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Mendez 1

Nixaly Mendez

Professor VanDyke

Enc 1101

8, November 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Board, The Editorial. "The Shame in Puerto Rico." New York Times, 4 June 2018, p.

A22(L). Gale In Context: Opposing


OVIC&xid=0bce54f5. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022.

This source talks about the deaths after hurricane Maria, in Puerto Rico. It mentions how

Puerto Rico’s disadvantages and why they are struggling. This source is relevant to my

argument because it I’m going to be talking about why Puerto Rico should became the

51st state. I will use this source as evidence to why Puerto Rico isn’t stable enough to be

its own country.

Ramirez de Arellano, Suzanne. "Statehood Is Not a Cure-All for Puerto Rico." Gale Opposing

Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2022. Gale In Context: Opposing


u=lincclin_hcc&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=381527c4. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022. Originally

published as "Puerto Rican statehood is sold as a cure-all. That’s a pipe

dream," Guardian, 14 June 2017.

Within this source, it mentions how the Puerto Rican community in Puerto Rico simply

don’t have interest to voting. For those people how do vote, the majority of them do want

to become a state, but the the majority of the island don’t vote. This source it relevant to
Mendez 2

my argument because I will use it to mention that if that community its self doesn’t show

interest in becoming its own country. I will use this source as to show that even the

govern of Puerto Rico says that becoming a state would benefit them tremendously.

Robles, Frances. "Despite a Vote in Favor, Statehood for Puerto Rico Remains a Distant

Goal." New York Times, 13 June 2017, p. A18(L). Gale In Context: Opposing


OVIC&xid=c56f6d3b. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022.

This source talks about how most of Puerto has already voted for the territory to become

a state. It also talks about the different controversy between the votes. But I will use this

source to talk about how most the population from Puerto Rico are already moving to

actual states. This source is relevant to my argument because I will use to persuade my

audience to think that since most of their population is moving to the states, then it would

make sense for the territory to become a state.

Cordova, Andres L. "Death toll in Puerto Rico is just another political football." Hill, 7 June

2018, p. 19. Gale In Context: Opposing


OVIC&xid=e6b74df2. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022.

Within this source, it talks about the death rate from hurricane Maria. It also mentioned

how the territory ended up filing for bankruptcy. This source is relevant because I want to

mention that if Puerto Rico was a state then they wouldn’t have to file for bankruptcy. I

will use this source to should that the territory would’ve had more help from the United

States if Puerto Rico was the 51st state.

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