3703 Observations

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Child Observation/Get to Know You Log

Name: Marissa Zoccali

Observation/Get to Know You Log Alternative Ways I Got to Know My 2 Students- Describe any ways
you got to know your 2 students other than observations.

I was able to learn about the two students' personal lives. One of the students opened to me much
more than the other. One student would come to show their completed work to me almost every time
and would joke around with me in the mornings while eating breakfast. There were a few times where
one student would ask me to play with them during recess. One student would ask me to help them
open their milk and cereal every morning.

II LOG Format

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths Additional Thoughts:

DATE (chose 1 or 2 and/or Weaknesses (i.e.: observed learning
days per week Name the content area style, S/E). You may
depending on days in and state only what now add some
the field) you observed (hear personal
and see) interpretation here.
Child 1 M – 1/23 LA – Foundational The student becomes
skills, phonological easily sidetracked and
awareness will become fixated on
one thing. This causes
Strengths: After the them to not focus on
student calmed down, what the class is
the student was able to working on.
sit on the carpet and
participate at the end
of the practice

Weakness: The student

was not participating in
the lesson because
they were more
concerned about
leaving their backpack
at home.
Math The student
understands basic
Strengths: Volunteered numbers and can count
to complete a math to 10. The student
problem on the board takes a longer time to
in front of the group. count and identify
groups compared to
Weakness: The student the other classmates.
is struggling to sit at
their seat to complete
the worksheet,
although the class is
completing it as a

Child 2 M – 1/23 LA – Foundational I believe this student is

skills, phonological farther along than
awareness other students in the
class. While reviewing
Strengths: Was alert the letters and sounds,
and participated when they appeared to be
the class was working bored.
on the problems
together. They
answered every time.

Weakness: The student

seems to be bored
when reviewing letters.
They move around a lot
when they are seating
and do not look at the
teacher often.
Math - The student seems to
understand the
Strengths: The student concept. They are quiet
was doing a great job for most of the time,
of completing the but once they figure
worksheet by out the answer, they
themselves. When the will share out to the
class was completing a rest of the group.
group worksheet, they
were answering along
with the rest of the

Weakness: The student

was not volunteering
to go to the board to
practice the problems.

Child 1 W – 2/1 LA – Foundational The student cannot sit

skills, phonological still for long periods of
awareness time. They need
constant reminders to
Strengths: The student stay quiet and focused
participated in throughout the
answering the lessons. There is a
questions for most of calming corner in the
the lesson. classroom that the
student may be able to
Weakness: The student use during future
was having a hard time lessons.
sitting still during
Math The student is very
eager to learn and
Strengths: The student participate in lessons.
Is eager to participate. They get very
They have their hand emotional when they
up before the question do not get to answer a
is even asked, and then question or go to the
mentally figured out board.
the answer when they
get called on.

Weakness: Student had

to be told to walk back
to the carpet because
they ran the first time.
The student
complained that they
did not get a turn on
the board.

Child 2 W – 2/1 LA – Foundational The student came in

skills, phonological with a lot of energy this
awareness morning. They were
very alert and
Strengths: The student participated in
was participating in the everything. This started
entire morning phonics to diminish throughout
lesson. They were able the day, and I cannot
to sit quietly and yet tell if it is because
confidently answer they are bored or tired.

