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Emergence and Development of Embodied Cognition

Workshop at the International Conference on Cognitive Science ICCS2001

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers from cognitive science,
psychology, robotics, artificial intelligence, philosophy and related fields to discuss the
role of developmental and embodied views of cognition, and in particular, their mutual
relationship. The ultimate goal of this approach is to understand the emergence of high-
level cognition in organisms based on their interactions with the environment over
extended periods of time.

13:30 – 13:50 Intro Rolf Pfeifer
13:50 – 14:25 Talk 1 Kazuo Hiraki
14:25 – 15:00 Talk 2 Max Lungarella
15:00 – 15:20 Break
15:20 – 15:55 Talk 4 Giorgio Metta
15:55 – 16:30 Talk 5 Stefan Schaal
16:30 – 17:30 Discussion and poster session with drinks to ensure a relaxed

Kazuo Hiraki (Department of Systems Science, University of Tokyo, Japan): Causality
and Prediction: Detection of Delayed Intermodal Contingency in Infancy

Max Lungarella (Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Zurich, Switzerland): Robots

as Cognitive Tools: An Information-theoretic Analysis of Sensor-(motor) Data

Giorgio Metta (Humanoid Robotics Group, MIT-Artificial Intelligence Lab, Cambridge,

MA, USA): Development in Artificial Systems

Stefan Schaal (Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, LA,

CA, USA and Computational Learning Group, ATR Labs, Kyoto, Japan): Movement
Primitives and Imitation Learning Based on Dynamic System Theory
Charles Lenay, Olivier Gapenne, and John Stewart: The constitution of spatiality in
relation to the lived body: a study based on prosthetic perception

Hideki Kozima and Hiroyuki Yano: In search of ontogenetic prerequisites for

embodied social intelligence

Andres Perez-Uribe and Michele Courant: A robotics framework for the study of
signal coevolution

Catholijn M. Jonker, Jacky L. Snoep, Jan Treur, Hans V. Westerhoff, and Wouter
C.A. Wijngaards: Embodied intentional dynamics of bacterial behavior

Nick Barnes: Three embodied vision-guided docking methods for mobile robots

Max Lungarella and Rolf Pfeifer: Robots as cognitive tools: an information-theoretic

analysis of sensory-motor data

Program Committee
Rolf Pfeifer (chair, AI Lab, University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Max Lungarella (AI Lab, University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Yasuo Kuniyoshi (Department of Mechano-Informatics, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Olaf Sporns (Department of Psychology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA)
Giorgio Metta (Humanoid Robotics Group, MIT AILab, Cambridge, MA, USA)
Giulio Sandini (LIRA-Lab, University of Genova, Italy)
Rafael Nunez (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Causality and Prediction: Detection of Delayed Intermodal
Contingency in infancy

Kazuo Hiraki1,2, Naoko Dan 2 and Sotaro Shimada2

Department of Systems Science, University of Tokyo < >
Presto, JST <{dan, shimada}>

The paper presents our recent project to study generated more leg activity while looking at those view s.
infant’s detection of proprioceptive-visual
contingency. As a key idea for the study, we The results of these studies can be interpreted as
introduced temporal delay between actions and
evidence of early detection of intermodal invariants.
consequent stimulation. Six -month-old infants were
presented with either an on-line (no-delay) view or a
However, a question still remains as to infant ’s temporal
delayed view of their own legs on a large screen. The sensitivity, which is crucial for defining what the
preliminary result using preferential looking method contingency is. Because there exist a lots of delayed or
suggests that six-month-old infants can discriminate lagged stimuli that are consequence of actions, we have
between no- delay and delayed views of their leg to take into account the delayed contingency for the
motion even the delay time is quite short (2 sec). further understanding of the infant’s cognition. We can
recognize the response of a computer as a consequence of
our action (i.e. clicking a mouse button) even if it is very
slow and lagged responses are employed. Bahrick and
Development of contingency detection
Watson(1985) used the prerecorded image, but it had
almost no relationship between infant’s action. In order
How do infants distinguish themselves from external to study the temporal sensitivity we have to use much
world? Detection of intermodal contingency plays an shorter delay and systematically manipulate it.
important role to distinguish the sensory consequences of
self-produced actions from externally produced sensory
stimuli. The contingency detection can be seen as a
fundamental ability for the early development of self. Delayed contingency: preliminary result
Also it can be a base for much higher-level cognitive
process such as prediction or perception of causality. As a key idea to study the infant ’s detection of
proprioceptive-visual contingency, we introduced
Recent evidence in developmental cognitive temporal delay between actions and consequent visual
psychology revealed that even young infants have stimulation to extend the previous studies.
so-called ecological self. For example, Bahrick and Six-month-old infants were presented with two views on
Watson(1985) used preferential looking method to study a large screen. One was the contingent on-line (no-delay)
self-exploration for a part of infants body (i.e. the legs). view as used in the previous studies. The other view was
They demonstrated that 5-month-olds are sensitive to also contingent but delayed two seconds from the on -line
proprioceptive-visual contingency. In their experiment, view. A special devise was used to generate the delay on
the infant was placed in front of two TV monitors, side by the image from a CCD camera capturing infant’s leg
side. On one monitor, the infants saw a contingent view motion.
of their own legs. The other monitor showed either a
noncontingent, prerecorded tape of the baby's own legs Figure 1 summarizes the looking time data for every
or a tape of another baby's leg movements. Bahrick and one-minute period during the three minutes session and
Watson(1985) showed that 5-month-olds look the total time. As the figure indicates, six-month-old
preferentially to the noncontingent view. infants looked longer at the delayed view for each period.
The result suggests that they can discriminate between
Rochat and Morgan(1995) conducted the similar the no-delay and the delayed views of their leg motion,
experiments but they systematically manipulated spatial even if the delay time is quite short (2 sec).
relationships; the temporal contingency between the 2
images and the infant's actual movements was
maintained constant. In their studies, 3- and
4-5-month-old infants looked longer at different
perspectives of their legs (left-right inversion) and
plausibility. However, questions remain as to when the
45 discrepancy between actual and predicted sensory stimuli
is compared inside the brain, and how the internal model
develops. For these questions, we believe that the
35 developmental study for infant’s temporal sensitively to
30 contingency provides key ideas.
20 on-line
delay Re ferences
Bahrick, L. E. and Watson, J.S.(1985): Detection of
5 intermodal proprioceptive-visual contingency as a
0 potential basis of self-perception in infancy.
1 3 Developmental Psychology, 21-6, 963--973.
min. min.

Figure 1. Looking time for on-line and Blakemore S-J., Frith C.D. and Wolpert, D.M.(1999):
Spatio-temporal prediction modulates the perception of
delayed view. self -produced stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
11:5, 551-559.

It is worth while to note that the delayed view shown in Rochat,P. and Morgan,R.(1995): Spatial Dterminants in
our experiment were far from the noncontingent view the Perception of Self-Produced Leg Movements by 3- to
shown in Bahrick and Watson(1985) . However, it is 5-Month-Old Infants. Developmental Psychology. Vol.
difficult to conclude that infants in our study 31, No.4, 626-636.
distinguished the delayed contingency from the
noncontingency because the infants in Bahrick and Watson,J.S.(1993): Detection of self: The perfect
Watson(1985) also exhibited preference to the algorithm. In S. T. Parker, R. W. Mithcell, and M. L.
noncontingent views. In order to investigate whether or Boccia (Eds.), Self-awareness in animals and humans:
not infants can discriminate delayed view from Developmental perspectives, 131-148.
noncontingent view, we are currently conducting
additional experiments by using either a pair of delayed
and noncontingent view or a pair of on-line and longer
delayed view. Through these studies, we may get much
more convinced implication.

Towards a computational model of

Although the result reported above is preliminary and
more work needs to be done, we believe that our attempt
offers a new idea to construct a computational model of
prediction and/or perception of causality during infancy.
Watson(1993) proposes four theoretical
options--contiguity, correlation, conditional probability,
and causal implication--as the focal relation between an
infant’s behavior and consequent stimulation. Although
the options are suggestive, it is still unclear at the
computational level; how infant’s brain discriminate the
sensory consequences of self-produced actions from
externally produced sensory stimuli.

Blakemore, Frith and Wolpert(1999) proposed a model

for determining the sensory consequences of a movement
in the study to investigate why self -produced tactile
stimulation is perceived as less intense than the same
stimulus produced externally. Their prop osed model is an
internal forward model that makes predictions of the
sensory feedback based on the motor commands to the
actuator (i.e. efference copy). The forward models are
attractive because they provide the computational
Emergence and Development of Embodied Cognition (EDEC2001)

Gilles Fauconnier
Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD

Cognitive science research in the last 11], and music [18]. There have been
twenty-five years has provided proposals for the mathematical and
considerable evidence that reason is computational modeling of the operation
embodied. The neural architectures that [6, 17], and experimental research has
evolved to produce perception, been carried out on the corresponding
sensation, and bodily movement are at neural and cognitive processes [1, 7].
the heart of what we experience as Additional information and an extensive
rational inference, conceptualization, bibliography can be found on the
and meaning construction. Metaphor website <>.
theory and mental space theory played a The findings have raised
significant role in showing the fundamental research questions of
inadequacies of the abstract, algorithmic, interest to all of us, and in particular to
and disembodied views that dominated the participants of the present workshop.
structuralism, generative linguistics, and What follows is a general overview of
logic-based truth-conditional approaches the issues, results, and research program.
to semantics. Conceptual integration It deliberately avoids going into
theory, often called "blending" or CI, is technical detail. Each of the mentioned
a further development of this line of phenomena has received extensive
research. It confirms in novel ways that analysis elsewhere.
similar general properties of neural CI is a basic mental capacity that
binding and simulation lie behind leads to new meaning, global insight,
sensorimotor activities, concrete and conceptual compressions useful for
interaction with the world, human-scale memory and manipulation of otherwise
everyday experience, abstract reasoning, diffuse ranges of meaning. It plays a
and scientific or artistic invention. fundamental role in the construction of
CI is based on extensive empirical meaning in everyday life, in the arts and
observation in multiple areas of meaning sciences, in technological development,
construction. Detailed proposals have and in religious thinking. The essence of
been made regarding its constitutive and the operation is to construct a partial
governing principles, and on the match between input mental spaces and
remarkable compressions and emergent to project selectively from those inputs
dynamics they allow. A substantial into a novel 'blended' mental space,
body of research now exists on CI in which then dynamically develops
mathematics [9, 13], social science [14, emergent structure. It has been
16], literature [5, 15], linguistics [10, suggested that the capacity for complex

conceptual blending ("double-scope" than a clipper that sailed the same course
integration) is the crucial capacity in 1853. A sailing magazine reports:
needed for thought and language.
As we went to press, Rich Wilson and Bill
Most of our thinking, even in the
Biewenga were barely maintaining a 4.5 day lead
simplest circumstances, is unbelievably over the ghost of the clipper Northern Light,
complex but mercifully completely whose record run from San Francisco to Boston
unconscious. Our conscious experience they're trying to beat. In 1853, the clipper made
is one of direct simplicity, in the same the passage in 76 days, 8 hours. —"Great
America II," Latitude 38, volume 190, April
way that our conscious perception of
1993, page 100.
objects ("a blue cup") is one of direct
simplicity that bypasses (in
There are two distinct events in this
consciousness) what the neural circuits
story, the run by the clipper in 1853 and
of the brain are painstakingly integrating
the run by the catamaran in 1993 on
behind the scenes. CI is no exception to
(approximately) the same course. In the
the laws of backstage cognition: it too
magazine quote, the two runs are merged
operates largely behind the scenes,
into a single event, a race between the
choreographing vast networks of mental
catamaran and the clipper's "ghost". The
spaces beyond the reach of our
two distinct events correspond to two
conscious awareness, yielding cognitive
input mental spaces, which reflect salient
products at the conscious level which
aspects of each event: the voyage, the
appear straightforward and
departure and arrival points, the period
and time of travel, the boat, its positions
Here are some well-known, highly
at various times. The two events share a
visible examples of conceptual blends
more schematic frame of sailing from
repeated here for illustrative purposes:
San Francisco to Boston; this is a
Boat race
"generic" space, which connects them.
A famous example of blending is
Blending consists in partially matching
"the boat race" or "regatta". A modern
the two inputs and projecting selectively
catamaran is sailing from San Francisco
from these two input spaces into a fourth
to Boston in 1993, trying to go faster
mental space, the blended space:

