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0 Analytical Writing Assessment

11.0 Analytical Writing Assessment
The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) consists of one 30‐minute writing task called the
Analysis of an Argument. In this section, you must read a brief argument, analyze the reasoning
behind it, and then write a critique of the argument. You are not asked to state your opinion but
rather to analyze the one given. For example, you may consider what questionable assumptions
underlie the author’s thinking, what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken
the conclusion, or what sort of evidence could help strengthen or refute the argument.
For this task, you will use the computer keyboard to type your response. You will be able to use
typical word‐processing functions—that is, you can cut, copy, paste, undo, and redo. These
functions can be accessed either by using the keyboard or by using the mouse to click on icons on
the screen. You will be able to take notes when planning your response.
It is important that you plan carefully before you begin writing. Read the specific analytical
writing task several times to make sure you understand exactly what is expected. Think about how
you might present your analysis. You may want to sketch an outline to help you plan and organize.
Keep in mind the 30‐minute time limit as you plan your response—keep your analysis brief
enough to allow for plenty of time to write a first draft, read it over carefully, and make any
necessary corrections or revisions before you run out of time. As you write, try to keep your
language clear, your sentences concise, and the flow of your ideas logical. State your premise
clearly at the beginning, and make sure you present a strong conclusion at the end.
To view a list of all possible AWA questions on the GMAT™ exam, go to

11.1 What Is Measured

The Analytical Writing Assessment is designed as a direct measure of your ability to think
critically and communicate your ideas. More specifically, the Analysis of an Argument task tests
your ability to formulate an appropriate and constructive critique of a prescribed conclusion
based upon a specific line of thinking.
The argument that you will analyze may concern a topic of general interest, possibly related to
business, or to a variety of other subjects. It is important to note, however, that no Analysis of an
Argument question presupposes any specific knowledge of business or other specific content
areas. Only your capacity to write analytically is assessed.
Each essay is scored using a combination of a computer scoring program and professional essay
raters. Your responses will be scored on the basis of:
the overall quality of your ideas
your ability to organize, develop, and express those ideas
how well you provide relevant supporting reasons and examples
your ability to control the elements of standard written English

11.2 Test-Taking Strategies

1. Read the question carefully.

Make sure you have taken all parts of a question into account before you begin to respond to
2. Do not start to write immediately.
Take a few minutes to think about the question and plan a response before you begin writing.
You may find it helpful to write a brief outline or jot down some ideas on the erasable
notepad provided. Take care to organize your ideas and develop them fully, but leave time to
reread your response and make any revisions that you think would improve it.
3. Focus on the task of analyzing and critiquing a line of thinking or reasoning.
Get used to asking yourself questions such as the following: What questionable assumptions
might underlie the thinking? What alternative explanations might be given? What
counterexamples might be raised? What additional evidence might prove useful in fully and
fairly evaluating the reasoning?
4. Develop fully any examples you use.
Do not simply list your examples—explain how they illustrate your point.
5. Discuss alternative explanations or counterexamples.
These techniques allow you to introduce illustrations and examples drawn from your
observations, experiences, and reading.
6. Make sure your response reads like a narrative.
Your response should not read like an outline. It should use full sentences, a coherent
organizational scheme, logical transitions between points, and appropriately introduced and
developed examples.

11.3 The Directions

These are the directions that you will see for the Analysis of an Argument essay. If you read them
carefully and understand them clearly before going to sit for the test, you will not need to spend
too much time reviewing them when you take the GMAT exam. They read as follows:
In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented. You are not asked
to present your own views on the subject.
Writing Your Response: Take a few minutes to evaluate the argument and plan a response
before you begin writing. Be sure to leave enough time to reread your response and make any
revisions that you think are necessary.
Evaluation of Your Response: Scores will reflect how well you:
organize, develop, and express your ideas about the argument presented
provide relevant supporting reasons and examples
control the elements of standard written English

11.4 GMAT™ Scoring Guide: Analysis of an Argument

6 Outstanding
A 6 paper presents a cogent, well‐articulated critique of the argument and demonstrates mastery
of the elements of effective writing.
A typical paper in this category exhibits the following characteristics:
clearly identifies important features of the argument and analyzes them insightfully
develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and connects them with clear transitions

effectively supports the main points of the critique
demonstrates control of language, including diction and syntactic variety
demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English but may have minor
5 Strong
A 5 paper presents a well‐developed critique of the argument and demonstrates good control of
the elements of effective writing.
A typical paper in this category exhibits the following characteristics:
clearly identifies important features of the argument and analyzes them in a generally
thoughtful way
develops ideas clearly, organizes them logically, and connects them with appropriate
sensibly supports the main points of the critique
demonstrates control of language, including diction and syntactic variety
demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English but may have
occasional flaws
4 Adequate
A 4 paper presents a competent critique of the argument and demonstrates adequate control of
the elements of writing.
A typical paper in this category exhibits the following characteristics:
identifies and analyzes important features of the argument
develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily but may not connect them with transitions
supports the main points of the critique
demonstrates sufficient control of language to convey ideas with reasonable clarity
generally follows the conventions of standard written English but may have some flaws
3 Limited
A 3 paper demonstrates some competence in analytical writing skills and in its control of the
elements of writing but is plainly flawed.
A typical paper in this category exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
does not identify or analyze most of the important features of the argument, although some
analysis of the argument is present
mainly analyzes tangential or irrelevant matters, or reasons poorly
is limited in the logical development and organization of ideas
offers support of little relevance and value for points of the critique
does not convey meaning clearly
contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
2 Seriously Flawed
A 2 paper demonstrates serious weaknesses in analytical writing skills.
A typical paper in this category exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:

does not present a critique based on logical analysis, but may instead present the writer’s own
views on the subject
does not develop ideas, or is disorganized and illogical
provides little, if any, relevant or reasonable support
has serious and frequent problems in the use of language and in sentence structure
contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that interfere with meaning
1 Fundamentally Deficient
A 1 paper demonstrates fundamental deficiencies in analytical writing skills.
A typical paper in this category exhibits more than one of the following characteristics:
provides little evidence of the ability to understand and analyze the argument
provides little evidence of the ability to develop an organized response
has severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure
contains a pervasive pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics that results in
0 No Score
A paper in this category is off topic, not written in English, is merely attempting to copy the topic,
or consists only of keystroke characters.
NR Blank
A paper is assigned NR when no response has been submitted.

11.5 Sample: Analysis of an Argument

Read the statement and the instructions that follow it, and then make any notes that
will help you plan your response.
The following appeared as part of an article in a daily newspaper:
“The computerized on‐board warning system that will be installed in commercial airliners will
virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions. One plane’s warning system can receive
signals from another’s transponder—a radio set that signals a plane’s course—in order to
determine the likelihood of a collision and recommend evasive action.”
Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line
of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider
what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or
counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would
strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically
sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.
Sample Paper 6
The argument that this warning system will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions
omits some important concerns that must be addressed to substantiate the argument. The
statement that follows the description of what this warning system will do simply describes the
system and how it operates. This alone does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the
warning system, and it certainly does not provide support or proof of the main argument.

Most conspicuously, the argument does not address the cause of the problem of midair plane
collisions, the use of the system by pilots and flight specialists, or who is involved in the midair
plane collisions. First, the argument assumes that the cause of the problem is that the planes’
courses, the likelihood of collisions, and actions to avoid collisions are unknown or inaccurate. In
a weak attempt to support its claim, the argument describes a system that makes all of these
things accurately known. But if the cause of the problem of midair plane collisions is that pilots
are not paying attention to their computer systems or flight operations, the warning system will
not solve the collision problem. Second, the argument never addresses the interface between
individuals and the system and how this will affect the warning system’s objective of obliterating
the problem of collisions. If the pilot or flight specialist does not conform to what the warning
system suggests, midair collisions will not be avoided. Finally, if planes other than commercial
airliners are involved in the collisions, the problem of these collisions cannot be solved by a
warning system that will not be installed on non‐commercial airliners. The argument also does
not address what would happen in the event that the warning system collapses, fails, or does not
work properly.
Because the argument leaves out several key issues, it is not sound or persuasive. If it included the
items discussed above instead of solely explaining what the system supposedly does, the argument
would have been more thorough and convincing.
Explanation of Score 6
This response is, as the scoring guide requires of a 6, “cogent”and “well articulated”: all the points
made not only bear directly on the argument to be analyzed, but also contribute to a single,
integrated development of the writer’s critique. The writer begins by making the controlling point
that a mere description of the warning system’s mode of operation cannot serve as a true
argument proving the system’s effectiveness, since the description overlooks several major
considerations. The writer then identifies these considerations—what causes midair collisions,
how pilots will actually use the commercial airline warning system, what kinds of airplanes are
typically involved in midair collisions—and, citing appropriate counterexamples (e.g., what if
pilots do not pay attention to their instruments?), explains fully how each oversight undermines
the conclusion that the warning system will virtually eliminate midair plane collisions.
Throughout, the writer complements the logically organized development of this critique with
good, clear prose that demonstrates the ability not only to control language and vary sentence
structure but also to express ideas forcibly (e.g., “the argument never addresses the interface
between individuals and the system”). Of course, as in any response written under time
constraints, occasional minor flaws can be found. For example, “the argument assumes that the
cause of the problem is that the planes’ courses, the likelihood of collisions, and actions to avoid
collisions are unknown or inaccurate” is wordy and imprecise: how can a course, a likelihood, or
actions be inaccurate? But flaws such as these, minor and infrequent, do not interfere with the
overall clarity and forcefulness of this outstanding response.
Sample Paper 4
The argument is not logically convincing. It does not state whether all planes can receive signals
from each other. It does not state whether planes constantly receive signals. If they only receive
signals once every certain time interval, collisions will not definitely be prevented. Further if they
receive a signal right before they are about to crash, they cannot avoid each other.
The main flaw in the argument is that it assumes that the two planes, upon receiving each other’s
signals, will know which evasive action to take. For example, the two planes could be going
towards each other and then receive the signals. If one turns at an angle to the left and the other
turns at an angle to the right, the two planes will still crash. Even if they receive an updated signal,
they will not have time to avoid each other.

