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A Study of Business Development & Marketing

Carried out at Insights Success Media Tech LLC


Name: Rohit Pawar

Class: TY (BBA)

Subject Teacher Name: Dr. Mankurani Goel

Suryadatta College Of Management Information Research &
Technology (SCMIRT)
PUNE (2021-2022)

I, Mr. Rohit Yashwant Pawar hereby declare that the following document
Project Report titled ‗A STUDY OF Business Development & Marketing
Carried Out in Insights Success Media Tech LLC.

This project is the record of authentic work carried out during the academic year
2020-21 is a confined work prepared by me.

Rohit Pawar


Place: Pune



Suryadatta Education Foundation’s Suryadatta College

of Management Information Research &Technology, Bavdhan, Pune – 411021


This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ______________________________________ a student

of Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA– VI Sem) at Suryadatta College of

Management Information Research & Technology (SCMIRT), Pune, has

successfully completed his / her project


during the academic year - 2021-2022 as a part of the requirement of the Savitribai

Phule Pune University Syllabus for the course, “Cases in Marketing Management 606

B”. The enclosed report is completed as per the requirement and to the satisfaction of the

Project Teacher. This project is for academic purpose of TY BBA during the academic

year 2021- 22.

Dr.Mankurani Goel
Project Guide HOD/Program Coordinator

Dr. Abbas Lokhandwala

Principal, SCMIRT


It gives me great honour while expressing my sense of gratitude towards all

those who helped me guided during this project.

I would also like to express my sincere and profound sense of gratitude to the
Manager Miss Megha Mishra at Insights Success Media Tech for their inspiring
guidance, kindness constant encouragement and constructive criticism during
the course of my job and the preparation of this project.

I would also like to thank my faculty guide Dr. Mankurani Goel of Suryadatta College
Of Management Information Research & Technology (SCMIRT) for his guidance and
encouragement in the completion of this project.

I would also like to thank to colleagues working for Insights Success Media
Tech for their encouragement and support during my project and also to all
those who have helped me directly or indirectly in preparing this project report.

Rohit Yashwant Pawar



The project was carried out at Insights Success Media Tech at Pune.
The title of this project is A STUDY OF Business Development & Marketing
carried out at Insights Success Media Tech LLC. of the Year 2020-2021. The
objective of the study is to analyse the various methods of marketing and
business development to generate maximum sales and organized workflow
structure in Insights Success Media Tech LLC.

The study was conducted to know the structure and whole process provided by
the Company to their clients. In this project, I studied about the whole company
outflow of business activities carried on right from the client confirmation to
fulfilment of their needs and maximum satisfaction along with the evaluation of
the various processes carried out. I also studied the various levels and sections
in which the company operations are divided into for achieve maximum output
from the employees and maintaining a healthy and controlled business

Insights Success‘s strategy for standardizing its services and providing

exclusive marketing packages for its client at affordable sponsorships and
numerous digital marketing services thus created a difference in the level of
standard of the name in the Media Business market as in comparison to other
rival magazine companies.

Since, I have determined myself to go pursue Future Studies and explore Job
Opportunities in the field of Marketing and International Business, studying and
working in Insights Success has really helped me in increasing my knowledge
by learning various marketing techniques and strategies along with many other
factors of Business Dev.

It outlines the research methodology employed in the investigation of the

research problem. The aspects that are covered includes the research design, the

sampling method, the manner in which data was gathered the procedure for data
collection, the statistical techniques utilized to test the research hypothesis for
the present study. For example, sample of 10 employees were taken and the
questionnaire was made to find out the feedback on the various functioning of
the company. Questionnaires were filled by the employees on the basis of which
this project is conducted. It reflects upon the theories, methodology, factors and
feedback. This project also list out findings, recommendations and the learning
from the organization.

This project concludes by discussing the result obtained in the analysis. Finally,
conclusions are drawn and some recommendations are made that may be valued
in future research

Studying the step by step workings of Insights Success and how the processes
are carried out and what efforts are being taken to increase the revenue and
achieve maximum output has helped me a lot for understanding the Business
Development and Marketing subject in a better manner.








7 AND 43








The topic chosen by me is ―A STUDY OF Business Development & Marketing

carried out at Insights Success Media Tech LLC.‖

Marketing is the act of facilitating the exchange of a given commodity for

goods, services, and/or money to deliver maximum value to the consumer. From
a societal point of view, marketing is the link between a society‘s material
requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing satisfies these
needs and wants through both the exchange processes and building long-term

Marketing can be viewed as an organizational function and a set of processes

for creating, delivering, and communicating value to customers, and managing
customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its
shareholders. Marketing is the science of choosing target markets through
market analysis and market segmentation, as well as understanding consumer
buying behaviour and providing superior customer value.

The set of engagements necessary for successful marketing management

include capturing marketing insights, connecting with customers, building
strong brands, shaping the market offerings, delivering and communicating
value, creating long-term growth, and developing marketing strategies and

The Role of Marketing within A Firm:-

The official American Marketing Association definition published in July 2013

defines marketing as ―the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.‖

While this definition can help us better comprehend the parameters of
marketing, it does not provide a full picture. Definitions of marketing cannot
flesh out specific transactions and other relationships among these elements.
The following propositions are offered to supplement this definition: The
overall directive for any organization is the mission statement or an equivalent
expression of organizational goals. It reflects the inherent business philosophy
of the organization.

Every organization has a set of functional areas (e.g., accounting, production,

finance, data processing, marketing) in which tasks pertinent to the success of
the organization are performed. These functional areas must be managed if they
are to achieve maximum performance.

Every functional area is guided by a philosophy (derived from the mission

statement or company goals) that governs its approach toward its ultimate set of
tasks. Marketing differs from the other functional areas, because its primary
concern is exchanges that take place in markets outside the organization.
Marketing is most successful when the philosophy, tasks, and implementation
of available technology are coordinated and complementary to the rest of the

Marketing is often a critical part of a firm‘s success, but its importance must be
kept in perspective. For many large manufacturers such as Proctor & Gamble,
Microsoft, Toyota, and Sanyo, marketing represents a major expenditure, as
these businesses depend on the effectiveness of their marketing effort.
Conversely, for regulated industries (such as utilities, social services, medical
care, or small businesses providing a one-of-a-kind product) marketing may be
little more than a few informative brochures.




What should marketing be responsible for in a company? This question is

surprisingly hard to answer, even for marketers. Harvard Business Review
found that the responsibility of chief marketing officers varies drastically from
one job description to another, along with the experience and skills of people
filling the role. Most are responsible for marketing strategy, branding, and
customer metrics, but beyond that, we can‘t seem to agree.

A lot of this confusion stems from the misunderstanding of marketing‘s

function. Often marketing is looked at in a very operational manner, rather than
a function that truly adds value to the business—i.e., the aftereffect of
developing a product. But this is far too limiting.

Marketing should be a strategic enabler of sales, a pipeline generator for the

company‘s future business, and a function that leads the entire company in
positioning itself against the competition. Marketers should consider themselves
strategists for their individual business streams because they can influence,
measure, and interact daily with each potential market. Ideally, they should
leverage this expertise to guide the future course of every business, but often,
marketing is forced into narrower lanes.

