Ql-A-Read Carefully Following I: Then I I Find

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Ql-A-Read the passage carefully then answer the following questions:

One day I went to the market to buy vegetables. I saw a crowd of people standing in front of a shop. I
rushed to the spot to find out what was up there. I found that some people were exchanging hot words. I
learnt that a customer had bought 10 meters of cloth from a cloth dealer and when he went home he
discovered that the dealer had given him ten yards. But the shopkeeper now told him that goods once sold
could not be returned. They started arguing. In the meantime, a large number of people gathered there. They
intervened in the matter. Some sided with the customer while others sided with the shopkeeper. From hot
words the customer and the shopkeeper came to blows. At last some people separated them. The
shopkeeperos nose began to bleed. Somebody rang up the police. Soon a policeman reached the noisy scene.
He interogated the people about the matter and took both the customer and the shopkeeper to the police
station. The crowd that had eathered there then melted awav.
Correct the underlined mistakes: (S.marks)
1-cloth dealer had bought 10 yards ofvegetables.
2-I rung up the police.
3-the shop keeper went market to buy vegetables.
4-the shop keeper told me the goods once sold can be return back.
5-the crowed also went to the police station.
Q1-B-answer the following due to vour reading passages :/5.zaarlrs)
l-in i885, the German Carl Benz begun
2-stop climate change means
3-Euphrate and Tigress cany .

4-Dr Mori was .. .......

5-the early cars were
Q2-A- underline the m-istakes there is alwavs one or {nore. /10.rzarfts)
1-till the last decade most people failed understaning that their pollution risked.
2-after the rain came" they flee to the drv lands.
3-in the north is Kurdistan,who has full of mountains.
4-Dad was right when he said you need to get a car until you have got a real job ..
5-engineers are be able to offer a solution
Q2-B-choose the risht phonetic svmbol to the followins underlined letters: /10.n arlrs)

1-regort 2-comprehensive ...... 3-consider

4-fossil ......, ... 5-cotton
03 -choose the right answers: /20.marfrs)
l-we expect ........him before the lesson. A-saw B- seeing C-see D-to see
2-I need some books for my project. [Advice-]
A-you had better go to the police station B-you should take a rest
C-you must go to the market D-you ought to go to the library

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