2 Works Cited

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Work cited

Arayakkeel, Biju. “10 Storytelling Lessons from Photography.” Toastmasters International -,




Blumberg, Naomi."Street photography." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 23 Aug.

2019. school.eb.com/levels/high/article/street-photography/609029. Accessed 17 Feb.


Douglis, Philip N. "Telling stories: editorial photography should engage viewers--and prompt

them to imagine how the story unfolds." Communication World, vol. 26, no. 4, July-Aug.

2009, pp. 40+. Gale In Context: High School,


0a41a0. Accessed 30 Jan. 2023.

Driscoll, Suzanne. "Brandon Stanton's humans of New York: the power of storytelling in

documentary photography." Shutterbug, vol. 46, no. 4, Feb. 2017, pp. 66+. Gale In

Context: High School,


f1350. Accessed 8 Feb. 2023.

McLellan, Marjorie L. "Photography." Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual

History, edited by Mary Kupiec Cayton and Peter W. Williams, Charles Scribner's Sons,

2001. Gale In Context: High School,


68e7a530. Accessed 8 Feb. 2023.

Sanchez, Zaydee. Personal Interview. 21 March 2023.

Saunders, eth. “Nineteenth-Century Photography.” Nineteenth-Century Photography | Art

History Teaching Resources, Art History Teaching Resources,


Westerbeck, Colin, and Joel Meyerowitz. Bystander a History of Street Photography. Laurence

King, 2018.

Yu, Wen. Personal Interview. 3 March 2023.

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