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country, including one in Atlanta Helvpe Ceremonial Ground homelands and cease violence and
during the week of March 6, where Mekko Chebon Kernell was one policing of Indigenous and Black
Mvskoke protesters sought to pre- of the key leaders involved with people in Mvskoke lands.”
serve the forest once inhabited by the DTF protests. He has been Mayor Dickens in turn abruptly
their ancestors. involved with the Atlanta commu- left the meeting, and refused to
The current development nity for several years advocating speak with Mvskoke Ceremo-
under construction in the forest for Native Americans, specifically nial leaders on the matter. They
is a police training complex, the Mvskoke people. Kernell said his have still not released an official
Atlanta Public Safety Training role is to educate others and start response on the letter of eviction.
Center. The $90 million dollar, meaningful conversations about The DTF social movement
300-acre project is backed by the what is best for the community argues that the “Cop City” devel-
Atlanta Police Foundation and and Mvskoke people. opment will also have negative
other large corporate patrons. “Our need as Mvskoke people ecological impacts in the area.
Once completed, it is intended to is to always come back to our Atlanta is home to some of the
be the largest police training facil- understanding of how we live in country’s highest concentration of
ity in the United States. relationship with this earth,” Ker- urban tree canopies.
Chebon Kernell stands with fellow Mvskoke protesters as part of the Defend the Forest social movement.
Atlanta, Ga. (Courtesy: Chebon Kernell)
Critics of the complex have nell said. “Any type of prolifera- Kernell’s approach to the issue
dubbed it “Cop City” due to tion of weapons is always going to is empathy. He said the problem is
MVSKOKE PROTESTERS its mock city layout where law have a profound impact on black, larger than any one individual.


enforcement will train with fire- Indigenous and people of color all “It’s done by realizing that we
arms, tear gas, helicopters and over the country.” don’t hate people,” Kernell said.


explosive devices. Atlanta City During an Atlanta Regional “We hate the mechanisms and
officials claim the complex will Commission meeting, Mvskoke institutions that have caused suf-

GEORGIA HOMELANDS improve policing within the com-

Ceremonial leaders attempted
to deliver a letter of eviction to
fering around our world.”
Dozens of arrests have been
Another outside developer, Atlanta City Mayor Andre Dick- made from the 2023 Stop Cop
CEREMONIAL LEADERS SEEK TO PRESERVE THE Shadowbox Studios is also seek- ens. The letter states: City protests. In January the pro-
WEELAUNEE FOREST FROM DEVELOPMENT ing to construct a large Holly- “The contemporary Mus- tests turned deadly when a pro-
wood-grade production sound- cogee people are making the jour- tester involved with DTF, Manuel
by BRADEN HARPER Mvskoke people to vacate their stage. ney back to their homelands and Esteban Paez Terán was killed in
MANAGING EDITOR home, the forest was used for The social movement seeking hereby give notice to Mayor Andre a confrontation with Georgia law
many different purposes over the to prevent outsiders from develop- Dickens, the Atlanta City Council, enforcement. Georgia Governor
ATLANTA, Georgia – The course of the following century. ing the Weelaunee forest is Defend the Atlanta Police Department, Brian Kemp declared a state of
Weelaunee Forest is one of Currently, the forest is under the Atlanta Forest (DTF). It is part the Atlanta Police Foundation, the emergency in response to ongo-
the original homelands of the threat of development by the City of a larger movement seeking to DeKalb County Sheriff ’s office, ing protests in Atlanta, mobilizing
Mvskoke people. After the Indian of Atlanta. Protests defending the halt development of the police and so-called ‘Cop City’ that you
Removal Act of 1830 forced the forest have erupted across the complex called Stop Cop City. must immediately vacate Mvskoke COP CITY - 2

gram, Higher Education, Employ-

ment and Training, Scholarship
Foundation, Tribal Liaison, Dept.
of Health, and Tourism.
Different speakers and depart-
ments shared with participants
various aspects of the Mvskoke
Jr. Miss Muscogee Nation
Chenoa Barnett was present
for a question session with citi-
zens at the event. Representatives
from the Mvskoke Language Pro-
gram Jordan Squire and Gracine
Hicks provided language resource
Mvskoke citizens in Arizona participate in the Beyond the Reservation outreach event March 11 in
Phoenix, Ariz. (Kaylea Berry/Reporter)
packets and a demonstration on
Mvskoke sounds and greetings. Wyatt Freeman (Mvskoke) and Cadin Newkirk (Mvskoke) compete in the Oklahoma State VEX IQ Middle


School Robotics Championship. Their robot was designed to throw discs. (Jerrad Moore/MM)
“This is exciting to be here and


a part of this,” Mvskoke citizen MVSKOKE YOUTH TO
and Arizona resident Ella Barnett

