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AL-Balqa Applied University

Faculty of Engineering Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical control system Laboratory

Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory

Experiment (1): level sensor

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
• Objective:
To determine the characteristic of the differential transformer as position

• Introduction:

In this laboratory, we use an automation device which is DE LORENZO

(process control and transducer) DL 2314. This device consists of two parts:

1. An educational board with set of sensors, actuator (pump), holding

tank, pipes, source tank.
2. A control module containing the interface circuit for the level,
temperature, pressure, flow sensors, actuator (voltage source), controller.
In this experiment, we study the level sensor and its response to level
change. The input is the fluid level while the output is the voltage produced
by LVDT. Then, we calibrate the system such that the gain is one. So, the
voltmeter reads zero at 4 cm and 10 volts at 14 cm.
• Theory:
The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a type of electrical
transformer used for measuring linear displacement. The transformer has
three solenoid coils placed end-to-end around a tube. The center coil is the
primary, and the two outer coils are the secondaries. A cylindrical
ferromagnetic core, attached to the object whose position is to be measured,
slides along the axis of the tube. On our position measurement LVDTs, the
two transducer secondaries are connected in opposition. As the core moves,
these mutual inductances change, causing the voltages induced in the
secondaries to change. The coils are connected in reverse series, so that the
output voltage is the difference (hence "differential") between the two
secondary voltages. When the core is in its central position, equidistant
between the two secondaries, equal but opposite voltages are induced in
these two coils, so the output voltage
is zero.
When the core is displaced in one
direction, the voltage in one coil
increases as the other decreases,
causing the output voltage to increase
from zero to a maximum. This
voltage is in phase with the primary
voltage. When the core moves in the
other direction, the output voltage
also increases from zero to a
maximum, but its phase is opposite to
that of the primary. The magnitude
of the output voltage is proportional to the distance moved by the core (up
to its limit of travel), which is why the device is described as "linear". The
phase of the voltage indicates the direction of the displacement.

• Experiment Procedure:
1. Connect, through leads, bush N1 of the level sensor to bush N1 of the
correspondent interface and N2 to N2.
2. Insert a terminal of the digital voltmeter (set in dc), in bush N13 of the
level interface and the other in the earth bush.
3. Connect bush N18 of the linear driver to the bush of the set point 1 ,
bush N19 to bush N19and bush N20 to bush N20.
4. Press the main switch on , start the pump regulating the voltage to the
set point 1,the level of water in tank rise.
5. At 4cm level of water stop the pump by the set point 1 to maintain 0V
at voltmeter, then run the pump until you reach 14 cm and stop the pump to
maintain 10V, then using the needle valve or drain valve (turning counter-
clockwise) to have 4 cm level of water again, to check the reading of
voltmeter is 0V.(use same method if you exceed the specific level)
6. Repeat the last step until you reach 0V at 4cm and 10V at 14cm.
7. To calibration the voltmeter use at 4cm to obtain 0V by use the offset
trimmer after stop the pump, in this way you have fixed the minimum
working point at level sensor.
8. To calibration the voltmeter use at 14cm to obtain 10V by use the
gain trimmer after stop the pump.
9. Slowly drain the tank the level value of table, take the corresponding
voltage valve (without closed the valve).
10. Put the main switch off, remove all connection, and draw the
calibration diagram.

• Results Table:

level (cm) Voltage (v)

Faculty of engineering Technology

Mechanical engineering department

Mechanical control system Laboratory

Experiment (2): characteristic of pump

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date
• Objective:

1. To measure the flow velocity

2. To determine the calibration diagram of the pump.

• Introduction:

Centrifugal pumps are hydraulically operated machines characterized by

their ability to transmit energy to fluids through the work of a field of
centrifugal forces. Their main purpose is to transfer fluids through an
increase in pressure. Centrifugal pumps can have different structures, but
their operating principle and fluid dynamic characteristics are always the

Schematically, centrifugal pumps are formed of an impeller that rotates

inside the casing. The impeller comprises a series of blades, preferably of a
radial design, which transmit kinetic energy to the fluid being pumped.

The casing is equipped with suction and discharge nozzles for the fluid
being pumped. The suction nozzle has an axis that corresponds with the
impeller's rotational axis, while the discharge nozzle has a normal axis to
the impeller axis, but still lying on the plane passing through the axis itself.
Structural Characteristics of
Centrifugal pumps:
• Impeller.
 Casing
• Cover
• Shaft
• Support


• Digital millimeter.
• Set of leads.
• Chronometer.

• Procedure:
1. Connect, through leads, bush N18 of the linear driver to the bush of
the set point 1, to bush N20
2. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set to DC, in the bush of
Set Point 1 and other one on the earth bush.
3. Press the main switch (ON).
4. Regulate the voltage on the Set Point 1 to 3V.
5. Start the pump by connecting, through leads, bush N19 of the Linear
Driver to bush N19.
6. Wait until the level of the water of the tank reaches 7cm and start the
chronometer (start watch in the phone instead of), until you reach 12 cm
(move 5cm above the reference point) stop the chronometer, at the same
time stop the pump by removing the leads of bush N19.
7. Write the time on the table; gradually decrease the level of water in
the tank to 7cm (reference point), by turning counter-clockwise the knob
NEEDLE VALVE and/or the knob of DRAIN VALVE.
8. Close the valve, change the voltage from point 4 (from 3-10 Volt) and
repeat the procedure 6,7.
9. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, representing the
calibration diagram of the pump.

Data Table:

Voltage 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Flow rate
Faculty of engineering Technology

Mechanical engineering department

Mechanical control system Laboratory

Experiment (3): characteristic of the static process

Student name:

Student number:
Submission date:

 To measure the static gain.
 To determine the diagram of the static process characteristic (R).