The following argument would be more sound and persuasive. The new warning system will solve
the problem of midair plane collisions. Each plane will receive constant, continual signals from
each other. If the two planes are headed in a direction where they will crash, the system will
coordinate the signals, and tell one plane to go one way, and the other plane to go another way.
The new system will ensure that the two planes will turn in different directions so they don’t crash
by trying to prevent the original crash. In addition, the two planes will be able to see themselves
and the other on a computer screen, to aid in the evasive action.
Explanation of Score 4
This response competently cites a number of deficiencies in the argument presented: the
information given about the nature of the signals sent and received and the evasive action
recommended does not warrant the conclusion that the onboard warning system “will virtually
solve the problem of midair plane collisions.” However, in discussing these insufficiencies in the
argument, the response reveals an unevenness in the quality of its reasoning. For example, while
it is perfectly legitimate to point out that the argument assumes too much and says too little about
the evasive action that will be recommended by the warning system, it is farfetched to suggest that
the system might be so poorly designed as to route two approaching airplanes to the same spot.
Likewise, while it is fair to question the effectiveness of a warning signal about which the
argument says so little, it is not reasonable to assume that the system would be designed to space
signals so far apart that they would prove useless. Rather than invent implausibly bad versions of
the warning system to prove that it might be ineffective, a stronger response would analyze
unexplored possibilities inherent in the information that is given—for example, the possibility
that pilots might not be able to respond quickly and effectively to the radio signals the argument
says they will receive when the new system is installed. The “more sound and persuasive
argument” in the last paragraph, while an improvement on the original, continues to overlook this
possibility and also assumes that other types of aircraft without transponders will pose no
The organization of ideas, while generally sound, is sometimes weakened by needless repetition of
the same points, as in sentences 4 and 5 of the last paragraph. The writing contains minor
instances of awkwardness (e.g., “Each plane will receive constant, continual signals from each
other” in paragraph 3), but is free of flaws that make understanding difficult. However, though
the writing is generally clean and clear, the syntax does not show much variety. A few sentences
begin with “if” clauses, but almost all the rest, even those that begin with a transitional phrase
such as “for example” or “in addition,” conform to a “subject, verb, complement” pattern. The first
paragraph, in which the second and third sentences begin the same way (“It does not state”), is
particularly repetitious.
Sample Paper 2
This argument has no information about air collisions. I think most cases happen in new airports
because the air traffic I heavy. In this case sound airport control could solve the problem.
I think this argument is logically reasonable. Its assumption is that plane collisions are caused by
planes that don’t know each others positions. So pilots can do nothing, if they know each others
position through the system it will solve the problem.
If it can provide evidence the problem is lack of knowledge of each others positions, it will be
more sound and persuasive.
More information about air collisions is helpful, (the reason for air collisions).
Explanation of Score 2
This response is seriously flawed in several ways. First of all, it has very little substance. The
writer appears to make only one point—that while it seems reasonable to assume that midair
collisions would be less likely if pilots were sure of each other’s positions, readers cannot

adequately judge this assumption without more information about where, why, and how such
collisions occur. This point, furthermore, is neither explained by a single reason beyond what is
given in the topic nor supported by a single example. Legitimate though it is, it cannot, alone and
undeveloped, serve as an adequate response to the argument.
Aside from being undeveloped, the response is confusing. At the outset, it seems to be critical of
the argument. The writer begins by pointing to the inadequacy of the information given; then
speculates, without evidence, that “most cases happen in new airports”; and then suggests that the
problem should be addressed by improving “airport control,” not (it is implied) by installing
onboard warning systems. After criticizing the argument in the first paragraph, the writer
confusingly seems to endorse it in the second. Then, in the remainder of the response, the writer
returns to a critical stance.
The general lack of coherence is reflected in the serious and frequent writing problems that make
meaning hard to determine—for example, the elliptical and ungrammatical “So pilots can do
nothing, if they know each others position through the system it will solve the problem”
(paragraph 2) or “If it can provide evidence the problem is lack of knowledge of each others
positions, it will be more sound and persuasive” (paragraph 3). The prose suffers from a variety of
basic errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.
To further practice your analytical writing skills, the GMAT™ Official AWA Practice product is
available for purchase through

To register for the GMAT™ exam go to

12.0 GMAT™ Official Guide Question Index
12.0 GMAT™ Official Guide Question Index
The Official Guide Index is organized by GMAT™ section, difficulty level, and then by
mathematical or verbal concept. The question number, page number, and answer explanation
page number are listed so that questions within the book can be quickly located.
To locate a question from the online question bank in the book—Every question in the
online question bank has a unique ID, called the Practice Question Identifier, or PQID, which
appears above the question number. Look up the PQID in the table to find its problem number
and page number in the book.

Math Review
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Algebra Applied Problems 11 51 52 PS51061.03
Easy Algebra Ratio and Proportion 7 37 39 DS71210.03
Easy Algebra; Arithmetic Simplifying 14 51 53 PS23461.03
Algebraic Expressions; Percents
Easy Arithmetic Percents 12 51 52 DS15161.03
Easy Arithmetic Rate Problem 13 51 53 DS07061.03
Easy Arithmetic Statistics 16 67 69 PS07310.03
Easy Arithmetic Statistics 17 67 69 PS57720.03
Easy Arithmetic; Algebra 6 37 38 PS21840.03
Interpretation of Tables; Applied
Easy Geometry Angle Measure in 21 88 90 PS22061.03
Easy Geometry Volume 22 88 90 DS17061.03
Easy Geometry; Arithmetic Percents; 23 88 91 PS29261.03
Interpretation of Graphs
Medium Algebra Exponents 8 38 39 DS84820.03
Medium Algebra Inequalities 2 24 26 DS38350.03
Medium Algebra Inequalities 10 38 40 DS53060.02
Medium Algebra Order 3 25 26 DS75160.03
Medium Algebra Simultaneous Equations 9 38 40 DS67730.03
Medium Algebra; Geometry Quadrilaterals 24 89 91 DS48061.03
Medium Arithmetic Applied Problems; 4 25 27 PS10241.03
Operations with Decimals
Medium Arithmetic Measurement 1 24 25 PS87710.03

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Arithmetic Statistics 18 68 70 PS97920.03
Medium Geometry Circles; Area 25 89 92 DS39161.03
Hard Algebra Applied Problems 15 52 54 PS61361.03
Hard Arithmetic Probability 20 68 71 DS11040.03
Hard Arithmetic Properties of 5 25 27 DS10680.03
Hard Arithmetic Sets 19 68 71 DS22030.03

Verbal Review
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Argument Construction 1 386 387 CR63800.03
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 4 391 391 CR96370.03
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 5 393 393 CR03570.03
Easy Idiom; Rhetorical Construction 24 442 443 SC92120.03
Easy Inference 8 395 397 RC73100-
Easy Logical Predication; Parallelism 23 441 441 SC74010.03
Easy Main Idea 9 395 397 RC73100-
Easy Passage RC73100-
Easy Supporting Idea 6 395 395 RC73100-
Easy Supporting Idea 7 395 396 RC73100-
Easy Verb Form; Diction 18 425 426 SC93410.03
Medium Argument Evaluation 2 386 387 CR32900.03
Medium Evaluation 13 407 409 RC00034-04
Medium Inference 12 407 408 RC00034-03
Medium Inference 14 407 409 RC00034-07
Medium Logical Predication; Grammatical 22 438 439 RC02605
Medium Main Idea 11 406 407 RC00034-01
Medium Passage RC00034-00
Medium Rhetorical Construction; 25 442 443 CR09351.03

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Verb Form; Rhetorical 20 432 432 SC02457
Hard Argument Evaluation 10 400 400 CR51800.03
Hard Argument Evaluation 3 389 389 CR49110.03
Hard Argument Evaluation 15 411 412 CR28310.03
Hard Argument Evaluation 16 416 417 CR88310.03
Hard Argument Evaluation 17 419 420 CR13750.03
Hard Grammatical Construction; 21 436 436 SC95430.03
Logical Predication
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 19 430 430 SC06684