The Untapped Potential of Business Development + Marketing

If there is one area where marketing commonly gets left out, it‘s business
development. Shockingly, almost half of all service companies don‘t coordinate
the two. This usually stems from the friction caused by the dual pressures of
business development wanting marketing to drive better leads and marketing

expecting business development to better nurture leads for higher close rates.
But how can either be successful without the other?

Business development is closest to customers and their individual needs, while

marketing is positioned to create better messaging and content that will resonate
with the market, prospects, and current customers. Each should be informing the
other for better results from the highest part of the customer research funnel past
deal closure.

Specifically, marketing should be:

1. Finding On-Point Messaging:

Business development tends to focus on the leads in front of it, while marketing
team members sometimes try to wash their hands of responsibility once leads
get handed over to sales. This can lead to a disconnect between the language
used in marketing campaigns and the more sales-orientated terms used by
business development. When working together, business development can more
effectively use some of the campaign language to bridge the gap between what
attracted customers in the first place and where sales is trying to move them.

Likewise, business development can give marketing a better idea of the

language customers use to describe their needs. Then Marketing can create a
full funnel messaging strategy that uses content, events, and specific messaging
through the entire sales process to find, capture, and nurture leads more
effectively. This results in better sales messaging and support materials that are
synced with the marketing campaign language and goals. Ultimately, this
should help conversion and retention rates throughout the entire sales cycle.

2. Setting Up Sales Slam Dunks:

Business development wants better qualified leads from marketing, but

marketing can‘t provide those without the help from sales. Marketing must

utilize business development‘s knowledge of what makes a good versus bad
lead to create effective campaigns and target key buyers and influencers.
Working together, the two departments can create a key stakeholder map and
build strategies addressing the aspects that matter most to company decision
makers. Followed by campaigns that drive the most meaningful leads as
measured by stakeholder criteria.

Sales should also use marketing as business analyst specialists who, by tying
together various data streams, can find the areas of greatest opportunity with
different customers and industries. Once marketers bring together that
ecosystem of analysts, advisors, partners, and influencers to identify the high-
quality targets, they can help business development to create a comprehensive
strategy for systematically pursuing them.

3. Clearing the Path Forward:

The marketing team‘s access to competitive intelligence and activities on social

media keeps it at the forefront of industry changes, which will help adjust and
refine differentiated messaging to stay ahead of the competition. By working
together to form a cohesive strategy, both marketing and business development
benefit from consistent messaging, better lead outcomes, and dependable lead
tracking through the entire funnel.

The ear-to-the-ground marketing mentality can also supplement business

development by ensuring sales has access to the right forums and events where
customers and influencers can be engaged. These opportunities are key for sales
to demonstrate offerings that are relevant to the prospects, which helps generate
some on-ground sales leads through the right positioning and connections.

The toughest part for marketing managers at times is getting invited to the
business development party to begin with. Stop waiting for that invite and start
looking for ways you can ―show and tell‖ your value. Find any use-case outside
of marketing‘s defined realm where you can demonstrate a measurable and

visible result. The word will spread that you can help other departments
improve their performance if they leverage marketing‘s expertise.

The End Goal:

The dream is that instead of checking with marketing later, people come to
marketing first for positioning, messaging, and differentiated strategies. Work
toward this dream by finding small marketing wins with other departments,
starting with business development.

The long game for marketing is to try to redirect your organization to a

marketing-first approach. Marketing should contribute to targeting, business
development, sales, and most other functions as the main influencers and bridge
to customers. A true marketing-first organization views marketing as a key
player in strategy development, lead generation, and innovation. If none of that
is in your job title today, consider to add it and make it your mission to prove
marketing‘s full worth.


A brief history of marketing:-

In some ways marketing is as old as civilization itself. You may have seen films
based in ancient Greece or Rome with images of bustling market stalls and
traders actively engaged in persuasive communications. Of course these traders
would not have called their activities marketing and their activities may seem
far removed from someone ordering airline tickets via a website.

The concept of marketing that we now see has more to do with developments
during the industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. This was a period
of rapid social change driven by technological and scientific innovation (see

BBC history website). One result was that for the first time the production of
goods was separated from their consumption. Mass production, developing
transport infrastructure and growing mass media meant that producers needed
to, and could develop more sophisticated ways of managing the distribution of

The production orientation era

For much of the industrial revolution goods were generally scarce and
producers could sell pretty much all that they could produce, as long as people
could afford to buy them. Their focus was therefore on production and
distribution at the lowest possible cost and what marketing management that
there was considered these issues (for example, reducing distribution costs,
opening new markets).

The sales orientation era

From the start of the twentieth century to the period following the Second
World War (although the development was interrupted by the wars) competition
grew and the focus of marketing turned to selling. Communications, advertising
and branding started to become more important (see archive at the History of
Advertising Trust website) as companies needed to sell the increasing outputs of
production in an increasingly crowded market. Marketing was therefore still a
'slave' to production, but focussed on distribution, communication and
persuading customers that one manufacturer‘s goods were better than another‘s.

The marketing orientation era

From the 1960s onwards most markets have become saturated (the size of the
market remains the same). This means that there is now intense competition for
customers. The sophistication of marketing management has therefore
developed into what we now see in a modern marketing department. Marketers
are involved at a strategic level within the organisation and therefore inform an
organisation about what should be produced, where it should be sold, how much
should be charged for it and how it should be communicated to consumers.

Modern marketers research markets and consumers. They attempt to understand
consumer needs (and potential needs) and allocate organisational resources
appropriately to meet these needs. Modern marketers are particularly interested
in brands. They are also increasingly interested in ensuring that employees
understand marketing, i.e. that everyone within the organisation involves
themselves with marketing activities.

So what might you take from this very brief historical perspective?

Firstly, consider that marketing started as an inward looking discipline –

focussing on what the organisation produced. Now marketing is outward
looking. It brings an understanding of markets and of consumers into the

Secondly, you might consider that the marketing that you are familiar with
today is, in fact, a very recent development – marketing is still a very new
subject. You might also note that although we can talk about a ‗marketing
orientation‘, many organisations – especially small and medium enterprise – act
as though they are still in the period of production or sales orientation. In the
absence of a good understanding of marketing, organisations may still focus on
production or sales.

Thirdly, modern definitions of marketing hide the fact that the development of
modern marketing management has not been a coordinated process. Origins in
production and managing distribution mean that manufacturers have been
quicker to adopt marketing practice than, say, the service sector, including
banks and much of the tourism industry.

Finally you might consider that marketing has changed rapidly over this
century and it continues to change. The sorts of activities that you might be
involved with at the end of your marketing career might be very different from
the marketing we see today. As a professional marketer you should be
particularly sensitive to changes in society, technology, and the world economy.

2.3 Advertising and Marketing Industry in India


The Indian advertising industry has evolved from being a small-scaled business
to a full-fledged industry. The advertising industry is projected to be the second
fastest growing advertising market in Asia after China. It is estimated that by
2018, the share of ad spend in India‘s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be
around 0.45 per cent.