Introduction :
To measure the static gain of the process restriction .
The objective is to develop the transfer function of some first order systems
and to confirm that the time constant depends on the system parameters.
1. Liquid level
A tank of uniform cross sectional area A, the inlet flow is q and the outlet is
𝑞𝑜. The liquid level in the tank is h and the tank has a linear flow resistance
at the outlet (e.g. valve).
(Qo = ho/ R )
Liquid level system
Required: the transfer function (𝑠)/ (𝑠) (note: this system is called
Single input multi-output SIMO)
Basic assumptions:
a) Constant density b) Linear resistance c ) Constant cross sectional area
The relationship between the steady state of the output flow rate and steady
state level in the tank is given in two cases:
Laminar: laminar flow (or streamline flow) occurs when a fluid flows
in parallel layers, with no disruption between the layers. At low velocities,
the fluid tends to flow without lateral mixing, and adjacent layers slide past
one another like playing cards. In laminar flow, the motion of the particles
of the fluid is very orderly with particles close to a solid surface moving in
straight lines parallel to that surface. Laminar flow is a flow regime
characterized by high momentum diffusion and low momentum convection.
Turbulence or turbulent flow is any pattern of fluid motion
characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. Turbulence
is caused by excessive kinetic energy in parts of a fluid flow, which
overcomes the damping effect of the fluid's viscosity. For this reason
turbulence is easier to create in low viscosity fluids, but more difficult in
highly viscous fluids.

Variable-area flow meters:

A "variable area meter" measures fluid flow by allowing the cross sectional
area of the device to vary in response to the flow, causing some measurable
effect that indicates the rate. A Rota meter is an example of a variable area
meter, where a weighted "float" rises in a tapered tube as the flow rate
increases; the float stops rising when area between float and tube is large
enough that the weight of the float is balanced by
the drag of fluid flow. A kind of Rota meter used
for medical gases is the Thorpe tube flow meter.
Floats are made in many different shapes, with
spheres and spherical ellipses being the most
common. Some are designed to spin visibly in the
fluid stream to aid the user in determining whether
the float is stuck or not. Rota meters are available for a wide range of
liquids but are most commonly used with water or air. They can be made to
reliably measure flow down to 1% accuracy.

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Main valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).
The level of water in the process tank is 10 CM.

The Reynolds number (Re) is an important dimensionless quantity in fluid
mechanics used to help predict flow patterns in different fluid flow
Dp: is the hydraulic diameter of the pipe (the inside diameter if the pipe is
circular) (m),
Q: is the volumetric flow rate (m3/s).
A: is the pipe's cross-sectional area (m2).
U; is the mean velocity of the fluid (m/s),
μ :(mu) is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa•s = N•s/m2 = kg/(m•s)).
ν: (nu) is the kinematic viscosity (ν =μ/ρ) (m2/s).
ρ: is the density of the fluid (kg/m3).
Continuity equation:
Continuity equation represents the law of conservation of mass.
For steady state condition
(Mass flow rate into the system) - (Mass flow rate out of the system) = 0.
Example: Inflow: The flow that is coming into a system or an elemental
volume such as rainfall in y direction, flow entering into the river or a
Outflow: The flow escaping from the system such as evaporation, seepage,
water released from a system.
In steady state condition …..Qin =Qout.

• Digital millimeter.
• Set of leads.
• Chronometer
• Procedure :
1. Connect, through leads, bush N18 of the linear driver to the bush of the
set point 1 , bush N19to bush N19 and bush N20 to bush N20.
2. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set to DC, in the bush of Set
Point 1 and other one on the earth bush.
3. Press the main switch (ON).
4. Start the pump regulating the voltage on the Set Point 10 V.
5. Wait until the level of the water of the tank has reached 15/16 cm.
6. Gradually turn counter-clockwise the knob NEEDLE VALVE and/or the
knob of DRAIN VALVE to maintain the level of water in tank at a constant
value 15/16 cm.
7. Wait until the level is stabilized (10-15) minutes.
8. If this will not happen, regulate again counter-clockwise the knob
NEEDLE VALVE and/or the knob of DRAIN VALVE to maintain the
level of water in tank at a constant value 15/16 cm.
9. Repeat the procedure from N4 for the voltage (10-7) V in table and write
down the results (level, flow rate ).
10. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, represent the diagram
of the process characteristic.
Table :

Voltage 10 9 8 7
Level (cm)
R (s/cm2)
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory

Experiment (4): Time constant of the process

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
Objective :
 To measure the dynamic response of the process.
 To determine the dynamic diagram and time constant.

Introduction :
A first-order without zeros can be
described by the transfer function in
the figure. If the input is a unit step,
where R(s) = 1/s, the Laplace transform
of the step response is C(s).
the time constant is the time it takes for
the step response to rise to 63% of it is
final value. Thus, we can call the
parameter a as exponential frequency.
Response Analysis of First-Order Systems:
Many systems are approximately first-order. The important feature is that
the storage of mass, momentum and energy can be captured by one
Examples of first-order systems are velocity of a car on the road, control of
the velocity of a rotating system, electric systems where energy storage is
essentially in one capacitor or one inductor, incompressible fluid flow in a
pipe, level control of a tank, pressure control in a gas tank, temperature in a
body with essentially uniform temperature distribution (e.g. steam filled

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Main valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).