Problem Solving
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Algebraic Expressions 60 120 173 PS08385
Easy Algebraic Expressions 73 123 180 PS01315
Easy Algebraic Expressions 93 126 187 PS99551.02
Easy Angles 56 120 172 PS07408
Easy Angles and Their Measure 32 116 165 PS00534
Easy Applied Problems 4 112 156 PS07308
Easy Applied Problems 5 112 156 PS07799
Easy Applied Problems 9 113 158 PS05001
Easy Applied Problems 23 115 162 PS09707
Easy Applied Problems 31 116 164 PS13801
Easy Applied Problems 33 116 165 PS17479
Easy Applied Problems 35 117 166 PS01233
Easy Applied Problems 45 118 169 PS13159
Easy Applied Problems 51 119 171 PS05308
Easy Applied Problems 55 120 172 PS08173
Easy Applied Problems 64 121 176 PS15523
Easy Applied Problems 69 122 178 PS00526
Easy Applied Problems 71 122 179 PS02209
Easy Applied Problems 75 123 180 PS02102
Easy Applied Problems 77 123 181 PS14236
Easy Applied Problems 83 124 183 PS13101

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Applied Problems; First-Degree 97 127 189 PS93850.02
Easy Applied Problems; Percents 34 117 165 PS13707
Easy Applied Problems; Percents 54 120 172 PS12114
Easy Applied Problems; Percents 78 124 181 PS02996
Easy Applied Problems; Properties of 14 114 159 PS01248
Easy Applied Problems; Sequences 79 124 182 PS00307
Easy Area 52 119 171 PS05544
Easy Area 70 122 178 PS06601
Easy Circles; Circumference; Perimeter 25 115 162 PS12542
Easy Coordinate Geometry 62 121 174 PS00096
Easy Coordinate Geometry 68 122 178 PS02695
Easy Coordinate Geometry 84 124 184 PS02947
Easy Estimation 28 116 163 PS05239
Easy Estimation 50 119 170 PS06243
Easy Estimation 53 119 172 PS10470
Easy Estimation 57 120 173 PS08768
Easy Exponents 41 118 168 PS04797
Easy First-Degree Equations 10 113 158 PS17812
Easy First-Degree Equations 13 114 159 PS02382
Easy First-Degree Equations 20 115 161 PS15957
Easy First-Degree Equations 22 115 161 PS15358
Easy First-Degree Equations 74 123 180 PS00907
Easy First-Degree Equations 92 126 187 PS04734
Easy Fractions 89 125 186 PS14989
Easy Functions 99 127 189 PS09899
Easy Inequalities 26 115 163 PS03972
Easy Inequalities 61 121 174 PS03371
Easy Inequalities 85 125 184 PS11091
Easy Inequalities 96 126 188 PS66740.02
Easy Interpretation of Graphs and 49 119 170 PS05100
Easy Interpretation of Tables 2 112 155 PS09868
Easy Interpretation of Tables 46 118 169 PS02534
Easy Measurement Conversion 94 126 188 PS92820.02

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Operations on Radical 76 123 181 PS00419
Easy Operations on Rational Numbers 8 113 157 PS05410
Easy Operations with Integers 27 116 163 PS00087
Easy Operations with Integers 86 125 185 PS14467
Easy Operations with Radical 82 124 183 PS12764
Easy Operations with Rational 11 113 158 PS02295
Easy Operations with Rational 18 114 160 PS02286
Easy Operations with Rational 42 118 168 PS05747
Easy Operations with Rational 43 118 168 PS14972
Easy Operations with Rational 80 124 182 PS03635
Easy Percents 7 113 157 PS08877
Easy Percents 16 114 160 PS14861
Easy Percents 19 114 160 PS11906
Easy Percents 67 122 177 PS12287
Easy Percents 87 125 185 PS07465
Easy Percents 95 126 188 PS11396
Easy Percents 98 127 189 PS07672
Easy Perimeter 1 112 155 PS02991
Easy Probability 24 115 162 PS02127
Easy Profit and Loss 36 117 166 PS02007
Easy Properties of Numbers 58 120 173 PS08025
Easy Properties of Numbers 66 121 177 PS05682
Easy Properties of Numbers 81 124 182 PS03214
Easy Properties of Numbers 88 125 186 PS06946
Easy Pythagorean Theorem 40 118 167 PS05680
Easy Pythagorean Theorem 72 123 179 PS05957
Easy Rate 65 121 177 PS07197
Easy Ratio and Proportion 12 114 158 PS08461
Easy Ratio and Proportion 39 117 167 PS13831
Easy Ratio and Proportion 48 119 170 PS14250
Easy Sequences 59 120 173 PS00015

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Simple Coordinate Geometry; 6 113 157 PS02599
Easy Simplifying Algebraic 38 117 167 PS12786
Easy Simplifying Algebraic 90 126 187 PS12949
Easy Simultaneous Equations 47 119 170 PS02338
Easy Simultaneous First-Degree 29 116 164 PS15402
Easy Statistics 3 112 156 PS10002
Easy Statistics 15 114 159 PS07369
Easy Statistics 17 114 160 PS02764
Easy Statistics 21 115 161 PS00984
Easy Statistics 30 116 164 PS04571
Easy Statistics 63 121 176 PS10568
Easy Statistics 91 126 187 PS12760
Easy Triangles 37 117 166 PS10628
Easy Volume 44 118 168 PS06592
Medium Absolute Value; Number Line 140 133 203 PS08399
Medium Algebraic Expressions 107 128 192 PS30730.02
Medium Applied Problems 117 129 196 PS01080.02
Medium Applied Problems 125 131 198 PS09737
Medium Applied Problems 136 132 202 PS08865
Medium Applied Problems 154 135 208 PS04617
Medium Applied Problems 155 136 208 PS12577
Medium Applied Problems 157 136 209 PS00428
Medium Area 122 130 197 PS02820
Medium Area 153 135 208 PS50750.02
Medium Circles; Rectangles 100 127 190 PS77502.01
Medium Circles; Triangles 118 130 196 PS11308
Medium Elementary Combinatorics 167 138 212 PS28101.02
Medium Estimation 156 136 209 PS05973
Medium Estimation; Exponents 159 137 210 PS94421.02
Medium Exponents 135 132 201 PS81711.02
Medium First-Degree Equations 121 130 197 PS69400.02
Medium Formulas 106 128 192 PS45430.02
Medium Formulas 110 129 193 PS37631.02

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Functions 152 135 207 PS10546
Medium Inequalities 142 133 204 PS05962
Medium Measurement Conversion 108 128 193 PS49140.02
Medium Measurement Conversion 124 131 198 PS30720.02
Medium Measurement Conversion 149 135 207 PS39811.02
Medium Measurement Conversion 150 135 207 PS41450.02
Medium Operations on Radical 133 132 201 PS00633
Medium Operations with Decimals; Place 166 138 212 PS02017
Medium Operations with Integers 111 129 193 PS01761
Medium Operations with Integers 126 131 198 PS01622
Medium Operations with Integers 139 133 203 PS02325
Medium Operations with Integers 164 137 212 PS02749
Medium Percents 116 129 195 PS05560
Medium Percents 128 131 199 PS02555
Medium Percents 146 134 205 PS08441
Medium Percents 147 134 206 PS15111
Medium Percents 161 137 211 PS03823
Medium Percents; First-Degree Equations 127 131 199 PS04448
Medium Percents; Ratio and Proportion 129 131 199 PS10307
Medium Place Value 143 134 204 PS07601.02
Medium Probability 158 136 210 PS63210.02
Medium Properties of Numbers 113 129 194 PS10391
Medium Properties of Numbers 148 135 206 PS02704
Medium Quadrilaterals; Area 104 128 191 PS40602.01
Medium Quadrilaterals; Pythagorean 101 127 190 PS58502.01
Medium Ratio and Proportion 112 129 194 PS04482
Medium Rectangles 102 127 191 PS98502.01
Medium Remainders 120 130 197 PS11756
Medium Second-Degree Equations 114 129 195 PS07325
Medium Second-Degree Equations 132 132 200 PS11121
Medium Second-Degree Equations 151 135 207 PS02600
Medium Series and Sequences 123 130 198 PS44321.02
Medium Sets 105 128 192 PS24210.02
Medium Sets 134 132 201 PS21260.02

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Sets 144 134 205 PS04089
Medium Sets 145 134 205 PS06133
Medium Sets; Interpretation of Tables 137 133 202 PS51950.02
Medium Simple Coordinate Geometry 115 129 195 PS68850.02
Medium Simplifying Algebraic 109 128 193 PS14031.02
Medium Simplifying Algebraic 163 137 211 PS70371.02
Medium Simplifying Algebraic 131 132 200 PS09708
Expressions; Operations on
Rational Numbers
Medium Simultaneous Equations 130 132 200 PS36090.02
Medium Simultaneous Equations; 165 138 212 PS02777
Medium Statistics 119 130 196 PS15517
Medium Statistics 160 137 210 PS08966
Medium Statistics 162 137 211 PS11600
Medium Triangles; Area 103 128 191 PS19502.01
Medium Volume 138 133 203 PS07112
Medium Volume 141 133 203 PS94530.02
Hard Algebra; Statistics; Applied 248 150 245 PS16890
Problems; Simultaneous
Hard Applied Problems 172 139 214 PS16410
Hard Applied Problems 181 140 217 PS01987
Hard Applied Problems 189 141 220 PS16810
Hard Applied Problems 196 142 224 PS07459
Hard Applied Problems 208 144 230 PS07081
Hard Applied Problems 213 145 232 PS06562
Hard Applied Problems 219 146 234 PS16830
Hard Applied Problems 220 146 234 PS16831
Hard Applied Problems 228 147 237 PS08570
Hard Applied Problems 238 148 241 PS04677
Hard Applied Problems 250 150 246 PS16894
Hard Applied Problems 251 150 247 PS16896
Hard Applied Problems 258 152 250 PS16904
Hard Applied Problems; Simultaneous 215 145 232 PS16823

