Test #3 Review: Gerontology: Power of Attorney Vs Enduring Power of Attorney, Public Trustee

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Test #3 Review: Gerontology

Chapter 35 Family Caregiving

 What is the scope of family caregiving (how common is it, who is most likely to be the
caregiver, age of typical caregivers etc)
 What does the term “sandwich generation” mean
 What does caregiver TLC involve
 Characteristics of family dysfunction
Chapter 15 Spirituality

 How is spirituality different from religion

 What are spiritual needs
 What are some ways the nurse can address a client’s spiritual needs

Chapter 8: Legal aspects of gerontological nursing:

 Review all legal terms and their definitions: consent, duty, negligence, standards of
practice, informed consent
 Role of CLPNM
 Restraints
 Confidentiality
 Consent: who can give it, nursing role in consent
 Competency, supervision of staff, phone orders
 Advanced directives/ACPs
 power of attorney vs enduring power of attorney, public trustee,

Chapter 9: Ethical aspects of gerontological nursing

 Review all term: autonomy, beneficence, confidentiality, ethics, fidelity, justice, non
maleficence, veracity
 Code of ethics: CLPNM,
Chapter 14: Safety

 Environment risks to client safety, eg color, temperature etc

 Falls/restraints
 Safety promotion: what can we do as nurses to prevent injuries
 Elder Abuse – what is it, what are the types of elder abuse
 What are some signs that should alert the nurse that abuse could be occurring
 What is PPCO
 Why does abuse happen?
 neglect

Chapters 10, 33 and 34 – Health care Delivery

 What are some trends in the aging population and need for health care services
 What are the levels of the continuum of care
 Services provided by Manitoba Home Care program, criteria for eligibility for Home Care
 What is important when looking at choosing a nursing home
 What is normalization?

SURGERY and the elderly:

- How does surgery and anesthetic affect the elderly (vs. a younger person)?
- What are the risk factors for the elderly?
- Following surgery, what can a nurse do to prevent respiratory complications? Infection?
- Why is hypothermia a problem for older adults
- Signs & symptoms of hypoxia post-operatively
- Early discharge planning – why is it important?

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