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Trong giáo dục trung học Việt Nam, High Schools for the Gifted or Specialized High

Schools (Trường Trung học phổ thông chuyên hoặc Trường THPT chuyên) là trường công
lập được chỉ định dành cho học sinh trung học nhằm bộc lộ tiềm năng năng khiếu về khoa
học tự nhiên, khoa học xã hội và/hoặc ngoại ngữ. Các trường năng khiếu được chia thành hai
loại: trường cấp tỉnh và trường trực thuộc trường đại học. Trường trung học chuyên đầu tiên
được thành lập vào năm 1966, và kể từ đó mỗi tỉnh của Việt Nam hiện có ít nhất một trường
trung học chuyên. Đầu vào một trường trung học năng khiếu dựa trên kết quả kiểm tra và cực
kỳ cạnh tranh.

Thời kỳ đầu, các trường năng khiếu tập trung vào các môn khoa học tự nhiên (chủ yếu là
Toán, tiếp theo là Vật lý, Hóa học và Công nghệ thông tin). Với sự gia tăng cạnh tranh ở các
lĩnh vực khác như khoa học xã hội (Lịch sử, Địa lý, Văn học Việt Nam), các trường năng
khiếu hiện nay mở rộng hơn về các chuyên ngành như Tiếng Anh, Sinh học, v.v. cũng như
nhiều giải thưởng học thuật trong nước và quốc tế (trong đó có Olympic Khoa học Quốc tế).

Trong thời cổ điển và thời trung cổ, giáo dục trung học được nhà thờ cung cấp cho con trai
của giới quý tộc và nam sinh chuẩn bị vào đại học và chức tư tế. Khi thương mại đòi hỏi các
kỹ năng khoa học và hàng hải, nhà thờ miễn cưỡng mở rộng chương trình giảng dạy và mở
rộng đầu vào. Với Cải cách, nhà nước đã giành quyền kiểm soát việc học từ nhà thờ, và với
Comenius và John Locke, giáo dục đã thay đổi từ việc lặp lại văn bản tiếng Latinh sang xây
dựng kiến thức cho trẻ. Giáo dục chỉ dành cho số ít. Cho đến giữa thế kỷ 19, các trường trung
học được tổ chức để đáp ứng nhu cầu của các tầng lớp xã hội khác nhau với tầng lớp lao
động học 4 năm, tầng lớp thương gia 5 năm và giới thượng lưu 7 năm. Quyền được giáo dục
trung học đã được luật hóa sau năm 1945, và một số quốc gia đang chuyển sang giáo dục
trung học bắt buộc và miễn phí cho tất cả thanh niên dưới 19 tuổi.
The pie chart indicates the ratio of the main reasons why agricultural lands degrades in the
world while the table data illustrates the percentage of land degradation in North America,
Europe and the Oceania due to those factors mentioned.

Overall, over-grazing, deforestation and over-cultivation are the main cause. In addition,
Europe seems to be the most affected area in the world.

As the pie chart shows, over-grazing accounted for the largest ratio of worldwide land
degradation which was exactly 35%. Following this, deforestation and over-cultivation
represented the second and the third reasons caused the degradation with 30% and 28%,
respectively. Other factors only contributed 7% to worldwide land degradation in 1990.

Looking at the table, Europe had the highest percentage of land degradation (23%), this
result came from deforestation (9.8%), over-cultivation (7.7%) and over-grazing (5.5%).
Oceania stood at the second-highest level of land degradation; noticeably, 0% of Oceania
degradation came from over-cultivation while over-grazing contributed 11.3% of land
degradation, this was the highest contribution of three factors to the land degradation of an
area in the three regions. North America was the least affected by these factors when it only
accounted for 5% of land degradation by these reasons in 1990.
In a company, top managers are often the older generation. Some people said that it is better
to promote a young person to a leadership position. In my opinion, I disagree with this view
because older people have more experience in solving complex problems, plus they are
respected and supported by other co-workers.

