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Conductometrie Titration of a monobasic acid (HC) by sodium hydroxlde (NaOH)

of a solution to carry oleqtrilo ourtont. lectrolytic
Electrolytic conductivity is a measure of the ability
of ions under the ihfluonce df elactric field.
solutions conduct electric current by the migration
a conductor is directly proportional to
According to Ohm's Law, the current strength flowing through
the potential difference (E) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the conductor
ie. I-E/R or, R- B/I
resistanco of uny conductor varies
The resistance (R) is the hindrance provided by the solution. The
directly with the length and inversely with its area of
R-px (lla)
p is the specific resistance and it is the resistance of a unit length of conduotor of unit oros8osection.
is called cell constant.
is the inverse of its resistance R, l.o. G 1/R. As resistance is
The conductance, G, of a solution
expressed in ohms, 2, the conductance of a sample is expressed in Q"
The reciprocal of specific resistance is called specific conductance or conduotivity.

Specific conductance (x)- 1/p- (Va) x (1/R)

of free ions, il) charges on the free
Conductançe of electrolytic solution depends upon i) number
and ii) mobility of the ions.
to the end polnt ia dleferunt from its
If during titration nature of variation of conductance of titrant up
nature of variation after the end point then conductometric
titration can bo carrled out.
acid solution is kept in a beaker, it remains completely
When hydrochloric
HCIH +C (complete ionization)
ions are
As HCI is titrated with sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH), the highly mobile hydrogen
sodium ions and the conductance of tho solutlon decreases.
progressively replaced by slower moving
H+C+Na +OH -> Na+Cl +H0
of Na"
neutralization of HCI, addition of further NaOH leads to increase the number
Aftercomplete Thus the
the conductance of the solution rises sharply,
and fast moving OH ions and hence at the end
neutralization of a strong addition of strong base leads to a minimum conduotance
by a ions
This is due to the disappearance of H ions and their replacement by alowor moving Na
points. mobile OH ions after the end point.
of the base followed by the presence of highly
number of drops of alkali two straight lines wlth negative
When conductance is plotted against number
are obtained respectively. The point
of intersection of the straight lines gives the
positive slope
of drops of alkali needed for neutralization.

i. HCl solution (-N/20)
ii. Standard NaOH solution

Procedure water and keep in a clean 100 ml beaker.

i. Wash the conductivity cell thoroughly with deionized
cell constant,
Turn the knob to cell constant. Note the value of
a 100 ml beaker. Add sufficient
deionized water just
ii. Pipette out 10 ml of supplied HCI solution in solution.
to dip the electrodes complctely. Stir the
solution and measure the conductance of tho

iii. Add 2-3 drops of NaOH from the burette stir the solution thoroughly and measure the conductance
value. Continue this process. Record the number of drops adod each time and the conductance
after each addition in a tabular form.

iv. Takeatlenst6-8readingsaftertheend point(afterthe.cerd pointtheconductancewillincreasedue

toadditionof NaOH).
v. Determine the volume of 20 drops of NaOH (use the same burette) to calculate the volume of one
drop of NaOH.
vi. Plot the conductance against number of drops of alkali added and draw the best fit straight lines
through tho experimental data points and find the point of intersection.
vii. Determinethestrength of NaQH solution.
Experimental data: (draw a table of at least 15 rows)
Conductance (mho or Siemens)
SI No. of drops of NaOH added

(i) Volume of alkali added to neutralize 10 ml of acid =No. of drops of NaOH at Fx Volume of one
drop of NaOH

Volume of acid (10 ml) x Strength of acid (N) = Volume of alkali (ml) * Strength of alkali (N)
Strength of alkali (N) =
Volumeof actd(m)xStrength ofactd (
Volumo of alkall (m})

Conductometric titration curve

No. of drops of NaOH

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