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monsters that find and protect them.

Force users must

Force User undergo a quest when seeking their crystal. The crystal will
A human in long hooded robes waves their hand, the guard call to them, harmonies ringing out. Any other crystal will be
nods and leaves their post. The corrupt warlord now cold to touch but the one they find will be warm. One of the
vulnerable as a piercing Yellow glow fills his bed chamber. defining parts of a Force users training is obtaining their first
A lithe elf in formal attire sits with a King, bowing and crystal and overcoming the challenges in their way.
leaving. Red light glimmers behind the grey in her eyes as she Constructed only by them, Lightsabers are a formidable
leaves the council chamber. weapon. The hilt, powered by a Force crystal, produces a
Blue, Yellow, and Green clash with Red, the eternal battle blade of pure energy.
of good vs evil rages on with its latest combatants. A figure
watches, grey cloaked and hidden, ever aiding the weaker Creating a Force User
side. When you begin making Force user, your alignment is more
Force users are among the most powerful beings in our important than for most.
world, they feel and use the magic that connects all living If you choose a good alignment (usually lawful-neutral
things. The source of both arcane and divine powers. good), you will become a Jedi. Jedi are powerful; however, they
However, these powerful entities must make a choice are peacekeepers, sworn to an old oath to Pelor, the sun god.
whether to follow the path of the gods, the light side, or the They will strive ever for, what they call, balance with the
path of the betrayers, the dark side of the Force. Force. Though to them this means the eradication of all evil,
particularly their evil counterparts, the Sith.
The Force If you choose your alignment to be evil (usually lawful -
Force Users are defined by their connection to the source of chaotic evil) you will become a Sith. Sith are the proponents
all magic. Bypassing gods, patrons, and arcane spells, a Force of chaos, despising the order and emotionless world that the
user has a direct connection with magic, they call the Force. Jedi hold as their ideal. The only control they like is their own,
This allows almost limitless use of their connection to it which they strive for unceasingly. They no longer hold any
whilst they maintain their concentration. This connection to allegiances to the betrayer gods they once worshipped. They
the Force allows Force users to strengthen their own body rule among themselves that there should only be two, a
with the Force whilst also lashing out with it to affect the master and his apprentice, to prevent the chaos their civil
world and creatures around them. They can touch and even wars once caused.
manipulate the minds of others through their own, more True balance in the Force is sought after, by neutral
limited, connection to the Force. (usually true neutral) Force users, Grey Jedi. Only they know
what true balance in the Force means, serving only it is will.
A More Civilised Weapon Siding with the weaker, when the other becomes too strong,
Grey Jedi are not killers unless needed, but will undermine
Force users, over the years, have developed weapons Sith or Jedi alike with no bias. Their aim: to ensure that evil is
powered by the Force using Force crystals. These Force always losing but has never lost.
crystals are rare, usually only found by Force users, due to
Quick Build Proficiencies
You can make a Force user quickly by following these Weapons: Lightsaber, Martial Weapons
suggestions. First, make Dexterity and Wisdom or Charisma Tools: Lightsaber tools
your highest ability scores, followed by Constitution. Second, Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
choose the Acolyte background if your character is good or Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, History, Insight,
neutral, or the Charlatan background if your character is evil. Persuasion, Perception, and Stealth
Also, for earlier levels choose more Force powers that only
expend a Force point as opposed to consuming them. Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
The Force User Your Force crystal, within your first Lightsaber
Proficiency Force Force
Robes, non-magic
Level Bonus Points Powers Features
1st +2 1 2 The Force, Force
2nd +2 1 2 Force Defence, Force Lightsaber
3rd +2 2 3 Path Feature, Mind Description
Tricks, Force Deflection Damage: 1d10, Radiant or Necrotic (if Red)
Reach: 5ft
4th +2 2 3 Ability Score Range: 30/60ft
Improvement Weight: 2lb
5th +3 2 4 Extra Attack Properties: Finesse, Light
Duration: Activated at will, your blade will last a
6th +3 3 4 Path Feature number of minutes equal to your constitution
7th +3 3 5 Evasion, Battle modifier before requiring a Force point to be
Meditation consumed for each extra minute. Each time you
activate your Lightsaber at least a minute is
8th +3 3 5 Ability Score
Improvement consumed. The time is reset after a long rest.