Generic space

cross-space mapping

Input space 1 Input space 2

selective projection

Blended space

In the blended space, we have two the novice to imagine that he was a
boats on the same course, that left the waiter in Paris carrying a tray with
starting point, San Francisco, on the champagne and croissants. By focusing
same day. Pattern completion allows us his attention on the tray, and trying to
to construe this situation as a race (by avoid spilling the champagne, the novice
importing the familiar background frame was able to produce something
of racing and the emotions that go with approaching the right integrated motion
it). This construal is emergent in the on the slope. The Inputs in this case are
blend. The motion of the boats is the ski situation and the restaurant
structurally constrained by the situation, with arm and body positions
mappings. Language signals the blend mapped onto each other. The Generic
explicitly in this case by using the space has only human posture and
expression "ghost-ship." By "running motion, with no particular context. But
the blend" imaginatively and in the Blend, the skier is also actually
dynamically — by unfolding the race carrying the champagne tray. The
through time — we have the relative blended space is in a way a fantasy, but
positions of the boats and their it allows a real motion to emerge.
dynamics. Rather remarkably, this pedagogical feat
Here is another attested example requires no actual champagne and
where embodied conceptual blending croissants. Just thinking of them is
leads to emergent bodily movement. A enough.
ski instructor was trying to teach a Conceptual blending with emergent
novice to hold his arms correctly and structure shows up in all areas of human
look down the slope (rather than in the behavior; cultures develop successive
direction of the skis). The instructor told blends and the ones that become

entrenched can be transmitted to new moving the arrow - is remarkable. It is

generations. This is the case in the quickly acquired by simple linking and
evolution of mathematical concepts and coactivation of the input mental spaces
the development of mathematics itself. and their frames. Other blends for the
For example, whole numbers are interface develop in the same way: they
blended with one dimensional space, the include a grasping and moving blend
output is blended with proportions, and a containment blend. The
yielding the rationals. Blending with successive blends and their emergent
geometric constructs leads to the structue make it possible to experience
irrationals, and then to transcendent the clicking on the rectangle as a form of
numbers. Blending with two- grasping, and the motion of the clicked
dimensional space yields negative and mouse as deliberately moving an object.
then complex numbers. At every step, This looks easy when we do it but
there is rich emergent structure which demands highly complex correlations
mathematicians explore. The discovery and integrations at many levels: neural,
of non-euclidean geometries follows perceptual, motor, conceptual.
similar paths. These processes are
analyzed in great detail in [3], [4], [9],
The recent technology of the mouse RELATIONS
and desktop computer interface is Compression in blending networks
another case in which a succession of operates on a set of relations rooted in
blends are integrated conceptually and fundamental human neurobiology as it
physiologically into a single activity applies to shared physical and socio-
with considerable emergent structure. A cultural human experience. These vital
CI network based on perceptual relations, which include Cause-Effect,
invariance, coherence, stability, and Change, Time, Identity, Intentionality,
non-ubiquity integrates two dimensional Representation, and Part-Whole, can
illuminations on the screen with 3D apply across mental spaces, and they
objects. This is the object blend. also define essential topology within
Another CI network integrates the 3D mental spaces. In blending networks, a
horizontal and sometimes jerky vital relation across inputs (outer-space
manipulation of the mouse with the vital relation) can be compressed into a
perceived motion of the arrow (an vital relation within the blended space
"object" by virtue of the object blend) on (inner-space vital relation). There are
the screen in a vertical plane. The systematic compression hierarchies, such
embodied capacity to integrate the as: ANALOGY, DISANALOGY > CHANGE,
manipulation of the mouse with the IDENTITY > UNIQUENESS. Blending, it
motion of the arrow - to feel that one is turns out, is an instrument of

compression par excellence. Some used/designed by cultures as material

spectacular cases of compression and anchors for conceptual blends.
decompression of rich vital relation Manipulation of these objects is a way of
structures are analyzed in [4]. running complex blends. Intricate
successive blending leads to watches,
GRADIENT OF COMPLEXITY coins or bills, and rational numbers. As
A more detailed examination of CI the anchors change so do our concepts of
networks reveals a continuum of time, money, and number. Watches are
complexity with four prototypes that material anchors (in Hutchins' sense) for
stand out on that continuum: Simplex, a powerful conceptual blend that
Mirror, Single-Scope, and Double- compresses an outer-space linear
Scope. It turns out that ordinary ordering of successive days that can go
compositional logic corresponds to the on to infinity into an inner-space cyclical
straightforward blending found in ordering of repeated motion through the
Simplex networks. Anything beyond same unique day. This integration
that will be truth-functionally non- network provides one of the inputs (the
compositional. The point is crucial, Cyclical Blended Day) to another
since compositionality is often taken to integration network, the Timepiece
be a necessary prerequisite to the network, from which our modern
analysis of meaning. At the high end of everyday conception of time emerges.
the continuum of blending complexity, Money is a material anchor that also
we find Double-Scope networks which reflects the construction of successive
blend inputs with different (and often intricate blends. The basic notion of
clashing) organizing frames to produce exchange leads to an implicit and
creative emergent frame structure in a abstract value scale. Blending the input
blended space. Double-scope blending of Values with an input of Goods
is what we typically find in scientific, augmented by material objects like bills
artistic, and literary discoveries and and coins yields a blended space of
inventions. Double-scope creativity is Goods and Money with Values in which
perhaps the most striking characteristic the elementary structure of buying and
of our species. selling as we know it can emerge. And
further successive blends will lead to
MATERIAL ANCHORS ever more complex emergent financial
Some of the things that we often take and economic dynamic organizations. A
to be the most basic in everyday living major goal of a social science like
and thinking are the result of creative economics is to understand the emergent
successive blends evolved by cultures structures that result.
over time. Edwin Hutchins [8] has
shown that material objects are

LEARNING see the mark without seeing the dog, or

Learning by new generations is the fork without seeing its purpose and
possible because much of the its etiquette. This is exceptionally
manipulation of the blended space can difficult: a human brain in its first few
be learned without having to consciously years is the quickest and most plastic
apprehend the full networks of which it and most capacious complex system in
is part. Although buying and selling, or the universe, but it takes at least three
telling the time are activities that take years of constant working to bring it to
time for children to learn, it is not the mastery of all these culturally-motivated
case that the children need to go through blends. This exceptionally difficult
the long explorations and the many development is almost entirely
garden paths that the culture went unconscious for the child and mostly
through before it came up with watches unobservable by adults, who see only
or money. superficial signs of the mental activity of
During the first three years of the the child and take them for granted
child's life, a seemingly impossibly because adults do not remember the
complex system of elaborate blending difficulty. Just as biology gives us
networks is constructed. The child has a entrenched integrations that we can
biological capacity for double-scope manipulate directly, so culture and
integration and the culture has a range of learning result in the building of
specific integration networks to offer. entrenched integrations that we can
The biology and the culture combine to manipulate directly. In both cases, once
impressive effect. Once a fundamental we have the integration, it is hard or
culturally-motivated integration network impossible to escape it. We construe the
is in place, its compressed, human scale physical, mental, and social worlds we
blend seems as obvious and inevitable as live in by virtue of the integrations we
the perception of a blue cup. achieve through biology and culture.
Communicating with language, making There is no other way for us to
and recognizing representations, and apprehend the world. Conceptual
using a fork and a spoon seem integration is not something we do in
straightforward both for the child and the addition to living in the world. Instead,
adults who interact with the child. The it is one of the essential means we have
fact that combinations of vocal sounds for apprehending and constructing our
mean what they mean, that the marks on world. Human beings have reached a
the paper are a dog, and that the fork is double-scope level of conceptual
an instrument for eating are taken as integration and this accounts for many of
direct and inevitable. We can no longer their specific performances.


[1] Coulson, Seana. 2001. Semantic Leaps: Frame-shifting and Conceptual Blending in Meaning
Construction. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[2] Fauconnier, Gilles. 1997. Mappings in Thought and Language. New York and Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
[3] Fauconnier, Gilles and Turner, Mark . 1998. "Conceptual Integration Networks." Cognitive Science.
Volume 22, number 2 (April-June 1998), pages 133-187.
[4] Fauconnier, Gilles and Turner, Mark. in press. The Way We Think. New York: Basic Books.
[5] Freeman, Margaret. 1997. "Grounded spaces: Deictic-self anaphors in the poetry of Emily Dickinson,"
Language and Literature, 6:1, 7-28.
[6] Goguen, Joseph. 1999. "An Introduction to Algebraic Semiotics, with Application to User Interface
Design." Computation for Metaphor, Analogy, and Agents. Edited by Chrystopher Nehaniv. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, pages 242-291. A volume in the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
[7] Grush, Rick and Nili Mandelblit. 1997. "Blending in language, conceptual structure, and the cerebral
cortex." The Roman Jakobson Centennial Symposium: International Journal of Linguistics Acta Linguistica
Hafniensia Volume 29:221-237. Per Aage Brandt, Frans Gregersen, Frederik Stjernfelt, and Martin Skov,
editors. C.A. Reitzel: Copenhagen.
[8] Hutchins, E. in preparation. "Material Anchors for Conceptual Blends"
[9] Lakoff, G. and Nuñez, R. 2000. Where Mathematics Comes From. New York: Basic Books.
[10] Liddell, Scott K. 1998. "Grounded blends, gestures, and conceptual shifts." Cognitive Linguistics, 9.
[11] Mandelblit, Nili. 1997. Grammatical Blending: Creative and Schematic Aspects in Sentence
Processing and Translation. Ph.D. dissertation, UC San Diego.
[12] Oakley, Todd. 1998. "Conceptual blending, narrative discourse, and rhetoric." Cognitive Linguistics,
9-: 321-360.
[13] Robert, Adrian . 1998. "Blending in the interpretation of mathematical proofs." Discourse and
Cognition.. Edited by Jean-Pierre Koenig. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information
[14] Sweetser, Eve. 2000. "Blended Spaces and Performativity". Cognitive Linguistics. Vol. 11, 3/4.
[15] Turner, Mark. 1996. The Literary Mind. New York: Oxford University Press
[16] Turner, Mark. 2001. Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
[17] Veale, Tony. 1999. "Pragmatic Forces in Metaphor Use: The Mechanics of Blend Recruitment in
Visual Metaphors." Computation for Metaphor, Analogy, and Agents. Edited by Chrystopher Nehaniv.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pages 37-51. A volume in the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
[18] Zbikowski, Lawrence. in press. The Conceptual Structure of Music. New York: Oxford University
[19] Websites for Mental Spaces and Conceptual Blending:
Development in artificial systems
Giorgio Metta (
AI-Lab – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA

Giulio Sandini (

LIRA-Lab – DIST, University of Genova, Genova, Italy

Lorenzo Natale (

LIRA-Lab – DIST, University of Genova, Genova, Italy

Riccardo Manzotti (

LIRA-Lab – DIST, University of Genova, Genova, Italy

Francesco Panerai (

LPPA-Collége de France, Paris, France

Abstract skill. Although, this has been successful in some cases

(Brooks, 1996; Hirai, Hirose, Haikawa, & Takenaka,
AI and robotics tackled the problem of building autonomous 1998), the final integration proved to be very difficult,
creatures (human-like sometimes) from many different and often failed. Moreover, the system was assumed to
directions. In spite of this, our systems are still primitive, little
be time-invariant and consequently adaptation and
adaptive and prone to failure. We present a possible
alternative to the construction of embodied artificial systems learning were not explicitly taken into account.
where the process of development is explicitly considered. This paper presents an alternative design
This is in contrast with the common practice of modular methodology, which although in its infancy, it is suited
design. We describe also an instantiation of this principle in to deal with the complexity, adaptation, and integration
an anthropomorphic robot interacting and acting in a real issues of artificial and biological systems. Taking into
environment. The robot is equipped with diverse sensory account the lesson learned from the modular design
modalities such as vision, proprioception, audition, and it approach and trying to overcome the problem of the
interacts with the environment through a sophisticated motor final integration, we propose the use of engineered
apparatus. principles of development to build complex systems.
The aim of the theory should be, firstly, to achieve
The approach efficient and adaptive robots and, secondly, to develop
Sensori-motor development in biological systems is a a “neurobotic toolbox” in which ideas about neural
structured process, where all the sensing mechanisms computation can be tested by engineering working
are gradually integrated with the actuating mechanisms systems. The latter issue should be considered of
in order to achieve a mature performing system. An particular interest for both robotics and neuroscience
extremely interesting aspect of this process is its due to the possibility to foster an interdisciplinary
underlying ability to deal with and solve complex approach to the study of complex systems.
multi-level integration problems. From an engineering The theory should address two level of analysis: i)
point of view, development can be thought of as a system analysis proper, where the system is described,
hierarchy of integration processes which involve at constituents individuated and the functioning explained,
different times different action systems. The whole and ii) construction theory: that is, how to design a
process leads each single newborn through intermediate working system; how to take into account time-
developmental stages characterized by different level of variance, adaptation and learning. The first issue has
functionalities and capabilities. Eventually the been mainly the approach taken by biologists; the latter
procedure results in the achievement of the final concerned mostly engineers – we propose a tighter
performing and mature individual (Piaget, 1936; Thelen integration of the two fields.
& Smith, 1998). The study of the biology – the modeling of brain
In robotics, the attempts to build complex robots (e.g. functions – can certainly suggest how to build more
humanoids robots) have always followed principles of successful and adaptable “artificial beings”. Adaptation
modular design: often, to make the problem tractable, raises the issue of learning; in other words, how can the
engineers applied a “divide and conquer” strategy. learner acquire useful information in order to
Following this approach, each module deals with a accomplish a given task? Which sensors does it need?
specific sensory modality and/or a particular motor Is learning always feasible? Until now, robotics and AI
have failed to give a definitive answer (assuming it robot can be a suitable tool where to condense our
does exist) and indirectly they have also failed to knowledge of brain functions and to test our models,
produce truly autonomous and flexible agents. In spite ultimately, against a real environment.
of many successes in building robots of various shape, In this context, development can provide a vantage
size, abilities, sensory types, etc. there seems to be point, for observing the temporal evolution of particular
something lacking in terms of “cognitive abilities”, as skills, in particular, to determine, what prerequisites,
well as adaptability of the system to the dynamic of the drives, and teaching signals are needed to learn them.
environment. This offers the clearest view on learning, not only, in
In recent times “brain sciences” also face an algorithmic terms, but also about its logical
increasingly and intricate picture, where it is hard to consistency.
discover the general underlying principles, which The following section outlines some of the
eventually will bear the real explanatory power. The foundations of a possible theory. Although some of the
panorama consists of a huge number of brain areas and elements are at the moment speculative, testing and
intricate interconnections between them (the so-called verification are part of the ongoing research.
“telephone switchboard” model). Here lies the Further, we describe an instantiation of the approach
significance of modeling: many researchers have in a behaving developing agent, which learns sensori-
employed computational models to explain functions, motor coordination during the interaction with the
to derive general rules, and to integrate data gathered by environment. We are aware that this is not yet complete
using different methodologies. Perhaps, not everything but by adopting a learning by doing philosophy, we
is suitable to be simulated, and the world – the hope, in the future, to frame the approach in a more
“external” environment – is something, which is too consistent mathematical framework.
complex to be replicated appropriately. In this sense a

Figure 1: Three shots of the experimental setup. Left: complete view of the robot; middle: close up view of the head,
note the cameras and microphones with earlobes; right: rear view of the robot and in particular of the gyros.

