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ZILINSKA UNIVERZITA V ZILINE Fakulta stavebna STEEL STRUCTURES Josef VICAN and Jaroslav ODROBINAK ZILINA 2008 ZILINSKA UNIVERZITA V ZILINE, Stavebna fakulta STEEL STRUCTURES Vitan Josef - Odrobitiak Jaroslav Podta vybranjch kapitol zo slovenského origindlu Bujiiak Jan, Furtak Kazimierz, Vitan Josef NAVRHOVANIE KONSTRUKCIi PODLA EUROKODOV Vyd. Zilinska univerzita v Ziline/ EDIS — vydavatelstvo 2U, Zilina 2003, ISBN 80-8070-078-8 aktualizované a dopinené v sulade s normami EN 1990: 2002 Basis of structural design EN 1993-1-1: 2005 Design of steel structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings EN 1993-1-8: 2005 Design of steel structures. Part 1-8: Design of joints vyd. European Committee for Standardisation, Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels. Za jazykov a vecnti spravnost zodpoveda prof. Ing. Josef Vian, CSc., veduici katedry stavebnych konitrukcif a mostov. Text nepresiel jazykovou Upravou. Vydala Zilinské univerzita v Ziline, Zilina 2008 Issued by University of Zilina, Zilina 2008 © Vigan Josef, Odrobitidk Jaroslav, 2008 Tlaé / Printed by EDIS — vydavatelstvo Zilinskej univerzity v Ziline ISBN 978-80-554-0053-2 Vydané s podporou Eurépskeho socidineho fondu, projekt SOP {Z— 2005/NP1-007 Issued with support of European Social Foundation, project SOP LZ - 2005/NP1-00 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION..... 2. BASIS OF DESIGN 21 General 2.2 Reliability management. 2.3 Design working life of building 4 Durability of steel structures 2.5 Principles of limit states design. 2.5.1 Theoretical basis 2.5.2 Limit states .. 2.5.3 Basic variables. . A 2521 Actions and environmental influences. Material and product properties. 2433, Geometrical data.. 2.6 Verification by the partial factor method 2.6.1 Separated reliability condition... 2.6.2. Application of representative values 3. MATERIALS. 3.1 General 3.2 Structural steel. 4 DURABILITY OF STEEL STRUCTURES.. 5 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS.. 5.1 Structural modelling for analysis 5.2. Global analysis. 5.3 Imperfections. 5.3.1 General 5.3.2. Imperfections for global analysis of frames 5.3.3 Imperfection for analysis of bracing systems.. 5.3.4 Member imperfection 5.4 Methods of global analysi: 5.3 Classification of cross-sections .. 6 ULTIMATE LIMIT STATES ..sssssssseses 6.1 General. 6.2 Resistance of cross-sections 6.2.1 _ Resistance of compact cross-sections of Class 1 an - Cross-section subjected to tension... Cross-section subjected to compression Cross-section subjected to bending Cross-section subjected to shear... Cross-section subjected to bending and shea Cross-section subjected to bending and axial forc sistance of semi-compact cross-sections of Class 3. General. oe ae Cross-section subjected to bending, shear and axial force........ 56 Cross-section subjected to torsion . 56 GORMAA socrsoicosssoegereson 56 St, Venant torsion of the open cross-sectior 60 Bredt torsion of the box CrOS$-SCCtiOM.......cssssssessseisancsstssssnsnsessiussnsnsenenseeseeene woo Warping torsion of the open cross-section son 6.3. Buckling resistance of members subjected to compression. 63.1 _ Introduction. 6.3.2 Structural stability of ideal member subjected to compression 63.3 Buckling resistance. 6.3.4 Buckling reduction factor and buckling curves 6.3.5 Buckling resistance 6.3.6 Uniform built-up compression members... 63.6.1 Laced built-up compression members _Battened built-up compression member 63.6.3 Closely spaced built-up members. 6.4 Buckling resistance of members subjected to bending 64.1 Cross-sections of members subjected to bending 64.2 Resistance of members subjected to bending... 6.4.3 Structural stability of members subjected to bending 6.4.4 Buckling resistance of members subjected to bending... 7 CONNECTIONS. 7.1 Basis of design... 7.2 Connections made with bolts, rivets or pin: 7.2.1 Distribution of forces between fasteners at the ultimate limit state. 7.2.2 Positioning of holes for bolts and rivets 7.2.3 Categories of bolted connections 7.2.4 Design resistance for bolts subjected to shear and/or tension. 7241 Shear resistance. Bearing resistance. 7243 Tension resistance... 7244 Punching shear resistance. 7245 Resistance to combined shear and tension.. 7.2.5 The use fit bolts... 7.2.6 Slip-resistant connections using preloaded bolts Design slip resistance 7.26.2 Combined tension and she: 7.2.7 Injection bolts and their design resistance 7.2.8 Riveted connections... 72.9 Prying forces... 72.10 Deductions for fastener holes. De for block tearing Asymmetrically connected members in ter Lug angles.. 7.2.11 Connections made with pins 7.3. Welded connections. 7.3.1 General. 7.3.2 Distribution of forces... 73.3 Fillet welds... 733.1 Common fillet weds. 733.2 Intermittent fillet wel $334 Fillet welds all round Long fillet welds 73.4 Butt welds. 73.5 Plug welds.. 7.3.6 Flare groove weld: 73.7. Eccenirically loaded welds 7.3.8 Welding in cold-formed zones. 