Cutting Edge: Your blade is also capable of
9th +4 4 6 ─ cutting through any non-magic material other
10th +4 4 6 Force Resistance than Adamantine and less thick than the length
of your blade. Time taken is down to DM
11th +4 4 7 Path Feature discretion.
12th +4 5 7 Ability Score
Improvement Colour
13th +5 5 8 ─ When you attune to your crystal its colour reflects
your best path to choose later.
14th +5 5 8 Force Resilience
15th +5 6 9 Steady Mind Green if your Wisdom is greater than your
16th +5 6 9 Ability Score Blue if your Dexterity is greater than your
Improvement Wisdom.
17th +6 6 10 Path Feature Yellow if your Wisdom is similar to your
18th +6 7 10 Force Recovery Red if you are a Sith regardless of your Wisdom
19th +6 7 11 Ability Score or Dexterity.
20th +6 7 11 Force Channelling Building your Lightsaber
Building a Lightsaber is easy and the materials are
inexpensive, all except the Force crystal. Force
users must, again, find their own crystal through a
quest. The hilt takes a day to remake using
lightsaber tools. Once you have the crystal it takes
Class Features a successful Dexterity check, DC20 as an action, to
finish building. Lightsaber tools, if lost, can be
As a Force user, you gain the following class features. remade by a blacksmith with help from the Force
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Force wielder level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per Force user level after 1st
Use the Force Path
At 1st level you have begun your training in the ways of the When you reach 3rd level, you commit yourself to a path. All
Force. Your powers count as magical effects, but not as a detailed at the end of the class description. Your path grants
spell. You gain 1 Force point. Most Force powers only expend you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th
a Force point. You regain expended Force points immediately level.
outside combat, or on a successful concentration check.
Made at the beginning of each of your turns, these Mind Tricks
concentration checks have a DC 10, or half the total damage Beginning at 3rd level, as an action you can suggest a course
taken since your last turn. On a total of double the DC or of action that a weak-minded creature will usually follow,
higher two points are regained. Consumed means the point is limited to a sentence. The suggestion must sound reasonable
only regained at the end of a long rest. Your Force point and asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act to
maximum is shown in the class table. Force ability is Wisdom themself ends the spell. A creature that you can see and can
for Jedi Knights and Charisma for Sith. Grey Jedi may choose hear and understand you must make a Wisdom saving throw.
either when making their character. Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this effect.
Force save DC = 8 + casting modifier + proficiency bonus. On a failed save, it pursues the course of action you described
to the best of its ability for up to ten minutes with
Your number of known Force powers is shown in the class concentration. On a success the creature is aware of what
table, Jedi Knights cannot take dark side powers and Sith you tried, and you consume a Force point. The effect ends or
cannot take light side powers. Grey Jedi should keep their fails if the creature is in combat.
Force powers in balance, meaning having no more than one
difference in light side vs dark side points. Force Deflection
Beginning at 3rd level, you can channel the Force through
Force Telekinesis your Lightsaber, causing a missile to only brush past you, or
At 1st level you gain your first Force power, which does not even deflecting it entirely. As a reaction action you reduce the
count against your known Force points. damage you take from a missile by 1d10 + your Dexterity
You gain the use of mage hand as a bonus action when you modifier + your Force user level. If you reduce the damage to
expend a Force point. 0 and the missile is smaller than your Lightsaber, you can
You may also try to move a creature you can see within 30ft deflect the missile completely. If you deflect a missile in this
as a bonus action by expending a Force point. The target way, you can expend a Force point to make a ranged attack
must win a contested athletics or acrobatics role vs your with the missile you just deflected, as part of the same
Force ability modifier + proficiency roll. Larger creatures get reaction. You make this attack with proficiency and it deals
advantage on the save. On a loss the creature is moved 15ft the original damage to the target.
in your chosen direction, including down knocking them
prone. Ability Score Improvement
You can also throw and object with the Force. As an action When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
and consuming a Force point, you choose one object 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
weighing 1 to 5 pounds within 30ft that isn’t being worn or by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
carried. The object flies in a straight line up to 90 feet in a 1. As normal, you cannot increase an ability score above 20
direction you choose before falling to the ground, stopping using this feature.