The Indian government has given tremendous support to the advertising and
marketing industry. Advertising expenditure is likely to increase in the financial
sector, driven by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) policies which could result in a
more favourable business environment. Also, proposed licences for new banks
and better market sentiments render the advertising and marketing industry in
India a fertile space.

Market size:

Print contributes a significant portion to the total advertising revenue,

accounting for almost 41.2 per cent, whereas TV contributes 38.2 per cent, and
digital contributes 11 per cent of the total revenue. Outdoor, Radio and Cinema
make up the balance 10 per cent.

India‘s digital advertisement market is expected to grow at a compound annual

growth rate (CAGR) of 33.5 per cent to cross the Rs 25,500 crore (US$ 3.8
billion) mark by 2020.*

The Internet's share in total advertising revenue is anticipated to grow twofold

from eight per cent in 2013 to 16 per cent in 2018. Online advertising, which
was estimated at Rs 2,900 crore (US$ 435 million) in 2013, could jump
threefold to Rs 10,000 crore (US$ 1.5 billion) in five years, increasing at a
compound annual rate of 28 per cent.

Government Initiatives:

The Governments of India and Canada have signed an audio-visual co-

production deal which facilitates producers from both countries to harness their
collective artistic, technical, financial and marketing resources, and encourage
exchange of culture and art between the two countries. The agreement is also
likely to lead to better promotion of Indian locales for shooting films. "The
agreement will also lead to the transparent funding of film production and boost
export of Indian films into the Canadian market," as per the agreement.

India and Poland are seeking to enhance cooperation in the digitisation and
restoration of film archives. This was decided in a meeting between Mr Bimal
Julka, Secretary of Information and Broadcasting, India, and a delegation from
Poland led by Ms Malgorzata Omilanowska, Secretary of State. The two
countries will form a joint working group that will help improve cooperation in
fields such as student exchange programmes, animation, films and digitisation,
among others. Mr Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, Minister of State for
Information & Broadcasting, has announced that Indian government has
planned to increase advertising spend on the digital platform which will help
increases the government‘s presence in digital media.

Road Ahead:

The advertising and marketing sector in India is expected to enjoy a good run.
Growth is expected in retail advertisement, on the back of factors such as
several players entering the food and beverages segment, e-commerce gaining
more popularity in the country, and domestic companies testing out the waters.
The rural region is a potentially profitable target. For instance, in the
automobiles sector, the focus of two-wheelers on rural areas could mean more
launches and more advertising spends. The telecom sector could see growth as
well, driven by better smartphone penetration and service providers cutting
down on prices.



3.1 Introduction:

Located in Pune, Maharashtra ―Insights Success Media Tech LLC‖ is one

of the most Admired Media Companies in this country having their second
headquarter in Dublin, Ohio USA. There are in total of 10 Domains in the
Insights Success family each targeting different sectors and industries globally.

Insights Success is an archway that caters to Entrepreneurs‘ quench of

technology and business updates which are currently ruling the business world.

They are ceaselessly proving the best platform for leading companies, which
aids indefinite progress while creating meaningful learning experiences for the
visitors and invaluable brand awareness for the clients.

Availing core information about new-fangled business solutions, products &

services, latest technological advancements, etc., Insights Success is an
impeccable platform firmly focused on organizations of all sizes and sectors
thriving in the business world.

Being a progress-driven platform, it focuses distinctively on emerging as well as

leading companies, their reformative style of conducting business and ways of
delivering effective and collaborative solutions to strengthen market share.

There are millions of readers and subscribers of the Insights Success Magazine
from all parts of the globe. We have readers and subscribers from various
regions such as North America, EMEA, APAC and Australia, South America.

The Insights Success Domain features several top notch Companies including
some from the NASDAQ 100 along with world renowned CEO‘s and Leaders
of their Businesses.

We circulate the magazine in Print and Digital format across the globe and
every month they come up with different issues with different sectors such as
Business, Technology, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Social media
networking, etc.

3.2 Mission & Values:-

• Insights Success Magazine aims to be a thorough guide to all the diverse

challenges of businesses. The magazines are one of the best mediums,
which molds itself according to the reader‘s choice every single month.

• With our Magazine we want to share with the readers the information of
their particular industry, as well as the critical information they require
and demand to grow their businesses. May it be our regular issue or the
special ones, all of them are a vital source of inspiration.

• What we aim at is to create a best platform for top leaders and executives
to talk and share their experiences, views and mantra of success which
will help the upcoming young and dynamic bloodline of professionals to
learn, cater and deliver business needs for customers in order to become
futuristic market leaders.

Values preserved by Insights Success:

• Boldness.
• Learning
• Trustworthiness
• Quality
• Customer Experience
• Accountability
• Integrity
• Result Oriented

3.3 Domains of Insights Success:-

Below I will share a short review on the different domains of the Insights
Success Family:-


Insights Success is a global business solution magazine which provides a
platform to all the leading and emerging companies to showcase their
products and services to their targeted audience. Targeting all the
companies worldwide and coming up with almost 100 Magazines each
fiscal year the most prominent domain is the domain
with the highest amount of Subscription & Readership base.


Where the above domain serves readers and features clients all over the
globe, there is an exclusive Indian clientele only domain specifically
featuring Indian Companies and Indian Business personalities. This
domain has a huge demand and subscription base in India and a variety of
magazines are released each month.

Insights Care covers important issues and trends shaping the future of the
healthcare industry while demonstrating thought leadership in both
healthcare knowledge and technology landscape throughout the globe.
Insights Care wants to make everyone including Doctors, Healthcare
Executives, Healthcare Companies, Institutes, Patients, Medical Students
to be an integral part of our journey to witness fascinating changes on a
daily basis due to increased technological intervention and other
structural changes.

• The Knowledge Review(Education)

The Knowledge Review is an international education magazine for
universities, students, teachers and parents offering news, blogs, articles
and courses from the best universities. Working as a platform, The
Knowledge Review gives a broad view of the vast education sector from
the point of view of a student, educator and a university. Being one of the
top international education and knowledge provider magazines, The
Knowledge Review is a platform, especially made to serve as a bridge
between students, educators and universities.

• CIO Look(Business Personalities)
CIOLook is Global business authority platform where you can explore
the perspective of Entrepreneurs, business owners, and innovators who
drive business around the globe. CIOLook has unvaryingly been at the
front line for its honesty and genuineness acquiring acknowledgment
from Business pioneers universally. It features best business hones
inferred by individuals, organizations, and industry divisions around the
globe. Alongside, it focuses on showcasing world changing business
concepts to help readers get a deeper understanding of the progressive
business world.

• InsightsTree(Digital Marketing)

InsightsTree are a team consisting of Technology Nerds, Market

Researchers and Relationship Builders. Our Technology Nerds are
equipped with the latest technology, which we keep at your service. Our
Market Researchers have one eye on the current trends and the other eye
on the future trends, which will help you to build a system capable not
only to survive but to strive in this unpredictable market. Our
Relationship Builders are always available to answer your queries and
will make sure that you are pleased and gratified with our services.

