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Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
(ascending means small to big)
1. 1,62,387 ; 1,65,872 , 1,37,980 ; 1,24,367
1,24,367< 1,37,980< 1,62,387<1,65,872
2. 37,24,893 ; 29,43,067 ; 6,18,267 ; 8,21,738
6,18,267 <8,21,738< 29,43,067<37,24,893
3. 34,532 ; 85,489 ; 78,215 ; 17,962
17,962 < 34,532 <78,215 < 85,489
PRACTICE: Arrange in ascending order

1) 3,39,400 ; 83,00,677 ; 82,99,333 ;3,39,252

3,39,252 < 3,39,400 < 82,99,333 < 83,00,677

2) 4,00,08,400 ; 4,03,00,925 ; 4,00,80,410 ;8,60,712

8,60,712 < 4,00,08,400 < 4,00,80,410 < 4,03,00,925

3) 5,31,666 ; 5,00,677 ; 5,38,237 ; 5,35,333

5,00,677 < 5,31,666 < 5,35,333 < 5,38,237
Arrange the following numbers in descending order.
(descending means big to small )

1. 4,02,387 ; 2,65,072 ;1,37,980 ; 5,24,467

5,24,467 > 4,02,387>2,65,072 >1,37,980
2. 97,24,893 ; 79,43,421 ; 6,18,200 ; 8,21,786
97,24,893 > 79,43,421>8,21,786> 6,18,200
3. 34,532 ; 35,489 ; 88,215 ; 97,962
97,962 >88,215 >35,489 > 34,532
PRACTICE: Arrange in descending order

1) 1,81,213 ; 3,00,684 ; 8,81,230 ;1,93,602

8,81,230 > 3,00,684 > 1,93,602 > 1,81,213

2) 3,00,099 ; 76,00,677 ; 82,99,333 ;3,00,111

82,99,333 > 76,00,677 >3,00,111 > 3,00,099

3) 3,23,800 ; 3,00,230 ; 3,74,605 ;3,32,055

3,74,605 > 3,32,055 > 3,23,800 > 3,00,230
Successor: The number that comes just after a given
number is called successor. Predecessor: The
number that comes just before a given number is
called predecessor.
1. 3,46,17,845 2. 3,46,17,845

3, 46,17,845 + 1 3,46,17,845 - 1
3,46,17,846 3,46,17,844
Write the successor of the given numbers

 1) 3,27,48, 409 = 3,27,48, 410

 2) 29, 99, 999 = 30,00,000

 3) 15, 00, 75, 600 = 15,00,75,601

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