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Section 3

Q1) You will hear (audio) a woman asking a tutor for more information about a Media Studies
course at a university.

Questions 21 - 23

Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.

21. How long did Louise work at a radio station?

A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years

22. Why does Louise want to do a Masters?

A. To get a promotion in her current job

B. To go into TV
C. Employers like post-graduate qualifications

23. How long will it take to do the master part-time rather than the modular route?

A. 18 months
B. 3 years
C. 4 years

Questions 24 and 25

Choose TWO letters A-F.

Which two things must Louise have to join the course?

A. bachelor's degree
B. Work experience
C. Either a bachelor's degree or work experience
D. Research experience
E. A completed thesis
F. Motivation
Questions 26-30


The fees are (26)______________ per year to do the course part-time. The university has a
(27)______________ it can use to fund the most suitable students. You must have a
(28)______________ in place before you can get any funding. The details on funding can be
found on the (29)_____________. That will also have information on eligibility, help available,
and (30)___________________.

Box Telecom

Q2) You will hear (audio) a tutor and two students discussing a case study.

Questions 21 - 24

Complete the notes below

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Box Telecom

Problems: been affected by

● drop in 21. ______________

● growing 22. _____________
● delays due to a strike

Causes of problems:

● high 23. ______________

● lack of good 24. _____________

Questions 25 - 27

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

25. What does Karin think the company will do?

A. look for private investors

B. accept a takeover offer
C. issue some new shares
26. How does the tutor suggest the company can recover?

A. by appointing a new managing director

B. by changing the way it is organised
C. by closing some of its retail outlets

27. The tutor wants Jason and Karin to produce a report which

A. offers a solution to Box Telecom's problems

B. analyses the UK market
C. compares different companies

Questions 28 - 30

Which opinion does each person express about Box Telecom?

● its workers are motivated

● it has too little investment
● it will overcome its problems
● its marketing plan needs improvement
● is is old-fashioned
● it has strong marketing managers

28. Karin__________

29. Jason__________

30. the tutor ____________
Section 4

Indian Railways
Q1) Listen to this (audio) about the Indian Railways.

Questions 31-35

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

31. Indian Railways is owned and _____________ by the government of India.

32. There are more than ________________ million people working for Indian Railways

33. The _________________ of the railways from 1857 occurred under Robert Maitland

34. The joining of the East Indian Railway with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway led to a
network of _________________ kilometres.

35. The route from Bombay to Calcutta, opened in 1870, was an ________________ for the
book Around the World in 80 days.

Questions 36-40

Complete the table below

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer

Period Situation

1875 - 1899

The network radiated inward from (36)_______________, Madras, and


1900 - 1906

It was not long before various independent kingdoms had their own
(37)_________________ .
1907 - 1919

When the war finished the railways were suffering from

(38)_______________ and _______________.

1920 - 1938

Between 1920 and 1929, the railways had a (39)_________________

of around £687 million.

1939 - 1946

The rolling stock that was moved to the Middle East included
locomotives and (40)_________________.


Q2) Listen to this (audio) about the urban landscape.


Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Two areas of focus:

● the effect of vegetation on the urban climate

● ways of planning our 31._____________better

Large-scale impact of trees:

● they can make cities more or less 32.______________

● in summer they can make cities cooler
● they can make inland cities more 33._______________
Local impact of trees:

they can make local areas

● more 34._____________
● cooler
● more humid
● less windy
● less 35.______________

Comparing trees and buildings

Temperature regulation:

● trees evaporate water through their 36.________________

● building surfaces may reach high temperatures

Wind force:

● tall buildings cause more wind at 37._________________level

● trees 38._________________the wind force


● trees have a small effect on traffic noise

● 39.______________frequency noise passes through trees

Important points to consider:

● trees require a lot of sunlight, water and 40._____________to grow.

Answer Key

Section 3


21. A
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. F
26. £2400 / 2400 pounds
27. (certain) budget
28. firm offer
29. university website
30. how to apply


21. sales
22. competition
23. interest rates / rates of interest
24. training
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. D

Section 4


31. operated
32. 1.4
33. expansion
34. 6400 / 6,400
35. inspiration
36. Bombay
37. rail(way) systems
38. disrepair / collapse (IN ANY ORDER)
39. capital value
40. coaches


31. Cities
32. Windy
33. Humid
34. Shady
35. Dangerous
36. Leaves
37. Ground
38. Filter
39. Low
40. Room

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