These were just a few of the domains of Insights Success, who each one of them
has separate roles to play and have various objectives to achieve.

3.4 Work Culture & Team.

Culture defines the longevity of relationship among employees and company.

Better work culture nurtures healthier and progressive relationship. Therefore,
we promote and encourage a work culture that gives employees a sense of
autonomy in their work, freedom to put their ideas, new job responsibility to
grow, training programs to upgrade their skills, environment to nurture
creativity and more. We believe and promote democratic discussion on any
development that matters for the organization. And we involve everyone so that
final decision reflects the spirit of the organization as a whole rather than only
of the higher management.

For us, just like client satisfaction, employee‘s satisfaction and feedback weigh
equally. We do every possible thing that can win our employees‘ heart and trust.
Ultimately, employees are the real engine that drives a company towards the
path of progression. We understand that our business runs on your business.
And hence, we work for your business as if it is our business, and we consider
our clients as partners and not customers. We communicate with our customers
to understand what they have in their minds and will share how technology can
assist them to support their ideas.


Leveraging on our team of competent professionals, we are able to provide the

clients with the most effective and reliable solutions our personnel are
hardworking techno-savvy and have rich industry experience. All them are
professionals are hired on the basis of their skilled and experience in the
respective service area. Further, they also keep an eye on the daily activities of
our professionals so that they offer only quality service to the clients.

Further, our team members also remain in co-ordination with the clients to
understand their specific requirement and offer solutions accordingly.

3.5 WHY Insights Success?

We are a team consisting of Technology Nerds, Market Researchers and

Relationship Builders. Our Technology Nerds are equipped with the latest
technology, which we keep at your service. Our Market Researchers have one
eye on the current trends and the other eye on the future trends, which will help
you to build a system capable not only to survive but to strive in this
unpredictable market... Owing to their trusted and flexible services, we have
gain trust and confidence of our clients.



4.1 Definition of Marketing & Business Development:


Dr. Philip Kotler defines marketing as ―the science and art of exploring,
creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.
Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines measures and
quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential. It pinpoints
which segments the company is capable of serving best and it designs and
promotes the appropriate products and services.‖

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) Board of Directors,

Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

Business Development:

Business development is the creation of long-term value for an organization

from customers, markets, and relationships. In its most basic form, business
development can be defined as the creation of value for an organization or
business. This includes brainstorming new ideas, initiatives, and activities to
increase profitability. The goal of business development is not just to increase
profits, the goal is to make intelligent business decisions that create value for
organizations and customers.

Business development is essentially any activity or idea that aims to make a

business better over time. This means making use of customers, implementing
strategic partnerships, using your markets and building your company
reputation. A business development professional tends to talk to multiple
departments like Sales, Finance, Marketing, Customer Services, and Legal, for
various reasons such as strategic management, product launches, and even to
grow brand awareness, which explains why people often confuse Marketing
with Business Development.

4.2 Types of Marketing & 4p’s of Marketing:

Influencer Marketing

According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), influencer

marketing focuses on leveraging individuals who have influence over potential
buyers and orienting marketing activities around these individuals to drive a
brand message to the larger market.

In influencer marketing, rather than marketing directly to a large group of

consumers, a brand inspires or compensates influencers (which can include
celebrities, content creators, customer advocates, and employees) to get the
word out on their behalf.

Relationship Marketing

According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), relationship

marketing refers to strategies and tactics for segmenting consumers to build

Relationship marketing leverages database marketing, behavioural advertising

and analytics to target consumers precisely and create loyalty programs.

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages

people to pass along a marketing message.

Nicknamed ―viral‖ because the number of people exposed to a message mimics

the process of passing a virus or disease from one person to another.

Green Marketing

Green marketing refers to the development and marketing of products that are
presumed to be environmentally safe (i.e., designed to minimize negative
effects on the physical environment or to improve its quality).

This term may also be used to describe efforts to produce, promote, package,
and reclaim products in a manner that is sensitive or responsive to ecological

Keyword Marketing

Keyword marketing involves placing a marketing message in front of users

based on the specific keywords and phrases they are using to search.

A key advantage of this method is that it gives marketers the ability to reach the
right people with the right message at the right time. For many marketers,
keyword marketing results in the placement of an ad when certain keywords are

Note that in SEO, this term refers to achieving top placement in the search
results themselves.

Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing describes an unconventional and creative marketing strategy

intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.

Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is a newer term for traditional marketing coined when the
term inbound marketing came into popular use.

In outbound marketing, the marketer initiates contact with the customer through
methods such as TV, radio and digital display advertising. It is often used to
influence consumer awareness and preference for a brand.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is marketing in which customers initiate contact with the

marketer in response to various methods used to gain their attention. These

methods include email marketing, event marketing, content marketing and web

One purpose of inbound marketing, which includes content marketing, is to

establish the business as a source for valuable information and solutions to
problems, thereby fostering customer trust and loyalty.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of developing a

marketing/technical plan to improve visibility within one or more search
engines. Typically, this consists of two elements.

On a technical side, SEO refers to ensuring that a website can be indexed

properly by the major search engines and includes the use of the proper
keywords, content, code, and links.

On the marketing side, SEO refers to the process of targeting specific keywords
where the site should ―win‖ in searches. This can be done by modifying a
website to score well in the algorithms search engines use to determine rank, or
by purchasing placement with individual keywords. Often, SEO programs are a
blend of several elements and strategies.

Note: When SEO is used to describe an individual, it stands for search engine

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant

and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience—with
the objective of driving profitable customer action.

According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), content marketing

involves various methods to tell the brand story. More and more marketers are
evolving their advertising to content marketing/storytelling to create more
stickiness and emotional bonding with the consumer.

4 Ps of Marketing:


A product is defined as a bundle of attributes (features, functions, benefits, and

uses) capable of exchange or use, usually a mix of tangible and intangible
forms. Thus a product may be an idea, a physical entity (goods), or a service, or
any combination of the three. It exists for the purpose of exchange in the
satisfaction of individual and organizational objectives.

While the term ―products and services‖ is occasionally used, product is a term
that encompasses both goods and services.


Price is the formal ratio that indicates the quantity of money, goods, or services
needed to acquire a given quantity of goods or services.

It is the amount a customer must pay to acquire a product.

Place (or Distribution)

Distribution refers to the act of marketing and carrying products to consumers.

It is also used to describe the extent of market coverage for a given product.

In the 4 Ps, distribution is represented by place or placement.


According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), promotion

marketing includes tactics that encourage short-term purchase, influence trial
and quantity of purchase, and are very measurable in volume, share and profit.

Examples include coupons, sweepstakes, rebates, premiums, special packaging,

cause-related marketing and licensing.

4.3 Types of marketing strategies:

There are different types of marketing strategies available. Picking up a

marketing strategy includes analyzing the needs of your business, your target
audience and specifications of your products.