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Area 175 139 215 PS13827
Hard Area 259 152 251 PS49220.02
Hard Arithmetic; Volume; Ratio and 188 141 219 PS08313
Hard Circles 206 144 230 PS12078
Hard Coordinate Geometry 212 145 231 PS06948
Hard Elementary Combinatorics 169 138 213 PS13724
Hard Elementary Combinatorics 177 139 216 PS08280
Hard Elementary Combinatorics 211 145 231 PS07547
Hard Elementary Combinatorics 230 147 238 PS13691
Hard Elementary Combinatorics 245 149 244 PS05140
Hard Equations 209 144 231 PS13996
Hard Estimation 221 146 234 PS16832
Hard Inequalities 214 145 232 PS16107
Hard Inequalities 222 146 235 PS16833
Hard Inequalities 260 152 251 PS14203
Hard Interpretation of Graphs and 193 142 223 PS00422
Tables; Statistics
Hard Negative Exponents 240 149 242 PS03686
Hard Negative Exponents 262 152 252 PS08886
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 190 141 222 PS16811
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 192 141 222 PS06570
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 216 145 232 PS16824
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 226 147 236 PS06558
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 232 148 238 PS09403
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 246 150 244 PS00574
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 254 151 248 PS16899
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 256 151 249 PS01648
Hard Operations with Integers 202 143 228 PS06497
Hard Operations with Integers 234 148 240 PS91151.02
Hard Percents 182 140 218 PS16088
Hard Percents 198 142 224 PS07730
Hard Percents 201 143 227 PS04688
Hard Percents 237 148 240 PS08552
Hard Percents 241 149 242 PS07555
Hard Perimeter 185 140 218 PS08219

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Polygons 255 151 248 PS00947
Hard Probability 171 138 213 PS02111
Hard Probability 191 141 222 PS16122
Hard Probability 199 143 225 PS06215
Hard Probability 252 151 247 PS16897
Hard Profit and Loss 225 147 236 PS16116
Hard Properties of Numbers 170 138 213 PS10982
Hard Properties of Numbers 183 140 218 PS11065
Hard Properties of Numbers 194 142 223 PS08209
Hard Properties of Numbers 204 144 229 PS00041
Hard Properties of Numbers 205 144 229 PS04651
Hard Properties of Numbers 207 144 230 PS12177
Hard Properties of Numbers 210 144 231 PS12536
Hard Properties of Numbers 218 146 233 PS16828
Hard Properties of Numbers 224 147 236 PS05882
Hard Properties of Numbers 229 147 237 PS00564
Hard Properties of Numbers 244 149 244 PS02405
Hard Properties of Numbers; Decimals 176 139 215 PS00562
Hard Pythagorean Theorem; 168 138 213 PS60231.02
Hard Quadrilaterals; Triangles 203 143 228 PS07536
Hard Rate 235 148 240 PS06498
Hard Rectangular Solids and Cylinders 239 149 241 PS56710.02
Hard Second-Degree Equations 197 142 224 PS05888
Hard Second-Degree Equations 217 145 233 PS07491
Hard Second-Degree Equations 231 147 238 PS08480
Hard Second-Degree Equations 253 151 247 PS16898
Hard Second-Degree Equations 257 152 250 PS16115
Hard Second-Degree Equations; 184 140 218 PS16802
Simultaneous Equations
Hard Sequences 236 148 240 PS08732
Hard Sets 261 152 252 PS07712
Hard Simple Coordinate Geometry 249 150 246 PS16893
Hard Simplifying Algebraic 227 147 236 PS16100
Hard Simplifying Algebraic 243 149 243 PS16146

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Simplifying Expressions; 233 148 239 PS03513
Computation with Integers
Hard Simultaneous Equations 178 140 216 PS02903
Hard Simultaneous Equations 247 150 245 PS03144
Hard Simultaneous Equations; 186 141 219 PS04711
Hard Statistics 173 139 214 PS07357
Hard Statistics 180 140 217 PS03768
Hard Statistics 187 141 219 PS16214
Hard Statistics 195 142 223 PS06674
Hard Statistics 200 143 226 PS13244
Hard Statistics 242 149 243 PS04305
Hard Statistics; Applied Problems 223 146 235 PS16835
Hard Systems of Equations 179 140 216 PS16259
Hard Triangles 174 139 214 PS02649

Data Sufficiency
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Coordinate Geometry 309 265 304 DS12533
Easy Angles 271 261 289 DS17639
Easy Angles 296 264 299 DS27860.02
Easy Applied Problems 263 261 286 DS02562
Easy Applied Problems 279 262 293 DS02541
Easy Applied Problems 284 263 295 DS06802
Easy Applied Problems 287 263 296 DS00858
Easy Applied Problems 301 264 300 DS06905
Easy Applied Problems 313 265 306 DS02441
Easy Applied Problems 317 265 307 DS03628
Easy Applied Problems 324 266 310 DS05312
Easy Applied Problems; Percents 297 264 299 DS07839
Easy Applied Problems; Percents 300 264 300 DS11109
Easy Applied Problems; Percents 304 264 301 DS02450
Easy Circles 298 264 299 DS06397
Easy Circles; Area 308 265 303 DS08730
Easy Circles; Pythagorean Theorem 310 265 304 DS19520

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Equations 293 263 298 DS06633
Easy Equations 299 264 300 DS07813
Easy Exponents 288 263 296 DS06065
Easy Exponents 295 263 299 DS06475
Easy Exponents and Radicals 341 267 314 DS22602.01
Easy Inequalities 292 263 298 DS11254
Easy Inequalities 315 265 306 DS09315
Easy Inequalities 318 265 307 DS02585
Easy Inequalities 319 265 308 DS01619
Easy Lines 325 266 310 DS48710.02
Easy Lines and Segments 306 264 303 DS04366
Easy Lines and Segments 346 268 316 DS04602.0
Easy Measurement Conversion 348 268 316 DS45602.01
Easy Operations with Integers 303 264 301 DS15377
Easy Operations with Integers 329 266 311 DS10602.01
Easy Operations with Radicals 323 266 309 DS08308
Easy Order 307 264 303 DS11805
Easy Order; Ratio 275 262 291 DS05338
Easy Percents 282 262 294 DS04630
Easy Percents 316 265 307 DS01216
Easy Probability 280 262 294 DS08054
Easy Probability 314 265 306 DS03999
Easy Properties of Integers 327 266 311 DS76502.01
Easy Properties of Integers 330 266 312 DS01602.01
Easy Properties of Integers 332 266 312 DS21602.01
Easy Properties of Integers 338 267 314 DS32602.01
Easy Properties of Integers 340 267 314 DS72602.01
Easy Properties of Numbers 302 264 301 DS12031
Easy Properties of Numbers 321 266 308 DS01425
Easy Properties of Numbers 322 266 309 DS14502
Easy Properties of Numbers 339 267 314 DS52602.01
Easy Properties of Numbers 347 268 316 DS65602.01
Easy Ratio and Proportion 268 261 288 DS03422
Easy Ratio and Proportion 272 262 289 DS07822
Easy Ratio and Proportion 278 262 293 DS10687
Easy Ratios 273 262 290 DS15940

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Ratios 336 267 313 DS81602.01
Easy Rectangular Solids 286 263 295 DS15650.02
Easy Sequences 285 263 295 DS06662
Easy Series and Sequences 331 266 312 DS11602.01
Easy Series and Sequences 337 267 313 DS12602.01
Easy Sets 294 263 298 DS07949
Easy Sets 311 265 305 DS13122
Easy Sets 312 265 305 DS01544
Easy Sets 320 266 308 DS04536
Easy Simple Coordinate Geometry 265 261 287 DS18950.02
Easy Simple Coordinate Geometry 269 261 288 DS16840.02
Easy Simplifying Algebraic 335 267 313 DS41602.01
Easy Simplifying Algebraic 344 267 315 DS53602.01
Easy Simultaneous Equations 264 261 286 DS10471
Easy Simultaneous Equations 266 261 287 DS03802
Easy Simultaneous Equations 270 261 289 DS12265
Easy Simultaneous Equations 283 263 294 DS12062
Easy Simultaneous Equations 290 263 297 DS08723
Easy Simultaneous Equations 291 263 297 DS04605
Easy Simultaneous Equations 333 267 312 DS70602.01
Easy Simultaneous Equations 334 267 313 DS90602.01
Easy Simultaneous Equations 342 267 315 DS42602.01
Easy Statistics 267 261 288 DS05863
Easy Statistics 274 262 290 DS50241.02
Easy Statistics 276 262 291 DS03138
Easy Statistics 277 262 292 DS00254
Easy Statistics 289 263 297 DS00660
Easy Statistics 343 267 315 DS43602.01
Easy Triangles 328 266 311 DS27502.01
Easy Triangles 345 268 316 DS63602.01
Easy Triangles; Area 305 264 302 DS06901
Easy Triangles; Pythagorean Theorem 281 262 294 DS04594
Easy Volume 326 266 310 DS51531.02
Medium Algebra; Applied Problems 406 274 339 DS05631