It is obvious that aged employees have more working experiences than young ones. Clearly,
they have failed and succeeded many times in numerous projects to have a deep background
in their career. As a result, old people can be calm and wise enough to give the best solution
when an enterprise is facing tough challenges. For example, many job descriptions for senior
leaders from multinational companies require candidates over 40 years old with at least 20
years of experience in a unique profession.

Moreover, staff in a firm tend to respect and support the elderly. To be more specific, older
people have spent numerous years dedicating themselves to work, communicating and
connecting deeply with employees. In addition, they also have a long time to gain popularity
and successful achievement, which have positive impacts on others. Conversely, young
people need years to demonstrate themselves successfully to gain credit with other
colleagues. For instance, according to business magazines, most directors in big corporations
are over 50 years old who are voted by other younger members because of their long-term

To conclude, considering the metioned points, it can be inferred that the responsibility of
directing and leading the organization should fall upon the shoulders of far more
knowledgeable and experienced personnel to achieve fruitful results.
It is true that higher positions are prevalently held by aging members in many organizations
these days. While some people believe younger people would demonstrate better leadership,
it is in my opinion that senior managers possess more advantages over the young in leading a

To begin with, it is usually difficult for the young to compete with the old in terms of
experience. Those who have gained adequate experience can more effectively manage to
lead the individuals of an organization than those who do not. The reason for this is that
business matters often require the people in charge to have not only the knowledge of coping
with problematic situations but also strong nerves to calmly find a feasible solution. As a
result, years of experience in a relevant position tend to make the elderly better candidates
than those who are relatively young and new to the tasks.

Another advantage belonging to aged people is that they are likely to receive more support
from the people in an organization. As the time spent working with the staff of the senior is
often longer, they can understand their colleagues better, achieving more popularity. It is
interpersonal communication skills and approval of other people that can tremendously affect
the success of a leader. Younger members, on the other hand, will need more time to make
contributions over time to prove themselves worthy.

In conclusion, I believe that critical positions of authority should be given to senior staff
members for the certain reasons mentioned rather than the young.
In a company, top managers are often the older generation. Some people said that it is better
to promote a young person to a leadership position. From my perspective, despite some
outstanding qualities that young people may possess, the aged members are more qualified to
hold managerial positions.

On the one hand, young individuals can be good leaders for some reasons. Firstly, they own
innovative thinking, generate great ideas or even have insane vision for the future. Therefore,
these leaders would easily implement revolutionary policies to improve productivity and
economy being more effective. Secondly, with the youth power and technological adaptation,
young directors are more flexible than those older in making marketing survey and finding
new business partners. Consequently, they are more likely to catch the market trends and
making decision quickly which lead to the success in investment.

On the other hand, there are some compelling reasons why elderly people can be superior
candidates to younger members for high positions in an organisation. Because of working a
long time in their field, aged directors not only have much experience in management and
business but also understand deeply about the corporate culture of the company they work
for than the younger members. Therefore, their project would rarely have significant
mistakes. Old directors also seem good at working under pressure rather than those younger,
so they are less likely to be affected by turnove, sales. Additionally, senior people may exert
greater influence on other members in the company because people tend to pay their respects
to the elderly. Compared to the young, old people can obviously have a more powerful voice,
hence running the business more efficiently.
In conclusion, although younger directors own many advantages, I still believe they would
not be better than older leaders because of some reasons that I mentioned above.

In conclusion, better state of health and a sense of creativity may make youngsters good
leaders, however, I am still convinced that these important positions should be given to older
people who possess more experience and influential voice.
1. Écoutez et choississez la bonne réponse (Campus-track 18)
1. Marie habite en …………….
A. France B. Espagne C. Portugal D. Italie
2. Cadaquès, c’est ……..
A. grand B. large C. trèspetit D. très grand
3. C’est ……
A. un petit port B. une grande ville C. un hôtel D. un restaurant
4. On parle ………….
A. catalan B. anglais C. français D. catalan et espagnol
5. Marie habite dans …….
A. une maison B. un appartement C. un studio D. une salle

page 32
parler des lieux où l'on habite talk about where we live
où habite Marie where does Mary live
écouter et cocher listen and tick