The two main types of marketing strategy are:

1. Business to business (B2B) marketing

2. Business to consumer (B2C) marketing

The most common form of marketing is business to consumer (B2C) marketing.

Let‘s explore a bit more.

Following are the different types of marketing strategies available.

1. Paid advertising

This includes multiple approaches for marketing. It includes traditional

approaches like TVCs and print media advertising. Also, one of the most well-
known marketing approach is internet marketing. It includes various methods
like PPC (Pay per click) and paid advertising.

2. Cause marketing

Cause marketing links the services and products of a company to a social cause
or issue. It is also well known as cause related marketing.

3. Relationship marketing

This type of marketing is basically focused on customer building. Enhancing

existing relationships with customers and improving customer loyalty.

4. Undercover marketing

This type of marketing strategy focuses on marketing the product while

customers remain unaware of the marketing strategy. It is also known as stealth

5. Word of mouth

It totally relies on what impression you leave on people. It is traditionally the

most important type of marketing strategy. Being heard is important in business
world. When you give quality services to customers, it is likely that they‘d
promote you.

6. Internet marketing

It is also known as cloud marketing. It usually happens over the internet. All the
marketing items are shared on the internet and promoted on various platforms
via multiple approaches.

7. Transactional marketing

Sales is particularly the most challenging work. Even for the largest retailers,
selling is always tough especially when there are high volume targets. However
with the new marketing strategies, selling isn‘t as difficult as it was. In
transactional marketing the retailers encourage customers to buy with shopping
coupons, discounts and huge events.

8. Diversity marketing

It caters diverse audience by customizing and integrating different marketing

strategies. It covers different aspects like cultural, beliefs, attitudes, views and
other specific needs.

Hence, marketing strategies have made it much easier to promote products and
services. They also limit the strategy to target audience ensuring the proper
advancement of the business.

4.4 Basics of Business Development:

Business development activities extend across different departments, including

sales, marketing, project management, product management, and vendor
management. Networking, negotiations, partnerships, and cost-savings efforts
are also involved. All of these different departments and activities are driven by
and aligned with the business development goals.

For instance, a business has a product or service which is successful in one

region, such as the United States. The business development team assesses
further expansion potential. After all due diligence, research, and studies, it
finds that the product or service can be expanded to a new region, such as


Sales personnel focus on a particular market or a particular (set of) client(s),

often for a targeted revenue number. In this case, business development assesses
the Brazilian markets and concludes that sales worth $1.5 billion can be
achieved in three years. With such set goals, the sales department targets the
customer base in the new market with their sales strategies.


Marketing involves promotion and advertising aimed towards the successful

sale of products to end-customers. Marketing plays a complementary role in
achieving sales targets. Business development initiatives may allocate an
estimated marketing budget. Higher budgets allow aggressive marketing
strategies like cold calling, personal visits, roadshows, and free sample
distribution. Lower budgets tend to result in passive marketing strategies, such
as limited online ads, print ads, social media ads, and billboards.

Strategic Initiatives or Partnerships

To enter a new market, will it be worth going solo by clearing all required
formalities, or will it be more sensible to form a strategic alliance or partnership
with local firms already operating in the region? Assisted by legal and finance
teams, the business development team weighs all of the pros and cons of the
available options and selects the one that best serves the business.

Project Management/Business Planning

Does the business expansion require a new facility in the new market, or will all
the products be manufactured in the base country and then imported into the
targeted market? Will the latter option require an additional facility in the base
country? Such decisions are finalized by the business development team based
on their cost- and time-related assessments. Then, the project
management/implementation team swings into action to work towards the
desired goal.

Product Management

Regulatory standards and market requirements vary across countries. A

medicine of a certain composition may be allowed in India but not in the United
Kingdom, for example. Does the new market require a customized—or
altogether new—version of the product?

These requirements drive the work of product management and manufacturing

departments, as decided by the business strategy. Cost consideration, legal
approvals, and regulatory adherence are all assessed as a part of a business
development plan.

Vendor Management

Will the new business need external vendors? For example, will the shipping of
a product need a dedicated courier service? Will the firm partner with any
established retail chain for retail sales? What are the costs associated with these
engagements? The business development team works through these questions.

Negotiations, Networking, and Lobbying

A few business initiatives may need expertise in soft skills. For example,
lobbying is legal in some locales and may become necessary for penetrating the
market. Other soft skills like networking and negotiating may be needed with
different third-parties, such as vendors, agencies, government authorities, and
regulators. All such initiatives are part of business development.

Cost Savings

Business development is not just about increasing sales, products, and market
reach. Strategic decisions are also needed to improve the bottom line, which
includes cost-cutting measures. An internal assessment revealing high spending
on travel, for instance, may lead to travel policy changes, such as hosting video
conference calls instead of on-site meetings, or opting for less expensive
transportation modes.

Management can implement similar cost-saving initiatives by outsourcing non-

core work, such as billing, accounting, financials, technology operations, and
customer service. Strategic partnerships needed for these initiatives are a part of
business development.

Hence, Business development may be difficult to define concisely, but it can be

easily understood using a working concept. An open mindset, willingness for an
honest and realistic self-assessment, and the ability to accept failures are a few
of the skills needed for successful business development. Beyond the ideation,
implementation, and execution of a business development idea, the end results
matter the most.

4.5 What Should a Business Developer Know?

Since business development involves high-level decision making, the business

developer should remain informed about the following:

The current state of the business in terms of SWOT analysis (strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)

• The current state of the overall industry and growth projections

• Competitor developments
• Primary sources of sales/revenues of current business and dependencies
• The customer profile
• New and unexplored market opportunities
• New domains/products/sectors eligible for business expansion, which
may complement the existing business
• The long-term view, especially with regards to the initiatives being
• The cost areas and the possible options for cost-savings

How business development representatives qualify leads?

Every business has a target audience that they wish to reach – in other words,
they have an ideal prospect they want to sell to. Often, this is based on what
your existing customer base looks like and is defined using a customer profile.

One of the most commonly used qualification frameworks that exist today is
called BANT, which stands for:

Budget: Does the prospect have available resources to invest?

Authority: Is this prospect the ultimate decision maker?

Needs: What are the biggest problems that this prospect is looking to solve with
my product?

Timeline: How soon are they looking to buy?

4.6 Sales vs. business development

Although both sales and business development aim to grow new business, the
two roles differ greatly and serve distinct purposes.

Earlier in this article we learned that business development is essential to the

sale process. The BDR team is responsible for pushing qualified leads further
down the sales funnel, but they do not close deals themselves.

That‘s where sales comes in.

The primary function of the sales team is to generate revenue. Sales reps are
responsible for demonstrating the product, making negotiations, and eventually
closing the deal. Converting prospects into customers is much easier to
accomplish when sales and business development work together to streamline
the sales process.

Separating these two roles within a company allows each team to specialize in
their specific function and help grow the business more efficiently.

Both of these roles require a similar set of skills — this allows for career
development opportunities for BDRs who want to move into a closing role
down the line. The relationship-building skills learned in the business
development position are easily transferable and build a foundation for the skills
necessary to succeed in sales, marketing, or even customer success.