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Algebra; Applied Problems 421 275 347 DS71521.01
Medium Angles 400 273 337 DS04852
Medium Applied Problems 379 271 330 DS14569
Medium Applied Problems 381 271 331 DS11287
Medium Applied Problems 393 272 335 DS05330
Medium Applied Problems 395 273 335 DS46420.02
Medium Applied Problems 396 273 336 DS01257
Medium Applied Problems 423 275 347 DS14527
Medium Applied Problems; Circles 384 272 331 DS05049
Medium Applied Problems; Percents 408 274 340 DS13541
Medium Applied Problems; Percents 418 275 345 DS04540
Medium Applied Problems; Percents 419 275 346 DS08365
Medium Applied Problems; Proportions 375 271 328 DS08420
Medium Arithmetic Operations 350 268 317 DS37502.01
Medium Circles 360 269 321 DS30602.01
Medium Circles; Area 361 269 322 DS59502.01
Medium Computation with Integers 405 274 339 DS04157
Medium Computation with Integers 420 275 346 DS01168
Medium Exponents 355 268 319 DS38502.01
Medium Exponents 387 272 333 DS09379
Medium First-Degree Equations 385 272 332 DS24751.01
Medium First-Degree Equations 403 273 338 DS72951.01
Medium First-Degree Equations 413 274 343 DS45530.01
Medium Functions 392 272 334 DS24571.01
Medium Inequalities 359 269 320 DS69502.01
Medium Inequalities 402 273 338 DS13588
Medium Inequalities 407 274 340 DS15561
Medium Inequalities 415 274 343 DS13130
Medium Number Line 426 276 349 DS01324
Medium Operations with Integers 410 274 342 DS13841.01
Medium Operations with Integers; Order 389 272 333 DS13949
Medium Percents 383 271 331 DS13408
Medium Polygons 409 274 341 DS75271.01
Medium Probability 394 272 335 DS03045
Medium Properties of Integers 349 268 317 DS07502.01
Medium Properties of Integers 357 269 320 DS49502.01

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Properties of Integers 380 271 330 DS05377
Medium Properties of Integers 425 275 348 DS15045
Medium Properties of Numbers 382 271 331 DS17615
Medium Properties of Numbers 386 272 332 DS05772
Medium Properties of Numbers 390 272 334 DS12943
Medium Properties of Numbers 391 272 334 DS14788
Medium Properties of Numbers 404 273 339 DS11257
Medium Properties of Numbers 412 274 343 DS06027
Medium Properties of Numbers 414 274 343 DS08197
Medium Quadrilaterals 363 269 323 DS51602.01
Medium Quadrilaterals 374 271 327 DS75602.01
Medium Quadrilaterals; Area 356 268 319 DS28502.01
Medium Quadrilaterals; Perimeter 370 270 325 DS64602.01
Medium Ratios 362 269 322 DS61602.01
Medium Ratios; Simultaneous Equations 358 269 320 DS00602.01
Medium Rectangles; Perimeter 398 273 336 DS04428
Medium Series and Sequences 351 268 317 DS57502.01
Medium Series and Sequences 365 269 323 DS92602.01
Medium Sets 401 273 338 DS06096
Medium Simplifying Algebraic 376 271 329 DS04057
Medium Simplifying Algebraic 399 273 337 DS06537
Medium Simultaneous Equations 352 268 318 DS86502.01
Medium Simultaneous Equations 353 268 318 DS47502.01
Medium Simultaneous Equations 354 268 319 DS08502.01
Medium Simultaneous Equations 366 269 324 DS13602.01
Medium Simultaneous Equations 388 272 333 DS19199
Medium Statistics 377 271 329 DS02939
Medium Statistics 378 271 329 DS01341
Medium Statistics 417 275 344 DS08091.01
Medium Statistics 422 275 347 DS05269
Medium Statistics 424 275 348 DS89950.01
Medium Statistics; Simplifying Algebraic 397 273 336 DS02706
Medium Surface Area 416 275 344 DS47651.01
Medium Triangles 367 270 324 DS83602.01

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Triangles 369 270 325 DS34602.01
Medium Triangles; Area 364 269 323 DS71602.01
Medium Triangles; Area 368 270 324 DS24602.01
Medium Triangles; Area 371 270 326 DS74602.01
Medium Triangles; Area; Pythagorean 373 270 327 DS94602.01
Medium Volume 372 270 327 DS84602.01
Medium Volume; Surface Area 411 274 342 DS50351.01
Hard Absolute Value 489 282 374 DS07441
Hard Angles 498 283 379 DS06875
Hard Applied Problems 433 276 351 DS05639
Hard Applied Problems 435 276 352 DS05668
Hard Applied Problems 436 276 352 DS07953
Hard Applied Problems 448 278 358 DS03680
Hard Applied Problems 457 278 361 DS00764
Hard Applied Problems 471 280 366 DS16164
Hard Applied Problems 488 282 374 DS19120.02
Hard Applied Problems 491 282 375 DS04409
Hard Applied Problems 495 283 377 DS16188
Hard Applied Problems; Estimating 477 280 368 DS08995
Hard Area 496 283 378 DS16572
Hard Circles 466 279 365 DS16542
Hard Circles 476 280 368 DS12070
Hard Computation with Integers 434 276 351 DS03057
Hard Computation with Integers 456 278 361 DS07508
Hard Coordinate Geometry 444 277 356 DS05265
Hard Coordinate Geometry 479 281 370 DS12806
Hard Coordinate Geometry 480 281 370 DS07713
Hard Cylinders; Volume 440 277 354 DS13982
Hard Elementary Combinatorics 428 276 350 DS06659
Hard Exponents 447 278 358 DS06318
Hard Functions 461 279 363 DS06657
Hard Inequalities 458 278 361 DS06038
Hard Inequalities 470 280 366 DS00328
Hard Inequalities 473 280 367 DS13958
Hard Inequalities 499 283 379 DS16370

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Operations on Rational Numbers 484 281 372 DS01427
Hard Operations with Radicals 439 277 353 DS12730
Hard Order 432 276 351 DS07262
Hard Order 441 277 355 DS16197
Hard Percents 427 276 349 DS11210.02
Hard Percents 429 276 350 DS16078
Hard Percents 437 277 352 DS14406
Hard Place Value 446 277 357 DS04631
Hard Place Value 485 281 372 DS11723
Hard Polygons 464 279 364 DS02888
Hard Properties of Integers 453 278 360 DS06789
Hard Properties of Integers 462 279 363 DS12718
Hard Properties of Numbers 431 276 350 DS08231
Hard Properties of Numbers 451 278 359 DS08105
Hard Properties of Numbers 454 278 360 DS13965
Hard Properties of Numbers 460 279 363 DS16361
Hard Properties of Numbers 467 279 365 DS13641
Hard Properties of Numbers 469 280 366 DS08301
Hard Properties of Numbers 474 280 367 DS08451
Hard Properties of Numbers 487 282 373 DS00340
Hard Properties of Numbers 493 282 377 DS16368
Hard Properties of Numbers 497 283 378 DS16168
Hard Properties of Numbers 501 283 380 DS16085
Hard Proportions 500 283 379 DS16589
Hard Rate Problems 438 277 353 DS06315
Hard Ratio and Proportion 465 279 364 DS01049
Hard Ratios 452 278 360 DS16384
Hard Rectangular Solids and Cylinders 468 279 365 DS04897
Hard Rounding; Estimating 430 276 350 DS16529
Hard Second-Degree Equations 463 279 364 DS03046
Hard Sets 459 279 362 DS12008
Hard Sets 486 282 373 DS05162
Hard Simplifying Algebraic 502 283 380 DS16204
Hard Simultaneous Equations 442 277 355 DS18414
Hard Simultaneous Equations 449 278 358 DS01383

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Statistics 445 277 357 DS09603
Hard Statistics 455 278 360 DS00172
Hard Statistics 472 280 367 DS12047
Hard Statistics 475 280 368 DS01473
Hard Statistics 478 281 369 DS12239
Hard Statistics 482 281 371 DS09973
Hard Statistics 490 282 374 DS11538
Hard Statistics 492 282 376 DS01641
Hard Statistics 494 282 377 DS16565
Hard Triangles 483 281 371 DS13857
Hard Triangles; Area 443 277 356 DS16536
Hard Triangles; Area 450 278 358 DS06869
Hard Triangles; Perimeter 481 281 371 DS06861

Reading Comprehension
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Application 512 461 525 RC00344-04
Easy Evaluation 509 459 523 RC00455-03
Easy Evaluation 518 464 529 RC00359-06
Easy Evaluation 523 466 532 RC00419-06
Easy Evaluation 526 468 534 RC00458-03
Easy Evaluation 529 469 536 RC00497-03
Easy Evaluation 536 473 540 RC38200-
Easy Evaluation 540 474 542 RC38200-
Easy Inference 507 457 521 RC00525-02
Easy Inference 511 461 524 RC00344-02
Easy Inference 514 462 526 RC00344-06
Easy Inference 520 465 530 RC00419-02
Easy Inference 521 466 531 RC00419-04
Easy Inference 522 466 531 RC00419-05
Easy Inference 530 470 536 RC00497-04
Easy Inference 533 471 538 RC00017-03
Easy Inference 534 472 539 RC00017-04

