Kickstarter TO DO LIST v10

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Kickstarter TO DO LIST - Main TO DO List

Kickstarter TO DO List
Task Description Assigned To Duration Output Status

Set Schedule Once all tasks and duartion are known set schedule.
Find smiliar kickstarter Projects Find similar Kickstarter projects for mentorship, co-marketing, partnership, etc.

Register domain If name is final then register domain

Website Setup site with basic info. Pick hosting site, pick design,
Initial graphics Get 2 to 3 graphics ready for use on building following, website, newsletter, etc.
Decide on font to be used for book title. Ideally same font used for video (depends on
Font for book title when to start video)
Setup account and setup mailing list on mailchimp. Setup sign-up form on web site
Create mailing list when ready.
Create social media accounts Create social media accounts once domain registered and website basic setup is done.

Build content in advance to share on social media. The goal is to build interest. Build
tribe. Find relevent content (curate content) and share it. Plan it ahead 7 to 10 days
and use Buffer or Hootsuite and schedule it. This will be ongoing: before and after
Build content for social media Kickstarter project. Thnk longterm!
Tease about project. Send them early images and info. Point them to social media
Build Following: Facebook accounts and mail list to join.
Tease about project. Send them early images and info. Point them to social media
Build Following: Twitter accounts and mail list to join.
Tease about project. Send them early images and info. Point them to social media
Build Following: Google+ accounts and mail list to join.
Tease about project. Send them early images and info. Point them to social media
Build Following: Pinterest accounts and mail list to join.
Do you have list of users to start with? Family and frinds count. Add them and start
Build Following: E-mail building.
Send update e-mail to book list Once the list is build up, send updates to the book list.


Book title
Write book Actual writing of the book
Final book details Once book is done will need final specs: # of pages, # of images, etc. for Kickstarter
Images for book Take images for book.
Post card design and print Design 12 post cards, print them (how many?), acquire envelopes for them, nice box


Write script for mai video for the project. Duration 2 minutes. If other ideas genreated
Write script for video than create more vidoes for the proejct page.
Shoot video Shoot video after book is finalized?
Desing the layout of the Kickstarter page. Include followig elemetns: copy, videos,
Kickstarter Page Design images,
Kickstarter copy will go below the video. Here are suggested titles or sections to chose
Kickstarter copy from: The Project, Background, Who Are We?, Book Status
Selected images from the book along with short stories that goes with it. Used for
Kickstarter images website and other marketing purposes as well.
Short interviews would be ideal from those people or their survivers featured in the
Other Kickstarter videos book. The interviews would be used for website and other marketing purposes.
Kickstarter TO DO LIST - Main TO DO List

Kickstarter TO DO List
Task Description Assigned To Duration Output Status
Kickstarter Risk & Challanges Write about risks and challanges portion (bottom) for Kickstarter project page.
Kicksrater misc Write misc informaiton such as contact info, bio, etc.
Strech Goal #1 Copy
Strech Goal #2 Copy
Once the project launches on Kickstarter write copy for E-mail, Facebook, Google+,
Marketing Copy Blog, Twiiter, etc.
Once project launches have family and friends share\alert their contacts and social
media followers. Write copy for E-mail, Facebook, Google+, Twitter ,design several
Marketing Copy for Family and Friends images, etc.

Kickstarter Project Length Typically crowed funding for most project are 30 days long. Longer for complex ones.
Multiple qty Kickstarter does not allow multiple units. Find out if they make an exception for books.
Finalize on goal once all other data is known such as: cost, schedule, min order. What
will help in making this decision is: how succefull you are in buidling a tribe or follower,
how is the interest outside of this tribe?, reach outside of early backers. If you have
great following then set goal low for small print, then use strech goal to buiild
Goal momentum and increase print count.
If you know you are confident in selling x qty, and you set first goal low kowning you will
use strethc goal to build momentum, then decide on how many and at what level for
Strech goals strech goals
Decide on number of rewards (5 to 7) and types of rewards. Have a nice choice for
everyone (it takes all kinds to build a village): LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH. 2 to 3 rewards
Rewards for each group. Low can be as low as $1 or $5 and for HIGH as $2,000 or $5,000.

Setup Amazon payment month before launching Kickstarter project. Book and project
Setup Amazon Payment under which legal enitity? Amazon payment requires verifficaiton with bank account.


Book images Get images from photographer, historians, etc and get it ready for book
Book layout Design and layout book once book copy is written, images set, etc.
Print Process Send book to printer. How long will it to print book once everything else is done.

Postcards: Design Design 12 postcards.

Postcards: Print Print postcards. How many?
Postcards: Packaging Acquire envelopes and box.
Postcards: Letter/Card Write thank you for pledge letter or small card inserted in the top of the box

Monitor Monitor progress using analytics and other tools

Comments Answer comments pro actively. Monitor social media channels and reply promptly.
Very important to send out updates. Come up with schedule. Adjust depending on
Updates progress. Introduce stretch goals accordingly.

Manage kickstarter pledges/orders
Manage shipping
Ship pledges/orders
Kickstarter TO DO LIST - Cost

Item Description Date Qty Hours Per Cost Cost Estimate Cost Final

Author or Ghost writer Write the content of the book

Printer To print the first bacth of books
Ship from Printer Shipping, duties, and taxes
Book layout
Post card design Design post card, cost of printing, envelopes, and nice box.

Web Developer
Marketing: Social Media
Marketing: Press Release
Provide books free to blogers and book reviewers to help promote the
Markting: Promotional book

This could be you or your web person or dedicated I.T. person should
I.T. you need one. Many of the tasks can be done by you.

Domain Domain registration

Web Hosting To host the web site
E-mail Marketing E-mail sevice provider to manage subscribers and send out newsletter
E-mail Service Hosted e-mail service for the domain

Order Management Manage followers, pledges, shipping options, etc.

Shipping Cost Cost to ship books to backers

Sub-Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Kickstarter TO DO LIST - Goals

Once you know how many early backers you will get it will help you come up with goal.

Amount Add
Goal $35,000.00 Book
Stretch Goal 1 $50,000.00 Add extra 30 pages
Stretch Goal 2 $75,000.00 Virtual exhibition
Stretch Goal 3 $100,000.00 Documentary/Film
Kickstarter TO DO LIST - Rewards/Pledges

Estimate pledge based on your early followers (beffore you start Kickstarter project) first.

Shipping Shipping
Amount Limit QTY? QTY Estimate Pledge Reward Description (internal) Kickstarter Name Kickstarter Description Domestic International

$5 or more NO 50 $250.00 Poster $0.00 $0.00

$35 or more YES 150 $3,750.00 1 book Early Bird Discount $5.00 $20.00
$100 or more YES 58 $5,800.00 12 Greeting card with envelopes + 1 book

$150 or more 29 $4,350.00

$250 or more 24 $6,000.00 Authographed copy of the book
$500 or more 15 $7,500.00

100 books. Customized page in the book.

Write a special note for you family, friends,
customers, or collagues. Text only? Max
$2,500 or more YES 10 $25,000.00 characters xxx.
1000 books with Name or dedication on
every page (bottom of the page). Text
$5,000 or more YES 5 $25,000.00 only. Max charachters XXX

TOTAL 341 $77,650.00

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