said. “It gives me an opportunity to

speak the language because I know

EVENT IN PHOENIX that’s an important part of our cul-

ture that we preserve the language.”
MCN Special Projects Coordi-
CITIZENS IN ARIZONA Muscogee (Creek) Nation Cultural
Center and gave a demonstration by JERRAD MOORE competition has had on her. “It’s
by KAYLEA BERRY as important and much-needed on Archives Weaponry. Mvskoke ASSIGNMENT EDITOR really changed me, I think this is
REPORTER events to bring Mvskoke people Artist Dan Beaver also gave a War my favorite, probably my best year
together and keep the culture alive. Club presentation, explaining TAHLEQUAH, Oklahoma - I’ve ever had…,I think I’ve gotten
PHOENIX, Arizona - The “I just want to reiterate to our when and why they were used. On March 4 the Northeastern State better with my social skills and
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tribal citizens both abroad and on the The election board had 48 University event center hosted also it really helps with communi-
Liaison’s office hosted a Citizens reservation, how important it is new registrations, 74 absentee the 2022-2023 Oklahoma State cation.”
Beyond the Reservation outreach that we start engaging every citizen ballot requests, and 13 registration VEX IQ Middle School Robotics Wyatt Freeman is the team
event March 11 at the Gila Riv- and come together as a commu- updates. Championship. Two Mvskoke cit- Designated Builder. “I come up
er-Wild Horse Pass Resort. The nity,” MCN Tribal Liaison Anne “It [the outreach event] brings izens, Cadin Newkirk and Wyatt with a lot of the ideas for concepts
MCN Citizenship office shows Townsend-Edwards said. “The excitement to the process, certainly Freeman, participated as part of and stuff for the robot, and then
that just under 2,000 Mvskoke cit- government long ago set out the to our processes that we offer to the Bixby Middle School 8th grade other people improve them and
izens live in Arizona. Citizens who relocation program to divide our the tribe, but also to other depart- team. other people contribute ideas…,
do not normally get the chance to Nation so that they could really ments and programs too,” MCN Students on the team collab- I’m feeling really confident, we’ve
plug in with the tribe came out to split us up, probably in hopes that Election Board Manager Nelson orated to design, program and had struggles in the past with team
learn, fellowship, and take advan- we would soon die as a Nation.” Harjo Jr. said. “I think a big part operate their robot in challenges building, but I’m feeling really
tage of services that were provided. “So my hope is that by putting of it is bringing that excitement as part of a points competition that good about this competition.”
Gila River Indian Community these outreaches on, I can make and energy and getting people progresses from regionals, to state, At the end of the State Compe-
Lt. Governor Monica Antone wel- connections with family members engaged.” and finally the VEX World Cham- tition, the Bixby team took home
comed the Muscogee Nation to the both in the reservation and out- The MCN Citizenship office pionship. the Excellence Award, Innovate
Gila River Indian Community. side of the reservation so that we assisted with new citizenship and Bixby Middle School S.T.E.A.M Award and Think Award. This
“I honor your people, I honor can come together and have some Certified Degree of Indian Blood teacher, Traeton Dansby coaches means the team will be compet-
your men, your women, your fam- unity.” applications, card replacements, the team. “This is the first year that ing in the VEX World Champi-
ilies, where you come from, the vil- Muscogee (Creek) Nation and enhanced tribal cards. They Bixby has had a program, the kids onships in Dallas, Texas. Bixby
lages that you represent,” Antone departments available at the event had over 80 new citizenship and have just blown it out of the water. Middle School is fundraising in
said. “Welcome to our beautiful included the Euchee Language CDIB applications and over 160 Right now they are currently the order to take the financial burden
community, whatever we can do, Learning Center, Mvskoke Lan- replacement cards. first in Oklahoma for their per- of the trip off of the parents whose
enjoy the hospitality here.” guage Program, Youth Services, “We go out to do remotes to formance on skills. They’ve taken children are participating. There
“That’s what we do at Gila Cultural Archives and Museum, update cards and help those citi- home sixteen awards this year, so is a go fund me page for the team,
River, we open up our arms to you Historical and Cultural Preser- zens that need to enroll their kids,” just really done outstanding.” or you can contact Mr. Dansby at
with love, care and compassion.” vation, National Council, School Caden Newkirk spoke with if you would
The outreach conferences serve Clothing Program, Energy Pro- CITIZENS BEYOND - 2 Mvskoke Media on the impact the like to contribute support.

• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA


COP CITY to the MCN for comment on the Remember the “Crying Indian”
Continued from Page 1 protests and the construction of commercial for Keep America Beau-
National Guard troops. the Atlanta Public Safety Training tiful? You know, the one with the fake
Although tensions between Center. The tribe responded that Indian, ‘Iron Eyes Cody’? You know,
protesters and the City of Atlanta they are not affiliated with these the Italian guy that so many folks
have escalated, Kernell believes protesters, and they have no com- thought was real. Well, that PSA is
the end goal of preserving the ment on the issue. not going to be around anymore.
homelands once inhabited by his The Atlanta Public Safety Reports from the National Congress
ancestors are worth fighting for. Training Center is still in the early of American Indians say, they bought
“My hope is that we can begin phases of development, despite the rights to that thing and are going
a process of restoring that level of the protests. To view the full evic- to retire it permanently.
intimacy with this earth,” Kernell tion notice penned by Mvskoke One scene in the PSA shows
said. “I hope there is a homeland Ceremonial leaders or to learn a vehicle dumping a bag of trash
to come back to one day.” more about the movement, visit at Ol’Fake Eyes’ feet and he starts
Mvskoke Media reached out crying.
That always really p.o’ed me. I
wanted to redo that PSA scene with a
CITIZENS BEYOND Involvement Representatives pre- real Native guy. In my version, when
Continued from Page 1 sented Principal Chief David Hill the real dude sees that he doesn’t cry
MCN Citizenship Director Nathan with a seven generations designed WINNERS AND LOSERS, but yells, “Hey, get your ass back here

