Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Home Assignment - 2 M. Chaitanya 2101510057 Mba: Seca

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M. Chaitanya

Case Study: Disobeying an informal order

Discuss the ethical issues from the case

a. Disobeying an order: DevAnand is disobeying the order passed by the State

secretariat to keep the National flag at half-mast, which could be considered
a violation of his duty as a citizen.
b. Misuse of official property: DevAnand is keeping the door key of the
rooftop with himself, which is a misuse of official property and could be
considered as an act of theft.
c. Justice vs. Revenge: DevAnand's decision to disobey the order may be seen
as a personal vendetta against Madan Puri for the murder of his best
friend. It raises the question of whether one should prioritize justice over

Do you think DevAnand has made the right decision?

No, DevAnand has not made the right decision. His personal emotions and
grievances have clouded his judgment and he has acted impulsively without
considering the ethical implications of his actions. As a responsible citizen and
an employee of the Collector's office, he has a duty to follow the orders of
the State secretariat and to act in the best interest of the country. By
disobeying the order, he has not only committed an act of insubordination
but also disrespect towards the National flag, which is a symbol of our
nation's pride and sovereignty. Furthermore, by keeping the key to himself,
he has violated the trust and responsibility placed upon him as an employee.
Instead, DevAnand should have voiced his concerns through proper channels
and sought clarification or guidance on the matter, rather than taking
matters into his own hands.

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