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Key fact statement

Key fact statement / fact sheet
Date: 16/03/2023
Sunita Finlease Ltd.
Applicant Name KIRAN V

(i)Loan amount (amount disbursed/to be disbursed to the borrower) (in Rupees):

(ii)Total interest charge during the entire tenor of the loan (in Rupees): Rs.45
(iii)Other up-front charges, if any (break-up of each component to be given below) (in
Rupees): Rs.945
(a) Processing fees, if any (in Rupees): Rs.945
(b) Insurance charges, if any (in Rupees): Rs.0
(c) Others (if any) (in Rupees): Rs.0
(iv) Net disbursed amount ((i)-(iii)) (in Rupees): Rs.2055
(v) Total amount to be paid by the borrower (sum of (i), (ii) and (iii)) (in Rupees):
(vi)Annual Percentage Rate - Effective annualized interest rate (in percentage
(computed on net disbursed amount using IRR approach and reducing balance
method) 60%-67.5%
(vii) Tenor of the Loan days 15
(viii)Repayment frequency by the borrower Bullet Payment Bullet Payment
(ix)Number of instalments of repayment 1
(x)Amount of each instalment of repayment (in Rupees) Rs.3045

Details about Contingent Charges

(xi)Rate of annualized penal charges in case of delayed payments (if any): 3.025% per
day on o/s amount and maximum to the amount of loan per day on o/s amount and
maximum to the amount of loan.
(xii)Rate of annualized other penal charges (if any); (details to be provided ): NIL

Other disclosures
(xiii)Cooling off/look-up period during which borrower shall not be charged any
penalty on prepayment of loan: NA
(xiv)Details of LSP acting as recovery agent and authorized to approach the borrower:
(a)Name: Dialback Private Limited
(b)Phone number: 080-69798100
(xv)Nodal grievance redressal officer
(a)Nodal grievance redressal officer designated specifically to deal with FinTech/
digital lending related complaints/ issues:
Name: Kumar N
Designation: Manager, Customer Support
Phone number: 080-62012528
(b)In case you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by the Nodal Officer, then
escalation can be made to the Nodal Grievance Officer
Mr. Madhusuda, Sunita Finlease Ltd, GE Road, Opp. RKC, Raipur - 492010 (CG) Phone
Number: +91 8447837455
Declaration & Acknowledgement:
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the key fact statement for the loan sanctioned to
I fully understood terms of the sanction mentioned above all the key fact statement
details including the loan amount, annualized percentage rate, interest, tenure etc.
I shall abide by the rules applicable for the loan as prescribed by Sunita Finlease Ltd.
This KFS has been provided in a language understood by me (the borrower)
Borrower's Signature/Date

Detailed Repayment schedule:

Installment Number: 1
Outstanding Principal (in Rupees): Rs.3000
Principal (in Rupees): Rs.3000
Interest: Rs.45
Installment In Rupees: Rs.3045

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