Wilson said. “It was a huge turnout blanket. The seven generation and clean that up.”
for us, that was a good amount of blanket represents what is being Alaska Native mushers have won
people for us to serve when we go done now and the impact that will first, second and third places in the
out.” be left on future generations. SOME PROGRESS IS STALLED, NATIVES IN world’s longest sled dog race, the
Citizens living outside of the There is a group of Mvskoke cit- TROUBLE, NO MORE ‘IRON EYES’ thousand mile Iditarod. According to
Nation’s boundaries were able to izens of about 15 that get together several news sources, Winner Ryan
utilize department resources in to sing traditional hymns who live by GARY FIFE Online has an article that reports a Redington, runner-up Pete Kaiser
person for once instead of com- in the Phoenix area. Some of those RADIO COMMUNICATIONS federal court has ruled in favor of the and Third Place finisher Richie
pleting everything online or citizens were able to make it out Seneca Nation, supporting the tribe’s Diehl all have Alaska Native heritage.
through mail. and sang a few hymns for everyone No response from the Oklahoma contention that New York continues Native mushers have a tough time
“The new applications, they after lunch. Attorney General Gentner Drum- to violate federal law in regards to a competing against other racers who
would have to send the original These outreach events bridge mond about a request for an inter- stretch of highway that runs through usually have corporate support.
documents to us,” Wilson said. “By the gap not only between the tribe view. tribal territory. Mvskoke writer and movie pro-
us going out and doing the out- and its citizens but also between No mention of tribal govern- Boy, those Native News Online ducer Sterlin Harjo has been work-
reach like this, we’re able to just long-lost friends and family. ments in the February State of the folks have been busy. ing on new stuff. There were recent
scan those documents in and give “I’ve met lots of good people State speech either. Although there Now for the dark side of the casting calls for two new produc-
them back the same day.” here that I’ll call friends from has been a reference from Gover- news. One of the actors from the tions, “Rez Ball” and “Reservation
“Of course, with replacements, here on out, met a couple cousins nor Kevin Stitt about not wanting to movie, “Dances With Wolves” has Dogs” third season. He keeps prob-
they can do that all online too but I didn’t know I had too,” Second revisit past differences. been arrested on charges of sexu- ing the little known corners of Native
it’s a lot better when they can just Chief Del Beaver said. “That’s what Native News Online reports the ally assaulting young Native girls. society. Keep it up, man.
come in and we can give them a these gatherings are about, about New York Governor Kathy Hochul According to several national news By the way, did you see the TV
card the same day versus them being family, about being friends, has vetoed a new law that would sources, Nathan Chasing Horse used news story about that open audition
mailing those documents to us it’s about having fun, and it’s about have strengthened protections for alleged spiritual traditions and cult call? Wow, the line of Native folks
also.” being Mvskoke.” unmarked graves, especially Native practices to lure the young women wanting to audition ran around the
Citizens were also able to meet Chief Hill closed out the day American ancestral graves. In the into his control. block and down the street.
Principal Chief David Hill, Second with a few words. words of that governor, “it fails to Earlier this year, Chasing Horse Maybe they thought it was a
Chief Del Beaver, and representa- “It was a great turnout, I balance the rights of property owners had been kicked off the Fort Peck Wild Onion dinner? The dinner I
tives from the National Council. enjoyed it, and I can’t say thank with the interests of the families of reservation for related practices. just attended seemed to have a line
This year marks an election year. you enough to everyone that came lineal descendants and other groups.” There’s more. Irene Bedard, that long.
The outreach gave citizens beyond and it probably could’ve lasted two The Cherokee Nation of Okla- the Inupiat/Cree/Metis actress is Our favorite Mvskoke poet, Joy
the reservation a chance to meet days, you never know,” said Prin- homa is still waiting to have a prom- another Native who has run into Harjo adds another honor to her
prospective election candidates. cipal Chief Hill. “I’m looking for- ise made in their 1835 Treaty. Native trouble because of alcohol. Bedard career. The Yale University Library
Mvskoke citizen and Arizona ward to next year, meeting new News Online reports the Nation has is known for her role in the ani- announced mid-February that Harjo
resident Roberta Johnston said, “I friends and getting to know each selected a delegate, Kim Teehee, but mated film “Pocahontas” and in has been awarded the Bollingen Prize
see pictures of them all the time and every one, mvto.” has not seen any action. That tribal the movie, “Smoke Signals.” Celeb- for American Poetry for the “best
but just to get to see their faces and Citizens beyond the reserva- delegate would have no voting power rity News reported early December book published during the previous
put them with the names has been tion can find available resources in the U.S. Congress. that she was arrested for a domes- two years or for lifetime achievement
really great.” by visiting www.muscogeenation. Native News Online also reports tic violence incident and then again in poetry.”
United American Indian com/beyondthereservation. a bill in the Pennsylvania Legisla- two days later for a disorderly con- Well deserved.
ture would pay state schools to elim- duct charge. Both situations involved Hvtvm.
inate the use of Native-themed mas- alcohol intoxication. There’s been no
cots. If passed, NNO says that state response from the actress or her rep- Disclaimer: The views expressed
would join 21 other states that have resentatives. are those of the author and not nec-
such laws. Enough of that, let’s check out essarily those of the Muscogee (Creek)
One more time… Native News some good news. Nation.