Many business development teams operate as a subset of the sales department

and are held to similar metrics. Next, we‘ll look at how to measure success for
business development.

4.7 Collaboration of Marketing and Business Development:

The marketing and business development departments have many opportunities

to collaborate, which your company should take advantage of in order to
maximize efforts and ensure that tasks are not duplicated.

To ensure your company uses its marketing and business development resources
efficiently, these six tasks should be coordinated between both departments:

Strategy and Planning – smooth communication of firm messaging

Messaging – a message should be developed based upon how the company is

qualified to meet the wants and needs of a client

Content – items created by marketing, such as articles, blog posts, and

webinars should be based upon information on topics that the target audience
wants to learn more about

Hosted Events – marketing handles the coordination and promotion of the

event, while business development provides personal outreach following the

Speaking Opportunities – the marketer successfully pitches a business leader

to speak at an event, and the leader or other business developer meets prospects,
hands out business cards and follows up post-event

Client Feedback – both marketing and business development must be aware of

changes to client needs and challenges and adjust how the company responds to

Marketing and business development possess skill sets that complement each
other and work together to help a B2B business thrive. It is critical for
companies to take advantage of the strengths from each department while also
recognizing their differences.

Hence, a firm that understands how marketing and business development

functions can interact and support one another will benefit in the future and
have a higher return on investment.




1. Easily Spot Business Opportunities

After you‘ve done your market research, it'll be clear to you who you want to
reach out to (your target customers), where you can reach them (your marketing
channels), and what they're interested in. Once you‘ve defined these, you‘ll be
able to easily spot business opportunities.

2. Lower Business Risks

Around half of businesses with employees don‘t survive past the fifth year. The
way to make sure that your business survives for longer is to ensure that you've
got a steady stream of sales and customers.

3. Create Relevant Promotional Materials

If you‘ve ever wondered what text or images to put on your fliers, website, or
social media accounts, with thorough market research, you‘ll know exactly what
to do. Since target customers have already expressed all their wants, needs, and
frustrations with you, you‘ll know exactly what to address and how to address it
when you start creating your marketing materials.

4. Know Where to Advertise

One of the problems that small business owners face is a limited budget.
Because of this, your marketing budget should be optimized to give you the best
returns possible. Your market research can help ensure that you‘re reaching
your intended audience in the channels where they‘re most likely to see your

5. Outsell Competitors

The business that knows their customers more tends to win more. If you can
beat your competitors at finding out your customers‘ needs and you aim to
fulfill those needs, you've got a better chance of standing out from the

6. Set Better Goals for Your Business

When business owners set goals for their business, it‘s typically related to
growth in sales or customers. But without market research, you won‘t be able to
know if your goal is achievable and how to achieve it in the first place.

7. Decision-Making Becomes Simple

The need for and importance of marketing research frequently comes up when
making tough business decisions. Instead of having arbitrary criteria for the
decisions you make as a business owner, you can always go back to your
market research report.


The present study has been conducted with the following objectives:

1. To study the marketing and business development techniques used in the

Company to generate maximum revenue.

2. To compare the different domains and departments inside the organization.

3. To showcase the whole step by step process that is carried in the functioning
of the company on a daily basis.

4. To know the level satisfaction of the employees regarding the strategies,

workflow and the overall business environment.

5. To find out news ways and recommendations for the company to expand its
operations and outpace itself from its competitors.


1. The Scope of the study covers with extent of help to check all the activities of
marketing and business development going on in the company.

2. An attempt was made to know the pleasure of employees regarding their

workings and the process outflow.

3. Hence this study specially is focused on the various processes of Business

Development & Marketing which are making the organization work efficiently
and generate maximum revenue.




Research is an art of scientific investigation through search of new facts in any

branch of knowledge. It is movement from unknown to known. The study of
research methodology gives the student the necessary training in gathering
materials required, and also training in technique for the collection of data
appropriate to particular problem. It helps in the use of statistics, questionnaire
and controlled experimentation and in recording evidences, sorting it out and
interpreting it. Knowledge of research methodology is helpful in various fields.
Research methodology plays key role in project work. It consists of series of
actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired
sequencing of these steps.

Basic features of a research process are:

• Research always starts with a question or a problem.

• Its purpose is to find answers to questions through the application of scientific


• It is a systematic and intensive study directed towards a more complete

knowledge of the subject studied.


The researcher has chosen the questionnaire methods of data collection due to
limited time in hand and the pandemic situation. While designing data
collection procedure, adequate safeguards against bias and unreliability must be
ensured. Researcher has examined the collected data for completeness,
comprehensibility, consistently and reliability.

Researcher has also gathered secondary data which have already been collected
and analyzed by someone else. He got various information from journals,

historical documents, magazines and reports prepared by the other researchers.
For the present piece of research the investigator has used the following

• Questionnaire
• Interview
• Observation


In this method a questionnaire is sent to the different colleagues from the same
team concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the
questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a number of questions printed or
typed in a definite order. They have answered the questions on their own. The
researcher has chosen this method of data collection due to low cost incurred, it
is free from bias of the interviewer and respondent have adequate time.


Data collection is an elaborate process in which the researcher makes a planned

search for all relevant data and is the foundation of all researches. It is the raw
material with which a researcher functions. The task of data collection begins
after a research problem has been defined and research plan is chalked out.
While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study the
researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz., primary data and
secondary data.

Sources of Data

A. Primary data:

The data that is being collected for the first time and originally by the surveyor.
In this primary data is the questionnaire which was filled by the employees. The
responses were collected by the research through questionnaire consisting of

B. Secondary data:

Secondary data is the data already collected by others for purposes other than
solution of the problem at hand. In case of Secondary data the nature of data
collection work is merely that of compilation. Secondary data has several
supplementary uses.

1. Internal sources:

• Company Records.

• Client Feedback Forms

• Company Website

• Company Brochure.

• Company Library

2. External sources

• Web pages of organizations and journals.

• Reference Books.

• Magazines.

Data Analysis:

All the data and information collected from the secondary sources and company
officials was filtered & only relevant data is introduced in the report which
helped in achieving objective of the project. This relevant data is finally
evaluated to make final report and to draw the conclusion.

The data used for analysis is secondary data through internal sources. A survey
was carried out within the employees and workers of the company itself to
analyze the data. Sample sizes were taken to carry out the survey and following
questionnaire were provided for the survey.


1. Due to company‘s norms and regulations some of the official and financial
data which was important for my project could not be available.

2. Many times the officials were so busy that they could not answer the queries
related to the topic.

3. Due to the work from home situation it was difficult to connect with more
people of the organization.



A) Benefits/Products offered:

Q1) Are you guys satisfied with the range of benefits that we provide currently
considering the newly attractive Digital Marketing features to our Cover Story

Benefits offered Currently

Not Satisfied

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the range of benefits

currently offered to our Cover Story Clients a large sum of 82%
employees are satisfied or agree whereas only 18% are
dissatisfied. Therefore, the employees do agree that more than
enough range of benefits are being offered to the Cover Story

Q2) Do you want to see more editorial or digital marketing benefits added to the
sponsorship package for our clients in the upcoming future?