alors vous ñ'habitez pas en France then you don't live in France
non j'habite en Espagne no i live in spain
à Cadaqués in Cadaques
c’est grand Cadaqués Cadaqués is big
non ç'est tout petit no it's very small
c'est un village mais c'est très joli it's a village but it's very pretty
il y a la mer there is the sea
ç'est un petit port it's a small harbor
il y a beaucoup de touristes there are many tourists
oui, … les hôtels et des restaurants yes, it's hotels and restaurants
on parle français à Cadaqués French is spoken in Cadaqués
on parle catalan et espagnol we speak Catalan and Spanish
mais dans les hôtels et les restaurants on but in hotels and restaurants we also speak
parle aussi français French
et vous habitez où dans un appartement and where do you live in an apartment
dans une maison moderne au bord de la
in a modern house by the sea
1. Cerclez les nombres (circle the numbers)

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69


2. 12 _____ 27 _____ 43 _____ 61 _____

3. Écoutez le numéro de téléphone (Taxi-16)
1. Quelle est le numéro de la chambre? C’est la chambre ____.
2. Quel est le numéro de téléphone de l’hôtel? C’est le ______.
A. 01 46 55 28 21 B. 01 46 55 38 21 C. 01 46 57 38 21

bonsoir madame
bonsoir monsieur
vois-tu ma clé s'il vous plaît
(hỏi cái chìa khóa phòng)
quel est votre numéro de chambre
chambre 23
……(đưa chìa khóa)
s'il vous plaît quel est le numéro de téléphone de l'hôtel
(please what is the hotel phone number)
c'est le 01 46 57 38 21
(nhắc lại lần nữa)
Oh merci
bonne nuit
bonne nuit madame
城市列表 danh sách thành phố
全国 toàn thể đất nước
北京 Bắc Kinh
上海 Thượng Hải
广州 quảng châu
深圳 Thâm Quyến
成都 thành đô
天津 thiên tân
南京 nam kinh
杭州 hàng châu
武汉 Vũ Hán
重庆 Trùng Khánh
按省份 theo tỉnh
按城市 theo thành phố
中华人民共和国 Cộng hòa nhân dân Trung Hoa
Subject: News
My German correspondent has just arrived home. Her
name is Stefanie, she's super nice and super pretty: she's
tall, with long brown hair and green eyes. She speaks
French well. I try to speak to him in German but it's not
easy, my level is not very good.
She will stay for a week and come to school with me
every day. On Saturday, my parents are going to take us
to see the Eiffel Tower and on Sunday, we are going to
Disneyland Paris. I love this amusement park, it's
awesome! Stenfanie is leaving on Monday but I will
soon see them again: we are going to Germany with
school in April, just after the holidays
Biese, see you soon!
French lunch
Many French people (4 out of 10) have lunch at home, between noon and one and a half
hours. Others have lunch on the spot, at work. Some go to restaurants. The pupils eat at
school in the canteens.
Lunch costs between 4 and 5 euros in the canteen, 10 euros in the restaurant. This meal
includes a starter, main course and dessert. He often ends up with a black coffee for adults.

1. we speak _____ French people

A. of breakfast
B. of lunch
C. of dinner
2. Do students eat lunch often?
A. in the canteen
B. at home
C. at the restaurant
3. How much does lunch in the canteen cost?
4. The meal often ends with what drink for adults?

Subject: News
My German correspondent has just arrived home. Her name is Stefanie, she's super nice and
super pretty: she's tall, with long brown hair and green eyes. She speaks French well. I try to
speak to him in German but it's not easy, my level is not very good.
She will stay for a week and come to school with me every day. On Saturday, my parents are
going to take us to see the Eiffel Tower and on Sunday, we are going to Disneyland Paris. I
love this amusement park, it's awesome! Stenfanie is leaving on Monday but I will soon see
them again: we are going to Germany with school in April, just after the holidays
Biese, see you soon!