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The Mvskoke News is an editorially independent and constitutionally

THE protected publication. Its purpose is to meet the needs of the tribe
and its citizens through the dissemination of information. Reprint
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Angel Ellis, Director | Follow MM on Twitter: Editorial statements appearing in The Mvskoke News, guest
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Braden Harper, Managing Editor | Follow MM on Instagram: writer and not those of The Mvskoke News, its advisors or the tribal
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Kaylea Berry, Reporter | The Mvskoke News reserves the right to edit all submissions for
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from Stigler, Oklahoma to all enrolled Muscogee (Creek) citizens’
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• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA


attracted over 10,000 people last year

with more expected to come this year.
Pioneer Day honors the rich his-
tory of Okemah. Although it’s called
Pioneer Day, the quaint town is tied
to Native American ancestry. It was
once allotted to full-blood Creek
Nocus Fixico prior to statehood, who
declared Okemah a city and chair of
the county.
The small town houses Thlopth-
locco Tribal Town along with a high
number of Native American residents
in town and surrounding areas.
The event is highly attended by
Bill McCulley is seated next to his original Leon Russell painting. The painting features a blue outline of The Okemah Chamber of Commerce set the dates for the Pioneer Day Festival, April 26-29. those living on the Muscogee Reser-
Russell against his face in orange. Tvlse, Okla. March 14, 2023. (Braden Harper/MM) (Courtesy: Maylee Murray Visuals)
MVSKOKE ARTIST SHARES CITY OF OKEMAH After her upbringing in Okemah,


Speir moved to Dallas but longed to
return home. Years later, she did just


“It doesn’t look much different but

LEON RUSSELL FESTIVAL DATES I think that’s what I love about it,” she
Speir describes the town as if it
keepsakes that give her a feeling of
by BRADEN HARPER McCulley’s idea to pro- by MORGAN TAYLOR Main Street and will last until mid- nostalgia.
MANAGING EDITOR duce a Leon Russell painting MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER night. Vendors will be able set up Being a part of the chamber and
came from a meeting with the during the day, and start selling mer- various city organizations allows her
TVLSE, Oklahoma – If Church Studio owner, Teresa OKEMAH, Okla. - The annual chandise. to give visitors from large cities a wel-
you grew up on the Mus- Knox. McCulley knew he Pioneer Day Festival is scheduled for Ages newborn to 18 can com- come to her hometown.
cogee (Creek) Nation reserva- wanted to contribute his talents April 26-29, with events held through- pete in the natural pageant for $50, Speir, along with the organiza-
tion, chances are you might be in some way. After he had fin- out the week prior to the weekend. A or the glitzy pageant for $75. A male tions are working to build and beau-
familiar with some of the most ished his Leon Russell painting, carnival will open on Wednesday at and female winner will be announced tify Okemah, hoping to generate
accomplished musicians born he donated it to the museum. It 5 p.m.and will remain open through for each age group. The competition more profit for the town and business
within its boundaries including now resides within the Church Sunday. will be held at the Okemah Middle owners.
Garth Brooks, Woody Guth- Studio’s art collection. The City of Okemah, the Okemah School gym. The pageant will be held Every other Friday food trucks
rie and of course, Leon Rus- The painting depicts Leon Chamber of Commerce, Okemah on April 22 so that winners can ride in come into town and stop for lunch.
sell. Tulsa was home to Rus- Russell sitting down in a light Main Street, and Okemah Commu- the parade on Saturday. The business fronts along Main
sell where he recorded songs blue color. He is equipped with nity Improvement Association spon- Saturday morning will kick off Street are ready to house businesses.
with his fellow musicians and his signature top hat, sunglasses sor and host the event. with the 5K run at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Being so close to major Interstate 40,
friends in the historic Church and walking cane. His figure is Okemah Chamber of Commerce The Netflix-themed parade will Speir believes it’s a great location.
Studio. set against an orange outline is calling all local and tribal vendors, include a carshow with trophies and Speir is seeking a possible part-
The facility serves two pur- of his face. An eagle feather is food trucks, and even information awards given to participants who nership with the nation to house
poses; as a recording studio included at the bottom. McCul- booths to get their spot on the Main compete and pay the registration fee start ups along the Main Street Busi-
for musicians, and a museum ley said the feather was an Street celebration. Looking to fill 60 of $25. ness District. She is also seeking more
to educate guests on Russell’s homage to Russell’s connec- vendors, the chamber is seeking to fill Floats will follow in behind the opportunities to work with Muscogee
life. It houses many art pieces tions to Native Americans. spots with Native American artwork cars and royalty with a cash prize of (Creek) Nationin all areas.
depicting Russell, including an “I knew a little bit of the and crafts as tourists and visitors come $300 for the winner. No registration The MCN is funding over $10
original painting by Bill McCul- history of him, the way he was to shop. is required for the float. According million towards the $22 million
ley (Mvskoke/Seminole). toward Native Americans,” Vendors must obtain an Okla- to Okemah Chamber of Commerce Okemah City Water Project.
The story of McCulley’s McCulley said. “That eagle is a homa temporary sales-tax license to Director Shannon Speir, participants There is no admission to attend
connection to the Church symbol of that Native love.” be able to sell items. can fall in the lineup starting at 1 p.m. the Pioneer Day Festival. For more
Studio stems all the way back to Painting and creativity The event will begin on Friday The parade will travel down Main information, visit the Okemah Cham-
his adolescence. As a teenager, runs in the family, Bill’s wife, night starting at 8 p.m., a dancing Street. ber of Commerce Facebook page, or
McCulley would regularly eat Roberta paints as well. She also event will be held in the middle of Speir said the weekend event call 918-600-2023.
at a restaurant across the street handles the business side of her
from the Church Studio. One husband’s work.
day, his curiosity led him to McCulley said he created open a music-producing studio.
walk through the front doors of the painting at just the right He was able to achieve his dream
that historic recording studio. time, and just the right place. with the help and partnership of his
“I kept hearing music and The painting was donated to cousin Kayleb Brown through the
seeing people coming and the museum last year on what Mvskoke Loan Fund - Lending Prod-
going from the front door,” would have been Russell’s 80th uct to get his business operable with
McCulley said. “I got to talk birthday. His advice for fellow Acting Director Robby Deere and
with the men, Leon Russell and artists is to paint what you Development Officer Eric Starr’s
all those other people there. know and paint what you love. expertise.
I didn’t even know who they “It’s a wonderful feeling.” The program requires the poten-
were!” McCulley said. “It’s something tial business owners to develop a busi-
McCulley recounted that he I’ve always strived for. You ness plan to detail the venture and
would later go on to work for a have to love what you do, and profitability.
fellow MCN citizen, Bob Hicks let everybody see it and love it Deere and Starr were impressed
at his classic car restoration too.” with the plan presented and immedi-
shop. One of the shop’s clients McCulley is set to be fea- HV takes co-ownership of New Prosper Studios in Tulsa, Okla. Feb. 9, 2023. (Morgan Taylor/MM) ately saw the potential.
just so happened to be Russell. tured at next month’s Mvskoke “They were like, I don’t under-
“Bob Hicks told me some- Art Market and Carney Fest, an MVSKOKE LOAN FUND stand why this hasn’t happened yet,”

