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VIII Semester B.Arch.

Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture


TOPIC 7: Solar control

The greatest source of heat gain can be the solar radiation entering through a window. This
could, in fact increase the indoor temperature far above the out-door air temperature, even
in moderate climates, through what is known as the ‘greenhouse effect.’
If solar overheating is a problem, as in all tropical climates, there are four methods available
for the reduction of solar heat gain through windows, four variables which are within the
control of the designer:
1 orientation and window size
2 internal blinds, curtains
3 special glasses
4 external shading devices
a) the horizontal surface receives
the greatest intensity, especially near Equator
b) At the higher latitude the wall facing the
Equator receives the next highest
intensity in the winter (when the sun is low) but it
receives very-little in the summer
c) In the equatorial location north and south walls
receive the least intensity and that only for short
periods of the year
d) East and west facing walls receive the second
highest intensities in the equatorial location and
consistently large intensities even at the higher
Internal blinds and curtains
Internal blinds and curtains are not very effective ways
of solar control. It is true that they stop the passage of
radiation, but they themselves absorb the solar heat
and can reach a very high temperature. The absorbed
heat will be partly convected to the indoor air and
partly reradiated. Half of this reradiation is outwards, but as it is of a long wavelength, it is
stopped by the window glass. The usual narrow space between the window and the blind
will thus be quite substantially overheated. The hot surface of the blind causes the indoor
Mean Radiant Temperature to rise far above the air temperature.
High performance glasses
On transparent surfaces the incident radiation is partly absorbed, partly reflected and
the rest transmitted: the proportion of these three components is expressed by coefficients
of absorptance, reflectance and transmittance. The sum of these three coefficients is
always one. The relative proportion of these components depend on the type of glass,
thickness of pane, and the angle of incidence. The spectral transmission depend on the
chemical composition of the glass, tint and colour and special surface coatings.
A wide spectrum of special glasses for solar control application of fenestration has been
developed by glass industry. The primary function of solar control glass is to act as an
efficient heat filter with little effect on the other functions of the window such as view and

1 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
contact, provision of daylight, etc. These high performance glass elevations have great
current popularity. This is probably due to the fact that a relatively simple solution to the
problem of sun control can be integrated with purely abstract design without necessitating
the reduction of glass area.
Taxonomy of high performance glasses: The types of solar control glasses are usually
classified under the following broad categories:

With fixed performance With variable performance

Heat Absorbing Glass Electrochromic Glass

Solar Reflecting Glass Thermochromic Glass

Solar Control Reflective

Photochromic Glass
Polyester Coated film Glass

Low emittance coating Glass

Heat Absorbing Glasses

An ordinary window glass transmits a large proportion of all radiation between 300 and 3000 nm i.e.
both visible light and short-wave infra-red, but very little around and outside the 300 to 3000nm
range. Its transmittance is selective. This selective transmittance is modified in heat absorbing glass
by adding small amounts of certain chemicals. The chemicals generally added are ferrous, nickel and
cobalt oxides and seleniums, they provide a range of colour tints which include blue, green, grey and
The transmittance may be reduced from 74% to less than 42%. One difficulty is that reduction in
transmittance is accompanied by a corresponding increase in absorptance, therefore an increased
amount of heat is absorbed by the glass itself and it can reach a very high temperature. 40-50% of the
absorbed heat is retransferred to the interior by radiation and convection, thus the net improvement
will not be as great as the reduction in transmittance. The total amount of heat admitted, i. e. the total
solar gain is reduced from 83 to only 68% as show in Figures 3(a) & 3(b). A relatively densely
colored heat absorbing glass intercepts a little over 40% of the radiant energy. Heat absorbing glasses
are very effective for glare control. Theoretically, the combination of outer heat absorbing glass and
inner plate-glass overcomes the absorption heat gain problem of heat absorbing glass alone and thus
offer greater savings. However, there are serious mechanical and maintenance objections to this
combination, especially for large panes. In addition, the high temperature reached by heat absorbing
glasses exposed to direct sun rays can in practice be a serious source of discomfort to the occupants
near the window owing to thermal radiation from the glass pane and may cause breakage of the glass
itself due to thermal expansion.
Heat Reflecting Glasses
Whilst the heat absorbing glasses achieve transmittance by selectivity in absorption, the heat
reflecting glass achieves a similar selective transmittance by selectivity in reflection. The glass is