early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the object would
strike a creature, that creature must make a Dexterity saving Extra Attack
throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops
moving. When the object strikes something, the object and Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
You may also expend a Force point to retrieve your
Lightsaber after throwing it, using either your bonus action Force Evasion
or one of the attacks you get from your attack action. Beginning at 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge
out of the way of certain area effects. When you are subjected
Force Defence to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw
Beginning at 2nd level, while you are wearing no armour and to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you
not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
modifier. Also, at the start each turn you gain the effects of
the dodge action, which you keep with concentration under Battle Meditation
normal concentration rules. Other concentration Force Beginning at 7th level you can spend a minute watching a
powers remove this effect. creature to learn its vulnerabilities and resistances,
consuming a Force point. Alternatively, you can spend a short
Force Leap rest meditating on the creature if you have met them or have
Beginning at 2nd Level, as a bonus action you can expend a someone with you who knows them well. You gain knowledge
Force point to jump your walking speed. of all damage and condition resistances, immunities, and
Force Resistance
Beginning at 10th level the Force provides protection against
the damage dealt by Force crystals. You gain resistances to
Radiant and Necrotic Damage.
Force Resilience
Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of the Force grants you
advantage on all saving throws.
Steady Mind
Beginning at 15th level you gain advantage on Constitution
saving throws, including concentration checks.
Force Recovery
Beginning at 18th level, the number of Force points recovered
from concentration saves are now doubled.
Force Channelling
At 20th level, when you roll initiative you can choose to
recover all expended or consumed Force points. You may do
this once per long rest. Force Stun
At 6th level, using a bonus action and consuming a Force
point you can Force a creature within 30ft to make a
Jedi Paths constitution saving throw. On a failed save the target is
Jedi are found all over our world, but rarely. Most often seen stunned until the end of your next turn. Once you reach level
around their few and secretive temples. Young Force users 7 you also gain the knowledge granted by Battle Meditation.
are most often found and trained by the Jedi. Once ready they
are given a master, becoming their padawan learner. They Force Drain
stay with this master until ready to take the trials and become At 11th level, using an action and consuming three Force
a Jedi Knight themselves. One day they may even become a points you can deal 4d8 radiant damage, and heal by half the
Jedi Master themselves. damage dealt. If you heal more than 12 Hit Points this way,
then you also regain one of the consumed Force points.
Consular Force Absorption
The Consular's powers go far beyond meditation and At 17th level you gain the ability to absorb energy damage
mediation, and nothing illustrates this as vividly as their inflicted on you. As a reaction once you know the amount of
graceful movements in battle. Whether beset by an army of damage dealt by an enemy you can see, you may choose to
assassins or caught in the middle of soured negotiations, the consume a number of Force points and then roll that many
Jedi Consular fights with an open conduit for the Force; d8 and add your Force ability score, absorbing that amount of
manipulating massive Forces to disable or even destroy their damage. If the damage is bought to zero by this effect it is
enemies. reflected on the attacker.
Force Wielder Guardian
When you choose this path at 3rd level you gain the ability to The path of the Jedi Guardian is taken up by Jedi who feel
change your known neutral Force powers on a long rest. If it that their skills and talents lie in battle, and who used the
was not before, your crystal is now Green. Your Force point Force to augment their physical prowess.
maximum also increases by your casting modifier.
Force Meditation The Force in Battle
At 3rd level you master the art of meditation. During a short When you choose this path at 3rd level you may also add your
rest, you can consume a Force point to cast one of these dexterity modifier when calculating the number of minutes
spells; Comprehend Language, Locate Animals or Plants, you can use your Lightsaber for per day. If it was not before
Detect Good and Evil, Locate Object, Divination, Locate your crystal is now Blue. You may also choose one dark side
Object, Commune, Commune with Nature, Contact Other ability as one of your known powers, adding a hint of Red to
Plane, Legend Lore and Scrying with a maximum spell level your Lightsaber colour making a more unique Purple. Jedi
equal to half your Force point maximum. capable of keeping this connection in balance are few
indeed... many who try fall into the darkness.