one is bringing in their car and art and music festival hosted by Rudd said.
you’re going to be surprised the Church Studio. Mvskoke Loan Fund helped Rudd

whose it is,” McCulley said. “It The 2023 Mvskoke Art with rental space and basic equipment
was a Rolls-Royce.” Market will take place April to start making profit on his business.
In addition to McCul- 22-23 at River Spirit. Carney Mvskoke Loan Fund provides
ley’s encounters with Russell Fest will take place April 15 in THE SMALL BUSINESS GRANT WAS AWARDED TO small business lending for citizens
throughout his life, he was also the Studio Row neighborhood SOUND AND AUDIO ENGINEER DYLAN RUDD with a collateral match of 1.25 percent.
a fan of Russell’s work. Russell on East Third street and South Rudd credits Brown heavily for
was particularly well known for Trenton ave. Tickets can be by MORGAN TAYLOR Coming in during a booking, the the support of his dream. He assisted
his country, rock and gospel purchased on the event’s web- MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER artist will get set up to record and by putting up the collateral for the
music. site at choose a beat if not already chosen. As loan.
TVLSE, Oklahoma – New Pros- recording starts, so does Rudd with With industry-standard equip-
per Studios is now open and paving his mixing and mastering. ment available, the studio can record
PRESS RELEASE Muscogee (Creek) Nation filed the way for local and native artists on Mixing and mastering is an more than just music. Post-produc-
an amicus brief with the Court the Mvskoke reservation. The studio important part of todays’ music pro- tion opportunities are endless.
Muscogee (Creek) Nation arguing against the City of Tulsa is located at 4747 N Peoria Avenue in duction. As an engineer, Rudd uses The Okmulgee Native is known
Officials Ask Judges to Reject asserting jurisdiction over tribal Tulsa, Okla. this two-step process to adjust and to most as HV. It is short for the nick-
Tulsa’s Claim of Jurisdiction citizens while within the Nation’s Sound and audio engineer Dylan enhance audio before its final process- name he was given at birth, Hvlvne.
in Hooper v. City of Tulsa Reservation boundaries. The Rudd produces all the media flow- ing. According to HV, he was born cov-
Nation’s Attorney General, Geri ing from the studio. Rudd provides Rudd is highly trained in mixing ered in his mothers’ feces, a joke he
TULSA, Okla. - The U.S. Tenth Wisner, was in attendance for the an affordable rate, a comfortable envi- and mastering. He received his laughs about now.
Circuit Court of Appeals held oral arguments before the court ronment, and quality equipment to diploma from the Miami Institute of Coming from a home of gener-
oral arguments in Justin Hooper today. those seeking studio services. Sound and Engineering. ational trauma involving parental
v. City of Tulsa earlier today in Statement from Attorney Gen- In the first month of operation, Before receiving his diploma, incarceration, alcohol abuse and drug
Denver. The appellant, Justin eral Wisner: “The law is clear that Rudd claims to have recorded over 40 Rudd was struggling to put himself abuse, Rudd never imagined himself
Hooper, a member of the Choctaw the City of Tulsa’s claims have songs already. through school. He was working as a where is today.
Tribe, received a speeding ticket in no legal merit. The case is just At $45 an hour, clients can come in sushi chef and bounced around from “I am not a product of what I went
2018 from the City of Tulsa while another novel attempt to under- and leave with a radio-ready file pro- job to job and even became homeless. through, if anything that makes me
within the boundaries of the Mus- mine the criminal jurisdiction duced by Rudd himself. The studio He calls Miami the “melting pot” who I am today,” he said.
cogee (Creek) Reservation. He restored to tribes in the historic offers a free hour to first time clientele. of the music industry. It was normal Paving the way for other reserva-
was found guilty and paid the fine, McGirt case.” “If I were to suggest something for to see famous music artists from all tion kids like he once was is what he
however in 2020, he filed for post- Statement from Principal Chief artists to do before they come is just to genres across the board. Upon gradu- believes he is called to do now.
conviction relief in the Munic- David Hill: “I’m proud of our legal be prepared,” Rudd said. ating, he hit the grind working for big For more information visit www.
ipal Criminal Court of the City team today, but it’s frustrating that Given that the artist is prepared, name studios and artists., call Rudd at
of Tulsa, claiming that the City we keep having to beat back these he claims that more can be done in “I worked with Kevin Gates’ little 918-752-4897 or email newpropser-
of Tulsa did not have jurisdiction baseless legal attacks on our juris- a single hour. Rudd has recorded brother, Coi LeRay, and other local Social media
over tribal citizens while on the diction. The time, money, and three songs in an hour with an artist latin artists” he said. accounts can be found @newprosper-
Reservation. His appeal has since energy that goes into these cases who had lyrics and the beat prepared As much as he loved what he was studios.
been elevated to the 10th Tenth would be much better spent work- before coming in. doing, Rudd was being called back For more information regarding
Circuit Court of Appeals where ing together to make our commu- “You work at your own pace,” he home to the Mvskoke reservation the Mvskoke Loan Fund, call 918-
oral arguments were heard today. nities safer.” said. “I work as fast as the artist.” with big hopes and dreams to one day 549-2603.

• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA


Association, Wagoner and

Mayes Counties, the city of
Beggs, will go to infrastruc-
ture funds for 10 projects. The
infrastructure funds are tripled,
for a total of $20,600,000. The
projects include dam repairs,
water issues, wastewater man-
agement and more. These proj-
ects were selected based on
what was in the IHS system
with funding already available
to maximize it.

NCA 23-018 A MCN Law

A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Natural Resources & Culture Preservation Committee
meeting was held at the Mound Building in Okmulgee March 14. (MM File)
establishing a new Title 28,
Chapter 13, entitled “Muscogee
INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS (Creek) Nation Land Refer-


An open casting call for the FX Series, “Reservation Dogs” was held on March 4.
(Morgan Taylor/Multimedia Producer) 
ral Services”. Rep. Cloud spon-
sored the legislation, which
The MCN provides legal
NATIVES CAME RUNNING OUT TO THE OPEN assistance to enrolled citizens
CITIZENS FOR LAND SERVICES need to reorganize the pro-
by MORGAN TAYLOR call back in 2020.  cess and create the Land Refer-
MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER Factor, like co-producer and by KAYLEA BERRY cipal Chief to execute a MCN ral Services area for citizens to
co-writer Sterlin Harjo, is from REPORTER Department of housing con- receive assistance to establish
TVLSE, Okla. - The saying, “if Oklahoma and of Mvskoke descent tract with Harris Contractors. clear title, alleviate trespass and
you whistle, the dogs will come along with other tribal nations.  OKMULGEE, Oklahoma – Representative Galen Cloud protect assets of the citizens,
running” could not be more fit- “I never would have thought A Muscogee (Creek) Nation sponsored the legislation, traditional churches, ceremo-
ting to describe the open-casting that I would have been able to be National Council Land, Natu- which passed 4-0. nial grounds, and the Nation.
call for the FX Series “Reservation a part of a show like this,” Factor ral Resources & Culture Preser- The MCN Dept. of Hous- The new law will be codified
Dogs” at Park Elementary School said.  vation Committee meeting was ing is requesting approval for a in the MCN Code of Laws, Title
on March 4.  Harjo’s mother Nanette was held on March 14 at the Mound contract with Harris Contrac- 28, Chapter 13.
Midthunder Casting and Frei- shocked by the turnout. She was Building. tors, to construct five homes
hoer Casting are looking for Indig- not expecting to see so many The following grant pro- for the Dept. of Housing. The NCA 23-019 A MCN Law
enous people of all ages for paid people at the event.  grams were approved through cost for the work on the five authorizing an appropriation
speaking roles. According to a “I’m really proud of my son, and LNC: homes is a total of $969,762. for the MCN Realty Land Refer-
Facebook post from Freihoer this amazing show gets another ral Services. Rep. Cloud spon-
Casting, 1,905 people came in season for our Indigenous writers Muscogee (Creek) TR 23-029 A MCN resolu- sored the legislation, which
person, representing 28 states and and directors,” she said to Native Nation Camps and tion authorizing commitment passed 4-0 and will go forward
three areas of Canada. Another News Online.  Camp House Grants for matching funds in collabo- in the Business, Finance and
2,000 people signed up online the “It’s been one heck of a ride and ration with the State of Okla- Justice Committee.
next day.  everyone is supporting the show Thewarle Indian Baptist homa for the American Rescue The MCN Realty Land
Native talents drove in from in Tulsa. We feel like we have the Church requested $9,771.60 Plan Act (ARPA) Tribal Coop- Referral Services needs start-up
states far away, as far as New whole community behind us.” for repairs and updates to the eration Grant program. Rep. funds for fiscal year 2023 and
Mexico, North Dakota and inbe- The majority of the series was church. Joseph Hicks sponsored the will be included in the Compre-
tween. They came in by the thou- filmed in Okla., particularly on the Funding was granted, and legislation, which passed 4-0. hensive Annual budget here-
sands and stood in a line that took Mvskoke Reservation including the committee budget proposal There are multiple projects after. The MCN Realty Land
up four city blocks for the oppor- the capital city of Okmulgee.  passed 4-0. that need to be taken care of Referral Services is requesting
tunity to impress producers in just The all indigenous cast and across the Nation’s boundaries. $192,918.42 for the 2023 fiscal
ten minutes.  writers tell the raw version of LNC addressed the follow- The State of Oklahoma gave the year budget.
Among the thousands, the growing up on the Mvskoke Reser- ing legislation, the interpreta- Muscogee Nation $6,750,000,
majority lacked any previous vation, modern day. Young native tion of which is attributed to the tribe will match the All legislation will go before
acting experience. Which is exactly kids find mischief and mayhem language in the bills: $6,750,000, Indian Health Ser- the full Council during the next
how Lane Factor (“Cheese”) got while finding themselves as young vices will donate $3,100,000, session. The full legislation and
started in acting at the “Reser- adults.  TR 23-027 A MCN reso- and $4,000,000 coming from meeting can be viewed at www.
vation Dogs” season one casting This is a developing story. lution authorizing the Prin- the Oklahoma Water Resource

• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA


be temporarily resolved by the “Unwinding” as MCN health officials

placement of a modular court- navigate through the process.
room to be located between DHS announced that SoonerCare
the MCN Mound and the MCN clients would be subject to review for
Controller’s Office at the MCN those who became eligible during the
Tribal Headquarters in Okmul- pandemic. Patients should expect the
gee, Okla. benefits to end over the next nine to 12
The purpose of this law is months.
to appropriate $655,287.00 to “We are working with our benefits
cover the costs to purchase, coordinators and our company RCA,”
install and furnish a new mod- Beaver said. “We have a list of Creek
ular building for the use of the The Pandemic will officially end on May 11 accord-
ing to MCN DOH officials. (MM File)
patients that we are working with to let
MCN District Court. them know.”
COVID VIRUS As patients lose these insurance

NCA 23-020 A MCN law benefits, coordinators are seeking
A Muscogee (Creek) Nation National Council Emergency Session was held via teleconference March 8.
(MM File)
authorizing a special appropri- alternative forms of payments and

ation for the cost of necessary insurances.
NATIONAL COUNCIL measures related to the pro- The MCN Health System is taking


tection of the Muscogee sacred
site of Hickory Ground near TO ENDEMIC the initiative by expanding its health
services and creating a new Public


Wetumpka, Alabama. Represen-
tative Darrell Proctor sponsored STAGE Health Department. A department
director has been hired and will start
the act, which was adopted 15-0. at the end of the month. No name has
MOBILE MODULAR BUILDINGS WILL BE The historic and “prehis- NEW DEPARTMENT been disclosed, but the candidate is a
PURCHASED TO MEET THE DEMAND OF toric” Muscogee cultural site of EXPANDS MCN’S PUBLIC woman and a Mvskoke citizen.
HIGHER COURT CASE QUANTITIES Ocevpofv (Hickory Ground), HEALTH OVERSIGHT In addition, the Five Tribes Inter-
located in present-day Alabama, Tribal Committee passed legislation to
by KAYLEA BERRY Controller’s Office at the MCN has been, continues to be and by MORGAN TAYLOR develop the Inter-Tribal Public Health
REPORTER Tribal Headquarters in Okmul- shall always and forever be a site MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER Consortium with the goal of protect-
gee, Okla. Mobile Modular has of significance to the history and ing Native populations.
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma been identified as a vendor that culture of the Muscogee people. OKMULGEE, Oklahoma. - It was Beaver said during the pandemic
- A Muscogee (Creek) Nation can provide the modular build- The site of Ocevpofv is cur- during a National Council Health, tribes had to report to and rely on the
National Council Emergency ing. rently under ownership of the Education and Welfare Commit- state for monetary support from the
Session was held via teleconfer- Poarch Band of Creek Indi- tee meeting where Muscogee (Creek) federal government.
ence March 8. NCA 23-017 A MCN law ans. Contrary to assurances by Nation Department of Health Secre- “Tribes are public health authori-
The Council addressed the authorizing the expenditure the Poarch Band that the site tary Shawn Terry disclosed that the ties,” Beaver said.
following legislation, the inter- of the American Rescue Plan would be preserved, the Poarch COVID-19 Pandemic will come to As public health authorities, tribes
pretation of which is attributed Act (ARPA) fiscal year recov- Band disturbed and desecrated end in May and the virus will enter the have the ability to declare emergencies,
to language in the bills: ery funds to purchase a modu- the sacred site by excavating endemic stage, as stated by President care for their own citizens, and the
lar building to be utilized by the the remains of ancestors of the Joe Biden. responsibility for the health and well-
TR 23-026 A MCN tribal MCN District Court. Speaker Muscogee people of Ocevpofv Epidemiologists say a disease is ness for their own citizens.
resolution authorizing the Prin- Lowe sponsored the act, which as well as associated funerary endemic when its presence becomes According to Beaver, a grant from
cipal Chief to execute a sale was adopted 15-0. objects that were buried with steady in a particular region, or at least the Southern Plains Tribal Health
agreement with Mobile Modular As a result of COVID-19, them, in order to develop a predictable as with seasonal influenza. Board is moving the process forward.
and the placement of a modular an exponential increase in case- casino gaming facility. “That doesn’t mean that there’s With infectious disease numbers
building on tribal property for loads, interpersonal violence, An appropriation of $450,000 no level of COVID,” Terry said, but at a low level, public areas may resort
the MCN District Court to use. gun violence and other crim- is needed to continue funding according to health officials the virus back to pre-pandemic conditions.
Speaker William Lowe spon- inal acts leads the Nation to for legal defense and public rela- is now in a controllable state with the Terry said the tribe’s health facili-
sored the resolution, which was invest in additional, temporary tions services to further efforts help of vaccines and other precautions. ties will continue to enforce some reg-
adopted 15-0. court space to respond to the to protect the sacred site, as well Chief Administrative Officer ulations to keep infections controlled.
The increased docket of the operational needs of the MCN as provide funding for legal ser- Rhonda Beaver said the Department “You’re probably still going to be
MCN District Court created a criminal justice system. This vices in regard to the current site of Health and Human Services have asked to mask up coming into one of
need for additional courtroom includes two modular buildings of their Ceremonial Ground. been hosting meetings daily between the facilities,” Terry said.
space for the District Court. to increase ventilation, capac- The funding source was the CDC and health systems across No current restrictions have been
The courtroom demands can ity and social distancing, while identified as Interest on Perma- the country preparing for the next lifted.
be temporarily resolved by the permanent, expanded facilities nent Fund. step. The tribes’ health officials encour-
placement of a modular court- are constructed utilizing other According to Beaver, as Covid age the public to continue taking pre-
room to be located between funding mechanisms. View the meeting at www. approaches the end date of its classi- cautionary measures.
the MCN Mound and the MCN The courtroom demands can fication as a pandemic, it will begin This is a developing story.