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Inference 537 473 541 RC38200-
Easy Inference 543 474 544 RC38200-
Easy Main Idea 503 455 519 RC00504-01
Easy Main Idea 505 456 520 RC00504-04
Easy Main Idea 506 457 521 RC00525-01
Easy Main Idea 517 464 528 RC00359-05
Easy Main Idea 519 465 530 RC00419-01
Easy Main Idea 524 467 533 RC00458-01
Easy Main Idea 542 474 543 RC38200-
Easy Supporting Idea 504 455 519 RC00504-05
Easy Supporting Idea 508 458 522 RC00525-07
Easy Supporting Idea 510 460 524 RC00455-05
Easy Supporting Idea 513 462 526 RC00344-05
Easy Supporting Idea 515 463 527 RC00359-01
Easy Supporting Idea 516 463 528 RC00359-03
Easy Supporting Idea 525 467 533 RC00458-02
Easy Supporting Idea 527 468 534 RC00458-05
Easy Supporting Idea 528 469 535 RC00497-02
Easy Supporting Idea 531 470 537 RC00497-05
Easy Supporting Idea 532 471 538 RC00017-02
Easy Supporting Idea 535 472 539 RC00017-05
Easy Supporting Idea 538 474 541 RC38200-
Easy Supporting Idea 539 474 542 RC38200-
Easy Supporting Idea 541 474 543 RC38200-
Medium Application 559 479 554 RC00423-03
Medium Application 564 482 557 RC00349-04
Medium Application 573 486 562 RC00121-05
Medium Application 582 489 567 RC00223-04
Medium Application 587 492 569 RC00333-04
Medium Evaluation 546 475 546 RC74000-

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Evaluation 547 476 546 RC74000-
Medium Evaluation 549 476 547 RC74000-
Medium Evaluation 553 477 550 RC00394-03
Medium Evaluation 555 478 551 RC00394-05
Medium Evaluation 565 482 557 RC00349-05
Medium Evaluation 572 485 561 RC00121-03
Medium Evaluation 577 488 564 RC00120-01
Medium Evaluation 583 490 567 RC00223-05
Medium Evaluation 584 490 568 RC00223-07
Medium Evaluation 590 494 571 RC00272-06
Medium Inference 545 475 545 RC74000-
Medium Inference 548 476 547 RC74000-
Medium Inference 551 476 549 RC74000-
Medium Inference 552 477 549 RC00394-02
Medium Inference 554 478 551 RC00394-04
Medium Inference 558 479 553 RC00423-02
Medium Inference 560 479 555 RC00423-04
Medium Inference 561 480 555 RC00423-05
Medium Inference 570 485 560 RC00121-01
Medium Inference 571 485 561 RC00121-02
Medium Inference 576 487 564 RC00120-06
Medium Inference 580 488 566 RC00120-04
Medium Inference 586 491 569 RC00333-02
Medium Inference 588 493 570 RC00272-02
Medium Main Idea 550 476 548 RC74000-
Medium Main Idea 567 483 559 RC00633-01
Medium Main Idea 574 486 562 RC00121-07
Medium Main Idea 575 487 563 RC00120-05
Medium Main Idea 585 491 568 RC00333-01
Medium Main Idea 591 494 572 RC00272-07
Medium Supporting Idea 544 475 545 RC74000-

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Supporting Idea 556 478 552 RC00394-06
Medium Supporting Idea 557 479 553 RC00423-01
Medium Supporting Idea 562 481 556 RC00349-02
Medium Supporting Idea 563 481 556 RC00349-03
Medium Supporting Idea 566 482 558 RC00349-06
Medium Supporting Idea 568 483 559 RC00633-02
Medium Supporting Idea 569 484 560 RC00633-06
Medium Supporting Idea 578 488 565 RC00120-02
Medium Supporting Idea 579 488 565 RC00120-03
Medium Supporting Idea 581 489 566 RC00223-03
Medium Supporting Idea 589 493 571 RC00272-04
Hard Application 615 504 585 RC00229-04
Hard Application 619 505 588 RC00556-04
Hard Application 628 510 593 RC00013-04
Hard Application 646 515 604 RC00524-04
Hard Evaluation 593 495 573 RC00109-02
Hard Evaluation 599 498 576 RC00558-02
Hard Evaluation 601 499 578 RC00433-02
Hard Evaluation 604 500 579 RC00433-08
Hard Evaluation 610 502 582 RC00312-05
Hard Evaluation 616 504 586 RC00229-05
Hard Evaluation 617 504 586 RC00229-06
Hard Evaluation 620 506 588 RC00556-05
Hard Evaluation 623 507 590 RC00073-03
Hard Evaluation 631 510 595 RC00013-08
Hard Evaluation 638 513 599 RC00313-01
Hard Evaluation 643 514 602 RC00313-06
Hard Evaluation 648 516 605 RC00524-07
Hard Evaluation 649 517 606 RC00301-04
Hard Inference 596 496 574 RC00109-05
Hard Inference 597 496 575 RC00109-06
Hard Inference 598 497 575 RC00558-01
Hard Inference 602 500 578 RC00433-11
Hard Inference 603 500 579 RC00433-04
Hard Inference 606 500 580 RC00433-09
Hard Inference 608 501 581 RC00312-03

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Inference 609 502 582 RC00312-04
Hard Inference 613 503 584 RC00229-02
Hard Inference 614 503 585 RC00229-03
Hard Inference 621 506 589 RC00556-06
Hard Inference 624 508 591 RC00073-08
Hard Inference 627 509 593 RC00013-03
Hard Inference 629 510 594 RC00013-05
Hard Inference 632 510 595 RC00013-09
Hard Inference 633 511 596 RC00650-02
Hard Inference 634 511 597 RC00650-03
Hard Inference 635 511 597 RC00650-06
Hard Inference 636 512 598 RC00650-07
Hard Inference 641 514 601 RC00313-04
Hard Inference 642 514 601 RC00313-05
Hard Inference 644 514 603 RC00313-08
Hard Inference 645 515 603 RC00524-02
Hard Inference 650 517 606 RC00301-03
Hard Inference 651 517 607 RC00301-02
Hard Main Idea 592 495 572 RC00109-01
Hard Main Idea 600 498 577 RC00558-06
Hard Main Idea 605 500 580 RC00433-06
Hard Main Idea 607 501 581 RC00312-01
Hard Main Idea 612 503 583 RC00229-01
Hard Main Idea 625 509 592 RC00013-01
Hard Supporting Idea 594 496 573 RC00109-03
Hard Supporting Idea 595 496 574 RC00109-04
Hard Supporting Idea 611 502 583 RC00312-06
Hard Supporting Idea 618 505 587 RC00556-03
Hard Supporting Idea 622 507 590 RC00073-01
Hard Supporting Idea 626 509 592 RC00013-02
Hard Supporting Idea 630 510 594 RC00013-07
Hard Supporting Idea 637 512 598 RC00650-08
Hard Supporting Idea 639 513 600 RC00313-02
Hard Supporting Idea 640 514 600 RC00313-03
Hard Supporting Idea 647 516 605 RC00524-06

Critical Reasoning
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Argument Construction 653 614 666 CR53631.01
Easy Argument Construction 654 614 667 CR79041.01
Easy Argument Construction 657 615 670 CR33061.01
Easy Argument Construction 658 615 671 CR09616
Easy Argument Construction 661 616 674 CR73241.01
Easy Argument Construction 662 617 675 CR41141.01
Easy Argument Construction 663 617 676 CR11741.01
Easy Argument Construction 667 618 680 CR93241.01
Easy Argument Construction 668 619 681 CR49551.01
Easy Argument Construction 672 620 685 CR12078
Easy Argument Construction 674 620 687 CR01295
Easy Argument Construction 676 621 689 CR05080
Easy Argument Construction 677 621 690 CR04159
Easy Argument Construction 678 621 691 CR05452
Easy Argument Construction 682 622 696 CR00766
Easy Argument Construction 687 624 701 CR08471
Easy Argument Construction 688 624 702 CR04364
Easy Argument Construction 689 624 703 CR05186
Easy Argument Construction 692 625 706 CR03367
Easy Argument Construction 693 626 707 CR07660
Easy Argument Construction 695 626 709 CR07712
Easy Argument Construction 698 627 712 CR04140
Easy Argument Construction 701 628 715 CR02702
Easy Argument Evaluation 652 614 665 CR70041.01
Easy Argument Evaluation 655 615 668 CR31551.01
Easy Argument Evaluation 659 616 672 CR52061.01
Easy Argument Evaluation 660 616 673 CR40751.01
Easy Argument Evaluation 665 618 678 CR09994
Easy Argument Evaluation 669 619 682 CR01107
Easy Argument Evaluation 671 619 684 CR03940
Easy Argument Evaluation 673 620 686 CR51141.01
Easy Argument Evaluation 680 622 693 CR01102
Easy Argument Evaluation 681 622 695 CR67830.02
Easy Argument Evaluation 683 623 697 CR14430.02
Easy Argument Evaluation 686 624 700 CR05667