This weapon is your life
At 3rd level, you get to choose a Lightsaber fighting style.
Double Ended.
In choosing to fight with a double ended Saber, you gain a Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Jedi Sentinel.
sweeping attack. On a hit you can choose to expend a Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using
Force point and roll another attack for another enemy in a Lightsaber and the Force simultaneously to create an
your melee range or consume a Force point to roll again intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade.
for every enemy in melee range. Each additional hit deals
half the original hit's damage. You also gain the ability to The Force in Balance
attack once as a bonus action. When you choose this path at 3rd level you may change your
Duel Wielding. known neutral Force powers each time you level up. If it was
In choosing to fight with two Sabers at once, you gain a +2 not before, your crystal is now Yellow. Your Force point
to your AC. You also gain the ability to attack once as a maximum also increases by half your casting modifier
bonus action. rounded down. You may also add half your dexterity modifier
rounded down when calculating the number of minutes you
Two Handed. can use your Lightsaber for per day.
By choosing to wield your Saber with two hands, your
Saber damage increases to 1d12. You can also take a -5 to Walk the Line
attack before rolling, on a hit you deal an extra 10 Sentinel is the middle ground between Consular and
Lightsaber damage. Guardian. At 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th levels you may choose a
path feature from Consular or Guardian. The feature must be
Wounding Blade available at or below your level.
At 6th level your Lightsaber's attack modifier and damage
rolls gain an additional +1 magical bonus. Also, your
Lightsaber damage cannot be healed until a short rest. Your
weapon also inflicts a wound once per round. Each wound an
enemy has deals 1d4 Lightsaber damage at the start of their
turns, after which they make constitution save to remove all
active wounds. Alternatively, a medicine check made as an
action can also end the effect, both made against your Force
Lightsaber Parry
At 11th level your Lightsaber’s attack modifier and damage
rolls gain an additional +1 magical bonus. Also, you gain the
Force Parry power, without it counting against your known
Force powers. If you already chose it then you gain one
additional Force power. If you make a successful parry, the
target makes a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save you
damage their weapon, destroying non-magical weapons and
reducing the attack modifier and damage rolls of magical
weapons. Unarmed attackers take damage as if hit instead
when you use this reaction.
Lethal Precision
At 17th level your Lightsaber’s attack modifier and damage
rolls gain an additional +1 magical bonus. Also, when you
attack a creature that has at least one head and roll a 20 on
the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The
creature dies if it cannot survive without the lost head. A
creature is immune to this effect if it does not have or need a
head, has legendary actions, or its neck is too large to be
severed by your Lightsaber. Such a creature instead takes an
extra 6d8 radiant damage from the hit.
Force Kill
At 6th level, using a bonus action and consuming three Force
points you can deal 2d8 necrotic damage, and heal the
damage dealt. A creature brought to 0 hp this way dies with
no saving throw.
Force Lightning
At 11th level, as an action you can consume a Force point
Force a creature within 30ft to make a constitution saving
throw. On a failed save the target is stunned until the end of
your next turn. You can maintain this with concentration and
expending a Force point on each subsequent turn. On this
turn and any turn you maintain it, you can use your bonus
action and take one d8 necrotic damage to deal 3d8 + your
Charisma modifier lightening damage. The Creature makes
an additional saving throw at the end of each turn.
Force Chain Lightning
At 17th level you gain the ability to use your lightning on
many opponents at once. Consuming 6 Force points, you cast
chain lightning at 6th level.

The Guardian's counterpart. Usually the apprentice to a Sith
Sith Paths Lord, being used for their strength in battle.
Sith are almost never encountered. There are only ever two The Force in Battle
and often at least one of them is hidden in plain sight, rarely
revealed until too late. They are experts at infiltration, hiding When you choose this path at 3rd level you may also add your
in and manipulating the highest places of leadership. They dexterity modifier when calculating the number of minutes
even keep secrets from each other, the apprentice often you can use your Lightsaber for per day. You may also choose
having their own secret apprentice for when they attempt to one light side ability as one of your known powers. Sith who
steal the position of master. do this become better at leading a fight with allies.
