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Zero Conditional True to fact cause and effect (if/when Present Condition, Present Effect or Result)
* When you water a plant, it grows. If you water it too much, it withers.
* If you push this button, the machine makes a loud beep.

1st Conditional Real future cause and effect. (if/when Present Condition, Future Effect)
Can use Will, May, Should, Can, Must principally
* If you visit Paris, you should see what reamains of Notre Dame
* When we are ready to go, I will let you know.

2nd conditional Unreal or hypothetical present or future cause and effect.

(If past Condition, hypothetical Effect). Can use Would, Might, Could mainly.
* If I were you, I would go on vacation as soon as possible.
* If we had the money, we would go on vacation now.

3rd Conditional Unreal or hypothetical past cause and effect.

(If Past Perfect Condition, Modal in past Effect). Use Modal + Present Perfect
* If I had known you were coming, I would have prepared something to eat.
* If she had had the time, she could’ve done it better.

1. The commutative law of mathematics (a + b = b + a) always applies to conditionals.

If I had met her before, I would’ve remembered = I would’ve remembered if I had met her before

2. In second conditional, the third person singular (he, she, it) can use both was or were. All other persons
use only were.

If she was here, she’d tell you = If she were here, she’d tell you.

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