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Argument Evaluation 697 627 711 CR03695
Easy Argument Evaluation 699 627 713 CR05077
Easy Argument Evaluation 702 628 716 CR41700.02
Easy Argument Evaluation 703 629 717 CR18310.02
Easy Argument Evaluation 705 629 720 CR30650.02
Easy Argument Evaluation 706 629 721 CR44040.02
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 656 615 669 CR07651.01
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 664 617 677 CR94231.01
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 666 618 679 CR08017
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 670 619 683 CR12584
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 675 621 688 CR03938
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 679 622 692 CR09963
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 684 623 698 CR04882
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 685 623 699 CR08330.02
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 690 625 704 CR01867
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 691 625 705 CR12558
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 694 626 708 CR04366
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 696 626 710 CR08770
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 700 628 714 CR05412
Easy Evaluation of a Plan 704 629 719 CR74231.01
Medium Argument Construction 708 630 724 CR08831
Medium Argument Construction 709 630 725 CR01112
Medium Argument Construction 711 631 727 CR11751.01
Medium Argument Construction 712 631 728 CR02143
Medium Argument Construction 713 631 729 CR18731.01
Medium Argument Construction 714 632 730 CR02888
Medium Argument Construction 715 632 731 CR07809
Medium Argument Construction 716 632 732 CR12019
Medium Argument Construction 718 633 734 CR03749
Medium Argument Construction 720 634 736 CR00748
Medium Argument Construction 724 635 740 CR09151
Medium Argument Construction 725 635 741 CR04986
Medium Argument Construction 729 636 745 CR55541.01
Medium Argument Construction 730 636 746 CR13108
Medium Argument Construction 731 637 747 CR00777
Medium Argument Construction 736 638 752 CR11639

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Argument Construction 739 639 755 CR53341.01
Medium Argument Construction 740 639 756 CR80531.01
Medium Argument Construction 742 640 758 CR03272
Medium Argument Construction 743 640 759 CR08239
Medium Argument Construction 748 642 764 CR38931.01
Medium Argument Construction 749 642 765 CR02885
Medium Argument Construction 750 642 766 CR02886
Medium Argument Construction 752 643 768 CR07810
Medium Argument Construction 753 643 769 CR74541.01
Medium Argument Construction 754 643 771 CR02829
Medium Argument Construction 756 644 773 CR05756
Medium Argument Construction 759 645 776 CR03727
Medium Argument Evaluation 707 630 723 CR78590.02
Medium Argument Evaluation 710 630 726 CR79751.01
Medium Argument Evaluation 717 633 733 CR20831.01
Medium Argument Evaluation 721 634 737 CR07304
Medium Argument Evaluation 722 634 738 CR90061.01
Medium Argument Evaluation 726 635 742 CR04935
Medium Argument Evaluation 727 636 743 CR81021.02
Medium Argument Evaluation 728 636 744 CR00895
Medium Argument Evaluation 734 638 750 CR01905
Medium Argument Evaluation 735 638 751 CR01368
Medium Argument Evaluation 737 639 753 CR13127
Medium Argument Evaluation 744 640 760 CR32441.01
Medium Argument Evaluation 747 641 763 CR02830
Medium Argument Evaluation 751 643 767 CR00827
Medium Argument Evaluation 755 644 772 CR91630.02
Medium Argument Evaluation 757 644 774 CR05501
Medium Argument Evaluation 758 645 775 CR04805
Medium Argument Evaluation 760 645 777 CR12051
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 719 633 735 CR04925
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 723 635 739 CR09117
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 732 637 748 CR10028
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 733 637 749 CR08443
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 738 639 754 CR99530.01
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 741 640 757 CR09534

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 745 641 761 CR95631.01
Medium Evaluation of a Plan 746 641 762 CR00713
Hard Argument Construction 761 645 778 CR09760.02
Hard Argument Construction 763 646 780 CR20170.02
Hard Argument Construction 764 646 781 CR65030.02
Hard Argument Construction 766 647 783 CR02866
Hard Argument Construction 768 648 785 CR10049
Hard Argument Construction 771 648 788 CR01239
Hard Argument Construction 774 649 791 CR04964
Hard Argument Construction 776 650 793 CR01285
Hard Argument Construction 777 650 794 CR25550.02
Hard Argument Construction 781 652 798 CR05446
Hard Argument Construction 784 652 801 CR03618
Hard Argument Construction 788 654 806 CR03859
Hard Argument Construction 789 654 807 CR01337
Hard Argument Construction 793 655 811 CR01293
Hard Argument Construction 799 657 817 CR11633
Hard Argument Construction 800 657 818 CR08527
Hard Argument Construction 803 658 821 CR00907
Hard Argument Construction 805 659 823 CR05685
Hard Argument Construction 807 659 825 CR00778
Hard Argument Construction 811 661 829 CR00774
Hard Argument Construction 812 661 830 CR01289
Hard Argument Construction 815 662 833 CR11453
Hard Argument Evaluation 762 646 779 CR00860.02
Hard Argument Evaluation 767 647 784 CR04924
Hard Argument Evaluation 769 648 786 CR01163
Hard Argument Evaluation 770 648 787 CR00792
Hard Argument Evaluation 772 649 789 CR01153
Hard Argument Evaluation 775 650 792 CR01096
Hard Argument Evaluation 778 651 795 CR00788
Hard Argument Evaluation 779 651 796 CR03251
Hard Argument Evaluation 780 651 797 CR07318
Hard Argument Evaluation 782 652 799 CR05191
Hard Argument Evaluation 783 652 800 CR05614
Hard Argument Evaluation 786 653 803 CR01854

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Argument Evaluation 787 653 804 CR00942
Hard Argument Evaluation 790 654 808 CR03541
Hard Argument Evaluation 792 655 810 CR04718
Hard Argument Evaluation 795 656 813 CR01848
Hard Argument Evaluation 796 656 814 CR03814
Hard Argument Evaluation 798 657 816 CR05960
Hard Argument Evaluation 801 658 819 CR05644
Hard Argument Evaluation 802 658 820 CR44930.02
Hard Argument Evaluation 804 658 822 CR07257
Hard Argument Evaluation 808 660 826 CR05725
Hard Argument Evaluation 809 660 827 CR02997
Hard Argument Evaluation 813 661 831 CR05082
Hard Argument Evaluation 814 662 832 CR09951
Hard Argument Evaluation 816 662 834 CR01202
Hard Argument Evaluation 817 662 835 CR05093
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 765 647 782 CR06728
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 773 649 790 CR27430.02
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 785 653 802 CR51520.02
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 791 655 809 CR01879
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 794 655 812 CR11447
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 797 656 815 CR76951.02
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 806 659 824 CR01801
Hard Evaluation of a Plan 810 660 828 CR03818

Sentence Correction
Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Grammatical Construction; 830 861 905 SC02078
Idiom; Parallelism
Easy Rhetorical Construction; Verb 840 864 911 SC01436
Easy Agreement; Grammatical 821 859 898 SC33440.02
Easy Agreement; Grammatical 838 863 910 SC61940.02
Easy Agreement; Idiom; Verb Form 843 864 912 SC05201

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Agreement; Parallelism 858 867 922 SC04093
Easy Agreement; Rhetorical 823 860 899 SC15382
Easy Diction; Parallelism 845 864 914 SC03079
Easy Diction; Parallelism 857 867 921 SC00981
Easy Diction; Rhetorical Construction 861 867 924 SC07338
Easy Grammatical Construction; 846 865 914 SC09877
Easy Grammatical Construction; 852 866 918 SC94340.02
Easy Grammatical Construction; 868 869 928 SC40050.02
Easy Grammatical Construction; 854 866 920 SC01470
Easy Grammatical Construction; 827 861 903 SC08150.02
Logical Predication
Easy Grammatical Construction; 844 864 913 SC13010
Logical Predication
Easy Grammatical Construction; 819 859 896 SC01527
Easy Grammatical Construction; 829 861 904 SC03014
Easy Grammatical Construction; 835 862 908 SC03083
Easy Grammatical Construction; Verb 824 860 900 SC01455
Easy Idiom, Logical Predication; 826 860 902 SC52050.02
Easy Idiom; Diction 818 859 896 SC39850.02
Easy Idiom; Diction 848 865 915 SC04452
Easy Idiom; Diction 867 868 927 SC14740.02
Easy Idiom; Grammatical 839 863 910 SC02000
Easy Idiom; Logical Predication 820 859 897 SC20160.02
Easy Idiom; Rhetorical Construction 832 862 906 SC01680
Easy Idiom; Rhetorical Construction 833 862 907 SC02272
Easy Idiom; Rhetorical Construction 863 868 925 SC87460.01
Easy Idiom; Rhetorical Construction; 862 868 924 SC12710.01
Logical Predication
Easy Idiom; Verb Form 825 860 901 SC00740.02