Favourable Benefits

Editorial Benefits
Digital Marketing Benefits

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the interesting question of

what kind of benefits would the employees like to see 71%
employees are rooting for Digital Marketing services whereas
31% are with the old school editorial benefits. Therefore, as it‘s
a modern time, it seems employees would like to market digital
advertising more than the traditional Editorial advertising.

B) Cost and Sponsorships:

Q1) Are you guys satisfied with the Cost Offered to our Cover Story Clients

Satisfied with the Current Sponsorship?

Not Satisfied

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the sponsorship cost

currently offered our Cover Story Clients 92% employees are
dissatisfied or disagree whereas only 8% are satisfied.
Therefore, the employees do agree that there needs to be a
changes in the costs charged to our Cover Story clients.

Q2) Are you guys satisfied with the Cost/Sponsorship sum charged to the Cover
Story Clients, Don‘t you think we must increase the sum now that we have
included the new digital marketing benefits for them.

Increase the Sponsorship Charged?


INTERPRETATION: Regarding increase in the sponsorship

cost 68% employees are satisfied or agree whereas 32% are
not satisfied. Therefore, the employees do agree that there
needs to be an increase in the Cost because of the newly added

Q3) Are you guys satisfied with the Cost/Sponsorship sum charged to the Cover
Story Clients, Don‘t you think we must decrease or lower the sum now even
though we have included the new digital marketing benefits for them.

Lowering the Sponsorship Cost?


INTERPRETATION: Regarding Decrease in the sponsorship

cost only 22% employees are satisfied or agree whereas 78%
disagree with the decision. Therefore, the employees are
satisfied with what they have and do not want to reduce the

C) Products Features:

Q1) What impresses you the most or you like about our magazines? Is it the
design and quality of our publications, the clients who are featured, the editorial
content of the magazine, the way we showcase our magazine digitally?

Impression of our Magazine

20 Impression of our Magazine

Design and Featured Cients Editorial Digital
Quality Content Magazine

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the features of the magazine

the 45% employees really love the Quality and Design of the
magazine. Secondly 28% employees also do love the editorial
content showcased by the editors. However, only 15% and 12%
employees are interested in the Featured Clients and the Digital
Magazine respectively.

Q2) At the earliest convenience what would you most prefer to show an
improvement in our magazine from the below options:-

➢ Adding more features in the Digital mode of Magazine

➢ The Design and Quality of the Printed Magazine
➢ Improving the Quality of Content posted in the Magazine.

Improvement in the Magazine

30 Improvement in the Magazine
Features in Design and Quality of
Digital Qualiy of Content
Magazine Printed

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the improvements in the

features of the magazine a massive 76% employees really want
to see a change in the Digital mode of the magazine. There isn‘t
much objection to the Design of the magazine along with the
Content as they both share almost the same percentage of
opinions of 13% and 11% respectively.

D) Competitors Analysis:

Q1) Who do you think among the below rival magazine companies are most
threatening for our organization?

➢ Mirror Review
➢ Silicon Review
➢ The Entrepreneur

Most Threatening Competitor

15 Most Threatening Competitor

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the fiercest competitors that

threaten the organization there is a majority draw of 43% for
the and 39% for Mirror Review as they both share
almost equal votes accordingly. Silicon Review gets the 3rd
position with 14% and just 4% employees voted for The

Q2) Do you think that Insights Success provides far better services and has
more influenced market share than its competitors?

Better than Competitors?

YES, Better than Competitors

Nope, Below par

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the above Pie Chart, 82%

employees do believe that Insights Success Media Tech is
above par and better than its competitors, whereas only 18%
believe that the rival companies are better.

E) Company Operations and Workflow:

Q1):- Do you feel that the functions and overall operations carried out in the
company right from beginning to the end are smooth and well ordered.

Satisfaction with operations


Not Satisfied, there needs to be


INTERPRETATION: Regarding the day to day functions &

operations carried out a good chunk of 74% people are
dissatisfied whereas 26% employees are satisfied with the
workings. Hence a majority of the votes have opted that there
need to be changes in the Operations of the Company.

Q2) Out of the below Teams which Team of Operations carried out in the
Company will you be opting a change the most?

➢ The Sales Team

➢ Editorial and Design Team
➢ SEO and Web Development Team

Needs The Most Change

40 Needs The Most Change
Sales Team Editorial and SEO and Web
Design team Dev. Team

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the need of change in the

Day to Day Operations a large number of 72% employees
really want to see a change in the Sales Team Operations of the
Organization. There isn‘t much need for change as such to the
Editorial and Design Team along with the SEO & Web Dev.
Team of the magazine as they both share almost the same
percentage of opinions of 18% and 10% respectively.

F) Overall Working with Insights Success:

Q1) Finally the last question, how is your overall experience performing your
activities at Insights Success Media Tech LLC?

Overall Experience




Overall Experience



Enjoyable and Fun Decent Experience Not Good

INTERPRETATION: Regarding the overall experience of the

employees, a fair share of 71% employees really enjoy working
here, whereas 20% are having moderate and decent experience
and 9 % are not really having a great experience with the

Observations &
Findings of Study


1. The maximum number of the respondents are satisfied that more than enough
range of benefits are being offered to the Cover Story clients.

2. The maximum number of the respondents prefer Digital Marketing services

than the editorial benefits.

3. The maximum number of the respondents are of an opinion that they are not
satisfied with the costs charged to our Cover Story clients.

4. The maximum number of the respondents are of an opinion that there needs
to be an increase in the Cost because of the newly added benefits.

5. The maximum number of the respondents are of an opinion that they are not
satisfied with the decrease in the sponsorship cost.

6. The maximum number of the respondents are satisfied with the Quality and
Design of the magazine and secondly with the editorial content showcased by
the editors, whereas fewer employees are interested in the Featured Clients and
the Digital Magazine respectively.

7. The maximum number of the respondents are of the opinion that they want to
see a change in the Digital mode of the magazine as compared to the Design of
the magazine & Content.

8. The maximum number of the respondents are of the opinion that the major
competitors of the Organization are Mirror Review and, whereas The
Entrepreneur & Silicon Review don‘t possess a threat.

9. Maximum number of the respondent‘s opinion is that Insights Success Media

Tech is above par and better than its competitors.

10. Maximum number of the respondents are of the opinion that they are not
satisfied with the functions and overall operations carried out in the company.

11. Maximum number of the respondents are of the opinion that they want to
see a change in the Sales Team Operations as compared to the SEO and the
editorial team..

12. The maximum number of the respondents are of an opinion that working at
the organization is really enjoyable.



From this project report, Researcher could conclude that the use of both
Business Development and Marketing we can achieve the ultimate
organizational goals.

• Business development and marketing go hand-in-hand. And when they

are in sync, your professional services firm can see increases in visibility,
growth, profitability, and more.

• From the onset, business development and marketing should work

together to determine the best strategy for communicating the firm‘s
message, following up with leads, and measuring the results of both
teams‘ efforts.

