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cross your mind

it never crossed my mind - it never occurred me - I never thought

go ahead with sth - begin sth even though the time isn’t perfect
in the habit of - a repetitive act He’s not in the habit of drinking alcohol
lose track of time - to be unaware of what time it is
make a point of - make a special effort to do sth
it's only a matter of time until/before
it's only a matter of time until they win the league
turn out to be
see the point in/of - I don’t see the point in studying Latin, I’m never going to use it.
account for sth - form the total of sth, explain the reason for sth or the cause of sth
adhere to - follow - adhere to the rules
allude to - mention someone in a brief or indirect way; imply, indicate
back down - admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated
back up - make a copy of a computer file; support someone
bank on - base your hopes on something
be on the point of - be about to - I was on the point of calling the police - I was about to call the
known as - called by name - Terry otherwise known as ‘’Muscleman’’
known for - known for being - followed by a characteristic - He was known for his amazing musical
bend the rules - break the rules
turn a blind eye to sth - deliberately ignore sth that you know should not be happening
as long as - provided that (if)
as far as I see it - in my opinion
as if/ as though - It looks as if it might rain. It was as though we had known each other for years.
seeing as - because/since/as - Seeing as it’s a nice day, I will go for a walk
as yet - up until the present time, so far, up until now - The side-effects of the drug are as yet
as to - with regard to, according to
As to your question, I will answer it tomorrow
The players were put into groups as to their ability
for as little as - usually used with prices - starting from this small price - For as little as 20 you can
travel the world
get straight to the point - talk about the most important thing
have little difficulty in - it’s not difficult to do
responsible for - in charge of
It's common knowledge that
due to - because of
due to arrive - scheduled to arrive
come up with - think of plan idea suggestion
count on - rely on
crack me up - make me laugh
crop up - appear suddenly or unexpectedly - pop, pop up
cut back on - reduce the amount of sth (money that you spend)
cut down on - reduce in size or amount (smoking drinking spending)
cut out - omit, eliminate
dive into sth - start doing sth suddenly and energetically
set aside - save for a special purpose - set aside money for a house down payment
supposing/what if - imagine
if you happen to - by chance - if you happen to be passing the shops, can you pop in and get me some
coke please
set off on a journey - start a journey
come up - be mentioned or discussed; arise or appear
look up - find sth (word in a dictionary)
get it together - control things in your life to achieve your aims
get over sth - recover from illness loss difficulty
get through to - dotrzeć do czegoś
nowhere near as good as
on my own - by myself
put the blame on somebody - blame someone for something
owing to - because of
put your mind at ease - stop you from worrying
second to none - the very best
out of the question - impossible, not feasible, not permitted
under the impression that - mieć wrażenie
fall prey to - become a victim of
follow in someone’s footsteps - I followed in my father’s footsteps and became an engineer
get a kick out of sth - enjoy sth a lot
get the hang of sth - chwytać coś, jak się robi, połapać się w czymś
get to grips with sth - zmierzyć się z czymś, uporać się z czymś
narrow down (to four) - reduce the number of possibilities
pan out - potoczyć się, ułożyć się, układać się
pass away - die
pass out - faint
pick out sth - choose
pile up - usypać, układać w stos, nagromadzać się, piętrzyć się p
put forward - proponować coś, nominować kogoś na stanowisko

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