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Easy Idiom; Verb Form 837 863 909 SC91050.02
Easy Idiom; Verb Form 869 869 929 SC03050.02
Easy Logical Predication 847 865 915 SC01975
Easy Logical Predication 865 868 926 SC22260.02
Easy Logical Predication; Diction 850 865 917 SC27250.02
Easy Logical Predication; Diction 864 868 925 SC19060.02
Easy Logical Predication; Diction 866 868 926 SC69440.02
Easy Logical Predication; Diction; 849 865 916 SC02025
Verb Form
Easy Logical Predication; Grammatical 842 864 912 SC07348
Easy Logical Prediction; Rhetorical 855 866 920 SC03260.02
Easy Parallelism; Agreement 836 863 909 SC01739
Easy Parallelism; Idiom 822 860 899 SC12999
Easy Parallelism; Rhetorical 860 867 923 SC09185
Easy Rhetorical Construction; 834 862 908 SC02096
Grammatical Construction
Easy Rhetorical Construction; Logical 851 865 918 SC01554
Easy Rhetorical Construction; Logical 856 866 921 SC91660.02
Easy Rhetorical Construction; Verb 831 861 906 SC03881
Form; Logical Predication
Easy Rhetorical Construction; Verb 859 867 922 SC02102
Form; Logical Predication
Easy Verb Form; Logical Predication 828 861 904 SC21130.02
Easy Verb Form; Logical Predication 841 864 911 SC00970
Easy Verb Form; Rhetorical 853 866 919 SC01059
Medium Agreement; Diction 925 880 965 SC02443
Medium Agreement; Rhetorical 883 872 938 SC07446
Medium Diction; Grammatical 914 878 957 SC07530.02
Construction; Logical Predication
Medium Diction; Verb Form 878 870 935 SC71360.02
Medium Diction; Verb Form 917 878 959 SC71030.02
Medium Diction; Verb Form 922 879 963 SC48420.01

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Diction; Verb Form; Parallelism 876 870 933 SC32261.01
Medium Grammatical Construction; 873 870 931 SC12841.01
Medium Grammatical Construction; 901 875 949 SC24321.01
Medium Grammatical Construction; 907 876 952 SC01077
Medium Grammatical Construction; 920 879 961 SC03288
Medium Grammatical Construction; 899 875 947 SC14066
Rhetorical Construction
Medium Grammatical Construction; 926 880 965 SC14796
Rhetorical Construction
Medium Grammatical Construction; Verb 896 874 946 SC04422
Medium Idiom; Logical Predication 912 877 956 SC34740.02
Medium Idiom; Parallelism 880 871 936 SC04704
Medium Idiom; Parallelism 923 879 963 SC38250.02
Medium Idiom; Parallelism; Logical 890 873 942 SC01007
Medium Idiom; Rhetorical Construction 919 879 960 SC01037
Medium Idiom; Rhetorical Construction; 886 872 940 SC25540.02
Logical Predication
Medium Logical Predication; Agreement 900 875 948 SC01946
Medium Logical Predication; Agreement; 905 876 951 SC20121.01
Grammatical Construction; Verb
Medium Logical Predication; Diction 875 870 933 SC83751.01
Medium Logical Predication; Grammatical 884 872 938 SC01595
Medium Logical Predication; Grammatical 910 877 954 SC41451.01
Construction; Agreement
Medium Logical Predication; Grammatical 872 869 931 SC01018
Construction; Rhetorical
Medium Logical Predication; Grammatical 888 872 941 SC00985
Construction; Verb Form
Medium Logical Predication; Idiom 881 871 937 SC04562
Medium Logical Predication; Modification 894 874 945 SC00994
Medium Logical Predication; Parallelism 909 877 954 SC01523

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Logical Predication; Rhetorical 882 871 937 SC01498
Medium Logical Predication; Rhetorical 906 876 952 SC36241.01
Medium Logical Predication; Rhetorical 918 878 960 SC17041.01
Medium Logical Predication; Rhetorical 928 880 966 SC61740.02
Medium Logical Predication; Rhetorical 902 875 949 SC01973
Construction; Verb Form
Medium Parallelism; Diction 913 877 956 SC00989
Medium Parallelism; Grammatical 874 870 932 SC24751.01
Medium Parallelism; Grammatical 892 873 943 SC04760
Medium Parallelism; Rhetorical 871 869 930 SC01506
Medium Parallelism; Rhetorical 895 874 945 SC01521
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Diction 889 873 942 SC61120.02
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Diction 891 873 943 SC04770
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Diction 921 879 962 SC01493
Medium Rhetorical Construction; 898 874 947 SC07232
Grammatical Construction
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Idiom 887 872 940 SC01507
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Idiom; 893 873 944 SC01469
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Logical 885 872 939 SC04416
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Logical 897 874 946 SC00971
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Logical 904 876 950 SC02448
Predication; Grammatical
Medium Rhetorical Construction; 879 871 936 SC01472
Medium Rhetorical Construction; Verb 916 878 958 SC11850.01
Medium Verb Form 911 877 955 SC01487
Medium Verb Form; Logical Predication 877 870 934 SC01490
Medium Verb Form; Logical Predication 908 877 953 SC16020.02

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Medium Verb Form; Logical Predication 915 878 957 SC07920.02
Medium Verb Form; Logical Predication 924 879 964 SC01603
Medium Verb Form; Parallelism 903 876 950 SC01033
Medium Verb Form; Rhetorical 870 869 929 SC80540.02
Medium Verb Form; Rhetorical 927 880 966 SC08577
Hard Agreement; Idiom 953 885 980 SC01474
Hard Agreement; Idiom 957 886 983 SC06898
Hard Agreement; Idiom 995 894 1003 SC04836
Hard Agreement; Logical Predication 940 883 973 SC01445
Hard Agreement; Logical Predication 947 884 977 SC07117
Hard Agreement; Logical Predication 950 885 979 SC01068
Hard Agreement; Logical Predication 985 892 998 SC06633
Hard Agreement; Parallelism 977 890 994 SC01587
Hard Agreement; Rhetorical 981 891 996 SC02346
Construction; Logical Predication
Hard Diction; Agreement 937 882 971 SC03675
Hard Diction; Idiom 976 890 993 SC02216
Hard Diction; Idiom 984 892 997 SC02344
Hard Diction; Parallelism 983 891 997 SC01957
Hard Diction; Parallelism; Verb Form 931 881 968 SC02280
Hard Grammatical Construction; 938 882 972 SC07758
Hard Grammatical Construction; 945 884 976 SC02135
Hard Grammatical Construction; 956 886 982 SC03805
Rhetorical Construction
Hard Grammatical Construction; Verb 988 892 1000 SC04899
Hard Idiom; Grammatical 933 881 969 SC01051
Hard Idiom; Grammatical 952 885 980 SC01561
Hard Idiom; Grammatical 973 890 992 SC01714
Hard Idiom; Grammatical 979 891 995 SC01761
Construction; Logical Predication
Hard Idiom; Logical Predication 934 881 970 SC01028

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Idiom; Logical Predication; 943 884 975 SC02317
Rhetorical Construction
Hard Idiom; Logical Predication; 964 888 987 SC03292
Rhetorical Construction
Hard Idiom; Verb Form; Logical 993 893 1002 SC01647
Hard Logical Predication; Agreement 949 885 978 SC05848
Hard Logical Predication; Agreement 971 889 991 SC02094
Hard Logical Predication; Agreement 980 891 995 SC02259
Hard Logical Predication; Agreement 987 892 999 SC03154
Hard Logical Predication; Grammatical 935 881 970 SC04331
Hard Logical Predication; Grammatical 939 882 973 SC02710
Hard Logical Predication; Grammatical 967 888 988 SC02611
Hard Logical Predication; Grammatical 978 891 994 SC01622
Hard Logical Predication; Parallelism 932 881 969 SC01583
Hard Logical Predication; Parallelism 972 890 991 SC05760
Hard Logical Predication; Parallelism 990 893 1001 SC03752
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 936 882 971 SC02060
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 958 886 983 SC08719
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 963 888 986 SC06740
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 965 888 987 SC02539
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 968 889 989 SC02576
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 970 889 990 SC02008
Hard Logical Predication; Rhetorical 975 890 993 SC01987
Hard Logical Predication; Verb Form 946 884 977 SC02470
Hard Logical Predication; Verb Form 955 886 981 SC05393
Hard Parallelism; Diction 948 885 978 SC01550
Hard Parallelism; Rhetorical 930 881 968 SC07035

Question Explanation
Difficulty Concept # Page Page PQID
Hard Parallelism; Rhetorical 951 885 979 SC08083
Hard Parallelism; Verb Form 982 891 996 SC04213
Hard Parallelism; Verb Form; Logical 994 894 1003 SC01618
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 941 883 974 SC03207
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 959 887 984 SC01577
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 989 893 1000 SC05785
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 942 883 975 SC06611
Agreement; Grammatical
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 974 890 992 SC04853
Grammatical Construction
Hard Rhetorical Construction; Idiom 954 886 981 SC04249
Hard Rhetorical Construction; Idiom 960 887 984 SC02138
Hard Rhetorical Construction; Idiom 986 892 998 SC04330
Hard Rhetorical Construction; Logical 962 887 986 SC04408
Hard Rhetorical Construction; Logical 966 888 988 SC01022
Hard Rhetorical Construction; 929 880 967 SC01607
Parallelism; Diction
Hard Rhetorical Construction; Verb 991 893 1001 SC04343
Hard Verb Form; Diction 944 884 976 SC07231
Hard Verb Form; Grammatical 969 889 989 SC12131
Construction; Diction
Hard Verb Form; Rhetorical 992 893 1002 SC02965
Hard Verb Form; Rhetorical 961 887 985 SC01443
Construction; Logical Predication
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