Outlines of a theory processes in the brain, which change the complexity of

The first hints about what to include in a theory of the learner, have been documented (Johnson, 1997)
developing systems comes from statistics and learning although rarely interpreted in this way (Quartz &
theory. The main result we refer to is derived from Sejnowski, 1997).
Statistical Learning Theory (Vapnik, 1998). Vapnik et To put development in an “ecological” context, we
al. suggest that the key of learning in a realistic setting need further to consider how training data is collected.
is complexity control. That is, not only the parameters This is because, data does not come for free: a cost
of the learning machine need to be optimized, but the might be associated to the effort of collecting it. Action
structure of the machine as well. We suggest that (and embodiment) needs to be explicitly considered.
development is about controlling complexity. This The recent analysis of the premotor cortices and the
approach justifies also the empirical observation that an discovery of, for example, mirror neurons (Di
increase of complexity is observed during development Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, & Rizzolatti,
(Turkewitz & Kenny, 1982). The presence of regulatory 1992; Rizzolatti & Fadiga, 1998) cast a new light in the
necessity of action as a prior to cognitive functions. questions developmentally. This might
Another element of the theory is thus the view of action include, in the future, experiments with
as a foundation. Aspects of the development of the animals or human subjects. A measure of the
ventral vs. dorsal stream also support this notion. success of the method is certainly the
Kovacs (Kovacs, 2000), in fact, pointed out that the possibility of suggesting particular aspects
control of movements (dorsal stream) develops before of the theory that need to be worked out, or
the ability to categorize (ventral stream). Other conversely, where the biological
examples can be found in (Atkinson, 1998). explanations are missing. The farther we
Although not immediately obvious, the theory will get along this line, the more successful
requires, at an even more fundamental level, goal- the integrated approach we are proposing.
directness and causal understanding. In fact, the very
basic element of every learning procedure is that of Delivering the promises (or part of them)
detecting regularities in the sensory data together with The artificial system, named Babybot (Metta, Sandini,
the ability to link the effects with the appropriate & Konczak, 1999; Sandini, Metta, & Konczak, 1997),
causes. Goal-directness has to be seen as a way to consists of a twelve degree-of-freedom eye-head-arm
understand when the result of an action is within a platform equipped with vision, audition, proprioception
particular class irrespective of the viewpoint or sensory and vestibular senses. The robot acquires and processes
modality – classes are, for example, grasping, holding, images in a space variant format also known as log-
tearing, etc. Any low-level sensory-motor coordination polar (Sandini & Tagliasco, 1980). The robot’s eyes
task (e.g. reaching, eye movements, etc.) can be learnt observe the world through a high-resolution fovea and a
in principle by repetitive trials. The efferent copy and lower resolution periphery. Acoustic sensation is
the sensory reafferences generated during action need provided by a couple of microphones and plastic
to be appropriately linked and synchronized if the cause earlobes. The vestibular sensor consists of three gyros
and effect ought to be correctly interpreted. Appropriate arranged along mutually orthogonal axes and it
mapping can fill in the gaps (i.e. the transformations) provides a measure of the angular velocity of the head
and their inverses to recover the correct movement to in space (Panerai, Metta, & Sandini, 2000). A global
apply in a given situation. This procedure can only take view of the setup is shown in figure 1, together with a
into account the learning of approximately direct close-up view of the head and the vestibular sensor.
mappings between the sensory and the motor space. The process we focused on is how Babybot learns to
The cause-effect principle has conversely a much coordinate the eyes, head and arm from an initial stage
broader applicability. where control is mostly reflex-based. Figure 2 shows
At the moment, we regard these considerations, the temporal dependences of the different maps
mostly as speculative, because a real theory should be controlling the Babybot and where learning is applied.
backed up by appropriate data. To recap, the goals of The specific learning tasks the robot is involved in
defining a theoretical developmental framework are: (see (Metta, 2000)) steer the system from the initial
i) Engineered principled: define what are the reflex-driven stage, with the help of some noise (Metta,
necessary elements of the theory of learning. Carlevarino, Martinotti, & Sandini, 2000), toward more
Examples we put forward are complexity stable patterns of sensori-motor coordination. For
control, the primacy of action, and example, initially the robot learns the relationship
understanding of causality. The latter has to between eye movements and image displacements,
be intended in practical terms rather than in which is needed to correctly foveate a spotted location,
general ones. but also to move the system into a second stage. In fact,
ii) Definition of a neurobotic toolbox: provide from the initial short eye movements the robot learns
an environment where to test biologically how to generate correct saccades. As the eyes get under
plausible theories of development. It is not control, more complicated coordination patterns might
required to be humanoid-shaped, although emerge, the neck can be moved, and thus head-eyes
we believe it has to be an embodied device coordination can be acquired. This latter stage is
with the ability to act in the real world. We accomplished by learning both the proper eye to head
already discussed, why we need action as a coordination map, but also a vestibulo-ocular reflex
constituent of the theory. (VOR). VOR itself is fine tuned automatically on the
iii) Ongoing investigation is devoted mostly to basis of a visuo-motor performance measure based on
the identification of the constituents of the optical flow. Intuitively if the whole coordination
model. From the robotic side, a model schema is not performing well, the lack of stability is
incorporating some of the discussed learning translated into a residual optical flow, which drives a
and development aspects has been realized corresponding teaching signal tailored at reducing the
(see next section). instability. In parallel, the system practice also with
iv) It is clear that more experiments need to be reaching by trying roughly to touch whatever object is
carried out in order to answer specific located in its field of view. Of course, at least initially,
most of these tentative movements are wrong. Babybot, where the complexity of the system is controlled or
though, improves by measuring its errors (only visual in increased as a function of the “experience” of the
this case), and after some hundreds of trials learns how system (i.e. the number of training samples). A
to reach appropriately within the arm’s workspace. It is developing system might take advantage of this
worth noting that vision is not the only available situation by increasing the complexity of the controller
sensory modality; sound for example is used to redirect over time. This insight can be also employed at a
the attention of the robot toward possibly interesting different level of analysis to justify a growth of
events. Also in this case, maps linking the spatial complexity of the controlling neural networks (Quartz
perception of sound with action systems are learnt. & Sejnowski, 1997). This is not in contrast with
Further, audition and vision are integrated in a coherent prevailing theories on neural selection (Edelman, 1988).
percept, which allows the robot to consistently redirect The key aspect in fact is the control of complexity, thus,
gaze when both sound and vision are present or when two processes (growth and selection) might balance and
only one of them is available. influenced by the environment optimally tune the “size”
As mentioned before, every sensory modality of the networks involved in sensori-motor as well as
available to the robot is activated from the very cognitive processes.
beginning. Conversely the sequence of possible action Future work is directed toward a more formal
systems is limited by various factors (i.e. only the eyes definition of the many facets involved in the
are appropriately coordinated at the very beginning, the developmental paradigm. It is worth mentioning that
neck moves subsequently, and the torso later in time the sensori-motor layer represents only a very first stage
(Bertenthal & Von Hofsten, 1998)). This dependence of development, which is at the moment artificially
shapes in a particular way both learning and the kind of carried out without cognition. This is clearly unrealistic
data gathered while learning. (in human development); a value system, drives and
The different “cortical” maps of Babybot are tuned in other higher-level processes are certainly needed to
order to work together and integration is already complement the model and give the robot the abilities
embedded into the system. The sequence of learning to bootstrap autonomously to new levels of
events is constrained in part by the physics of the development.
system, in part by how the modules are designed. The
resulting maps can develop in many different ways References
depending on the particular history of learning itself. Atkinson, J. (1998). The 'Where and What' or 'Who and
For example, a lack of vestibular stimulation, or a How' of Visual Development. In F. Simion &
failure of the sensor itself, would lead to a reduced G. Butterworth (Eds.), The Development of
coordination of the eye-head system. As a consequence, Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Capacities in
the gain of the movement would be automatically Early Infancy (pp. 3-24). Hove, East Sussex:
retuned because of the diminished stability and Psychology Press Ltd.
increased residual optic flow. This is a very diverse Bertenthal, B., & Von Hofsten, C. (1998). Eye, Head
adaptation with respect to a system where the different and Trunk Control: the Foundation for Manual
parts are designed in isolation. Further, because the Development. Neuroscience and Behavioral
maps are embodied and mutually interacting the state Reviews, 22(4), 515-520.
space experienced by the learner might rest in a sub- Brooks, R. (1996, November 4-8). Behavior-Based
manifold of the actual parameter space: i.e. not all Humanoid Robotics. Paper presented at the
combinations of parameters are valid or physically IEEE/RSJ IROS'96, Osaka, Japan.
generable. The benefit is that the exploration space Di Pellegrino, G., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L., Gallese, V.,
might be reduced as well as the time required to acquire & Rizzolatti, G. (1992). Understanding motor
particular skills. events: a neurophysiological study.
Experimental Brain Research(91), 176-180.
Conclusion and future work Edelman, G. M. (1988). Neural Darwinism: The Theory
In conclusion, development might be a necessary of Neuronal Group Selection. Oxford: Oxford
characteristic of adaptive systems: in other words, the University Press.
particular sequence of developmental events simplifies Hirai, K., Hirose, M., Haikawa, Y., & Takenaka, T.
learning by constraining the possible “roads” towards (1998, May, 16-20). The development of
skilled behavior. For example, newborns do not control Honda humanoid robot. Paper presented at the
all available degrees of freedom but rather start by IEEE International Conference on Robotics
practicing only a few. External/physical (like gravity) and Automation, Leuven, Belgium.
and internal/neural limitations (like reflexes or initial Johnson, M. H. (1997). Developmental Cognitive
synergies) effectively shape how learning has to be Neuroscience ( 3 ed. Vol. 1). Malden, MA and
carried out. Oxford UK: Balckwell Publisher Inc.
From the theoretical point of view, statistical learning Kovacs, I. (2000). Human development of perceptual
theory (Vapnik, 1998) actually endorses a procedure organization. Vision Research, 40, 1301-1310.
Metta, G. (2000). Babybot: a Study on Sensori-motor monkey rostroventral premotor cortex (area
Development. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, F5). In G. R. Bock & J. A. Goode (Eds.),
University of Genova, Genova. Sensory guidance of movement, Novartis
Metta, G., Carlevarino, A., Martinotti, R., & Sandini, Foundation Symposium (pp. 81-103).
G. (2000). An Incremental Growing Neural Chichester: Wiley and Sons.
Network and its Application to Robot Control. Sandini, G., Metta, G., & Konczak, J. (1997,
Paper presented at the International Joint November). Human Sensori-motor
Conference on Neural Networks, Como, Italy. Development and Artificial Systems. Paper
Metta, G., Sandini, G., & Konczak, J. (1999). A presented at the AIR&IHAS ’97, Japan.
Developmental Approach to Visually-Guided Sandini, G., & Tagliasco, V. (1980). An
Reaching in Artificial Systems. Neural Anthropomorphic Retina-like Structure for
Networks, 12(10), 1413-1427. Scene Analysis. Computer Vision, Graphics
Panerai, F., Metta, G., & Sandini, G. (2000). Visuo- and Image Processing, 14(3), 365-372.
inertial Stabilization in Space-variant Thelen, E., & Smith, L. B. (1998). A Dynamic System
Binocular Systems. Robotics and Autonomous Approach to the Development of Cognition
Systems, 30(1-2), 195-214. and Action ( 3 ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT
Piaget, J. (1936). The origin of intelligence in children Press.
(M. Cook, Trans.). London: Interntational Turkewitz, G., & Kenny, P. A. (1982). Limitation on
University Press, Inc. and Routledge & Kegan Input as a Basis for Neural Organization and
Paul Ltd. Perceptual Development: a Preliminary
Quartz, S. R., & Sejnowski, T. J. (1997). The neural Theoretical Statement. Developmental
basis of cognitive development: A Psychology, 15, 357-368.
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Rizzolatti, G., & Fadiga, L. (1998). Grasping objects
and grasping action meanings: the dual role of

Sound localization
Simple vision

Linear controller

Saccades Visuo-acoustic

Simple VOR




Figure 2 The developmental progression of the Babybot. A representation of how the various phases of the robot’s
development are interrelated. The light gray blocks are the initial configuration. See text for description of the
learning blocks.
Robots As Cognitive Tools
Information theoretic analysis of sensory-motor data

