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hn IncOme tax calculator is a

proqramthat helps ndividuals or
businesses calculate he amount of tax Owe based
on their
income The pwpose of an income tax
calculator is to make
the process Of
calculating taxes easier and more
In this project, oe have developed an (ncome tax
calculator in C
lanquage. Ihe
enter their income
program Prompts the user to
and then Uses
calculate the amount
f-else ladder to
tax they OLDe based on their
Income Slab
The program is desiqned td be
casy to use
It uses Simple input and friendly and
output Statements
to prompt the ser for their income and
display the
tax The program also includes Crror-
mechanisms to prevent checking
he user
from entering invalid
inputs Overall, u income tox calculator in C
useful tool for individuals Or
language is a
businesses uoho neced to
calculate their income tax
quickly and accwately- It can
also help Save time and prevent ehrors that can
can OcCur
when calculating taxes manually
Modu les equired
Add Now Record Search
List all Tax payer along Edit
uoith income tax to be pad Delete Record
1 Add new tecord module
This module allows the user to add a new tax
record to the System lhe user oill be prompled to
enter he tax pdue's
information, Such as name, income,
and tax
payable Once the inormaion is entered, it will
be added to the system's database
List all tax payer along with income tax to be psid module:
The list all tax paer module displays a list of all tax
payrs in the System, along with their
their correspondin income
tax to be paidThis module provides a Summary Of of all
tax payers in the system and helps the user keeps

track of all tax payers and their tax obligations

3 Search module
The search modu le allows the user to search for a
tax payer ecord in the System The user Can enter the
tax payer's name or
identification number, and the System
will display the corresponding recOrd This module helps
User to find a specihic tax payer record in the system
The cdit module allows the
user to modify an
cxisting tax
paucr ec ord In the system The ser Can change the tax
payer's intovmahion, Such as name income and tax payable
Once the changes ae made, the System oill update the
record in the detabase
5 Delete module
The delete module allows the uscr to remove an existing tax
payer record trom the system The user can selec the
record they want to delete, and the
System oill
remove it from the databases This module provides a
oay for the user to remove records that are no longer
needed OY have been entered incorrectly

These 5 modules work together to Create a Complete

income tax calculator
Program that allows the user to
manage tax payer records easily aund efhicien
tly. Each
module has specific pupose and helps
ensure that
the pr0gram runs Sm oothly and efficiently

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