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Nixaly Mendez

Copy Sculpture: Augustus from Prima Porta, 1st century C.E.

Step 1: What do I notice?

1. It’s a full body sculpture

2. He is wearing a type of clothing, maybe armor or a robe
3. On his clothing there are people and animals such as: dogs, horses and possibly snakes.
4. He is pointing up
5. Has a naked baby holding on to him
6. Baby has wings
7. The tall person has his eyes open
8. The baby has his eyes open
9. His clothes have darker colors, compared to most of his skin tan/beige the colors of his
clothes are somewhat a dirt tan/light brown
10. The tall person is wearing no shoes

Step 2: Rank the features I Noticed

1. Has a naked baby holding on to him

2. Baby has wings
3. His clothes have darker colors, compared to most of his skin tan/beige the colors of his
clothes are somewhat a dirt tan/light brown
4. He is wearing a type of clothing maybe armor or a robe
5. On his clothing there are people and animals such as: dogs, horses and possibly snakes.
6. Tall person is pointing up
7. The tall person has his eyes open
8. The baby has his eyes open
9. Taller person is wearing no shoes
10. It’s a full body sculpture

Step 3: Why

I believe that the naked baby holding onto the tall man is the most important feature. The
baby could be trying to warn the man about something or even trying to give him some type of
guidance. Now to 2nd most important feature is the wings that are one the baby. The wings on
this baby, could symbolize that the baby is Cupid. Cupid is the only baby with wings that was
most common in this time period. This could add on the my interpretation of the baby possibly
Cupid, giving his guidance on a lover, or possibly helping him overcome some obstacles. And
finally I think the 3rd most important feature is the color of the tall mans clothing. I believe this
could symbolize that he was in a fight or some type of war. And Cupid could possibly be giving
him some sort of guidance about his future love after or guidance after the fight. The sculpture
does seem to a copy of the bronze statue, and this could potentially have a effect on the
difference in coloring.

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