Max Lungarella (

Rolf Pfeifer (
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Dept. of Information Technology
University of Zurich, Switzerland

sensory channels as a result of an agent’s interaction

with the real world, as this is, so to speak, the “raw
In this paper we explore the possibility of employing material” the neural substrate has to process. The way
information theoretic measures, like the Shannon this data is generated depends, in turn, on the particular
Entropy and the Mutual Information, in order to more embodiment of the agent, i.e., its morphology (type,
quantitatively describe the sensory data and the
interactions between the different sensory channels of an position, and characteristics of the individual sensors,
agent as it interacts with the real world. We motivate the and actuators), as well as on the materials involved.
use of Shannon’s entropy and of mutual information,
two fundamental concepts from information theory, as In previous work (Pfeifer and Scheier, 1997, 1998;
alternative statistical tools. Entropy accounts for the Scheier and Pfeifer, 1997; Scheier et al., 1998) we have
diversity or variability of a sensory or a motor signal.
Mutual information, on the other side, helps us been focusing on categorization, i.e., the ability to make
understand the amount of interaction between two or distinctions in the real world, since categorization is
more sensory channels. The results of various one of the most fundamental cognitive abilities. A
experiments are presented. They show that an
appropriate sensory -motor coordinated interaction can natural organism that cannot make distinctions will
lead to a regularization of the sensory data. We hope neither have much of a chance of survival nor will it be
that the insights emerging from this research will of any use if it is a robot. In this research,
eventually lead to a more formal description of some of
the design principles of autonomous agents. categorization was implemented as a process of
sensory -motor coordination as suggested early on by
Keywords: Information theory, sensory -motor John Dewey in 1896(!), later by Gerald Edelman (1987)
coordination, developmental robotics, principle of
ecological balance and Esther Thelen and Linda Smith (1994). This
approach was chosen to overcome the problems of
classical – disembodied – categorization models like
ALCOVE (Kruschke, 1992), which view categorization
Introduction as a process of mapping an input vector onto category
Over the last decade-or-so, a number of researchers nodes. Classical models start from the assumption that
have proposed a developmental perspective on artificial there is an input vector consisting of “psychologically
intelligence and robotics. The ultimate shared goal relevant dimensions”, whereas an agent interacting with
among them seems to be the idea of bootstrapping high- the real world is exposed to a continuously varying
level cognition through a process in which an agent stream of sensory stimulation, which represents a
interacts with a real physical environment over completely different problem. It has been shown for
extended periods of time. In this paper we will only simple cases that through sensory-motor coordination a
consider embodied approaches, i.e., approaches taking temporarily stable pattern of sensory stimulation can be
into account the interaction of a physical system with induced, and a dimensionality reduction of the high-
the real world. An early attempt was the Cog project by dimensional sensory space can be achieved (e.g. Pfeifer
Brooks et al. (1998) at the MIT Artificial Intelligence and Scheier, 1998; Lungarella et al., 2001) (in
Laboratory, a more recent one the Babybot project at ALCOVE, for example, there are typically three to four
the LIRA Lab in Genova (Metta, 1999). Kuniyoshi nodes in the input layer, which constitutes only a low-
(1998) and Asada (2000) have been working in a dimensional space). If done properly, sensory-motor
similar direction. Some of this research is focused on coordination will lead to the generation of “good”
robot construction, some of it is rather metaphorical, sensory data, i.e. data which can result in stable
and some is focusing on internal mechanisms. categorization behavior.
The present paper represents an attempt at a more The present paper explores the possibility to employ
quantitative approach to the development of embodied information theoretic measures to more quantitatively
cognition. The goal is to acquire an understanding of describe the sensory data and the interrelation between
the sensory data that is generated in the different the different sensory channels as the agent interacts
with the real world. We start with a short discussion of maximization to reason about the organization of
some basic aspects of sensory -motor coordination. saccadic eye movements.
Then we describe a number of exp eriments and analyze
the results. Finally we discuss what we can learn from
this type of analysis and point to some future work. Experimental setup and experiments
Our previous work on categorization which lead to the
hypothesis of dimensionality reduction through
Sensory-motor coordination sensory -motor coordination is suggestive, but is only
By definition sensory-motor coordination involves both based on very simple cases. To further corroborate this
the sensory and the motor systems, in other words, it hypothesis we increased the complexity of the agent.
involves the agent’s body. As mentioned above, the According to the “principle of ecological balance”
sensory stimulation that the neural system has to (Pfeifer, 1996; Pfeifer and Scheier, 1999), in order to
process depends on the agent’s morphology, and its achieve mo re interesting kinds of sensory-motor
behavior: through its actions, in particular through coordination, there has to be a balance of the
sensory -motor coordination, an agent can induce stable complexity among the agent’s task environment and the
sensory patterns in different sensory channels that can sensory, motor, and neural system, which makes also
be exploited to form cross-modal associations (Pfeifer sense from a developmental perspective. Bushnell and
and Scheier, 1997). The cross-modal associations seem Boudreau (1993) talk about “motor development in the
to a basic prerequisite for concept formation (Thelen mind”, i.e., in human infants there is a co-development
and Smith, 1994), which in turn are of fundamental of the sensory and motor system.
importance for the emergence of what might be called To be able to simulate this co-development, our
high-level cognition. Cross-modal associations, which
experiments are performed using a five degrees of
also depend on the agent’s morphology, nicely freedom industrial robot manipulator, equipped with a
demonstrate how embodiment does not only have
color CCD-camera, that is mounted on the robot’s end-
physical implications, but also information theoretic
effector. This setup is often called an eye-in-hand
ones. So, the sensory stimulation is influenced by at configuration (see fig. 1). The camera is the only
least two closely related factors, morphology, and
exteroceptive sensor used in this set of experiments.
sensory -motor coordination.
Video frames are recorded at a rate of 10Hz, and the
Exploration strategies are particular instances of resolution is reduced to 192x192 pixels. The control of
sensory -motor coordinations, used to extract different the robot is image-based, which implies that there is
kind of information from the surrounding environment. visuo-motor couipling, in other words the desired end-
Tactile information picked up in combination with effector position is achieved by processing in an
systematic exploratory movement of the hand (or adequate way the camera image. The experiments are
mouth), yields richer sensory stimulation and thus performed in an unstructured, but static real world
potentially more and better information than passive environment, cluttered with a variable number of
contact, e.g., particular hand movements that can be colored objects, of different form, color and size.
identified as being critical to the ability to recognize The robot’s task is to foveate on red-colored objects,
objects. Results from studies on human subjects
independently of their shape, and size. The control
indicate that people explore objects consistently using architecture is hard-wired. The sensory part consists of
different exploratory hand movements, depending on
two one-dimensional arrays of color-sensitive cells
the knowledge (information) they are instructed to
arrange as a cross, in the following referred to as “1D
obtain (Lederman and Klatzky, 1990). Particular retinas”. The 1D retinas consist of a certain number of
exploration procedures are used to extract hardness,
color sensitive rectangles (which might be interpreted
pressure, texture, or compliance, because they provide
as receptors or sensory channels) – there are M
the sensory input which is “optimal and sometimes receptors for the horizontal retina, and N for the vertical
necessary”, for extracting the desired information.
one. The output of an individual receptor is the average
The same holds for vision. Eye movements, for over a rectangular patch of pixels. The receptor density
instance, have a task-dependent character, and very is variable and depends on the horizontal or vertical
much depend on what perceptual judgment we are position, x or y, respectively, i.e., δR ( x) , and δR(y) for
asked to make (Yarbus, 1967). Differences between the red-receptor, for instance - see figure 2. In this
tasks influence the way we pick up information, which paper three receptor types are considered: red (r), green
may or may not maximize the information intake. In (g), and blue (b). An additional receptor, sensitive to
other words, eye movements influence the statistics of
the effective visual input. (Lee and Yu, 1999) sketch an intensity, is obtained as I = . An attenuation
active perception framework based on information 3
of the influence of changing lighting conditions is
achieved through a color-space transformation - see
also (Itti et al., 1998). Three “broadly” color-tuned
g +b
channels are created: R = r − for red,
r +b r+g
G= g− for green, and B = b − for blue.
2 2
The negative values are set to zero. Each channel yields
maximal response for the pure, fully-saturated color to
which it is tuned, and yields zero response for black
(r=g=b=0) and white (r=g=b=255) inputs.
Figure 1: Basic manipulator geometry
On the motor side (refer to figure 1), the motoneuron
controlling joint J0 (shoulder), which is responsible for An additional feature of the control architecture is a
the rotation around the vertical axis, is fully connected habituation (or boredom) coefficient h. Its purpose is to
to the color-space transformed outputs of the horizontal avoid situations in which the robot keeps focusing on
1D-retina. The motoneurons of joint J1 (shoulder), and one and the same object. Its effect is to move the robot
joint J4 (wrist), which are responsible for the up and into random joint angle configurations.
down movement, and which are “kinematically”
The sensory -motor coordinated behavior is compared
coupled (see eqn. 1), in order to keep the camera always
with one that is not sensory-motor coordinated, where
horizontal, are fully connected to the receptors of the
vertical retina. Furthermore, once the robot has the joints are actuated randomly.
successfully foveated on a red object, joint J2 (elbow) is
actuated in an oscillatory manner - inducing a back and
forth movement of the end-effector. Its purpose is a
slightly more complex sensory-motor coordinated
interaction with the object itself. The weights of the
various neural connections are hard-wired, and can be
thought of as some sort of basic motor reflexes. The
control architecture is a “Braitenberg-style” reactive
architecture, with direct sensory-motor couplings. The
equations employed for updating the joint-angles Ji [n]
are (eqn. 1):

 J 0 [n + 1] = J 0 [n ] + f 0[n ] ⋅ M ∑ w0 i ⋅ RH i[n ]
 i= 0
 N
 J 1[n + 1] = J 1[n ] + f 1[n ] ⋅ ∑ w1 j ⋅ RV j[n ]
 j =0

 J 2 [n + 1] = J 2 [n ] + f 2 [n ] ⋅ ( w0 , 2 + w0 , 2 )
N ( N −1)
Figure 2: The camera-image is rectangular. The two
 [
 J 4 n + 1] = J 4 [n ] + 90 − ( J 1[n ] + J 2[n ]) one-dimensional retinas (horizontal and vertical) are
where f0 [n]=c0 (which is a constant) if J0 [n]<J0min ,
Analysis methods
f0 [n]=-c0 , if J0 [n]>J0max, and f0 [n]=f0 [n-1] else -
identical equations hold for f1 [n], f2 [n], J1 [n], and As mentioned above we are interested in the
J2 [n], respectively. w0i and w1j represent the weights information theoretic implications of embodiment.
that connect the output of the horizontal and vertical More specifically we want to investigate the use of
retinas to the motoneurons. information theoretic measures (Shannon, 1948; Cover
and Thomas, 1991; Papoulis, 1991) like the Shannon
entropy H, the Shannon or mutual information MI, and
its normalized companion MI , if applied to the sensory
channels of a situated autonomous agent. Many of the
results of information theory are in terms of these
fundamental quantities. The Shannon entropy H(X) 255=28 -1. Usually the channel capacity C is measured
accounts for the potential diversity or variability that is in bits/sec, and the rate of transmitted information
displayed by the random variable X (see appendix for a equals the entropy rate H ( X ) bits/sec. We normalize
definition), where X represents the signal from the
sensory channel. This is in principle equivalent to our everything by fs , which is the rate at which the sensors
intuitive notion of information – the more unpredictable are read out. These measures are applied to the four
a signal or an event, the more information its previously introduced sensory sub-modalities: red (R),
occurrence contributes. MI ( X ; Y ) is a measure that green (G), blue (B), and intensity ( I = ).
takes into account linear as well as nonlinear 3
dependencies between two time series (observations of Results
a stochastic process). This is in contrast to the better
known correlation function, which measures just linear We performed four different kinds of analyses.
dependencies. The Shannon entropy (displayed on the vertical axis) of
The application of information theory is not devoid of the red, green, and blue sensory channels of the
problems. One of the greatest problems is the huge data horizontal linear resolution retina in the case of a
requirement. To avoid it, (strong) assumptions about random movement can be seen on the left side of figure
the signals involved, and/or the noise have to be made. 4. The retina is composed of 18 color-tuned receptors
These assumptions are often unfounded and difficult to (R, G, and B-channels). The graph on the right shows
test. Nevertheless, assuming true independence of two the case of sensory -motor coordinated behavior
random processes, or normality of the signals, can (foveation on red-colored objects). In the central part of
significantly cut down the number of measurements the retina (from receptor 8 to receptor 12) the
required for the analysis. In our case no such information inflow through the R-channels is increased,
assumptions about the sensory and motor data are whereas the one in the peripheral part is decreased, if
necessary, because a sufficiently large number of data compared to the not sensory-motor coordinated case.
has been collected The number of samples per The behavior of the G-, and B-channels is reversed, i.e.,
experiment is around 3000, sufficient for the the flow through the central channels is decreased. The
computation of measures like entropy and mutual same holds for the vertical linear resolution retina,
information. where the effect is less pronounced, but still visible (not
shown here). The graphs are averages over six
A straightforward method of computing entropy and experimental runs.
mutual information is to estimate the first and second
order probability density functions - p(x) and p(x,y), The intrasensory information overlap between two R-
which is done by normalization of the 1st and 2nd order channels is shown in figure 5. Basically we set X=Ri
histograms of the time-series. The entropy (or self- and Y=Rj , where Ri and Rj are the ith , and jth R-channel
N respectively, and compute MI ( X ; Y ) . For perfectly
information) is given by H ( X ) = − ∑ p ( xi ) log p ( xi ) ,
i =1 dependent channels MI ( X ; Y ) =1, while for completely
for a discrete variable xi , which can be in N possible independent ones MI ( X ; Y ) =0. For not sensory-motor
states {x1 ,x2 ,…xN}. The mutual information is defined as
coordinated interaction, in our case the result of a
MI(X;Y)=H(X)+H(Y)-H(X;Y), where
random actuation of the joints, the information overlap
NM is minimal, there is no redundancy. Remember that
H ( X ; Y ) = − ∑ ∑ p ( x , y ) log p ( x, y) is the joint
H (X)
MI ( X ; X ) = , i.e., the redundancy is equivalent
entropy – the discrete random variable X and Y have N C
or M different states, respectively. Furthermore we to the normalized entropy or self-information, which
define the redundancy as the “capacity-normalized” explains the diagonal ridge. The case of sensory-motor
coordinated interaction is shown on the right side of
MI ( X ; Y )
mutual information MI ( X ; Y ) = , with figure 5. The information overlap is evident from the
C bumps in the center of the 3D plot. In other words, the
C = max MI ( X ; Y ) , where the maximum is taken over amount of information shared by the R-channels in the
p ( x) foveal part of the 1D-retina, is larger than the one of the
all possible densities p(x). In our case R-channels in the peripheral part. This redundancy is a
C = max H ( X ) =8bit for all sensory channels, i.e., the consequence of the interaction itself.
p( x )
Figure 6 shows the information overlap between two
sensory signals assume discrete values between 0 and
sub-modalities of the same sensor modality – color (R)
and intensity ( I ). The color channel and the intensity
channel share the same spatial location, but are tuned
to different stimulus dimensions, color and intensity,
respectively. Again, as for the Shannon entropy, if
compared to the not sensory-motor coordinated case,
the result of the sensory-motor coordination is an
increase of the mutual information in the central part of
the retina, and a decrease in the peripheral part.
The amount of variability (information) must not be
confused with the cumulated amount of activation (total Figure 6: Mutual information between R-,G-,B-
stimulation) of a particular sensor. Figure 7 illustrates channels and I-channel (intensity) for different sensory
this point. The not sensory-motor coordinated case can channels. Random movement on the left. Foveation on
be seen on the left side, whereas the sensory-motor red objects on the right.
coordinated case on the right side. Since the robot’s
task is to foveate on red objects, the peak in the
cumulated stimulation of the R-receptor is obvious –
the agent spends a lot of time foveating on red objects.
Less obvious is the fact that the maximum of the
entropy of the B-receptor for the same dataset is
slightly larger than the maximum for the R-receptor –
see figure 4. More striking is the difference for the not
sensory -motor coordinated case, where the relationship
is even reversed! The entropy of the G-, and B-channel
has an average of 5.7bit, the one of the R-channel
4.7bit. The cumulated stimulation is higher for the R- Figure 7: Cumulated stimulation of the R-,G-,B-
channel, though. receptors. The sensory-motor coordinated case is on the

