Challenges To Secularism in Pluralistic Society: Keywords: Secularism, Pluralism, Justice, Constitution

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In the Indian society secularism and pluralism plays a major role for the smooth flow of the
people’s living. The fundamental issue has been the inability to strike a distinction between
pluralism and standardization. The biggest challenge is that there is no clear definition for
secularism under Indian constitution. In the era of 21st century with enormous developments
in our country there cannot be practise with what we understand but with what is right and
appropriate. India is a diverse and pluralistic society with a rich history of different religions,
cultures, and languages. Secularism, which is enshrined in the Indian Constitution, has been a
fundamental principle in maintaining harmony and coexistence among the various
communities in the country. It’s high time for the defined structure of secularism to avoid
major challenges that the country is facing. The major threats to secularism are
communalism, polarisation, intolerance, political interference in religion and discrimination
based on religion. The democracy in India with its much spread diversity with diversified
religions and communities fails to address the issues which leads to lack of freedom of
religion and propagations. The major threats mentioned above are seen in a naked eye. But
what is the origin point of all these issues, who started it, what is the motive behind it, should
we bother to avoid rivalries or is it just a gimmick to avoid other major issues. This paper will
focus on all these controversial questions by setting forth justice on the first place. The entire
issue is not purely because of religious sentiments or belief attached this actually just lacks
regulation which can be maintained with proper amendment in Indian Constitution. Does
Indian constitution honoured justice through secularism and pluralism?

Keywords: Secularism, Pluralism, Justice, Constitution

Name: R.Ramya

Year: 4th Year

Course: B.Com LLB

College: School Of Excellence In Law, Taramani(The Tamilnadu Dr.Ambedkar Law


Title: Challenges To Secularism In Pluralistic Society

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