Weakness: The student

struggles to follow the
directions to a writing
Math This student thinks that
the math they are
Strengths: The student completing in class is
was the first one to easy. They came up to
volunteer to answer me to show me a
the first question for worksheet that they
the lesson. They got up finished within a
and showed two matter of 2 minutes of
different ways to group having the worksheet. I
7. am starting to wonder
if we could find
Weakness: The student something to keep this
was lazily sitting on the student engaged
carpet, appearing to be during math time
bored. After showing throughout the day.
me a completed
worksheet, I observed
that she did not
correctly fill in the
worksheet according to
the directions.
Child 1 M – 2/6 LA – Foundational This student struggled
skills, phonological this morning. They
awareness came in with no issue
and a lot of energy. As
Strengths: The student carpet time went on,
started off the lesson they started to become
listening and disruptive. There were
participating in the several times when the
questions. student was not
participating in the
Weakness: The student lesson and was just
got very sporadic and sitting there. The
was not listening. They student was eventually
were eventually pulled pulled to take a walk in
from the session to the hallway to calm
take a walk in the down.
hallway to calm down.
Math: Grouping The student seems to
be more engaged with
Strengths: The student math lessons than
answers the questions reading lessons. I
correctly when wonder if it is the time
answering with the of the day or if the
group. They are sitting student understands
on the carpet better math more than
than they were this reading. The student
morning. likes to show off their
skills but becomes very
Weakness: The student upset when they do
keeps talking out not get called on.
during the lesson. They
are counting out loud
when they are not
supposed to. They ask
why they don’t get
called on.
Child 2 LA – Foundational Today this student
skills, phonological seems to be on edge. It
awareness may just be because it
was early in the
Strengths: The student morning, and they
participated in the were still waking up. I
session and was able to will have to observe
answer everything them throughout the
without any hesitation. day and at a different
They completed the time to see if there is a
given worksheet difference.
without any problems
and kept to themselves
while completing it.

Weakness: The student

was talking to others
during the session
today. They seemed to
be annoyed with the
other students and
expressed that instead
of keeping the
thoughts to
M – 2/6 Math - grouping After continuing to
observe, I believe that
Strengths: The student the material covered is
is sitting quietly on the too easy for this
carpet. They are student. They always
answering as a group. seem bored and do not
When called upon, get excited to
they answer with volunteer. I wonder if
confidence. they are not interested
in math.
Weakness: The student
does not volunteer to
answer any questions
by themselves. They
need to be called on to
Child 1 M – 2/13 ELA The student had a
better day today
Strengths: The student compared to other
starts the day students in the
participating by singing classroom. They
along to the days of the participated in most of
week song, the discussions
participating with throughout the
phonological session. They were
awareness practice, staying quiet while
and paying attention to others were talking,
the read aloud story. especially during the
read aloud. Although
Weakness: The student they had a better day
is struggling with compared to others
listening to directions and were listening, the
today. They are not student still struggled
sitting still on the to sit still on the carpet.
carpet and not paying
attention when
directions are being
Math Overall, this student
had a good day. They
Strengths: The student did not act up at all and
participates in the were able to
majority of the lesson, participate in most of
besides the times of the lessons. The
distraction. They would student sat and
say and count the completed their
numbers up to 20 with worksheet, along with
the rest of the class. their assessment
without any issues.
Weakness: The student
would sometimes
shout some numbers
louder than others. The
student loses focus
because they
misplaced a sticker that
was given to them
earlier in the morning.
Child 2 M – 2/13 ELA This student overall
behaved as they
Strengths: The student usually would, except
is constantly for the times when
participating in singing they were talking when
the days of the week, they shouldn’t be.
practicing phonological There was one time
skills, listening to when completing a
directions, and worksheet, the student
participating in centers. was not following
directions and tried to
Weakness: This student write the sentence
was not as quiet as with their left hand
they usually are. They instead of their right.
were a part of the
group of students that
was being disruptive
throughout the
Math The student was off
track today compared
Strengths: The student to other days in the
held their focus when classroom. They
the teacher was typically get their work
modeling numbers done quickly without
using number cubes. any issues. The student
Any other activities on did seem a bit off today
the carpet the student and might have had a
also behaved. rough weekend at
Weakness: The student
was not listening when
completing the activity
and assessment. They
would become
distracted and not get
their work done.
Child 1 W – 2/22 ELA ELA instruction looked
different for these
Strengths: The student students compared to
behaved and their usual routine.
performed well when Unfortunately, this
writing in the group student did not react
project. well to that. They did
not participate very
Weakness: The student often when responding
is not participating in to read aloud questions
the singing of the days or singing on the days
of the week song. They of the week. They did,
are not facing the however, behave when
board consistently. working on the group