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The Business, Finance and Justice Committee held a meeting on March 16.(MM File)


by MORGAN TAYLOR ited Liability Company Act and
MULTIMEDIA PRODUCER approving the operating agree-
ment for “Muscogee Nation
OKMULGEE, Oklahoma — Businesses, LLC). Representa-
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation
National Council held the
tive Sandra Golden sponsored
the legislation, which was post-
monthly Business, Finance, and poned until the next meet-
Justice Committee session at the ing 3-1. Representative Pat-
Mound Building on March 16. rick Freeman voted against the
All passed legislation is sub- motion.
ject to Full Council approval With the dissolution of
during the Regular Session held Muscogee Nation Business
the last Saturday of each month. Enterprise to the now hold-
The committee addressed the ing company Muscogee Nation
following legislation, the inter- Business, LLC, the board mem-
pretation of which is attributed bers’ responsibilities and per-
to language in the bills: sonal obligations have increased
significantly. The amendment AN HOUR LONG, WEEKLY, LIVE
TR 23-028 Approving the includes a stipend adjustment
Tribal Internal Control Stan- for the time of members. BROADCAST COVERING TOPICS
dards submitted by the Mus-
cogee (Creek) Nation Public Referred Legislation RELEVANT TO INDIAN COUNTRY!
Gaming Commission. Repre-
sentative Randall Hicks spon- NCA 23-019 Authorizing
sored the resolution, which an appropriation for the MCN
passed 4-0. Realty Land Referral Services.
The Commission per- Representative Galen Cloud
forms regulatory oversight and
to monitor compliance with
sponsored the legislation.
The legislation is seeking a
tribal, federal and applicable funding source. Acting Con-
state regulations. The Commis- troller Patricia Killian deter-
sion submits the Administrative mined the Interest on the Per-
Rulemaking Standard in accor- manent fund as the source. It
dance with MCNCA Title 21 passed 4-0.
Other Business
NCA 23-015 Amending
NCA 15-015 (Approving and The Committee called
authorizing the Principal Chief an executive session regard-
to execute and file the Articles ing Muscogee Nation Gaming
of Organization with the Office Enterprise (MNGE).
of the Secretary of the Nation to
form “Muscogee Nation Busi- The full meeting can be
ness, LLC” under the MCN Lim- watched at

Arkansas. While at Hendrix,
Brendan was a four-year letter
winner in Lacrosse and was
named to the Southern Athletic
Association’s All-Sportsmanship
Rolland is Yuchi and Absen- Community Clean Up Event Free Document Shredding – 10 A.M – 1 P.M.
tee Shawnee. His ceremonial Due to the limited capacity of the shredding truck, it
ground is Polecat and is of the will be first come - first served AND you must stay with
Deer clan. His parents are Geof- your documents while they are being shredded

frey G. Rolland and Tammie NO books, 3-ring binders, large clips, or magazines
Goodell-Rolland. His grand-
mother is Judy Haumpy and his Free Electronic Recycling from 9 A.M. - 2 P.M.
grandfather is the late Al Rol-
land Jr. TVs, monitors, cell phones, small appliances and other
BRENDAN ROLLAND electronics for safe and responsible recycling

Brendan is the Vice President Other Items Accepted

of the University of Tulsa’s Chap- FOUR MOTHER’S Registration will be at the
ter of the Native American Law COLLECTIVE MCN Tribal Executive Building Canopy at
White goods such as washers, dryers, refrigerators/freezers
Student Association. He partic- Four Mother’s Collective 12:30 P.M.
Automobile batteries and alkaline batteries
ipated in the National NALSA is a new non-profit started by Routes to be determined NO LITHIUM BATTERIES
Moot Court Competition, and Mvskoke citizen Carly Treece. Crews will clean from 1 P.M. – 3 P.M.
completed an internship with the Board Members include Pres- Automobile Tires NO AGRICULTURAL TIRES
Gloves, bags, vests, hand sanitizer, and bottled water Cardboard, paper, plastics 1 & 2, and aluminum cans
American Civil Liberties Union’s ident Carly Treece, Vice provided to volunteers

Voting Rights Project where President Brittany Postoak Afterwards, volunteers will meet at the MCN
DO NOT bring any hazardous materials
Hazardous waste includes: paint, medications, glues, fluorescent
he assisted in national voting (Mvskoke), Treasurer Sharla Recycling Center for fellowship, cookout, bulbs and chemicals such as pesticides, cleaners, and insect
t-shirts and prizes!
rights litigation related to vote Davis (Cherokee), and Sec- repellants. These types of items will not be accepted at this
dilution, vote denial and voter retary Ida Aldaco-Hamilton
purging. Brendan completed an (Mexican). Their mission is to
externship with the U.S. Depart- help BIPOC women and two
ment of the Interior: Tulsa Field spirit relatives have a safe space MCN RECYCLING CENTER
Solicitor’s Office, where his work to create art, be inspired, make 12675 GUN CLUB ROAD
focused on Indian Law issues change, and overcome barriers OKMULGEE, OK 74447
in the area of natural resources in the art world. They want to FOR MORE INFO
and land transactions. He also bring creative supplies, classes CONTACT: 918-549-2580
externed for Judge John Fischer and resources to facilitate their
at the Oklahoma Court of Civil members’ voices and their suc-
Appeals. cess in the art world. The non-
Rolland received a Bachelor profit is currently registered
of Arts in Political Science from with the Mvskoke Nation and
Hendrix College in Conway, has applied for 501c3 status.

• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA



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• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA



• P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA

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