The level of water in the process tank is 10 CM. Theory :

• Digital millimeter.
• Set of leads.
• Chronometer

1. Connect, through leads, bush N18 of the linear driver to the bush of the
set point 1, bush N19to bush N19 and bush N20 to bush N20.
2. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set to DC, in the bush of Set
Point 1 and other one on the earth bush.
3. Press the main switch (ON).
4. Start the pump regulating the voltage on the Set Point 1 at 10 V.
5. Wait until the level of the water of the tank has reached 15/16 cm.
6. Gradually turn counter-clockwise the knob NEEDLE VALVE and/or the
knob of DRAIN VALVE to maintain the level of water in tank at a constant
value 15/16 cm.
7. Wait until the level is stabilized (10-15) minutes.
8. If this will not happen, regulate again counter-clockwise the knob
NEEDLE VALVE and/or the knob of DRAIN VALVE to maintain the
level of water in tank at a constant value 15/16 cm.
9. Regulate the voltage on set point 1 at 8 V, wait until level of water is
10. Regulate the voltage on set point 1 at 9 V and start at the same time the
chronometer (stop watch).
11. Measure the level at 60 seconds interval and write down the values in
the table.
12. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, represent the dynamic
diagram of the process characteristic.

Time 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600

Voltage (Volt) 10 9
Qin (litter/h)
Voltage 10 9 8 7
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory

Experiment (5): ON- OFF control of the level

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
1. To understand the operation of a closed loop ON-OFF control system
2. To understand the effects of hysteresis on the control.

Closed-loop Systems :
Closed-loop Systems use feedback where a portion of the output signal is
fed back to the input to reduce errors and improve stability.
Systems in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input to the
control process are called open-loop control systems, and that open-loop
systems are just that, open ended non-feedback systems.
But the goal of any electrical or electronic control system is to measure,
monitor, and control a process and one way in which we can accurately
control the process is by monitoring its output and “feeding” some of it
back to compare the actual output with the desired output so as to reduce
the error and if disturbed, bring the output of the system back to the original
or desired response.
The quantity of the output being measured is called the “feedback signal”,
and the type of control system which uses feedback signals to both control
and adjust itself is called a Close-loop System.
A Closed-loop Control System, also known as a feedback control system is
a control system which uses the concept of an open loop system as its
forward path but has one or more feedback loops (hence its name) or paths
between its output and its input. The reference to “feedback”, simply means
that some portion of the output is returned “back” to the input to form part
of the systems excitation.
Closed-loop systems are designed to automatically achieve and maintain the
desired output condition by comparing it with the actual condition. It does
this by generating an error signal which is the difference between the output
and the reference input. In other words, a “closed-loop system” is a fully
automatic control system in which its control action being dependent on the
output in some way.

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Man valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).
The level of water in the process tank is 5CM, set point 1 knob 0V and
hysteresis knob 0%.

On-Off Control

On-Off control is the simplest form of feedback control. An on-off

controller simply drives the manipulated variable from fully closed to fully
open depending on the position of the controlled variable relative to the set
point. A common example of on-off control is the temperature control in a
domestic heating system. When the temperature is below the thermostat set
point the heating system is switched on and when the temperature is above
the set point the heating switches off.

There is, however, a bit of subtlety applied in practical on-off systems. If

the heating switches on and off the instant the measured temperature
crossed the set point then the system would chatter - repeatedly switch on
and off at very high frequency. If this happened the boiler wouldn't last very
long! To avoid chattering, practical on-off controllers usually have a dead
band around the set point. When the measured value lies within this dead-
band the controller does nothing - its only when the value moves outside
that action is taken. The effect of this is to introduce continuous oscillation
in the value of the controlled variable - the large the dead-band the higher
the amplitude and lower the frequency.

Although on-off is a very cheap form of control it is rarely used in process

control applications because of the oscillation it causes in the controlled and
manipulated variables. In a connected process these oscillations would be
propagated right through the system.

All the before to control level of water in tank as set point (manually
operated) set voltage 10 V.
1. Connect, through leads, bush N1of the linear driver to the bush of the set
point 1, bush N1to bush N1 and bush N2 to bush N2.
2. Connect bush N 19 of the LINEAR DRIVER to bush N19 and bush N20
to bush N20.
3. Connect the bush SETPOINT 1 to bush N14 of the ON-OFF controller
and bush N13 of the level interface to bush N13of the ON-OFF controller.
4. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in dc, in the bush of SET
POINT 1 and the other one in the earth bush.
5. Press the main switch (ON).
6. Regulate the voltage on SETPOINT 1 at 5 V.
7. Wait until the level of the water of the tank has reached 9 cm.
8. regulate again counter-clockwise the knob NEEDLE VALVE and/or the
knob of DRAIN VALVE.
9. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT
1 bush N13 of the ON-OFF controller, the voltage must be equal 2V.
10. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X4 the ON-OFF
controller, the voltage must be equal to the difference between the voltage
applied to bush N14 and the voltage applied to bush N13 that is 3 V.
11. Connect bush N18 of the ON-OFF controller to bush N18 of the
LINEAR DRIVER: the pump will start immediately.
12. As soon as the voltage difference between bush N14 and bush N13 will
be null, the output of the ON-OFF controller (bush N18), going to voltage
approx. -10 V, the pump will stop.
13. Slowly turn counter- clock wise the knob NEEDLE VALVE and/or the
knob DRAIN VALVE in order to decrease a little the level.
14. The pump will operate for short time until the previous level is reached.
15. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, and represent the
dynamic diagram of the process characteristic.

Table :

HYSTERSIS % 0 12 24 44
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory

Experiment (6): ON- OFF control of the level with

solenoid valve

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
• To maintain constant the level in the tank using solenoid valve for
the water inlet.
• To represent the diagram of the characteristic of the hysteresis.