Math The student did much

better in the afternoon
Strengths: The student than they did in the
is singing along to the morning during the ELA
song about counting to lesson. They typically
20. The student is have a hard time sitting
behaving well and still, so it is not a
answering questions surprise that the
while doing a group student was not
lesson on the carpet. constantly on the
Weakness: The student
is having a hard time
sitting still, although
they are listening.
Child 2 W – 2/22 ELA ELA instruction looked
different for these
Strengths: The student students compared to
is participating in their usual routine. This
singing the days of the student adapted well
week song. They are to the instruction. They
sitting quietly and not were very respectable
moving around the to the guest speaker
carpet. The student and participated in
was respectable when group discussions. The
the guest speaker was student also did a great
reading to them. job working in the
group setting.
Weakness: The student
is trying to talk at the
same time as the
teacher when the
teacher is giving
instructions for the
Math The student was not
engaged during the
Strengths: The student math lesson that was
got their work done for done on the carpet.
the activity and the From observations, it
assessment with no was safe to say the
issues in their seat. student was mad at
another student and
Weakness: The student did not listen because
was not paying of that. However, the
attention for the entire student completed the
math lesson on the activity and assessment
carpet. It looked like at their table with no
there was something issues. Their mood
bothering the student. seemed to get better
since they were away
from the other student.
Child 1 M – 2/27 ELA This student had a
Strengths: The student rough morning
was quiet while writing listening. They had a lot
their letters. The of energy, and they
student was behaved were disrupting the
during reading centers. rest of the class. The
student did, however,
Weakness: The student do a great job of
would not stay seated practicing writing their
during the read aloud. letters.
They eventually were
told to go back to their
seat since they were
disrupting the rest of
the students.
Math It was a great
Strengths: The student accomplishment for
did not cause any this student to not
issues when being cause any issues with
called to the front to the one-on-one
complete their one-on- assessment that the
one math assessment. MT had to perform.
The student was
Weakness: The student disruptive at times, but
was being loud at times overall did a great job
when doing an online
math program on their
Child 2 M – 2/27 ELA The student did not
Strengths: The student pay much attention
did a great job working during the read aloud,
in reading centers. The but they were doing a
student understood great job with the
the required assessment worksheet
curriculum worksheet, that was required by
which most students the curriculum about
struggled with. past tense verbs.

Weakness: The student

was distracted and did
not listen during the
read aloud. They
verbally stated, “This
book is boring”.
Math It was a typical day for
Strengths: The student this student. They were
did not cause any well behaved and
issues when being completed what they
called to the front to needed to do with little
complete their one-on- issues. There were a
one math assessment. few times when the
They also completed student was getting out
their assessment of their seat for no
quickly. reason, but once they
were prompted to stay
Weakness: The student in their seat, there
was walking around were no further
the classroom at times listening issues.
when they were
supposed to be
working on their
Child 1 W – 3/1 ELA This student was
Strengths: The student behaving well for ELA
listened to almost all instruction. This is
instructions given much better compared
throughout the to the past few days
morning with no issues. they have been having
in the classroom.
Weakness: There was a Keeping this student
point where the busy is key to making
student got upset sure they behave well
because they were not throughout the day.
allowed to use the
bathroom when
practicing phonological
Math This was a typical
Strengths: The student afternoon for the
went to their seat after student. It is a rarity
instruction and when the student goes
completed the activity a whole afternoon
without much without any listening
complaining. issues. Besides not
sitting still on the
Weakness: The student carpet, they completed
was not sitting still their work with
during instructional minimal issues at their
time on the carpet desk.
using number bonds.
Child 2 W- 3/1 ELA This student was able
Strengths: The student to practice skills that
is alert and sitting still are farther ahead than
when practicing others in the class.
phonological skills. The They were working on
student did a great job reading small
of reading small sentences. Besides not
sentences. paying attention much
in the beginning of the
Weakness: The student day, they improved and
was laying in the got much better as the
middle of the carpet day went on.
during the morning
Math: The student asked
Strengths: The student more questions than
was engaged by asking usual during
and answering instructional time,
questions during which shows that they
instructional time using were trying to
number bonds on the understand the
carpet. concept better. The
student got sidetracked
Weakness: The student a few times at their
was getting off task seat when completing
when working at their the number bond
seat at times. activity but sat and
completed the
assessment with no

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