2 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
coated by a thin film of metal (usually nickel/gold) applied by vacuum evaporation. The part of solar
spectrum that is reflected by the glass surface is completely excluded from entering the building
interior and such glasses absorb very little heat, therefore the improvement in reducing the total solar
gain is far greater than with heat absorbing glass, Figure 3(c). The degree of solar heat control, light
transmission and glare reduction is governed by the density of the metallic coating deposited on the
glass. This glass is more expensive than heat absorbing glass.
Precaution is necessary when utilizing highly reflective glass as it imposes the potential heat loads on
adjacent buildings in the cityscape and the potential traffic hazard for motorists travelling on the
adjacent roads. In the city of Sydney legislation restricts the use of highly reflective glass. If there
were many such buildings in one area of a city, the heat load and glare conditions could create a
chaotic array of variables that would require additional building to be completely enclosed.
Solar Control Reflective Polyester-Coated Film Glasses
It is introduced for control of solar heat gains through glass at a lower initial cost than heat reflecting glass.
It would be applicable in case of retrofitting. The technique is to apply polyester-coated reflective films to clear
or tinted glass panes. The tints that are normally available for these films are silver, gold, bronze, azure and
smoke grey. In these tinted films ultra-violet inhibitors are also incorporated to block the ultra-violet light
transmission through the film to a very high degree. Thus they prevent discolouration and fading of clothing,
fabrics, draperies, furnishings, etc. Thick polyester-film base is used where extra shatter resistance properties
are required. Sealed double-glazed units incorporating solar control films are now widely used. The reflecting
film is applied to the inside surface of the external pane. This combines the excellent solar control properties of
the reflective film with the improved thermal performance (lower overall thermal transmission coefficients) of
double glazing. Double-glazed units have better noise-control properties as well.
Low emittance coating glass
(commonly referred to as ‘low-e’) can transmit up to 80% of the light falling on it, comparing
favourably with single-glazed clear float glass (which transmits 85%). It is used primarily where heat
loss from the building is an issue (for instance in cold climate). Low-e glasses demonstrate high
absorptance of solar wavelengths, particularly in the visible region, and low emittance of longwave
infrared radiation.
Smart Glasses
Responsive glasses, or ‘chromogenic glasses’, (sometimes referred to as ‘smart windows’), are selective in
transmittance. There are three basic types: those that respond to changes in temperature (thermochromi), those
that respond to changes in light (photochromic), and those that change in response to an electric signal
Photo-Chromatic Glasses
Large numbers of compounds undergo reversible change on illumination and photo-chromatic
sunglasses provide a familiar example. Photo-chromatic glasses change their transmittance when
exposed to light. Silver halides with small amounts of Cu (copper) are possibly the most common
decants used in these glasses. The amount of silver is typically 0.5% or less. The crystal size is small
compared to the wavelength of light and hence the scattering is not of much concern.
The suspended crystalline silver halide (silver chloride, silver bromide or both) absorb high-
energy photons which dissociate the silver halide. The wavelengths which induce darkening or fading
are a continuous spectrum. Photolysis of silver halides may also be sensitized by copper ions. The
process is reversible. Recovery by recombination occurs by a natural thermal recovery or by
interaction with radiation of wavelengths longer than that which darkens the glass. The silver and
halogen can return to their original states when the activating light is removed. The increase of
optical density (darkening) with increase of light intensity and the equilibrium density varies with the
When these glasses are used for architectural applications, the following sequence of variation in
transmittance over the course of the day can be visualized. They begin to darken at dawn, continue to
darken until saturation is achieved, remains darkened throughout the day, begin to clear before sunset
and continue to clear at a constantly reducing rate until dawn the next morning.