The following few points are of interest. First of all, the
amount of information flowing through a particular
sensory channel is increased/decreased through an
appropriate sensory-motor coordinated interaction. An
upper bound is given by the channel capacity, i.e.,
H=C. Statistical information is maximized when all
Figure 4: The Shannon Entropy for different sensory possible sensory states of the discretized signal have
channels measured in bits. No sensory-motor equal probability of occurrence, which means that the
coordination (random) on the left, sensory-motor probability density function (pdf) is uniform. A lower
coordination (foveation on red objects) on the right. bound is given by H=0, no variability at all (constant
sensor stimulation), i.e., a pdf with a single peak.
Exploration strategies, that lead to a balance between
predictability (low entropy) and variability (high
entropy) of the sensory signal need further
investigation. In communication theory the goal is not
quite the same. Given a certain amount of noise, the
information transfer through the communication
channel has to be maximized, the more information can
be pushed through the channel, the better.
The second point of interest is that sensory-motor
Figure 5: Mutual information between receptors of the coordinated interaction leads to redundancy in the
same sensor modality. Random actuation on the left. sensory channels of the same and of different
Sensory-motor coordination on the right. modalities, i.e., to a higher mutual predictability
between them. If the two signals are totally
H ( X ) + H (Y ) − H ( X ; Y ) ecological balance mentioned earlier.
uncorrelated, MI ( X ; Y ) = =0 , and
C We may also make a step forward in describing the
the joint entropy equals the sum of the individual requirements for adaptive agents: The individual
entropies. The same measure reaches its maximum if components (dimensions in sensory and motor space)
the entropies of the individual sensory channels are must have a lot of variability, but they must also be able
high, and there is a high correlation among them (low to couple to others for specific tasks. This is precisely
joint entropy) – one sensory channel can be used as a what complex systems are about.
predictor for the other one. This redundancy is clearly The importance of an appropriate sensory-motor
not present in the case of not sensory -motor coordinated coordinated interaction cannot be overestimated, since,
interaction. The mutual predictability in this case is as the results show, it can lead to a regularization of the
much lower – see figure 5. raw sensory stimulation – see also (Pfeifer and Scheier,
Human infants exhibit a wide range of exploration 1999) and (Lungarella et al., 2001) - which in turns
strategies: mouthing, banging, fingering, scratching, should speed up and simplify learning. We hypothesize
squeezing, waving, and listening (Kellman and that the self-information (entropy) of the central and
Arterberry, 1998). When objects are placed in the peripheral receptors largely depends on the type of
mouth, infants are able to detect surface properties interaction, but is less dependent on the environment. In
(Meltzoff and Borton, 1979), and object characteristics a similar way eye-movements, and certain particular
such as rigidity (Rochat, 1987). In other words, there hand movements have task-dependent characters.
are different actions related to the exploration of Many additional experiments need to be performed to
different object properties, in the sense, that they confirm our hypotheses, though. Other sensory
provide the sensory input, which is “optimal and modalities (touch, audition) have to be taken into
sometimes necessary”, for extracting the desired account. They would shed some light on how infant
information. As shown in this simple case study, the discover intermodal relationships, and how the
information inflow through the various sensory existence of multiple sensory channels allows us to
channels very much depends on the action itself, i.e., an learn more about, and function within, the world.
appropriate choice of it seems to be of importance for Different sensor morphologies and other task
the simplification of the subsequent neural processing. environments have to be tested and they’re effect on the
Since entropy is an information theoretic measure that information inflow need to be explored.
captures the variability of the (sensory and motor) The next step will then be to exploit the data for
signals, it tells us something about the complexity of learning. Using similar kinds of analyses, we hope that
the interaction itself. In an agent context, the more we will be able to derive the conditions under which
diverse the agent’s behavior, the more variation in the agents can learn rapidly new categorization behavior
sensory channels, and the higher the entropy in the while maintaining the stability of existing ones.
sensory system. Since we are interested not only in
complexity due to sensory stimulation, but also in
complexity due to self-generated sensory stimulation, Acknowledgments
we need to take into account aspects of the motor
system’s variability. A good measure to start with, is We would like to thank Lukas Lichtensteiger, who
the ratio between the total entropy of the motor signals provided us with valuable suggestions and helpful last-
x=(x1 ,…, xS ) and the total entropy of the sensory signals minute comments. Furthermore we are indebted to
Fumiya Iida for the many discussions, which helped to
Hmotor ( x )
y=(y1 ,…,yT), we define it as B = . There shape the ideas exposed in this paper. This research has
Hsensor( y ) been supported in part by grant #11-57267.99 of the
should be a match in the variability in the sensory Swiss National Science Foundation.
channels and of the motor outputs. In other words, B
measures how well-balanced the motor and sensor
signals are. Information Theoretic Appendix
Some useful definitions:

Conclusion and future work - Random variable, RV: variable that assumes a
With the ideas exposed in this paper, it may eventually numerical value for each random outcome of an event
be possible to more formally describe some of the or experiment
design principles of autonomous agents (Pfeifer, 1996; - Probability density function of a RV X, p(x):
Pfeifer and Scheier, 1999), e.g., the principle of normalized 1st -order histogram of a RV.
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- Shannon entropy H(X): measures the randomness of analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
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- Joint entropy H(X;Y): Measures the uncertainty Bradford Book.
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- Mutual Information MI(X;Y)=H(X)+H(Y)-H(X;Y): connectionist model of category learning.
Psychological Review, 99, 22-44.
Measures the portion of entropy shared by X and Y.
It is high if both X and Y have high entropy (high Kuniyoshi, Y., and Berthouze, L. (1998). Neural
variance), and share a large fraction of it (high learning of embodied interaction dynamics. Neural
covariance). It is zero, if X and Y are statistically Networks, 11, 1259-1276.
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deviation from statistical independence.
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Since the logarithm in base 2 is used, H and MI are Proc. of the 1 st Conf. on Neural Information
measure in bits. Both, entropy and mutual information Processing. K-R. Muller. MIT Press.
are used in a statistical connotation; they can be thought
of as multivariate generalizations of variance and Lungarella M., te Boekhorst R., and Pfeifer, R. (2001).
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The Constitution of Spatiality in Relation to the Lived Body :
a Study based on Prosthetic Perception
Charles Lenay (,
COSTECH, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
Centre P.Guillaumat, BP 60319 – 60206 Compiègne Cédex France

Olivier Gapenne (

COSTECH, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
Centre P.Guillaumat, BP 60319 – 60206 Compiègne Cédex France

John Stewart (

COSTECH, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
Centre P.Guillaumat, BP 60319 – 60206 Compiègne Cédex France

Abstract simple substitution of an entry via the optic nerve by a

tactile entry does not, in itself, give access to spatial
Studies using the sensory substitution devices designed perception.
for visually impaired persons reveal that perceptive ii) However, if the subject disposes of the capacity to
activity itself is embodied in a lived body capable of actively manipulate the camera (movements from left to
movement and possessing its own spatial dimensions.
We have used these prosthetic devices, based on the right, up and down, zoom), he or she develops a
substitution of the visual sensory input by a tactile spectacular capacity to recognize shapes. The first step
sensory input, in order to carry out a systematic study of is learning how variations in sensation follow from
perception, and in particular of spatial depth. We show actions : when the camera is moved from left to right,
that the spatial localisation of a target requires dynamic the stimuli on the skin shift from right to left; when
sensori-motor coupling, and that this activity involves zooming in, the stimuli expand, etc. When the subject
the spatial dimensions of the lived body of the has learned to aim the camera at a target, he or she
perceiving subject. begins to discriminate lines and surfaces, and then to
recognize familiar objects of increasing complexity to
Introduction the point of being able to discriminate faces.
We have been engaged for several years in a iii) Thirdly, this recognition is accompanied by a
fundamental research programme on the functioning "projection" of the percepts into objects with external
and appropriation of technical devices for spatial localisation. Initially, the subject feels the
supplementing perceptive capacities (Lenay, 1997 ; successive stimulations on the surface of the skin.
2000 ; Hanneton, 1999). This programme is based on However, as perceptual learning proceeds, these
an extension of pioneering work of Bach-y-Rita on sensations of touch fade from consciousness, and are
"sensory substitution" systems. These devices have replaced by the perception of stable objects, situated
been developed, since the end of the 60's, in order to "out there" in front of the subject. Thus, according to
help persons with congenital or acquired visual the testimony of the subjects, the proximal irritations
impairment (Bach y Rita, 1994 ; Kaczmarek, 1995). produced by the tactile display unit are quite distinct
The first "Tactile Vision Substitution System" (TVSS) from the perception itself. This subjective localisation
converted a visual image captured by a video camera of objects in space comes about quite rapidly, after 5 -
into a tactile "image" composed of a 20 x 20 array of 15 hours of familiarisation and learning. Congenitally
stimulators placed either on the back or on the chest blind subjects discover perceptual concepts which are
(Collins, 1973). The initial studies with this device radically new for them, such as parallax, shadows, the
produced three results which are quite fundamental, interposition of objects, etc. Certain classical optical
and whose validity and relevance has only been illusions are spontaneously reproduced (Bach y Rita,
confirmed and amplified by subsequent research : 1982 ; Guarniero 1977). These experiments can be
i) Firstly, the presentation of shapes to an immobile performed not only with visually impaired subjects, but
camera only permits a very limited discrimination of also by blindfolded normal subjects.
the received stimuli, and the latter are perceived as The perceptual learning involved in these studies
being situated on the surface of the skin. Thus, the reveals the astonishing plasticity of the central nervous
system, which undergoes vast functional (Marque, 2000). The sensory input, in particular, is
reorganisation. The tactile sensory input has no reduced to the simplest form possible, a single
intrinsic relation to the retinal input of the visual vibratory tactile stimulator that is either "on" or "off".
system, and the motor control of the camera by the The stimulator is held in one hand, and activated by a
hands has no intrinsic relation to the motor command of simple photoelectric cell fixed on the index finger of
the ocular muscles. Nevertheless, the brain exhibits the the other hand. The photoelectric cell captures incident
capacity to constitute a perceptual world composed of light in a fairly wide angle (about 20°); it is activated
forms and events which correspond to those given to us (and hence activates the tactile stimulator) when the
by visual perception. In addition, if the tactile display light intensity is greater than a certain threshold.
unit is displaced form the chest to the back, and the
hand-held camera is replaced by a miniature camera target
attached to the frame of a pair of "spectacles", a Photo-electric cell
practised subject is able to adapt almost immediately. In
a few seconds, the subject recovers a distal perception
"out there" in front of him.
tactile stimulator
The essential role of action in the progressive
emergence of structured percepts lends support to the
hypotheses of active perception. In this perspective, we
abandon the conception of perception as a process in A luminous target is placed at a certain distance from
which the system passively receives an input in the the subject in a dark room. Subject are blindfolded, and
form of "information", and then performs can freely move their arm, hand and finger to which the
computational operations in order identify objects and photoelectric cell is attached. After several minutes
events in the form of internal representations. On the exploration, the subjects (20 sighted and 10 unsighted)
contrary, it is by means of his own actions that the are able to localize the target. There is two
subject seeks and constructs the regularities in the experimental conditions, distance and direction, of 6
relations between action and sensation. What is target’s position for a pointing task. We take the
perceived and recognized is not so much invariants of average distance between finger’s pointing and target’s
sensation, but rather invariants in the circular sensori- position. Subjects were able to distinguish between the
motor loops that are inseparable from the activity of the six targets as it is shown by the confidence ellipses or
subject (Gibson, 1966 ; 1986 ; Paillard, 1991 ; Varela, by verbalisation (on the basis of a series of reference
1979 ; Turvey, 1995 ; Edelman, 1987 ; O’Regan, positions previously learned) (Hardy 2000).
2001). It follows that richness of perception depends as To sum up: when the subject has succeeded in "latching
much (if not more) on the qualities of action (mobility, on" to the target, he is rapidly able to indicate its
rapidity, and indeed the whole range of actions that are position, both in respect to direction and in depth.
qualitatively possible) than on the qualities of sensation It will be noted that under these conditions, with just a
(spectral range, the number of sensors, etc). single point of tactile stimulation, corresponding to a
The requirement that the subject should be able to single receptive field, the sensory input is reduced to a
actively manipulate the sensory captors means that the binary temporal sequence: "off....... on.. off... on... off"
phrase "sensory substitution" is, strictly speaking, etc; in other words, the sensory input as such contains
inappropriate. It is not sufficient for a technical device absolutely no possible reference to any spatiality. We
to give access to novel sensory inputs; it must also may recall that in the TVSS, there were 400 points of
provide opportunities for novel actions, with stimulation, arranged in a 20 x 20 array that
appropriate sensory consequences. corresponded to the receptive fields of the video
This type of prosthetic device, in addition to its purely camera. Under those conditions, it was not possible to
practical import, offers an original experimental exclude that the input information already contained a
situation for the study of perceptive activity. It opens certain amount of characteristically spatial information.
up the possibility of an empirical access to the The present experimental set-up is designed specifically
consciousness of objects as situated externally in space. to totally exclude such an eventuality; if the target is
Specifically, it is possible to experimentally reproduce localized, it can only be due to active exploration. We
the genesis of depth perception in adult subjects, and may say that the set-up forces a spatial and temporal
hence to observe the processes involved. deployment of the perceptive activity; and
consequently, this activity takes the form of observable
Materials and methods movements that can be studied in a purely behaviourist
Our method of investigation consists of a deliberate manner.
simplification of the sensori-motor coupling, reducing it
to the bare minimum that is still sufficient for a subject
to perceive an object as localized in external space
subjects to succeed in localising the target. On the
Analysis of the results contrary, they perform regular oscillations around the
It is not difficult to understand how localization of the target: small wrist movements (i.e. exploratory
target is possible. In fact, localization is still possible variation in β) in order to determine, for a given value
even if the movements are themselves simplified, and of α, the precise value of β that is necessary to obtain
we reduce them just to movements of the arm around the sensory feedback. Overall, it seems as though the
the shoulder articulation, and movements of the wrist subjects seek to identify the functional relationship
(ie the elbow is blocked in a straight-arm position). For between α and β which holds when sensory stimulation
convenience, in the following diagrams we consider is present. It is indeed possible to rewrite Equation (1)
movements only in a 2-D horizontal plane (we recover to express α as a function of β :
3-dimensional space, as in the actual experiments, if we
consider also up-and-down movements). In Figure 1, β = 2π − α + Atan [ (b sinα - L)/(b cosα)] Equation (2)
we represent the situation in (x, y) coordinates. The
subject is situated at the origin, (0,0), which we This function is shown in Figure 2, for different values
designate as point O. The target is a point source, S, of L, and it can be seen that the relationship between α
situated at a distance L from the subject with co- and β is indeed characteristic of L. In particular, for
ordinates (0,L). Point P represents the wrist of the small values of L, β increases sharply as a decreases
subject; the co-ordinates are (b.cos α, b.sin α), where b from π/2 ; as L increases, the curve flattens out1. Thus,
is length of the arm, and α = (Ox, OP) indicates the the proximity of the target is related to the rapidity with
direction of the arm. The angle at the wrist, between the which β must be increased to compensate for a given
arm and the hand, is designated by β = (PO, PS). decrease in α. We may also note at this point that if the
subject makes a sudden, large movement of the arm, he
target becomes "lost", unable to rapidly discover an adequate
S wrist angle in order to point the finger at the target.
This confirms that the basis of depth perception is not
photo-electric cell
an isolated pair of values (α, β) but rather the
continuous function in Figure 2.
It seems likely that the relative facility with which the
w rist P β
experimental subjects succeed in this perceptive task
stems from the fact that the relevant rule governing
their movements, expressed mathematically by
0 x
Equation (2), is already well know to them as the
1 faculty of "pointing the finger" at any given point in
space. The same sensor-motor scheme is used (in
Figure 1: Specification of the variables L (distance of reverse) in order to "perceive with the finger". In other
the target), b (length of the arm), α (direction of the words, the perception of the spatial position of the
arm) and β (angle at the wrist). target is neither more nor less than the "extraction" of a
stable rule of pointing. It follows that depth perception
By trigonometry, from Figure 1 we obtain the does not occur in an abstract representational space, but
following formula for L, the distance of the target : rather in the concrete dynamic coupling between the
subject and the environment. The position of the target
L = b(sin α - cos α tan(α+β)) Equation (1) in depth is constructed as a sensori-motor invariant2.