The valve in the inflow line to the system is an electrically operated
solenoid valve. (Remember an electrically operated solenoid valve has only
two operating positions. fully open or fully closed.) Assume that under
initial conditions with a demand on the system the level will start to fall and
V1 will have to be opened to provide an inflow. This can easily be achieved
by mounting a differential pressure switch, P1 at the bottom of the tank to
operate when the level falls to L1. When the level is at L1 the liquid will be
height h1 above switch. The pressure at the switch will be P1 = ρgh1.
A solenoid valve is an electromechanical device in which the solenoid uses
an electric current to generate a magnetic field and thereby operate a
mechanism which regulates the opening of fluid flow in a valve.

Solenoid valves differ in the characteristics of the electric current they use,
the strength of the magnetic field they generate, the mechanism they use to
regulate the fluid and the type and characteristics of fluid they control. The
mechanism varies from linear action, plunger-type actuators to pivoted-
armature actuators and rocker actuators. The valve can use a two-port
design to regulate a flow or use a three or more port design to switch flows
between ports. Multiple solenoid valves can be placed together on a
Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in fluids.
Their tasks are to shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are
found in many application areas. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching,
high reliability, long service life, good medium compatibility of the
materials used, low control power and compact design.
All the before to control level of water in tank as set point (voltage 5-6

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Man valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).
The level of water in the process tank is 5CM, set point 1 knob 0V and
hysteresis knob 0%.

1. Connect, through leads, bush N1of the linear driver to the bush of the set
point 1, bush N1to bush N1 and bush N2 to bush N2.
2. Connect bush N 19 of the LINEAR DRIVER to bush N19 and bush N20
to bush N20.
3. Connect the bush SETPOINT 1 to bush N14 of the ON-OFF controller
and bush N13 of the level interface to bush N13of the ON-OFF controller.
4. Insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in dc, in the bush of SET
POINT 1 and the other one in the earth bush.
5. Press the main switch (ON).
6. Regulate the voltage on SETPOINT 1 at 5 V.
7. Wait until the level of the water of the tank has reached 9 cm.
8. regulate again counter-clockwise the knob NEEDLE VALVE and/or the
knob of DRAIN VALVE.
9. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT
1 bush N13 of the ON-OFF controller, the voltage must be equal 2V.
10. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X4 the ON-OFF
controller, the voltage must be equal to the difference between the voltage
applied to bush N14 and the voltage applied to bush N13 that is 3 V.
11. Connect bush N18 of the ON-OFF controller to bush N18 of the
LINEAR DRIVER: the pump will start immediately.
12. As soon as the voltage difference between bush N14 and bush N13 will
be null, the output of the ON-OFF controller (bush N18), going to voltage
approx. -10 V, the pump will stop.
13. Slowly turn counter- clock wise the knob NEEDLE VALVE and/or the
knob DRAIN VALVE in order to decrease a little the level.
14. The pump will operate for short time until the previous level is reached.
15. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, represent the dynamic
diagram of the process characteristic.

Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory
Experiment (7): closed loop proportional control of the

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
 To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic
response of the system.
 To represent the dynamic response curve of the system.

Closed-loop Systems :
Proportional (P) Controller
A P controller system is a type of linear feedback control system. The P
controller system is more complex than on-off control systems like a bi-
metallic domestic thermostat, but simpler than a PID control system used in
something like an automobile cruise control in general it can be said that P
controller cannot stabilize higher order processes.
For the 1st order processes, meaning the processes with one energy storage,
a large increase in gain can be tolerated.
Proportional controller can stabilize only 1st order unstable process.
Changing controller gain K can change closed loop dynamics. A large
controller gain will result in control system with:
a) Smaller steady state error, i.e. better reference following
b) Faster dynamics, i.e. broader signal frequency band of the closed loop
system and larger sensitivity with respect to measuring noise
c) Smaller amplitude and phase margin
Proportional action is the simplest and most commonly encountered of all
continuous control modes. In this type of action, the controller produces an
output signal which is proportional to the error. Hence, the greater the
magnitude of the error, the larger is the corrective action applied.

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Man valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve :fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
The level of water in the process tank is 6 CM ,set point 1 knob 0V, set
point 2 knob 0V, proportional 0%, integral 0% and derivative 0%.

Theory :
Proportional control, in engineering and process control, is a type of linear
feedback control system in which a correction is applied to the controlled
variable which is proportional to the difference between the desired value
(set point, SP) and the measured value (process value, PV). Two classic
mechanical examples are the toilet bowl float proportioning valve and the
fly-ball governor.
Transfer function of closed loop system with proportional controller:
the G s =1 … gain feedback sensor.
T.F =

K p is not effect on order of system.

Error = input – output.
E(s) =R(s) – H(s) …… Divided The Equation on R(s).
= 1- T.F.

