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Department of Biochemistry

Government Medical College, Nizamabad

I MBBS - 1st Formative Assessment - JUNE 2022
Time : 02 P.M to 5 P.M (3 hrs) Max. Marks : 100
Note : Answer all questions and write correct question number.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

I. Write essays on the following: 2 x 15 = 30

1. A 5 year old child was brought with history of delayed eruption of
teeth, and started walking late around 2 years after birth.
Child was malnourished with retarded growth and protruded abdomen.
There is bowing of legs and knocking of knees during walking.
1. What is your probable diagnosis? How do you justify it? (1+2)
2. Which biomolecule is deficient? What is its active form (1+1)
3. What are the functions of its active form.(5)
4. write RDA and sources of the concerned biomolecule(1+1)
5. Add a note on the deficiency manifestations. (3)
2. Define Enzyme Inhibition. Explain in detail about the different types of
inhibition with examples.
II. Write Short Notes on the following: 8 x 5 = 40 marks
3. Enumerate plasma proteins and write their functions. Add a note on
electrophoretic pattern of plasma proteins in various disease conditions.
4. Structure and functions of Immunoglobulins. Add a note on Multiple
5. Clinical significance of Isoenzymes.
6. Heteropolysaccharides and their clinical significance.
7. Walds visual cycle.
8. Define Km and Vmax. Explain about the effect of substrate
concentration on enzyme activity with a diagram.
9. Explain the structure-function relationship of proteins with examples.
10. Folate trap; sources, RDA and deficiency manifestations of folic acid.

III. Write Very Short Notes on the following: 10 x3 = 30 marks

11. a) Haptoglobin b) Hemopexin
12. Role of Cholesterol in cell membrane.
13. Essential Aminoacids.
14. Functions of Integral proteins. Write examples.
15. Bendicts test and its importance.
16. Functions of Vitamin C.
17. B1 deficiency manifestations.
18. What are coenzymes. Give 4 examples.
19. Essential Fatty acids and their sources.
20. Classification of lipids with examples.

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