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DATE: 8.11. 2022

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială ”Pompiliu Marcea”


TEACHER: Mergea Adina-Gabriela

COURSEBOOK: Limba modernă Engleză, clasa a III-a, Elena Sticlea, Cristina Mircea

UNIT 3 The Chinese Dragon

LESSON: Lesson 2

TYPE OF LESSON: vocabulary


MATERIALS/RESOURCES: textbook, notebooks, whiteboard, markers.

COMPETENCES: 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2

AIMS: 1. To consolidate the vocabulary regarding family members.

2. To practice the vocabulary regarding family members.

OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. To use vocabulary designating family members correctly.

2. To write a short text using words designating family members correctly.
Stages of Timing Interaction Competences Teacher does Students do Observations

Organisation 2 min Frontal T- 1.1 The T greets the Ss and The Ss greet their
of the class Ss asks them several teacher and ready
ordinary questions (How their notebooks.
are you today?) and
takes the attendance.
Warm up 5 min T-Ss 1.1 The T. writes the title on The Ss show the
the board (The Chinese pictures and present
Ss-T 2.3 Dragon, Lesson 2). She their family.
had asked the Ss a day
before to bring to class a
photo with their family.

Now, she asks them to

show her the picture and
tell her who is in them.

Lead in 8 T-Ss The T. shows the Ss a The Ss listen

video on Youtube with a carefully and write
S-T small family (4 down the adjectives
S-S members). She asks describing the
them to write down the members.
adjectives describing the
family members.

Guided 10 min T-Ss 2.2 The T.The T asks the Ss The Ss come to the
practice to look at exercise 4, p. board and write the
S-T 29 and come to the answers.
S-S board to write the

Guided 12 min T-Ss 2.2 The T. asks the Ss to The Ss write down .
practice write down 3 the descriptions in
Ss-T 3.2 descriptions of 3 their notebooks.
different family
members on their

Further 12 min T-Ss 3.1 The T. asks as many Ss The Ss listen in

practice as possible to come in silence to their
Ss-T 3.2 front of the class and classmates.
S-S read their descriptions.

Feedback 1 min T-Ss 2.1 The T. asks which The Ss give some
activity was their answers.
Ss-T favourite.

Assigning 1 min T-Ss 1.2 The T. tells the Ss to The Ss write down
homework write two more the homework.
Ss-T descriptions of their
family members as

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