𝑬(𝒔) 𝐾𝑝∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅
= 1-
𝑹(𝒔) 𝑅𝐶𝑆+𝐾𝑝∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅+1

𝑬(𝒔) 𝑹𝑪𝑺+𝟏
𝑹(𝒔) 𝑹𝑪𝑺+𝑲𝒑∗𝑮𝒑∗𝑹+𝟏


e ss= 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 𝑬(𝒔)

e ss = 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 ∗ ( ) ∗ 𝑹(𝒔) where R(s) is suit
𝒔→𝟎 𝑹𝑪𝑺+𝑲𝒑∗𝑮𝒑∗𝑹+𝟏
step input R(s) = .
e ss =

1. Connect, through leads, bush N 19 of the LINEAR DRIVER to bush N19
and bush N20 to bush N20.
2. Connect the bush of SETPOINT 1 to bush N18 of the LINEAR
3. Slightly close the valve MAN VALVE; press the main switch (ON).
4. Regulate the valve MAN VALVE in order to read on the flowmeter a
flow of about 20 litters/hour.
5. Turn off the main switch; bring again the water in the tank to a value of
6. Connect bush N1 of the level sensor to the bush N1 of relevant interface
and bush N2 to bush N2, insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in
dc, in the bush of SET POINT 2 and the other one in the earth bush,
regulate the voltage on set point 2 at 2 v.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT
2 to bush N13 of the PID controller, the voltage must be equal 2V.
8. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5 the PID
controller, the voltage must be equal to the difference between the voltage
applied to bush N14 and the voltage applied to bush N13 that is 0 V.
9. Connect the bush set point 1 to bush EXT of the PID controller, insert the
terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5, regulate the voltage on set
point 1 to read on the digital voltmeter a voltage of 3V, tirmerarily remove
the lead from EXT of the PID controller, regulate the proportional knob to
10. Connect bush N 15 of the PID controller to bush N15 and bush N28 to
bush N18 of the linear driver.
11. Take the rending of level every 15 sec and fill the table.
11. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, represent the dynamic
diagram of the process characteristic.

Table :
Kp 10 20 30
Set point
h max (cm)
e ss (CM)
Ʈ (sec)
Ʈ d (sec)
T 1 (sec)
T 2 (sec)
Ʈ r (sec)
Over shoot
Under shoot
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory
Experiment (8): closed loop proportional – derivative
control of the level

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
 To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic
response of the system.
 To represent the dynamic response curve of the system.

In this experiment we use an automation device which is DE LORENZO
(process control and transducer) DL 2314 consist of two parts:
1. An educational board with set of sensor, actuator (pump), holding
tank, pipes, source tank.
2. A control module containing the interface circuit for the level ,
temperature, pressure, flow sensors, actuator (voltage source) , controller.
The automation is the use of control systems to control industrial systems
and processes and PLC (programmable logic controller) play a fundamental
role in this field.
For this reason the automation laboratory begins from the study of the PLC,
to allow students the acquisition and the analysis of the techniques related
to their programming and their use in control technology, then continues
with the presentation of all application (pneumatic, elecro- Proportional
The obvious method is proportional control: the motor current is set in
proportion to the existing error. However, this method fails if, for instance,
the arm has to lift different weights: a greater weight needs a greater force
applied for a same error on the down side, but a smaller force if the error is
on the upside. That is where the integral and derivative terms play their
part. Pneumatic, hydraulic, electro hydraulic).
A derivative term does not consider the error (meaning it cannot bring it to
zero: a pure D controller cannot bring the system to its set point), but the
rate of change of error, trying to bring this rate to zero. It aims at flattening
the error trajectory into a horizontal line, damping the force applied, and so
reduces overshoot (error on the other side because too great applied force).
Applying too much impetus when the error is small and decreasing will lead
to overshoot. After overshooting, if the controller were to apply a large
correction in the opposite direction and repeatedly overshoot the desired
position, the output would oscillate around the set point in either a constant,
growing, or decaying sinusoid. If the amplitude of the oscillations increase
with time, the system is unstable. If they decrease, the system is stable. If
the oscillations remain at a constant magnitude, the system is marginally

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Man valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).
The level of water in the process tank is 6 CM ,set point 1 knob 0V, set
point 2 knob 0V, proportional 0%, integral 0% and derivative 0%.
Proportional-derivative control, in engineering and process control, is a type
of linear feedback control system in which a correction is applied to the
controlled variable which is proportional to the difference between the
desired value (set point, SP) and) the measured value (process value, PV).
Two classic mechanical examples are the toilet bowl float proportioning
valve and the fly-ball governor.
Transfer function of closed loop system with proportional controller:
T.F = = .
(𝐾𝑝+𝐾𝑑𝑆)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )
1+(𝐾𝑝+𝑘𝑑𝑆)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )∗𝐺𝑠

The G s =1 … gain feedback sensor.

T.F = .

K p is not effect on order of system.

Error = input – output.
E(s) =R(s) – H(s) …… Divided The Equation on R(s).
= 1- T.F.

𝑬(𝒔) (𝐾𝑝+𝐾𝑑𝑠)∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅
= 1- .
𝑹(𝒔) 𝑅𝐶𝑆+(𝐾𝑝+𝐾𝑑𝑆)∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅+1
𝑬(𝒔) 𝑹𝑪𝑺+𝟏
𝑹(𝒔) 𝑹𝑪𝑺+(𝑲𝒑+𝑲𝒅𝒔)∗𝑮𝒑∗𝑹+𝟏


e ss= 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 𝑬(𝒔)

e ss = 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 ∗ ( ) ∗ 𝑹(𝒔) where R(s) is
𝒔→𝟎 𝑹𝑪𝑺+(𝑲𝒑+𝑲𝒅𝒔)∗𝑮𝒑∗𝑹+𝟏
suit step input R(s) = .
e ss =

Note: added derivative controller not effected on order of system and its
error but system become more stable.