1. Who writes email?

2. Stefanie is beautiful?
3. Sarah is good at German?
4. Where are Stefanie and Sarah going on Sunday?
b) Sử dụng lao động.
- Cùng với quá trình đổi mới kinh tế - xã hội của tỉnh, số lao động có việc làm ngày càng
Năm 2010: 714 000 người.
Năm 2020: 728 599 người.
- Cơ cấu sử dụng lao động trong các khu vực kinh tế đang thay đổi theo hướng tích cực.
Năm 2010: khu vực nông - lâm nghiệp và thủy sản 63,8%; công nghiệp- xây dựng 14,6%;
dịch vụ 21,6% thì năm 2020 lần lượt là 40%, 32% và 28%.
2. Vấn đề việc làm.
- Nguồn lao động của tỉnh Quảng Ngãi đã từng bước đáp ứng tốt như cầu nhân lực cho nền
kinh tế, nhất là cung ứng lao động cho các doanh nghiệp, nhà đầu tư tại Khu kinh tế Dung
Quất, Khu công nghiệp VSIP và các khu công nghiệp khác trên địa bàn tỉnh.
- Nhiều nhà máy, khu công nghiệp như nhà máy thép Hòa Phát, khu công nghiệp Dung Quất,
khu công nghiệp Tịnh Phong,... hoạt động hiệu quả, ngày càng mở rộng sản xuất, kinh doanh
và thu hút nhiều lao động trong và ngoài tỉnh.
- Nguồn lao động dồi dào, trong khi điều kiện kính tế của tỉnh phát triển chưa cao đã tạo nên
sức ép lớn đối với vấn đề giải quyết việc làm hiện nay. Tỉ lệ thất nghiệp, thiếu việc làm ở
tỉnh đã giảm nhưng vẫn còn khá cao.
Năm 2019, tính trung bình trên địa bàn tỉnh, tỉ lệ thất nghiệp 1,91%, thiếu việc làm là 1,88%.
+ Thành thị: tỉ lệ thất nghiệp: 2,25%, thiếu việc làm: 0,08%.
+ Nông thôn: tỉ lệ thất nghiệp: 1,86%, thiếu việc làm: 2,22%.
3. Một số giải pháp phát triển nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao ở tỉnh Quảng Ngãi.
- Tuyên truyền, nâng cao nâng ý thức của người dân và toàn xã hội về vai trò của nguồn nhân
lực chất lượng cao
- Phân bố và điều chỉnh hợp lý nguồn nhân lực theo quá trình chuyển dịch cơ cấu ngành kinh
- Xây dựng, hoàn thiện chính sách khuyến khích, đãi ngộ và thu hút nhân tài; chính sách về
luân chuyển, thăng tiến.
- Rà soát, điều chỉnh những bất cập trong công tác tuyển dụng, sử dụng và quản lý nguồn
nhân lực.
- Nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo nguồn nhân lực; tăng cường, mở rộng sự phối hợp và hợp tác
trong thu hút, phát triển nguồn nhân lực
Since communication with others comprises a very essential aspect of our daily life, any
alteration in the way we communicate with each other will have a profound effect on our
social and professional life. This essay will first discuss how technology has influenced the
way we relate with each other presently and will then address the question of whether this
influence has been positive or negative.

There are several ways in which the new communication technology has influenced people’s
way of interaction with each other. Firstly, social media applications have revolutionized the
way we communicate. The reason why many people believe this is that nowadays, you can
connect with your family and friends instantly through many social media applications such
as the Facebook and twitter applications. It is also possible to say that people are now more
encouraged to share their opinions openly via the Internet. One good illustration for this is
the substantial number of friends that people who use social media applications have in their
contact list.

However, the impact of social media in one’s social life may not always be positive. This is
because people are now increasingly abandoning face to face interactions and prefer carrying
out their communication behind closed doors. This is causing more people, especially
youths, to lose out on many aspects of personal communication. A particularly good
example here is a study conducted in the USA showing that more than 75% of high school
students are spending more than 50% of their free time on the Internet.