Sith Guardian
Lord Warrior is the Sith's Guardian. At 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th
levels you gain the respective features from Guardian.
The Consular's counterpart. Usually the master, positioned to
pull the strings on any master plan being set in motion, and
using their apprentice as a pawn.
Force Wielder The Sentinel's counterpart. Often the secret apprentice.
When you choose this path at 3rd level you gain the ability to
change your known neutral Force powers on a long rest. Your The Force in Balance
maximum Force points also increases by your casting When you choose this path at 3rd level you may change your
modifier. known neutral Force powers each time you level up. Your
Force point maximum also increases by half your casting
Force Hiding modifier rounded down. You may also add half your dexterity
At 3rd level you master the art of deception. You have modifier rounded down when calculating the number of
advantage on all deception checks and when successful can minutes you can use your Lightsaber for per day.
convince anyone that you are telling the truth. You can also
spend a week creating a new identity and altering your Walk the Line
appearance to infiltrate any organisation you have sufficient Assassin is the middle ground between Lord and Warrior. At
knowledge about (dm discretion). Your true appearance is 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th levels you may choose a path feature
only unwillingly revealed when you roll initiative. from Lord or Guardian. The feature must be available at or
below your level.
Grey Jedi
True Grey Jedi listen only to the will of the Force, allowing it
to guide them in their keeping of balance. This is true for
both their role in the fight between the Jedi and the Sith and
in the wider battle of good vs evil. Generally siding with the
light, they will only aid the dark side when those who are
meant to be good have gained too much power and are
beginning to be corrupted by it.
Grey Jedi Path
As a Grey Jedi at 3rd level you choose a starting path feature
from Force Wielder (detailed in consular), The Force in Battle
(detailed in Guardian) or The Force in Balance (detailed in
True Balance
Then at 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th levels you may choose a path
feature from Consular, Lord or Guardian. The feature must
be available at or below your level. Grey Jedi should also keep
their path features in balance, meaning having no more than
one difference in light side vs dark side features.

Changing your Alignment

Fallen Jedi
Jedi or Grey Jedi may fall to the Sith. In doing so
they will bleed their Lightsaber, gaining a red crystal
which deals necrotic damage. Every level up can be
used to change one light side or neutral power to a
dark side one, as well as one light side path feature
to a dark side one. If wisdom was your casting Force Confusion
modifier it remains it. As a bonus action you expend a Force point to confuse a
creature. On your next hit on the same turn, the target must
make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the first attack
Risen Sith made by the target during its next turn targets a random
Sith may begin the path back to the light, similar to creature the target can see within its reach or range. The
Fallen Jedi, you may change a Force power and a
path feature each level. Once you are back in
target is unaware of this effect until it occurs.
balance, under the rules of a Grey Jedi, your crystal
purifies, turning your blade white. If your casting Force Dash
modifier is charisma it remains charisma. As a bonus action you expend a Force point Dash or
Disengage. Consuming the Force point allows both to be
Force Disarm
Neutral Force Powers As a bonus action you expend a Force point to aim for the
Force Battle
hand of a creature. On your next hit on the same turn, the
As a bonus action you expend a Force point to goad a target must make a dexterity saving throw against dropping a
creature. On your next hit on the same turn, the target must held item.
make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the target has Force Dispel
disadvantage on attacks against your allies until the start of As a bonus action you expend a Force point to distract a
your next turn. creature. On your next hit on the same turn, the target has
Force Burn
Disadvantage on any saves to maintain concentration until
As a bonus action you expend a Force point to injure a the beginning of your next turn.
creature. On your next hit on the same turn, you burn the Force Initiative
creature. At the beginning of your next turn, the creature Whenever you roll initiative you may choose to expend a
takes half the original damage. This additional damage is Force point to re-roll, taking the higher of the two rolls.
dealt even if you are incapacitated.
Force Luck Force Mind
Whenever you make an attack roll or an ability check, you can As a bonus action you consume a Force point to bolster an
consume a Force point to roll again. You can choose to do so ally’s resolve. You allow an ally you can see within 30ft to add
after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. your Force modifier to any concentration check they make
You choose which of the rolls is used for the attack roll, ability whilst you maintain concentration, up to 1 minute.