Procedure :
1. Connect, through leads, bush N 19 of the LINEAR DRIVER to bush N19
and bush N20 to bush N20.
2. Connect the bush of SETPOINT 1 to bush N18 of the LINEAR
3. Slightly close the valve MAN VALVE; press the main switch (ON).
4. Regulate the valve MAN VALVE in order to read on the flowmeter a
flow of about 20 litters/hour.
5. Turn off the main switch; bring again the water in the tank to a value of
6. Connect bush N1 of the level sensor to the bush N1 of relevant interface
and bush N2 to bush N2, insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in
dc, in the bush of SET POINT 2 and the other one in the earth bush,
regulate the voltage on set point 2 at 2 v.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT
2 to bush N13 of the PID controller, the voltage must be equal 2V.
8. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5 the PID
controller, the voltage must be equal to the difference between the voltage
applied to bush N14 and the voltage applied to bush N13 that is 0 V.
9. Connect the bush set point 1 to bush EXT of the PID controller, insert the
terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5, regulate the voltage on set
point 1 to read on the digital voltmeter a voltage of 3V, tirmerarily remove
the lead from EXT of the PID controller, regulate the proportional knob to
10. Connect bush N 15 of the PID controller to bush N15 and bush N28 to
bush N18 of the linear driver.
11. Take the rending of level every 15 sec and fill the table.
11. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, and represent the
dynamic diagram of the process characteristic.
Reading 1 2
Kp 10 10
Kd 10 20
Set point (cm)
h max (cm)
e ss (CM)
Ʈ (sec)
Ʈ d (sec)
T 1 (sec)
T 2 (sec)
Ʈ r (sec)
Over shoot
Under shoot
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory
Experiment (9): closed loop proportional – integral
control of the level

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
 To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic
response of the system.
 To represent the dynamic response curve of the system.

In this experiment we use an automation device which is DE LORENZO
(process control and transducer) DL 2314 consist of two parts:
1. An educational board with set of sensor, actuator (pump), holding
tank, pipes, source tank.
2. A control module containing the interface circuit for the level ,
temperature, pressure, flow sensors, actuator (voltage source) , controller.
The automation is the use of control systems to control industrial systems
and processes and PLC (programmable logic controller) play a fundamental
role in this field.
For this reason the automation laboratory begins from the study of the PLC,
to allow students the acquisition and the analysis of the techniques related
to their programming and their use in control technology, then continues
with the presentation of all application (pneumatic, electro- Proportional
The obvious method is proportional control: the motor current is set in
proportion to the existing error. However, this method fails if, for instance,
the arm has to lift different weights: a greater weight needs a greater force
applied for a same error on the down side, but a smaller force if the error is
on the upside. That is where the integral and derivative terms play their
part. Pneumatic, hydraulic, electro hydraulic).
Before the experiment:
Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Man valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).
The level of water in the process tank is 6 CM ,set point 1 knob 0V, set
point 2 knob 0V, proportional 0%, integral 0% and derivative 0%.

Transfer function of closed loop system with proportional integral
T.F = = .
1+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝑘𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )∗𝐺𝑠

The G s =1 … gain feedback sensor.

T.F = .

Error = input – output.

E(s) =R(s) – H(s) …… Divided The Equation on R(s).
= 1- T.F.

𝑬(𝒔) (𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅
= 1- .
𝑹(𝒔) 𝑆(𝑅𝐶𝑆+1)+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅

𝑬(𝒔) 𝑺(𝑹𝑪𝑺+𝟏)
𝑹(𝒔) 𝑆(𝑅𝐶𝑆+1)+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅


e ss= 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 𝑬(𝒔)

e ss = 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 ∗ ( ) ∗ 𝑹(𝒔) where R(s) is
𝒔→𝟎 𝑆(𝑅𝐶𝑆+1)+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗𝑅
suit step input R(s) = .

e ss = zero

Procedure :
1. Connect, through leads, bush N 19 of the LINEAR DRIVER to bush N19
and bush N20 to bush N20.
2. Connect the bush of SETPOINT 1 to bush N18 of the LINEAR
3. Slightly close the valve MAN VALVE; press the main switch (ON).
4. Regulate the valve MAN VALVE in order to read on the flowmeter a
flow of about 20 litters/hour.
5. Turn off the main switch; bring again the water in the tank to a value of
6. Connect bush N1 of the level sensor to the bush N1 of relevant interface
and bush N2 to bush N2, insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in
dc, in the bush of SET POINT 2 and the other one in the earth bush,
regulate the voltage on set point 2 at 2 v.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT
2 to bush N13 of the PID controller, the voltage must be equal 2V.
8. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5 the PID
controller, the voltage must be equal to the difference between the voltage
applied to bush N14 and the voltage applied to bush N13 that is 0 V.
9. Connect the bush set point 1 to bush EXT of the PID controller, insert the
terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5, regulate the voltage on set
point 1 to read on the digital voltmeter a voltage of 3V, tirmerarily remove
the lead from EXT of the PID controller, regulate the proportional knob to
10. Connect bush N 15 of the PID controller to bush N15 and bush N28 to
bush N18 of the linear driver.
11. Take the rending of level every 15 sec and fill the table.
11. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, and represent the
dynamic diagram of the process characteristic.

Reading 1 2
Set point (cm)
h ss (cm)
e ss (CM)
h max (cm)
h min (cm)
Ʈ (sec)
Ʈ d (sec)
Over shoot (cm)
Over shoot percentage
Under shoot (cm)
Under shoot percentage
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory
Experiment (10): closed loop proportional–integral–
derivative control of the level

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
Introduction :
In this experiment we use an automation device which is DE LORENZO
(process control and transducer ) DL 2314 consist of two part :
An educational board with set of sensor, actuator (pump), holding
tank, pipes, source tank.
A control module containing the interface circuit for the level ,
temperature, pressure, flow sensors, actuator (voltage source) , controller.
The automation is the use of control systems to control industrial systems
and processes and PLC (programmable logic controller) play a fundamental
role in this field.
For this reason the automation laboratory begins from the study of the PLC,
to allow students the acquisition and the analysis of the techniques related
to their programming and their use in control technology, then continues
with the presentation of all application (pneumatic, elecro-pneumatic,
hydraulic, electro hydraulic).
A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller or three-term
controller) is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial
control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously
modulated control. A PID controller continuously calculates an error value
{display style as the difference between a desired set point (SP) and a
measured process variable (PV) and applies a correction based on
proportional, integral, and derivative terms (denoted P, I, and D
respectively), hence the name.