3 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
Visible transmittance of photo-chromatic glasses lie in the range of 0.19-0.22 during daytime and
0.59-0.71 during night time. The shading coefficients may lie in the range of 0.60-0.77. From these
figures it is clear that photo-chromatic glass is not promising for solar heat control applications. It
may be appropriate for glare control. They cannot be made using the standard float glass process and
are thus expensive.
Thermochromic Glasses
These glasses become translucent when a preset thermal threshold is reached. These could be
activated passively in response to changing sun and temperature conditions, or actively triggered by
an additional thin film layer within the glazing, which acts as a heating element.
Some organic gels contain water soluble polymers, which alter their chain shape or length
dramatically over short temperature spans. The films made from such gels turn opaque white when
heated above room temperature and turn clear again when cooled. The degree of opacity is
determined by the strength of solar radiation, so that a window in a cool room exposed to high
sunlight levels remains clear; but one in a warm room turns cloudy.
Various oxides of vanadium which can be produced as coatings, also change visible transmission
with temperature near those required.
Electrochromic Glasses
Certain compounds undergo reversible colour changes when a small voltage is applied across a
thin layer. The switching voltage is needed only to change the state. Most investigations have
concentrated on transition metal compounds, notable WO3; but oxidation/reduction reactions in some
organics, for example the phthalocyanines, can produce the desired effect.
Switchable glazing, using liquid crystals sandwiched between two glazing layers change from a
translucent to a transparent condition when the switching voltage is applied, Figure 4. Due to
diminishing transparency in its low-transmission state, it may not be well suited for vision glazing but
it is being used as office privacy screens. Electrochromic glasses can be connected to a Building
Energy Management Systems.
Building product technology division of Sustainable Technologies Australia Ltd has developed
SMART Windows which is a laminated glass window with an electrochromic layer sandwiched
between two panes of glass. The electrochromic layer can be switched from crystal clear bluish to
nearly colourless when low dc power is applied. It controls the flow of heat and light through the
window. The SMART Window can result in significant energy saving - up to 30 per cent in an
airconditioned office building in sunny climates. The typical properties of SMART windows are as

Switching Voltage
On Off

Transparent Translucent
Figure 4. The principles of switchable glazing
(liquid crystal type)

4 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
Window Cycle Solar Visible Shading
Style Transmission Transmission Co-
% % efficient
Warm Coloured 14 25 .29
Climate Bleached 27 40 .44
Cool Coloured 18 26 .34
Climate Bleached 41 50 .59

For architectural applications, a great merit of solid state electrochromics over passive switching
such as thermo or photochromics, is that of control. For example, it is desirable in winter to allow the
interior to heat up; but in summer it is desirable to keep out the sun at much lower temperatures. The
above mentioned electrochromic glass controls either the visible or near infra red , another type of
glass with multiple layers controls all the incoming solar radiation.

Prismatic glazing can refract as well as reflect light and thus can be used for daylighting, shading, or
both. It is translucent rather than transparent, and is used mainly where daylighting (rather than
provision of a view is the main issue. It is thus most suitable for high level glazing. Its main function
is redirection of incoming light to the ceiling or the rear of the room but it can also reduce glare, and
is often incorporated into double glazed units. Currently the construction cost of prismatic glass is
high but costs may fall as it becomes more widely available.

Holographic optical elements (HOE) diffract, rather than obstruct, incoming radiation and are thus
mainly used for daylighting purposes. However, they canbe designed for providing shading or to
reflect light emanating from extreme angles, such as low angled sun on the West facade. Light
diffraction in holographic optical elements is caused by grating or zone plates embedded in the glass
which only work for a chosen sun angle, allowing selective redirection of light.

Recent research has seen HOE applied to external venetian blinds and glass louvers. The two main shading
applications involve directional selective shading. In one system, holographic elements in the glass localize
direct solar radiation onto opaque strips on the glass. Diffuse light is transmitted but the view out is partially
obstructed by the opaque strips. In another, transparent glass louvers are embedded with holographic film that
can diffract direct radiation. Again diffuse light is unobstructed but the transparent louvers maintain the view

5 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
Due to their inability to work for more than a small range of angles, these systems need to track the sun to
achieve optimal performance. They should therefore be mounted on an automated tracking device.

Fritted glass is capable of providing minor shading and light diffusion but can cause glare
and prevent a view out.
Combined daylight and shading system
Light shelves, prismatic glazing and
holographic louvers are advanced
shading systems insofar as they redirect
and redistribute light, thus serving a
daylighting as well as a shading function.
They are able to redirect sunlight
deeper into a space, improving light
uniformity. They can also control direct
Other shading technology

Recent advances in material technology

have led to development of transparent
insulation materials (TIM) in the form of
honeycomb, capillary or aerogel materials.
Aeroget (also known as Cloud Gel) is a
porous silicate foam which reduces thermal
transmission while admitting the visible
range of the solar radiation spectrum. It can
be inserted between two window panes, and
changes from clear to opaque when heated to a pre-determined temperature. It is not totally clear,
however, and thus hinders the view out.