Force Protect
Force Lunge Level 3 Required
As a bonus action you expend a Force point to increase your When an ally you can see within 5ft of you is damaged by an
reach to 10 feet for the rest of your turn. attack from a creature you can see, you can use your reaction
and expend a Force point to interpose yourself in the way of
Force Parry harm. The attack damages you instead of the ally. You can
When a creature you can see attacks you with a melee attack, then use Force Deflection by consuming the Force point if it
you can use your reaction and expend a Force point to add is a ranged missile attack.
your proficiency to your AC for that attack.
Force Riposte
Dark Side Powers
When a creature you can see within 5ft of you makes a melee Force Choke
attack against you, you can use your reaction to make a melee As a bonus action you expend a Force point to choke a
weapon attack against the creature. person. You choose a humanoid you can see within 30ft of
you to make a constitution saving throw. On a failed save your
Force Sight target can no longer breath, they cannot speak or cast spells
As a bonus action you consume a Force point to gain with verbal components. If they have a concentration spell up,
blindsight for 30ft, with concentration, until the start of your they make a concentration check against your Force DC.
next turn. Expending a Force point each turn allows you Consuming a Force point or taking 1d8 necrotic damage
maintain this for up to 1 minute. allows you to deal 1d8 + your Force modifier damage. This
can be maintained with concentration. Every round you
Force Slow maintain it a Force point can be expended for an extra d8
Whenever a creature you can see uses movement within 10ft damage. A creature can die of suffocation this way.
of you, you may use your reaction and expend a Force point
to Force the target to make a wisdom saving throw. On a Force Dominate
failed save their speed becomes 0 for the rest of the round. As a bonus action you expend a Force point to dominate a
This can also be used on yourself for the same effect as weaker mind. You choose a creature you can see within 30ft
feather fall, consuming the Force point. of you to make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save they
make a melee weapon attack against a random creature
Force Throw within their reach.
Level 5 Required
As a bonus action you expend a Force point to make two Force Hate
ranged attacks with your Lightsaber and still retrieve it. As a bonus action you consume a Force point to make
someone the target of your hate. You choose a creature you
can see within 30ft of you, anytime you hit the creature with
Light Side Powers your Lightsaber you add 1d6 necrotic damage.
Force Commander
As a bonus action you expend a Force point to call out the Force Fear
weakness of a creature you can see. You allow every friendly As a bonus action you expend a Force point to intimidate a
creature within its melee range to add your proficiency to its creature. On your next hit, the target must make a wisdom
next damage until your next turn. saving throw. On a failed save the creature is afraid of you
until the end of your next turn.
Force Cover
As a bonus action you expend a Force point to aid your allies Force Rage
(Guardian/Warrior only)
escape. On your next hit on the same turn, the target must As a bonus action you consume two Force points, unleashing
make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target cannot your rage. You become resistant to all physical damage;
take reactions until the start of your next turn. You can also however, you can only move and attack, gaining an extra
prevent the use of Legendary actions by consuming before attack as a bonus action for the duration. While choosing to
you hit. maintain your rage you expend one Force point on you turn.
Force Heal
Once all enemies in sight are dead, or you lose your rage
Using your action and consuming a Force point, you heal a another way, you make a Wisdom saving throw against your
creature you can see within 30ft by 1d8 + your Force own DC. On a success the rage ends, on a fail you continue to
modifier. When the target is a creature other than you, you attack allies as if they were enemies. You make a saving
may instead expend a Force point and take a d8 radiant throw at the end of each turn until the rage fades, or you die.
damage to yourself.
Design & Writing
ajs-1207 (me) & a couple of DM friends.
Made using the Homebrewery

Art Credits in order of appearance:

Jedi Knight by Mirko Calusic on Artstation -
Luke Skywalker by Paul Zeaiter, blackmambastudios
on instagram.
Anakin's Lightsaber Movie poster print by Star Wars
from Lucasfilm works.
Asajj Ventress by Magali Villeneuve on
Dark Jedi by daniellieske on Deviant Art -
Grey Jedi Code - from Lucasfilm works, Specific
image source themandalorianwolf on tumblr -

Force User is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the

Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards.
Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of
the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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