In practical terms it automatically applies accurate and responsive

correction to a control function. An everyday example is the cruise control
on a car, where external influences such as hills (gradients) would decrease
speed. The PID algorithm restores from current speed to the desired speed
in an optimal way, without delay or overshoot, by controlling the power
output of the vehicle's engine.
The PID control scheme is named after its three correcting terms, whose
sum constitutes the manipulated variable (MV). The proportional, integral,
and derivative terms are summed to calculate the output of the PID

Settling Steady-state
Parameter Rise time Overshoot Stability
time error

Kp Decrease Increase Decrease Degrade

KI Decrease Increase Increase Eliminate Degrade

Minor No effect in Improve

Kd Decrease Decrease
change theory if small

Before the experiment:

Delivery valve: fully open (turn the Knob counter- clockwise)
Motor valve: fully open (angular rotation =0)
Sol valve: open (ON) using the interface ON-OFF DRIVER
Main valve: fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise)
Drain valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Needle valve: fully closed (turn the knob clockwise)
Air valve :fully open (turn the knob counter-clockwise).The level of water
in the process tank is 6 CM ,set point 1 knob 0V, set point 2 knob 0V,
proportional 0%, integral 0% and derivative 0%.

Theory :
A variation of Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control is to use only
the proportional and integral terms as PI control. The PI controller is the
most popular variation, even more than full PID controllers. The value of
the controller output is fed into the system as the manipulated variable input
Transfer function of closed loop system with proportional controller:
T.F = = .
1+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝑘𝑑𝑆²+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )∗𝐺𝑠

The G s =1 … gain feedback sensor.

T.F = .
Error = input – output.
E(s) =R(s) – H(s) …… Divided The Equation on R(s).
= 1- T.F.

𝑬(𝒔) (𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝐾𝑑𝑆2+𝑘𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )
= 1- 𝑅 .
𝑹(𝒔) 1+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝑘𝑑𝑆2+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )∗𝐺𝑠

𝑬(𝒔) 𝑺(𝑹𝑪𝑺+𝟏)
= 𝑅
𝑹(𝒔) 1+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝑘𝑑𝑆²+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )∗𝐺𝑠


e ss= 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 𝑬(𝒔)

e ss = 𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝒔 ∗ ( 𝑅 ) ∗ 𝑹(𝒔)
𝒔→𝟎 1+(𝐾𝑝𝑆+𝑘𝑑𝑆²+𝐾𝑖)∗𝐺𝑝∗( )∗𝐺𝑠
where R(s) is suit step input R(s) = .

e ss = zero
Note: added integral controller change the order of system to 2nd order
system and the steady state error became 0

1. Connect, through leads, bush N 19 of the LINEAR DRIVER to bush N19
and bush N20 to bush N20.
2. Connect the bush of SETPOINT 1 to bush N18 of the LINEAR
3. Slightly close the valve MAN VALVE; press the main switch (ON).
4. Regulate the valve MAN VALVE in order to read on the flowmeter a
flow of about 20 litters/hour.
5. Turn off the main switch; bring again the water in the tank to a value of
6. Connect bush N1 of the level sensor to the bush N1 of relevant interface
and bush N2 to bush N2, insert one terminal of the digital voltmeter, set in
dc, in the bush of SET POINT 2 and the other one in the earth bush,
regulate the voltage on set point 2 at 2 v.
7. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter from the bush of SET POINT
2 to bush N13 of the PID controller, the voltage must be equal 2V.
8. Move the terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5 the PID
controller, the voltage must be equal to the difference between the voltage
applied to bush N14 and the voltage applied to bush N13 that is 0 V.
9. Connect the bush set point 1 to bush EXT of the PID controller, insert the
terminal of the digital voltmeter to the bush X5, regulate the voltage on set
point 1 to read on the digital voltmeter a voltage of 3V, tirmerarily remove
the lead from EXT of the PID controller, regulate the proportional knob to
10. Connect bush N 15 of the PID controller to bush N15 and bush N28 to
bush N18 of the linear driver.
11. Take the rending of level every 15 sec and fill the table.
11. Put OFF the main switch, remove all connection, and represent the
dynamic diagram of the process characteristic.

Reading 1 2
Set point (cm)
h ss (cm)
e ss (CM)
h max (cm)
h min (cm)
Ʈ (sec)
Ʈ d (sec)
Over shoot (cm)
Over shoot percentage
Under shoot (cm)
Under shoot percentage
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory
Experiment (11): closed loop proportional–integral–control
of the speed

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
• To verify the effects of the gain of the loop on the dynamic response
of the system.
• To represent the dynamic response curve of the system.

In this experiment we use RT 050 speed control model

1 Electric motor 2.Speed sensor 3.Rotor 4. Generator

5 Analogue speed display 6. Generator signal lamp
7 Motor signal lamp 8. Master switch 9. Motor switch

The RT 050 speed control model is used as a simple loop for a controller. It
does not include a controller itself; all control processes must be run
externally. The “RT 010 = RT 060 Principles of control engineering”
learning and exercise program is ideally suited for this purpose.
The model communicates with external devices via a USB interface, for
which it has a plug-in connection on the rear.