To sum up, modern technological advances in communication have incredibly influenced the
way people interact, and although there are many perks associated with the use of recent
technology there are also drawbacks that people must take care of.
Technology is a crucial tool for communication in modern times. It is flourishing in each and
every field of communication. Though this invention has changed the way people interact
around the world, it has both positive and negative impact on the relationship of people.

To embark on, with regard to the positive development, technological advancement has made
communication between organizations more convenient and time-saving. Many companies
and organizations use tools like social media, email and forum to influence a larger number
of audience. This also serves as an advanced mode of leaning since schools adopt the method
of smart classrooms. With the availability of Ecommerce, freelance websites, social media
marketing, people can easily buy and sell products and services with effortless

On the other hand, the drawbacks of technology on the relationship of people cannot be
ignored. Though technology has advanced greatly, it still lacks the emotional touch of
communication. It has affected the love and affection people craved with communication.
Millennial today are more fascinated by the virtual world, thereby forgetting the practical
side of life. Modern modes of communication is making people busy and less productive.
Sharing personal information of social media also invade people’s privacy. For example,
individuals spending hours on social media interaction interacting with people from around
the world and wasting their valuable time. In fact, family vacation which was previously a
private affair has now become a public affair.

To sum up, communication technology can be a blessing or a curse depending upon how
people make use of it. Even though it is an easy method of interaction, the relationships
formed through technological interaction lack in trust and emotion. Hence, people should
give preference to face-to-face communication.
Good morning teacher. What I'm going to talk about today is: Some people believe that
developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the
near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not prepared for a world in which
computers are more intelligent than humans. Give your own opinion.

Artificial/ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl/ intelligence is an issue that has been discussed by many people nowadays. Some
people may think that advances in tech'nology won't be beneficial for society and that computers
can't substitute/ˈsʌb.stɪ.tʃuːt/ the human workforce/ˈwɜːkfɔːs/. However, others believe that it will
have a positive impact on everyone's life. I believe that AI could make a great contribution to

The main reason why people worry about the situation that AI de'velopments may surpass /səˈpɑːs/
human intelligence is that the human workforce would be replaced by AI computers, especially in
some simple repeatable tasks such as packing and storage /ˈstɔːrɪdʒ/. Some companies, for example,
Amazon/ˈæməzɑːn/ and Google/ˈɡuːɡl/ have used this kind of AI equipment for years, and many
workers have been laid off, and end up in a miserable /ˈmɪzərəbəl/ situation. If the unem'ployment rate
continues to go up, problems related to poverty and crime is certainly becoming an unstable bomb in
society. To avoid this happening, supporters who are against AI argue that we should stop
de'veloping this tech'nology.

Despite the risks mentioned above, I believe that AI could add many benefits to human society and
bring people up to another level of life experience. First of all, these AI machines can do many tasks
that humans cannot do or prefer not to do and they can help to improve the outcome in many
professions. For example, complex surgeries/ˈsɜːdʒəri/ now can be performed by robots instead of
human hands. This new feature brings more efficacy/ˈefɪkəsi/ to the treatment and surgeries can be
more precise/prɪˈsaɪs/ with better results for the patients. In addition, with the introduction of robots
performing surgeries, a surgeon can command the machine from abroad while the patient is in the
operation room with robots. Consequently, the risk of infection during surgeries will decrease
significantly besides the other benefits of the results.
Moreover, AI technology can act as extended eyes for humans, helping humans to see beyond
boundaries. To illustrate this, an AI technology, which is created and programmed by IBM, has been
used for mineral exploration in the mining industry. By introducing AI technology in this field, the
efficiency/ɪˈfɪʃənsi/ and produc'tivity of mining have improved, and the incidence /ˈɪnsɪdəns/ of
injury/ˈɪndʒəri/ from works has certainly decreased.

In conclusion, in my opinion, artificial intelligence is being developed for our best intention.
However, there are some deleterious /ˌdeləˈtɪriəs/ consequences associated with it. So, society and
governments should be aware of the risks implicated with it and try to build strategies /ˈstrætədʒi/ to
prevent future damage.

Thank you for listening

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