6 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
There is a current trend towards using more sophisticated
technologies that involve holographic or prismatic film and
automated sun-tracking devices. Wall-mounted, automated
glass louvers embedded with spectrally selective film is an
example. Such systems are costly, durability is a concern
and maintenance can be difficult. Simple devices, correctly
designed, are usually at least as effective as sophisticated

7 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture

The sun’s positions

 The sun’s position on the sky hemisphere can be specified by two angles:
the solar altitude angle (η). i.e. the vertical angle at the point of observation between
the horizon plane and the line connecting the sun with the observer.
 the solar azimuth angle (Ø), i.e. the angle at the point of observation measured on a
horizontal plane between the northerly direction and a point on the horizon circle,
where it is intersected by the arc of a vertical circle, going through the zenith and the
sun’s position.

Source: AutoCAD drawing by the author

There are several methods of projection for representing the sun’s apparent movement
two-dimensionally but the ‘stereographic’ method of projection here adopted is by far
the most generally used.
Wall azimuth angles
Case 1 & case 2(a): wall azimuth angle 180°
Case 2(b)(I): wall azimuth angle 45°
Case 2(b)(II): wall azimuth angle 225°
Case 2(b)(III): wall azimuth angle 0°
Source: AutoCAD drawing by the author
Angle of incidence
 The sun’s position in relation to the
wall surface of any orientation (the angle of
incidence β) can be established by solar
altitude, solar azimuth and wall azimuth
 The horizontal component of the
angle of incidence (δ) will be the difference
between the solar azimuth and the wall
 The vertical
component of the
angle of incidence is
the same as the solar
altitude angle itself

8 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture
 The angle of incidence will be required both for selecting the appropriate solar gain
factor in heat gain calculations through windows and for calculating the incident
radiation on an opaque surface.
Source: Koenigsberger et al (1975)
Shadow angles
 The performance of shading devices is specified by two angles: the horizontal and
the vertical shadow angles.
 These two angles are measured from a line perpendicular to the elevation, and
indicate the limit beyond which the sun would be excluded, but within which the sun
would reach the point considered.
 The horizontal shadow angle (δ) characterizes a vertical shading device and it is the
difference between the solar azimuth and wall azimuth, same as the horizontal
component of the angle of incidence.
 The vertical shadow angle (ε) characterizes a horizontal shading device, e.g. a long
horizontal projection from the wall and it is measured on a vertical plane normal to
the elevation considered. The distinction between the solar altitude angle (γ) and the
vertical shadow angle (ε) must be clearly understood.
Source: Koenigsberger et al (1975)
Shading devices
1. Vertical shading devices consist of louvre blades or projecting fins in a vertical
position. The horizontal shadow angle (δ) measures their performance. This type of
device is most effective when the sun is to one side of the elevation, such as an
eastern or western elevation.

Source: Koenigsberger et al (1975)

9 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture

Source: Olgyay and Olgyay (1957)

2. Horizontal shading devices may be canopies, horizontal louvre blades or
externally applied venetian blinds. Their performance will be measured by a vertical
shadow angle (ε). These will be most effective when the sun is opposite to the
building face considered and at a high angle, such as for south facing walls.

Source: Koenigsberger et al (1975)

10 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture

Source: Olgyay and Olgyay (1957)

3. Egg-crate shading devices are combinations of horizontal and vertical elements.

The many types of grille-blocks and decorative screens may fall into this category.
These can be effective for any orientation depending on detail dimensions.

Source: Koenigsberger et at (1975)

11 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

VIII Semester B.Arch. Lesson plan ARC 420 Energy conscious architecture

Source: Olgyay and Olgyay (1957)

1. Discuss with illustrative detail and shading mask an exemplar sun shading device
designed by any renowned architect.
2. Design sun shading devices for the school design assignment.


1. What is a sun-path diagram? Explain in detail how it is useful for an architect.

2. Explain the meaning of the following: equinox, solstice, altitude and azimuth. What
are the alt-azimuth co-ordinates of the sun at sunrise on an equinox day?
3. Explain the terms “time lag” and “decrement factor” and describe how these
concepts help in the selection of materials for the building envelope in a given
4. What is a “sun path diagram”? How does this aid an architect to design climatically
appropriate buildings in a given region?
5. Explain the terms time lag and decrement factor and describe how these concepts
help in the selection of materials for the building envelope in a given region.
6. The sun never passes through the zenith outside of the tropics. Elaborate in detail
with the help of sketches.

12 Prof (Dr) C. Kabre

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