A gearless electric DC motor (1) which directly drives a rotor (3) is used as
an actuator. The speed is displayed on the analogue measuring instrument
(5). A generator (4) at the other end of the shaft is used to provide an
additional load on the motor. It can be externally actuated and connected at
three different load levels. To do this, it is short-circuited with three burden
resistors of different sizes. The generator signal lamp (6) indicates whether
the generator is operational.
The motor can be separated from its actuation signal as required using the
associated motor switch (9). The motor signal lamp (7) indicates whether
the motor is actuated.
In order to be able to exercise control, a speed signal must be available.
Grooves in the face of the rotor are scanned using an inductive sensor (2).
The speed is therefore available in the form of a pulse signal, which is fed
to an external counter (e.g. PC) via the USB connection.

PID control of a disturbance variable:
So far, the control has been considered in respect
of changes to the reference variable.
The following experiment is designed to demon-
strate compensation of a disturbance variable.

• Select “Continuous control” operating mode.

• Set parameters:
Kp = 0,012
Tn = 1.33 s
Tv = 0.33 s
W1 = 2000 rpm
Z = 0%

wait for steady state.

• Perform step in reference variable,

W1 = 2000 rpm W2 = 3000 rpm, wait for steady state.

• Connect disturbance, Z1 = 33 % and observe the progression of the

control variable and the manipulated variable.
• Connect disturbance, Z2 = 66 % and observe the progression of the
control variable and the manipulated variable.

• Connect disturbance, Z3 = 100 % and ob-serve the progression of the

control variable and the manipulated variable


With a disturbance, e.g. a load, the signal for the control variable X falls
noticeably and the control signal Y(t) increases immediately in response.

A PID controller has been configured for this loop. In terms of favorable
controller parameters, it is clearly necessary to differentiate between control
of the reference variable or control of a disturbance variable. The same set
of parameters does not appear to be equally well suited to the two cases.

In an industrial application, in this case it would therefore be necessary to

distinguish whether disturbances or changes to the reference variable in the
loop were to be compensated. The parameters should then be selected
Faculty of engineering Technology
Mechanical engineering department
Mechanical control system Laboratory
Experiment (12): Fuzzy control: inverted pendulum

Student name:

Student number:

Submission date:
The RT 122 Fuzzy Control tabletop unit: The in-
verted pendulum l consists essentially of the -
control unit (3) in the tabletop unit, on which is
placed the system to be controlled - the physical
model of the inverted pendulum (2).

The controls are on the front of the unit, on the

right hand side (1).

The motors (2) are located at the upper end of the

The rotational speed and the torque of the motors
is converted by the propellers (1) into thrust.
The thrust causes displacement of the pendulum.

A rotary potentiometer (1) is incorporated directly on the shaft in the

pendulum mounting. This senses the angle of the pendulum deflection. The
rotary potentiometer is linear and acts as a voltage divider, thus it feeds
back a defined voltage in proportion to the angle.

The rule base

The main task when creating a fuzzy controller is the choice of linguistic
rules for creating a new fuzzy quantity from the input variable to the me-
chanical system.
Rules are created in the form:
If A then B
For the simplified example of the inverted pendu- lum, the rule in relation
to the displacement is for instance:

Rule Weighting Fuzzification Defuzzificatio

1 y  If left then PR

2 ym  If centre then PM

3 yr  If right then PL

• Consider how the set point position of the pendulum can be changed
by adjusting the fuzzy set.
• Change the inference procedure from the max-min procedure to the
max-prod proce- dure. What are the effects of this change?
• In this case the defuzzification is performed by the centre-of-area
method (COA). Investi- gate the behavior of the model if the maxi- mum-
criterion (MAX) method and the mean-of-maximum (MOM) method is
• Modify the target function to the effect that the pendulum is brought
as quickly as possible to the center position without overawing.

The rules are constructed having regard to the motor lying opposite,
which provides a counterforce. No sym-
metrical set of rules can be constructed here
within a rule base. It can be assumed that for
the initial procedu- re (diagram on the left) at
full angular displacement to the left or right,
one motor should run at maximum rota-
tional speed, whilst the opposite motor runs
at the zero rotational speed as far as this is
Once the system has overcome the start
phase, the rotational speed for the
opposite motor should be increased,
whilst the rotational speed of the
motor under consideration is reduced
(centre dia- gram on the left). This
strategy should permit the pendulum
gradually to approach the “default
posi- tion”. If the approach is too fast,
a large overswing will occur, leading
to instability.

In the “default position” (lower

diagram on the left), both motor
should then run at about half
maximum ro- tational speed. If the
motors were completely swit- ched
off it might happen due to the start-
up character- istics (inertia) of the
motors that too much time would
pass before they could respond as the
pendulum starts to tilt. The
consequence of this would be that a large oscillation of the system about
the vertical positi- on would be observed. The following diagram shows a
possible rule base for one of the motors.

Consider each possible rule individually and deci- de the “then” selection
in each case for that rule in isolation. Consider for instance the situation:
The pendulum is to the left of the centre and is moving further away from
the centre. Your “feeling” should now tell you that the propeller facing to
the left should rotate quickly, so that the pendulum is accelerated in the
opposite direction. In the rule base, the situation for CTRL_Left appears
as follows:


A different situation applies for CTRL_Right: IF L AND ML THEN

If not all possible rules are required or if further rules must be added,
this can be done using the Add rules or Delete rules buttons.

Create the rule base Add rules

Delete rules

First you should develop in the test phase a slim- med-down variant of
the complete fuzzy controller for the desired solution. You need set up
the rules for only one direction of movement of the pendu- lum. You
can define all the linguistic terms for this one side (left, for instance). It
is however important for a simple test that in this phase only a few
rules are used.

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