We may suppose that the length of the arm, b, is known

(we shall come back to this point in the discussion). It 1 It might be remarked that, from a purely mathematical point
will be noted that for α = π/2, β is necessarily 2π and of view, one could equally well express α as a function of β.
the distance is indeterminate. We may suppose that this However, quite apart from the fact that the resulting
singular position (the arm straight out in front, the wrist expression is algebraically awkward, this would correspond
and finger straight in line with the arm) is used to set to the subject cocking the wrist at a set angle β, and exploring
the general orientation of the bust. Given this, from a the arm angles α to obtain a sensory stimulation; such
purely mathematical point of view a single pair of behaviour is not observed in the experimental subjects.
values (α, β) could be sufficient to determine the 2 Space itself can thus be thought of as the group of
distance. transformations which make it possible to repeat the same
The experimental observation, however, is that one or succession of sensations via the same succession of actions.
two "contacts" with the target are not sufficient for the This is closely akin to the conception of the space of
perceptions developed by Henri Poincaré (1905 ; 1907).
target. Perception is a form of embodied action,
inseparable from a lived body which confers the
possibility of acting in the world.

These experiments show clearly that there is no spatial
350 300-350
perception without embodied action, no depth without a
300 250-300 spatial dimension of the lived body which actually
Angle β (degree)

250 200-250 constitutes the "units" in terms of which "external"

200 150-200 space can be perceived. In addition, we have seen how
150 100-150 a technical device can function as a modification of the
100 50-100 "lived body" which is constitutive of perceptual
50 0-50 activity. We may generalize this approach by remarking
0 that any tool, from the moment that it is correctly
grasped, can be understood as an instrument of



coupling which is integrated into the "lived body" of


Angle α (degree) the perceiving subject. For example, the white cane of
Distance L
the blind person is an instrument of coupling which
renders accessible a tactile perception at the end of the
cane (i.e. where there are no nerve fibres at all). From
the moment that the tool is integrated in the perceptive
activity, it becomes "transparent" (i.e. it disappears
from consciousness). To take another everyday
Figure 2. The curve expressing the angle β as a example, an experienced driver "becomes one" with his
function of the angle α for values of L ranging from car; he perceives the road-surface under "his" tires; it is
1.02 to 1.42 (the length of the arm, b, is taken as unity). "he" (and not the car) which grazes the kerb or runs
over some rough gravel. The driver is not conscious of
In another series of experiments, we constrained the the vibrations in the car seat (as such), nor even of the
range of possible actions even further by requesting the relations between his proximal actions (turning the
subject to block the wrist movements, thus keeping the steering-wheel, stepping on the brake) and his
finger in a straight line with the arm. When the only sensations (visual or tactile); his attention is focussed
movements allowed were rotation of the arm from the on the outside, and on the events which occur in the
shoulder joint (i.e. variation in α but not β), the subject "world" in which he is acting. We may conclude by
was still able to indicate the direction of the target, but saying that technical artefacts, by transforming our
depth perception was lost. Similarly, if movements at modes of acting and sensing, transform our "lived
the wrist were allowed, but the arm was fixed (ie bodies" and are thus constitutive of our way of being in
variation in β but not α), the subject was again able to the world.
indicate direction, but depth perception was again
absent. In order for depth perception to arise, it was Acknowledgments
necessary that the wrist, with a possibility of action We would like to thank Clotide Vanhoutte and
(variation in β), should itself be able to move in relation Catherine Marque for their valuable help in desinging
to the target. This requires, specifically, a concrete the equipment and carrying out the experiments
dimension of the arm which sweeps over the space. reported in this paper.
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include the parameter b, the length of the arm. This is References
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drives perception
of behaviors
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A robotics framework for studying
the coevolution of signaling
Andres Perez-Uribe (
Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg,
Chemin du Musee 3, 1700-Fribourg, Switzerland
Michele Courant
Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg,
Chemin du Musee 3, 1700-Fribourg, Switzerland
In this paper, we propose a robotics framework for
studying the coevolution of signaling. Our motiva-
tion is twofold. First, we propose a situated and em-
bodied framework for signaler-receiver interaction,
and second, we provide a promising approach for
the study of mechanisms that would enable adap-
tive systems to access new information channels
and to exploit implicit information in their envi-
ronments. We present experimental results on a
successful coevolution of signals that enable a very
simple communication between two robots. Finally,
we delineate some aspects of forthcoming research.

Communication appears near ubiquitous throughout Figure 1: Signaler-Receiver experimental setup.
nature. Animals (and plants) use signals or displays
to convey information to other organisms (Maynard-
Smith and Harper, 1995). Traditionally, biologists models do not deal with abstract descriptions, but
have investigated the function of animal signals e.g. with a noisy and changing environment; moreover,
by experimenting with arti cial stimuli. More re- robots have bodies and experience the environment
cently, the use of game theory models has been con- directly but imperfectly, and their actions with the
sidered an important change in the elds of ani- environment are part of a dynamic system (Brooks,
mal behavior and behavioral ecology (Dugatkin and 1991) (See Pfeifer and Scheier (1998) for a complete
Reeve, 1998). Evolutionary games have been in- reference to embodied cognitive science). Second,
spired from economic decision theory describing the by gaining new insights into how biological systems
potential interactions of two or more individuals evolve strategies to access new information channels
whose interests do not entirely coincide (Maynard- and exploit implicit information in their environ-
Smith, 1982; Dugatkin and Reeve, 1998). Biologists ments (e.g., how do spiders Agelenopsis aperta get
have used them to model signaler-receiver interac- to know their opponents' size in a web ght -and
tions to study theoretical aspects of a wide range decide whether to ght or to retreat- by sensing the
of animal interactions, including prey-predator in- vibrations of the web (Richiert, 1978)), we might de-
teraction, communication between rivals, potential velop new concepts for the design of sensory process-
mates, o spring and parents, etc. More recently, the ing mechanisms for adaptive systems. We start by
use of arti cial neural networks and arti cial evolu- describing the signaler-receiver experimental setup
tionary techniques has provided a useful framework and then brie y discuss the problems of the noisy
for studying further theoretical aspects of the inter- perception of the robot. The following Section de-
action between signalers and receivers (Arak and En- lineates experimental results of the coevolutionary
quist, 1995; Bullock, 1997; Ghirlanda and Enquist, process, and nally, the last Section presents some
1998). concluding remarks and future work.
In this paper, we propose the use of robots to
study the coevolution of signaling systems. Our mo-
tivation is twofold. First, by using robots we pro-
Experimental setup
vide an experimental setup where signalers and re- In our experiments, two autonomous robots are
ceivers are situated and embodied. This means, robot placed in a box with white walls (Figure 1). We have
used one Khepera robot with a linear vision turret,
To whom correspondence should be addressed which contains a 64  1-cell linear image sensor, giv-
ing a linear image of 64 pixels with 256 gray-levels
each. It has automatic light adaptation (auto iris),
and the frame rate we used was 5 Hz. The second
Khepera robot is provided with a MODEROK mod-
ule, a display module with 16  4 LEDs developed
in collaboration with the Ecole d'ingenieurs de Fri-
bourg (EIF).
The two robots are separated by a distance of
about 8 cms (measured between their central axes),
such that the view angle of the robot with the lin-
ear vision system coincides with the width of the
signaler's display (the robots in Figure 1 are shown
separated by a distance longer than that used in the
experiments). In our experiments, for each signaler-
receiver interaction, the signaler has the possibil-
ity to display one of two possible bar-code-like pat-
terns (denoted here by L and R) determined by
its genotype. The receiver perceives the pattern
and uses an arti cial neural network with synaptic
weights determined by its genotype, to produce its
response (encoded by two binary outputs). A suc-
cessful signaler-receiver interaction is de ned as the
interaction where the receiver outputs a '00' pat-
tern in response to a signaler's L signal and '11' in Figure 2: Example of noisy signal perception. Each plot
response to a signaler's R signal. The additional re- on the right shows the activation of the 64 cells of the
ceiver outputs '01' and '10' might be interpreted as a receiver's linear vision system when the signaler displays
the column-based pattern on the left.
receiver response to an unknown signal or to a signal
it is not concerned with.
The genotype of the signaler is a 32-bit string run needed over 5 hours time (each generation was
which encodes 8 real values in the range [0,1) with a executed in about 8 minutes).
4-bit precision. Each real value determines the prob- The experimental setup was conceived with the
ability with which a 4  4-LED column is turned-on idea of establishing signaler-receiver interactions at
in the MODEROK display. The rst 4 real values di erent angles and distances from the very begin-
thus encode the probabilistic L pattern while the ning, however, due to technical problems with the
following 4 real values encode the probabilistic R positioning of the robots, we have so far explored
pattern. Probabilistic patterns were used in order the coevolution of signaling between two immobile
to simulate some noise in the generation of the dis- robots. The setup used so far is thus not really
plays. \strongly" embodied, but as well as robot motion
The genotype of the receiver is 5  16  2 bits can hardly be simulated, so thus noisy perception.
long. It encodes 32 real values equally distributed in As an example, Figure 2 shows the linear vision im-
the interval (-1,+1) with a 5-bit precision (one bit is ages obtained by the receiver given some signaler
used to encode the sign). The real values correspond displays. It appears that a turned-o column acti-
to the synaptic weights of a 16-input, 2-sigmoidal- vates up to 80% the linear vision cells ( rst exam-
output perceptron without biases. The inputs to ple of Figure 2), and such activation varies not only
the arti cial neural network are computed as the with the activation of other 4  4-LED columns (sec-
normalized mean activation of groups of four neigh- ond and third examples of Figure 2), but even with
boring sensor cells of the linear vision sensor of the the activation of LEDs in rows that the linear vi-
receiver robot. The binary outputs of the receiver sion \does not", in principle, perceive (compare the
are computed by comparing the perceptron outputs second and fourth examples of Figure 2): in our ex-
with a threshold of 0.5. perimental setup, it is the lower row of LEDs which
is maximally perceived by the receiver (e.g., a single
Embodiment and noisy perception LED in the lower row may activate a linear vision
It should be noted that even if the robots do not cell up to 100%). Moreover, a pattern with all the
move in these experiments and that they are placed 16  4 LEDs turned-on can be perceived as \noisy"
in a box with white walls, there is a lot of variation as shown in the last example of Figure 2.
in the sensor readings due to inherent noise of the
sensors and changes in the environment due to ex- Arti cial coevolution of signals
ternal lights. For instance, daylight changed quite We have used the experimental setup described
a lot during the experiment given that a complete above in a coevolutionary robotics experiment
1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