• Marketing‘s role should be to create and promote campaigns, including

events, while business development reaches out to the target audience for
follow up.

• Marketing can work with business development to pitch to the firm‘s

SMEs to speak at industry events and conferences. Meanwhile, business
development should attend these events to meet prospective and current
clients and follow up afterward.

• If you want to grow your business the right way and with a ton of
momentum, then marketing and business development need to be focused
on the same goal – working together to attract the right clients, clients
who will truly benefit from your services

• Firms that make this commitment will stand out against the competition.
And, when business development and marketing work together to attract
ideal clients to the firm, less time is wasted and the team drives more



Suggestions and Recommendations to Improve the functioning and operations

of the organization in the upcoming future:

• Establish a cross-department workflow:-

The most important piece of improving your marketing operations is
establishing a project workflow between marketing and the rest of the
organization. The internal workings of individual teams can be heavily
influenced by how other departments request projects and/or expect
projects to be done. Once your workflow is established, using a tool to
help task assignments, set deadlines, and follow up is critical.

• Build a long-term marketing plan

Set in stone a comprehensive 12-month marketing strategy and goals for
the next five years. Developing a strategy with clear action items and
setting both short-term and long-term goals pushes you to assign team
members and actually implement the tasks.

• Hire a strategic analyst

The first hire in the marketing operations role should be a strategic
analyst. This role is focused on developing ROI measurements for
marketing. Once the tracking is in place, then everything else within
marketing should be aligned.

• Use of an affiliate program & Email Marketing

Most people don't understand the power of affiliate marketing. Affiliates
can provide massive fuel for growth. But approaching the right partners
isn't always that easy. You have to have good conversion if you want the
bigger affiliate to take you seriously. Build an affiliate program and start
reaching out to potential affiliate who can assist you.

There are loads of websites which can used as well such as E. Brian
Ross's JVZoo, or Tim and Eileen Barber's ClickBank and Commission
Junction to get the word out. Part of any good sales funnel is going to be

an email marketing sequence. These are the automated messages that go
out to users once they subscribe to your list. Use your email sequence to
build a relationship with the subscriber. Be authentic and transparent.
And convey your journey.

• Work on the website & Get on the social media train before it’s too
Many sites were designed several years ago. Technology and tastes have
changed and the advent of social media has changed the way we consume
information online. Is your website now fit for purpose or does it look
like a tired brochure-based site that simply provides basic info on your
Social media is a fundamental change to how we communicate both
socially and in business. Younger managers have arrived in the
workplace and they expect to engage on different platforms not just by
email and on your website. You need to play in this arena or you will
disappear from both search and potential supplier shortlists.

• Keep employees involved.

Good employees are hard to find, yet they are an important element in
your business. Check to see if they are getting what they need and make
them part of the team. Help them understand the importance of their role
in your business and how their job impacts the business as a whole.
Review your relationship with your employees and find ways to keep
your relationship happy and avoid costly attrition.


References & Bibilography:


• Kotler, Philip Principles of Marketing Management, prentice hall India,

• Chhabra, T.N Marketing Management, DhanpatRai and co., 2010
• Kothari, C.R Research methodology, Vikas Publishing house, 1997

Magzines & Articles:-


What Creativity Looks Like in Marketing Today | Harvard Business Review

How Google Analytics Ruined Marketing | TechCrunch

Marketing in the Age of Resistance | Harvard Business Review

sales/solutions/periscope/news/press-releases# to-



I Rohit Yashwant Pawar, currently pursuing Bachelors in Business Administration at

Indira College of Commerce and Science, am preparing a report on ―A Study of Business
Development & Marketing Carried out at Insights Success Media Tech LLC‖.

I‘ll be very grateful, if you could spend some of your time to fill up this questionnaire as your
responses are extremely important for the proper analysis of my research project.

All the responses will be treated confidentially and anonymously and will only be available to
me (researcher) and my mentor.

Name of Employee: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Designation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------


A) Benefits/Products offered:

Q1) Are you guys satisfied with the range of benefits that we provide currently
considering the newly attractive Digital Marketing features to our Cover Story
o Satisfied
o Not Satisfied

Q2) Do you want to see more editorial or digital marketing benefits added to the
sponsorship package for our clients in the upcoming future?
o Editorial Benefits
o Digital Marketing Benefits

B) Cost and Sponsorships:

Q1) Are you guys satisfied with the Cost Offered to our Cover Story Clients
o Satisfied
o Not Satisfied

Q2) Are you guys satisfied with the Cost/Sponsorship sum charged to the Cover
Story Clients, Don‘t you think we must increase the sum now that we have
included the new digital marketing benefits for them.

o Agree
o Disagree

Q3) Are you guys satisfied with the Cost/Sponsorship sum charged to the Cover
Story Clients, Don‘t you think we must decrease or lower the sum now even
though we have included the new digital marketing benefits for them.

o Agree
o Disagree

C) Products Features:

Q1) What impresses you the most or you like about our magazines? Is it the
design and quality of our publications, the clients who are featured, the editorial
content of the magazine, the way we showcase our magazine digitally?

o Design & Quality

o Featured Clients
o Editorial Content
o Digital Magazine

Q2) At the earliest convenience what would you most prefer to show an
improvement in our magazine from the below options:-

o Adding more features in the Digital mode of Magazine

o The Design and Quality of the Printed Magazine
o Improving the Quality of Content posted in the Magazine.

D) Competitors Analysis:

Q1) Who do you think among the below rival magazine companies are most
threatening for our organization?

o Mirror Review
o Silicon Review
o The Entrepreneur

Q2) Do you think that Insights Success provides far better services and has
more influenced market share than its competitors?

o Yes, Better than the competitors

o No, Below Par.

E) Company Operations and Workflow:

Q1):- Do you feel that the functions and overall operations carried out in the
company right from beginning to the end are smooth and well ordered.

o Satisfied
o Not Satisfied

Q2) Out of the below Teams which Team of Operations carried out in the
Company will you be opting a change the most?

o The Sales Team
o Editorial and Design Team
o SEO and Web Development Team

F) Overall Working with Insights Success:

Q1) Finally the last question, how is your overall experience performing your
activities at Insights Success Media Tech LLC?

o Enjoyable
o Decent, Not Good!
o Not fun


SR. NO Name of Respondents

1. Swapnali Vasaikar

2. Nandan Deshpande

3. Vijay Pawar

4. Ninad Wankhede

5. Hardeep Bamrah

6. Nisha Jadhav

7. Sairaj Kakade

8. Vaibhav Salunkhe

9. Bhagyashri Khairnar

10. Priyanka Rajgage

11. Abhishaj Sajeev

12. Vinita Dhurape

13. Narendra Khedkar

14. Amol Wadekar

15. Sumita Sarkar


Words Meaning
the right or condition of self-government.
a person or organization officially attached to
Affiliate a larger body.
relating to or concerned with the relation of
Ecological living organisms to one another and to their
physical surroundings.
careful and persistent work or effort.
constant and unending.
clearly visible.


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