, I recommend (as per my guide on sexual tension)
pulling her out before she or some external wildcard (a random dude or friend) does it for you.
If you break it, you are in control. If somebody else breaks it (like her), then you will have less
control to bring her back in.
Pulling her out allows her to:
Relax and let the high emo ons you have elicited sink in
Reflect upon what you have said by herself
Desire more of it
All good stuff.

Mechanisms at Play
Why does this gambit work?
First, you are se ng a sexual frame and perhaps have communicated some
sexual prizing.
By talking about sexual tension, you convey that you are a good lover who is
not only aware of it but also knows how it works and how to generate it.
So, by talking about sexual tension in such a detailed, hypno c way, you
actually generate it. You lead her verbally through the experience of sexual tension.
And in the process, you:
Trigger anchors that will remind her of past similar experiences with sexual tension, and she
gets pulled back into that state
Get her visualizing the things you say, ge ng her excited and perhaps even horny
Or even a mix of both
And if you do not generate sexual tension, at least you will make her very aroused and set a
sexual frame.
Again, you may use shortened versions of this. You can relay some or all of the elements; it is up
to you. Different situa ons allow for different scenarios. How deep you go depends on how
much compliance you have. How isolated you are also plays a role.
Here is a shortened version from one of my lay reports posted on the forum.

Alek: So, back to where we were. Good stories. (We were talking about good stories,
so I used that as a segue into the gambit.) Oh yeah, they always have this sense of
mystery. They immerse you while also having tension build up from and within that mystery.
Tension, you know, where you are almost led to a climax, just to have it taken away. Being
teased and le desiring more.
Anna: Yeah, that reminds me of a good movie or a good book.
Alek: Let me ask you, Anna: Have you ever experienced those stories when you are with
someone you find very a rac ve, and you know something is going on? Something good,
your eyes locked into his (she is now giving me eye contact), your heartbeat races, your
breath increases. Yet despite knowing that something hot is going on, you are not quite
sure yet. There is s ll this element of mystery that intrigues you enough to immerse you
further in and let the tension grow. And the more the tension grows, the more your desire
flows, and the more the tension grows.
Anna: The more the desire flows.
Alek: It is like a balloon. Two people desiring each other more and more. Tension is
growing, the balloon is filling up with water slowly but surely (using hand mo ons to
display a balloon expanding) un l it just bursts, explodes, and suddenly (I clap my
hands) the deepest, darkest, and most intense passions awaken.
Anna: I never cared about literature, but I am totally hooked. I have never paid so much
a en on to anyone before (I was a bit blown away when she said this). Like, usually, I
am the talker, but here I am just listening and being kind of carried away, I guess?
Alek: I am happy to hear that. Want something to drink?
Anna: Sure, why not!

We’ve discussed how one can generate sexual tension by descrip vely elabora ng on what it is,
how it works, and how it unfolds by using the most descrip ve language possible.
We also displayed how we could inject the concept of liminality into our verbal gambits. We
covered several reframes as well.
Try it out and see how it goes. If it works, it is game over.
If your verbal game is good, you should not have too much difficulty pulling this off. The real
challenge is to have a chance to deliver it fully without ge ng interrupted (which we covered a
bit with the use of frac ona on).

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Alek Rolstad
Alek Rolstad launched his pickup career at age 14, an early starter and seduc on
savant. His unique style of game focuses on “sex talk”: a way to make sex the
primary topic of conversa on. Sex talk lets the user excite girls rapidly, and filter
for girls open to fast, raunchy, kinky one-night stands and sex. You can learn from
Alek, the master and originator of sex talk himself, by listening to his interview
or even signing up to coach with him directly.

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By: Alek Rolstad By: Chase Amante By: Chase Amante By: Chase Amante

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& When Not to Use In uencing Behavior Faux Pas Masterfully, & Magnetic Mannerisms

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