Fitness (Receiver)
Fitness (Signaler)
0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5
Best Best

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Generations Generations

Figure 3: Coevolution of signaling: signaler and receiver's best and average (of the whole population) tness per
generation. Each point of the plots corresponds to the average of 4 runs.

erating two di erent column-based patterns (asso-

L: R: ciated to the signals) given the genotype-encoded
probabilities of turning-on a particular LED column.
For instance, the L and R patterns in Figure 4 have
0.0% 31% 50% 0.0% 94% 0.0% 50% 94%
a probability of 99.87% of being di erent. It appears
Figure 4: Example of coevolved signals. The gray- that nding a set of probabilities that generates two
level indicates the probability of turning-on a given col- (frequently) di erent patterns is not dicult. For
umn (black represents the maximum probability, which example, the set of probabilities L' = f50%, 50%,
is around 94%, white means turned-o ). 50%, 50%g, R' = f50%, 50%, 50%, 50%g generates
two di erent patterns with a probability of 93.75%.
However, L' and R' do not produce coherent pat-
(See Nol and Floreano (1999) for a complete refer- terns, that is, the variation of displays produced by
ence of the basic concepts and methodologies). The the signaler given such probabilities is very large.
sizes of both the signaler and the receiver popula- This impedes the receiver to be able to evolve a
tions are 20, and each signaler-receiver interaction means of distinguishing L' from R'.
is repeated 10 times. For each interaction, the indi- The problem of establishing a successful signaler-
vidual being evaluated ( tness computation) is given receiver interaction thus needs a signaler's genotype
0.1 points if the signaler-receiver interaction is suc- that determines two (very often) di erent patterns
cessful, and 0 points otherwise (notice that the t- in coherent manner, that is, the probabilities should
ness is zero also if the receiver responds correctly to tend to be as close to 0% or 100% as possible, and be
only one of the L or R displays). Each signaler in- complementary for L and R. Notice, that the proba-
dividual of a given generation is evaluated by mak- bilistic patterns shown in Figure 4 produce coherent
ing it interact with the best receiver individual of displays in two of the four columns with the highest
the latest 10 generations. When less than 10 gen- probability2.
erations have past, one chooses the best receiver of Another interesting aspect of the coevolved pat-
a random past generation. The same procedure is terns is that of multicomponency (Rowe, 1999) (i.e.,
done for a receiver evaluation. Both populations are signals made up of multiple components, but not
then allowed to reproduce. One-point crossover was necessarily in multiple modalities). In patterns like
applied with probability 0.6, and random mutation those of Figure 4, some components might evolve to
was applied to each bit with a constant probability 'amplify' another component. For example, two of-
of 0.05. We used a roulette-wheel selection mecha- ten turned-on columns might have evolved not only
nism and no elitism. to signal something but to enhance the perception
Figure 3 shows the average tness of signalers and of an often turned-o column (See the above discus-
receivers of four runs of 40 generations each. Fig-
ure 4 shows the coevolved signals for the best sig- 2
Interestingly, this pattern appears to be quite sym-
naler of generation 40 of the rst run. The gray- metric. \Symmetry [in nature] may result from the need
level indicates the probability of turning-on a given among organisms to recognize objects irrespective of the
column. Such a signaler obtained a tness of 1.0 by manner in which they are encountered in the outside
interacting with the best receivers of the 10 preced- world" (Enquist and Arak, 1994). However, in our ex-
ing generations, which means it succeeded in all its periments, we have so far detected this kind of pattern
signaler-receiver interactions. once, and furthermore, given that the robots are immo-
bile, this property is not likely to be evolved by that
We have then calculated the probability of gen- reason.
31% 25% 56% 0.0% 94% 94% 25% 38%
depended on the morphology of the receiver's per-
ception system) and thus its cells are maximally ac-
L: R: tivated by a particular row of LEDs of the display
(the lowest row in this case). Accordingly, the upper
row cells appear to modulate ('amplify' or 'abridge')
94% 0.0% 56% 44% 0.0% 94% 44% 0.0%
the perception of a given pattern in the lower row of
Figure 5: Example of the coevolved signals for the sec- the signaler's display (Figure 6).
ond set of experiments.
Concluding remarks

Within the eld of Cognitive Science, the abundant

evidence of spatial and body-based metaphors in

human linguistic expressions, and more recently in


mathematical reasoning (Lako and Nun~ez, 2000)

Activation of the linear vision cells



has allowed for postulating shared mechanisms for
low-level control of embodied action and higher-level

cognition (Mataric, 1997). Thus, there is a growing

interest in both the body-related mechanisms under-

lying cognition, and the role of the environment in


the development of embodied cognition. Similarly,

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Linear vision cells

Figure 6: Example of the in uence of the upper row some biologists concerned with the study of signal-
of LEDs of the signaler's display in the recevier's per- ing systems argue that it is the in uence of the sense
ception of the pattern '0100' in the lower row of LEDs. organs and nervous systems of an organism, and of
They appear to change the light intensity detected by the environment, which drives the selection of sig-
the linear vision and consequently the level of activation nal precursors (Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 2000).
of the cells (due to the auto-iris), in particular those cor- Therefore, a signaling system arises as the result of
responding to the turned-o columns of the signaler's
patterns. a coevolutionary process between senders and re-
ceivers in which both bene t from its use (Zahavi
and Zahavi, 1997). In this paper, we have proposed
sion on the noisy perception and Figure 2). Finally, a robotics framework for studying the coevolution of
it should be noted that once coherent parts of the signaling systems. In particular, we show the suc-
evolved displays enable successful signaler-receiver cessful coevolution of signals that enable a very sim-
interactions, the rest of the displays (i.e., columns ple communication between two robots: a signaler
that turn on and o with similar frequencies) can be robot evolves a couple of column-based patterns, and
a source of bias for the development of future signals. a receiver robot evolves an arti cial neural network
To further explore the multicomponency issue, we that \interprets" those patterns.
performed a second series of experiments, where we Our experimental framework appears to be a
used the same setup as above, except for the fact promising approach for the study of how to pro-
of using a larger signaler genotype: a 64-bit string vide autonomous arti cial agents with the ability
encoding 16 real values in the range [0,1) with a 4- to access new information channels (e.g., the sense
bit precision determined the probability with which organs and nervous systems of an organism serve
a 4  2-LED cell was turned-on in the MODEROK many functions besides the detection of and reac-
display. When we devised the rst set of experi- tion to any particular signal (Johnstone, 1998)) in
ments we thought the 4  4 column-based patterns order to develop and continuously adapt their com-
will ease the evolution of signaling given that the munication systems. For example, this will enable
receiver used a linear vision system. Nevertheless, autonomous arti cial agents to coordinate their ac-
we found that even if the new experiment involves tivities in open-ended environments (Steels, 1999).
a larger search space, the possibility to display pat- Many aspects brie y mentioned along this paper
terns other than 4  4 columns permits the coevo- can be further studied with this experimental setup;
lution of a signaling system in the same number researchers (Arak and Enquist, 1995; Bradbury and
of generations and even with a better performance Vehrencamp, 2000; Ryan, 1998), for instance, have
(Figure 7). This is due in part to the in uence of recently promoted the notion of sensory drive as a
the di erent rows of LEDs of the display in the ac- source for new signals, thus we may ask, what are
tivation of the cells of the linear vision (Figure 6). those receiver bias that enabled the evolution of par-
Figure 5 shows an example of the new coevolved sig- ticular signals ? If we let the robots move, what
nals: the new two-row coevolved patterns have the will be the evolved patterns that enable robust com-
property of having probability values of turning-on munication ? Would those signals tend to be sym-
a given 4  2-LED cell closer to 0% and 100% in the metric ? How does multicomponency enhance sig-
lower row. This was expected because the receiver's nal discrimination ? How might it evolve ? What
vision system is linear (i.e., the coevolved patterns does the receiver's neural network learn to be able to
1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

Fitness (Receiver)
Fitness (Signaler)
0.6 0.6 Best

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 Average

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Generations Generations

Figure 7: Coevolution of signaling (second set of experiments): signaler and receiver's best and average (of the whole
population) tness per generation. Each point of the plots corresponds to the average of 4 runs.

di erentiate the signaler's signals ? What is the ef- and Animal Behavior. Oxford University Press,
fect of perception noise and \interpretation" noise in 1998.
the complexity of the receiver's arti cial neural net- G. Lako and R.E. Nun~ez. Where Mathematics
work? (Lerena, 2000). Future work will deal with comes from: How the embodied mind brings math-
this and more challenging aspects of coevolving sig- ematics into being. Basic Books, 2000.
naling systems. P. Lerena. Sexual preferences: Dimension and com-
plexity. In From Animals to Animats 6, Proceed-
Acknowledgments ings of the Sixth International Conference on Sim-
The author wishes to thank Patricio Lerena for valu- ulation of Adaptive Behavior, pages 395{404. The
able suggestions and very passionate discussions, MIT Press, 2000.
Dario Floreano for his help with the coevolutionary M. Mataric. Studying the role of embodiment in
algorithm, and the anonymous reviewers for their cognition. Cybernetics and Systems, 28(6):457{
careful reading of a draft version of this paper. This 470, 1997.
work has been supported by the Swiss National Sci- J. Maynard-Smith. Evolution and the Theory of
ence Foundation. Games. Cambridge University Press, 1982.
References J. Maynard-Smith and D.G.C. Harper. Animal Sig-
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A. Arak and M. Enquist. Con ict, receiver bias and retical Biology, 177:305{311, 1995.
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J. Bradbury and S. Vehrencamp. Economic models sachusetts, 1999.
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R. Brooks. New approaches to robotics. Science, sachusetts, 1998.
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S. Bullock. Evolutionary Simulation Models: On ability in territorial disputes . Behav. Ecol. Socio-
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Embodied Intentional Dynamics of Bacterial Behaviour
Catholijn M. Jonker (
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Artificial Intelligence,
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. URL:

Jacky L. Snoep (

University of Stellenbosch, Department of Biochemistry,
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Jan Treur (

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Artificial Intelligence,
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. URL:

Hans V. Westerhoff (

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department Molecular Cell Physiology,
De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. URL:

Wouter C.A. Wijngaards (

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Artificial Intelligence,
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. URL:

Abstract 1987); in his view the notions by themselves need not

be based on any physical substance, as long as they
Existing (embodied) chemical models of bacteria are effectively explain and predict behaviour. The second
rather complex, due to the thousands of interacting strategy is to relate the notions to observed behaviour.
chemical reactions within the cell. To gain a higher level For example, (Dennett, 1991) suggests that the
of understanding, more transparent and, thus more intentional notions relate to observed behaviour
abstract, models are needed. Intentional models are patterns; however, no indication is given about how
sometimes advocated to gain transparent models of
exactly these relationships are defined. This lack of
complex dynamical systems. However, a main problem
with intentional models is the symbol grounding grounding makes the position of intentional notions to
problem: the gap between the symbolic, discrete binary describe behaviour debatable from a foundational
decision processes and the continuous flow of chemical perspective. From a pragmatic perspective, however,
reactions in physical reality. In this paper an intentional intentional notions might well have their value in
modelling approach based on continuous time is explanation and prediction of complex behaviour at an
introduced and used to simulate the behaviour of E. Coli. abstract level.
The model is grounded in physical reality by precisely Using symbolic models for intentional behaviour
defined relationships to the chemistry. The introduces the well-known symbol grounding problem.
intentionalisation approach followed here is relevant in For example, in (Sun, 2000) this problem is discussed,
general, not only for biochemistry. In general, our
and an approach is proposed, where a combination of
approach enables the incorporation of real continuous
time in intentional (BDI) models. symbolic and other, e.g., connectionist techniques is
used: the symbols get their grounding by relating them
to lower level (e.g., sensory) processes within the
1. Introduction organism. Also in (Clark, 1997, 1999) a position is put
It is often claimed that the attribution of intentional forward to integrate functional and embodied
notions, such as beliefs, desires and intentions, eases perspectives in explanation of behaviour. The work
the understanding of complex agent behaviour; cf. presented below has a similar perspective: integration
(Dennett, 1987). However, the relationship of such of intentional and embodied models to describe
attributed intentional notions and the real world is not bacterial behaviour.
uncontroversial. In principle, to relate them to the real For simple organisms such as the bacterium E. Coli,
world, two strategies are possible. The first strategy is the chemical processes are sufficiently accessible to
to relate the intentional notions directly to physical obtain an explanation of, e.g., their eating (food import)
circumstances. This strategy is rejected by (Dennett, behaviour (Neidhardt, Curtiss III, Ingraham, Lin,
Brooks Low, Magasanik, Reznikoff, Riley, Schaechter comprised of energy production, transport and growth
& Umbarger, 1996). However, although biologists in pathways, further regulates the activation and inhibition
principle can describe bacterial behaviour by hundreds (inactivation) of certain enzymes. When all this is done,
to thousands of differential equations for the various enzymes may be ready to catalyse chemical reactions.
chemical reactions, they want more abstract ways of When enzymes catalyse reactions, they cause an
summarising the main paths of processes involved. This increased flux, leading to growth of the bacterium.
motivates for reconsidering the use of intentional
notions for this purpose as well, but to avoid the 2.2. Intentional Notions
foundational problems this time by using these notions The intentional notions that are used to describe
in a grounded, embodied manner. This poses the behaviour are taken from BDI (Beliefs, Desires and
interesting question how to relate a discrete, binary Intentions) models; e.g., (Rao & Georgeff, 1991). The
decision process to the continuous dynamics of beliefs represent what the agent deems to be true in its
(chemical) processes in the real world. environment. A belief is present due to sensing (in the
Section 2 briefly describes the bacterial regulation present or in the past). Desires are interpreted as what
process, introduces the intentional notions used, and the agent wants to accomplish or fulfil. Agents can have
relates them. In Section 3 the use of temporal desires contradictory in their fulfilment, for example
relationships to model both chemical and intentional desiring lots of ice creams and a slim waist. A desire,
dynamics is explained. Subsequently, in Section 4, the together with a sufficient additional reason, leads to an
food import decision process of the common bacterium intention to fulfil the desire. An additional reason is a
E.Coli is described using temporal relationships. set of beliefs that have to hold or not hold, in order for
the intention to be generated. Intentions are interpreted
2. Relating Chemical and as that the agent will make something happen (action),
Intentional Notions in E. Coli as soon as a belief in an opportunity (for the action)
Bacteria are small autonomous living systems that occurs. Opportunities are states of the environment that
give the possibility to perform an action. Actions
interact with their environment; the understanding of
the regulation of the behaviour is often complicated by performed by the agent affect its internal or external
the enormous complexity of the chemistry in the living physical environment. The relations between the
intentional notions are depicted on the right side of
cell. Using intentional notions to model the regulation
of a bacterium, this regulation may be more easily Figure 1.
understood. First, the regulation in bacteria is briefly
explained in biochemical terms. Second, the behaviour 2.3. Intentionalisation
of an agent is explained using intentional notions. The intentional notions used to describe the behaviour
Third, the relationships between the intentional notions can be related to the substances used in the bacterial
and the chemicals in the bacterial regulation are regulation. The internal substances relating to the
presented. situation in the environment are chosen to correspond
with the beliefs. DNA parts are chosen to correspond to
2.1. Bacterial Regulation desires. The conditions needed for the transcriptional
In bacteria, as in every living cell, the regulation of its regulation correspond with the additional reasons of the
intentional model. As can be seen from the left side of
internal processes consists of several steps (Neidhardt,, 1996). In this paper, the regulation of the lactose Figure 1, DNA is used to create mRNA. Therefore,
import is taken as an example; other regulation paths with DNA as desire, mRNA is chosen to correspond
with an intention to prepare for an action. The enzymes
follow similar steps as depicted on the left side of
Figure 1. First a substance in the cell relates to the created by the translation are used to increase the flux
presence of lactose. The transcriptional regulation, of chemical reactions (which correspond to actions in
the intentional model). Thus, the enzymes are chosen to
translational regulation and metabolic control then
interact to modify the behaviour of the cell. correspond with intentions to perform actions. The
So, the regulation of the processes within a bacterium (co)factors necessary for the translation of mRNA into
enzymes correspond with the additional reasons for the
consists of several steps. First, circumstances in the
external environment lead to certain concentrations of creation of the intentions for performing actions. The
specific internal substances. Then, the transcriptional opportunity for an action corresponds to the inhibitors
of the enzymes. When enzymes cause flux, (i.e.,
regulation is done, possibly resulting in mRNA.
Subsequently, the translational regulation is done, successfully catalyse reactions), this corresponds to the
possibly resulting in proteins. The metabolism, action happening in the world.
BDI Model

DNA desire
activation protein/repressor reason

mRNA intention to prepare

indicator reason
environment (co)factor beliefs environment
enzymes intention to perform
inhibitor belief in opportunity

flux action

Figure 1: The correspondence between the bacterial regulation and the causation in the BDI model.

reactions and their parameters were known, which is

3. An Abstract Continuous Time Model not the case. Example parameter values are given for
the transcription of the lac operon reaction, see (2).
of Chemical Processes
The bacterial behaviour results from a multitude of Regulators: lactose 0.01, CRP_cAMP 0.01,
biochemical processes. These operate on each other kcat = 0.01, keq = 100. (2)
over time, producing the behavioural regulation. The Viewed from a more abstract perspective, what does
overall regulation process is not easy to understand; for this reaction do over time? When enough of lactose,
example, a number of feedback loops between different CRPcAMP and nucleotides are present, the
stages of the regulation process and a high number of mRNA_lactose will start to be produced, and after a
chemical reactions are involved. certain delay a significant amount of mRNA_lactose
A more abstract model for the dynamics of will be present. The concentrations of lactose and
biochemical processes can be obtained by introducing CRPcAMP need to be sufficiently high for a certain
categories of concentrations of substances, and relating period of time in order for the reaction to proceed, a
different categories of the same and of different concentration of at least 0.1 mmolair (the threshold) of
substances over time. In this section temporal both is sufficient in the example. The amount of
relationships are used to express the timing dynamics. nucleotides needed for the reaction to proceed is at least
The resulting abstract model captures the timing about 0.1 mmolair again. A ready supply of nucleotides
dynamics of the biochemical reactions in logical is always synthesised by the cell. In order for the
temporal relationships using continuous time. reaction to happen, the amount of mRNA must not be
A generally accepted way to describe biochemical so high as to impede the reaction, a concentration lower
reactions is in the form: A + B ↔ C + D. This expresses than about 10 mmolair in this example. When the
that substances A and B can be transformed into reaction proceeds, the amount of nucleotides will
substances C and D, and that the reverse process is also slowly decrease. The amount of mRNA will slowly
possible. In the cell the pathways consist of several accumulate by this reaction. Other parts of the system
reactions chained together. For example (1) sketches will supply new nucleotides and the mRNA will
the pathway for the transcription of the lac operon. The degrade after some time.
transcription of the lac operon will be the leading The large amount of unknown parameters, and
example. computational complexity of integrating the resulting
transcription lactose: nucleotides + DNA_lactose ↔ …
differential equations make a model using only
↔ mRNA_lactose + DNA_lactose (1) chemical differential equations unwieldy. Therefore a
more abstract description is introduced. The process is
Formulae like (1) do not express inhibitors, modelled in our temporal environment as follows.
activators, speed and equilibrium conditions. For Temporal relationships are defined between a number
example lactose and CRPcAMP are the activation of sources and an effect. Parameters are used to specify
proteins regulating the transcription of the lac operon. the minimal duration of the sources, the delay before
Within the well-known Michaelis-Menten equations the the effect becomes apparent, and the duration of the
rate of a reaction can be derived on the basis of effect; for the delay a minimum and maximum value
concentrations of substances, binding constants, can be set. As an illustration, the temporal relationship
stoichiometry values and equilibrium constants. between the substances in the transcription of the
Michaelis-Menten provides formulae for the reactions lactose operon is determined. Since nucleotides are
in continuous time. Equations such as Michaelis- always present, these do not need to be mentioned in
Menten equations can be extended with inhibitors and the temporal relationship, as it does not influence
activators. Using these formulae, a complete description behaviour. The temporal relationship to determine
of the processes in the cell could be given if all the when the mRNA_lactose is produced is denoted as:
DNA_lactose + lactose + CRP_cAMP specified to fit the timing of the chemistry. The
→e,f,g,h mRNA_lactose (3) formally defined temporal operator “leads to” aids the
construction of simulation and derivation software to
On the left-hand side the conditions that have to be
support the inspection of modelling results.
met are listed. The DNA_lactose, meaning the presence
of the lactose operon in the DNA. Also lactose, meaning
the presence of lactose and CRP_cAMP (i.e., 4. Temporal Modelling of
concentration above a threshold value), meaning the Intentional Dynamics
presence of CRP_cAMP to bind to the activation sites Formalised models for intentional notions like those of
of the operon are listed on the left side. On the right (Rao & Georgeff, 1991) do not take into account their
hand side, the change that will happen later is listed, dynamics. To be able to closely relate an intentional
mRNA_lactose meaning the presence of lactose mRNA
model to the bacterial embodiment in chemical
that is produced. The parameters e, f, g and h are processes, such dynamics is crucial. Therefore a
positive real numbers that set the minimum and temporal modelling approach to intentional dynamics is
maximum delay (e and f), the condition duration (g) introduced, based on the temporal “leads to” relation
and the result duration (h). Realistic parameters for the introduced in the previous section. The dynamics of
values of e, f, g and h for the example are e = 60, f = intentional notions is expressed in terms of this “leads
60, g = 1 and h = 40, as the process to create the mRNA to” relation. By applying the correspondences between
takes about 60 seconds, and the mRNA will stay in the intentional notions and the chemical substances
existence for about 40 seconds on average. When the from the previous sections a dynamic model based on
condition holds for 1 second or more, the transcription intentions is obtained. The resulting model is a correct
process starts. and transparent high level description of the regulation
Previously, a temporal model has been presented of process, understandable for the reader not versed in the
chemical processes using categories of substances and technicalities of the chemical pathways in the cell.
temporal relationships between these. Here the The model presented here covers food import
temporal relation •→ → that is called the “leads to” behaviour of E. Coli. The temporal relationships
relation is more precisely defined. When α •→ →e,f,g,h β between desire(lactose_import) and intention(lactose_import),
this means that: using belief(lactose_externally_present) and belief(not
if property α holds for a while (g), then some time glucose_externally_present) are discussed here as an
(between e and f) later property β will hold for a example. The desire and the beliefs (the reason for the
while (h). creation of the intention) must hold for at least some
The definition of the relationships as given above, duration. After a delay larger than the minimum delay
can be applied to situations where the sources hold for and shorter than the maximum delay, the intention
longer than the minimum g. The result for a longer starts to hold for some duration. This temporal
duration of α for α •→ → β is depicted in Figure 2. The relationship is denoted in relation (4).
additional duration that the source holds, is also added
to the duration that the result will hold, provided that desire(lactose_import) ∧ belief(lactose_externally_present) ∧
the condition e + h ≥ f holds. This is because the belief(not glucose_externally_present)
definition can be applied at each subinterval of α, •→→e,f,g,h intention(lactose_import). (4)
resulting in many overlapping intervals of β. The end The intentional notions are related to the substances,
result is that the additional duration also extends the as discussed in the Sections 2.3 and 3.1.
duration that the resulting notion β holds. More In relation to (4), the lactose and CRPcAMP
formally: substances are interpreted as beliefs. The DNA relates
[α •→→e,f,g,h β & e+h ≥ f] ⇒ ∀a≥0: α •→→e,f,g+a,h+a β to a desire and the mRNA to an intention. The
additional duration
nucleotides and other, intermediate, substances are not
duration g
additional duration
labelled with intentional notions. These substances are
notion α
only the machinery of the embodiment of the bacterial
notion β cognition, and play no decisive role in the lactose
duration h
actual delay uptake behaviour. This means that, leaving out these,
minimum delay the intentional model provides a more abstract picture
maximum delay of the processes. If new insights were to prove some
substances play a significant role in the decision
Figure 2: Temporal relationships for longer durations. process, these can easily be added. Assigning the
intentional notions to the substances is not enough. It is
Using these temporal relationships, the bacterial also necessary to know at which concentration of the
regulation can be modelled from the chemical substance the intentional notion holds. A threshold is
perspective. The temporal relationships capture the used to determine whether the intention notion holds or
timing of the underlying chemical reactions. The not.
durations and delay minimum and maximum can be
The timing parameters e, f, g, and h are the same as lactose import, and enough additional reason is present
those found in the abstract chemical model, thus (additional_reason2.1), the belief that lactose is present
relation (5) holds. outside, then the intention to perform the import of
lactose is generated. When the cell intends to prepare
desire(lactose_import) ∧ belief(lactose_externally_present) ∧
belief(not glucose_externally_present) glucose import, and enough additional reason is present
•→→ 60,60,1,40 intention(lactose_import). (5) (additional_reason2.2), the belief that glucose is present
outside the cell, then the intention to perform the
Some more example intentional temporal glucose import is generated.
relationships within the model are:
................................ Desires ................................ 5. Discussion
desire(grow). The relationship between the chemical regulation
desire(food_import). substances and the intentional notions for the behaviour
desire(lactose_import) . description shows that the intentional model presented
desire(glucose_import). in Section 4 is grounded by the chemical processes of
the regulation. The simulation of the intentional model
The cell always desires to grow. From this basic desire proves that the intentional model corresponds to the
stem the other desires, which also always hold. The cell chemical bacterial regulation. In other words, the BDI
desires to import nutrients (in order to grow). The cell model apparently matches well with the regulation that
also desires to import glucose (in order to import happens in living cells.
nutrients), and to import lactose (in order to import The value of this work for Biology lies in managing
nutrients). the complexity of living systems. For example, the
.......... Intentions to prepare import actions .......... internal processes within organisms often are so
complex that explanations of their behaviour in terms of
desire(lactose_import) and additional_reason1.1 •→
→ a large variety of physical and chemical processes are
60,60,1,40intention(prepare_lactose_import) . inaccessible. This paper shows how, at least for
desire(glucose_import) and additional_reason1.2 •→
→ moderately complex organisms, abstraction and
60,60,1,40 intention(prepare_glucose_import) . intentionalisation of such continuous processes can be
done in a justifiable manner. The resulting models show
additional_reason1.1 = def belief(lactose_externally_present) intentional dynamics embodied in physical and
and belief(not glucose_externally_present). chemical models of real world dynamics.
additional_reason1.2 = def true.

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