Activity 8 Raiders of Sulu Sea

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Write external and internal criticisms regarding the Raiders of the Sulu Sea and A Legacy of Heroes:
The Story of Bataan and Corregidor.

2. Give at least 3 reasons why the artworks of Luna and Amorsolo are important in Philippine History.



(External Criticism)

- Raiders of the Sulu Sea was written by Icelle Gloria D. Borja with the contribution of Dr. Samuel
Tan, Margarita Cojuangco and other International Asian Historians. Icelle Borja is the president
of the Mindanao Association of Museums: executive council member of National Commission
for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). She was one of Zamboanga City’s premiere artist and a true
Filipina painter and sculptor. She also did extensive research in the arts and culture of
Zamboanga. Some of her works are Mirrors of Our Past: The Liberation of Zamboanga and Our
Heroes Part 1 and Part 2, Trees and Tell, Dia de Zamboanga, Flores de Mayo, A Great Malayan,
and many more. Dr. Samuel Tan is the author of the book “A History of the Philippines” while
Margarita Cojuangco is a columnist and a philanthropist who wrote “Kris of Valor”. The
documentary film was directed by Idzwan Othman. I can say that it was an authentic work and
not a counterfeit for it was an original film and various information from it was being included in
history books and textbooks. This is considered as a secondary source for it not made during the
time when the actual events happened. The sequence of events are quietly misleading but it
turned out good at the last minutes. The narration is sort of unclear because of the
pronunciation of the narrator but it was informative and enlightening. It was intended to watch
by viewers who are well-versed in English language.

(Internal Criticism)

- The film is really well-made for its main purpose is to educate and enlighten. One of the main
points of the film is that we were actually raided by our fellow Filipinos. These raiders real
intention to start a war is to fight for their freedom and to preserve Islam colony. Some history
books and the things that are being taught by our teachers in school is way different from the
narrative of this. We are being fed by the fact that invaders will always be “foreign people” so it
is a good point that it was being tackled in the documentary. It was also being shown in the film
that the sense of hopelessness began to manifest in the consciousness of Muslims after the
bombing of Balangingi. The film somehow explained a glimpse of how raiders live that time and
what their practices are after seeing evidences in an archaeological dig in Butuan.


(External Criticism)

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- The documentary film A Legacy of Heroes: The Story of Bataan and Corregidor was produced by
the Department of National Defense of the Philippines and the Philippines Veterans Affairs
Office. Since those are departments of Philippine government, they are considered to possess
authenticity and genuineness. I can say that the documentary is not biased in terms of their
narrative for the reason that all the characters have their own downfall in the story and the
sequence of events are well organized and emphasized. This can be considered as a secondary
source since it is not produced during the time period it says. The medium used in narrating is
English language so it was not perfectly recommended to watch by people who are incapable in
understanding it.

(Internal Criticism)

- The film is quite long but it is understandable for it explained a lot about what really happens
during the fall of Bataan and Corregidor. Filipinos and Americans underwent physical tortures
and suffered a lot in the hands of Japanese Empire. There are some people who experienced the
event firsthand that were being interviewed in the documentary. It just proves that it was all
based on a fact and it was a true story. The film was made to remind Filipinos how people at that
time being fought for the country and showed heroism despite the fact that they experienced a
brutal and barbaric journey which lead them to death. Patriotism was being implicit in the film
and that made me think that the producers were lowkey telling the viewers that this important
event in Philippine history should not be forgotten.

2. Reasons why the artworks of Luna and Amorsolo are important in Philippine History.

- The stories and illustrations they depict helped mold the perspectives of the nation. They depict what
they actually experienced since both are aware of the things regarding Philippine literature, culture and
important events that happened during their time.

- Some of the illustrations are quite dramatic and dark and it made the viewers to think deeply what they
really meant by that. It conveys such meaningful message about those events that made the country
from what it became now.

- Their artworks served as a “look-back” from what Filipinos have experienced in the hands of invaders.
They were being used at school to teach Philippine history to the students.

- The artworks provide a detailed insight as to the perspective of the artist in regards to a specific
historical event.

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