7.3.9 Connections to unstiffened flanges.. References 1 INTRODUCTION The presented publication comprises the basic information related to design principles of steel structural elements according to European standards EN 1990 [1], EN 1993-1-1 [6] and EN 1993-1-8 [11]. The basis of steel structures design is accompanied by the theoretical foundation and derivation of the major formulas applied in the design practice. Due to relative high strength of steel, steel structures consist of very slender thin-walled structural members so that their behaviour is very complicated because of global and local buckling effects. These influences cause reduction of the cross-sectional and member resistance which has to be considered in frame of steel structure design. Nevertheless, the steel is always considered to be the most quality building material and its application in building industry is given especially due to following advantages: — high strength enabling design of slender and light-weight structures which are easily transported and erected; industrial way of fabrication ensuring production quality and accurateness: — reconstruction ability of steel structures and also structures made of other building materials; — return of steel material - steel recycling. On the other side the slendemess of steel members represents the basic disadvantage of the steel as the material for building structures. Low resistance to fire and corrosion and high acoustic, thermal and electrical conductivity belong also to other disadvantages of steel introducing higher operating costs during steel structure exploitation compared to structures made of other building materials-concrete, timber, masonry. In the past, the production of steel was considered as the most energy consuming process in comparison with production of other building materials. Therefore the new method of steel production was developed in the last decades of 20-th century. The new process is based on the shortening of production cycle due to direct connection of the steel production with steel hot-rolling, by application of consistent automation and by improving of anticorrosive protection. Consequence of these approaches was registered into the favourable price relations ensuring competitiveness of steel in building industry. 2 BASIS OF DESIGN 2.1 General Steel structures have to be designed in accordance with the general rules given in EN 1990 [I]. The basic requirements of [1] section 2 should be satisfied where limit state design is used in conjunction with the partial factor method and the load combinations given in EN 1990 [1] together with the actions given in EN 1991 [2]. From the viewpoint of basic requirements of EN 1990 [1], the steel structures have to be designed and executed in such a way that it will, during their intended life, with appropriate degrees of reliability and in an economical way — sustain all actions and influences likely to occur during execution and exploitation, and — remain fit for the use for which it is required. The basic requirements will be fulfilled, if the steel structures will have adequate: — structural resistance, — serviceability, and — durability. In the case of fire, the structural resistance have to be adequate for the required period of time. If it is relevant, steel structures have to be designed in such a way that it will not be damaged by events such as: = explosion, — impact, and — the consequences of human errors. From the view point of cross-sectional and member resistances, serviceability and durability, the rules given in the various parts of EN 1993 should be applied. Depending on the type of action affecting durability and the design working life (see EN 1990 [1] and Table 2.1) steel structures should be ~ designed against corrosion by means of - suitable surface protection (see EN ISO 12944 [28]) ; ~ the use of weathering steel; — the use of stainless steel (see EN 1993-1-4 [7]); - detailed for sufficient fatigue life (see EN 1993-1-9 [12]) ; ~ designed for wearing; ~ designed for accidental actions (see EN 1991-1-7 [5]); — inspected and maintained. Potential damage has to be avoided or limited by appropriate choice of one or more of the following: — avoiding, eliminating or reducing the hazards to which the structure can be subjected; — selecting a structural form which has low sensitivity to the hazards considered; — selecting a structural form and design that can survive adequately the accidental removal of an individual member or a limited part of the steel structure, or the occurrence of acceptable localised damage; — avoiding as far as possible structural systems that can collapse without warning; — appropriate tying the structural members together. 2.2 Reliability management The reliability level required for steel structures in frame of EN 1990 [1] have to be achieved: a) by design in accordance with EN 1990 to EN 1999 and b) by — appropriate execution and — quality management measures. The choice of the reliability levels for a particular steel structure should take account of the relevant factors, including: — the possible cause and /or mode of attaining a limit state ; — the possible consequences of failure in terms of risk to life, injury, potential economical losses; — public aversion to failure; — the expense and procedures necessary to reduce the risk of failure. The levels of reliability that apply to a particular steel structure may be specified in one or both of the following ways: — by the classification of the structure as a whole; — by the classification of its components. The levels of reliability relating to structural resistance and serviceability can be achieved by suitable combinations of: a) preventative and protective measures (e.g. implementation of safety barriers, active and passive protective measures against fire, protection against risks of corrosion such as painting or cathode protection); b) measures relating to design calculations: — representative values of actions; — the choice of partial factors; c) measures relating to quality management; d) measures aimed to reduce errors in design and execution of the structure, and gross human errors; e) other measures relating to the following other design matters: — the basic requirements; — the degree of robustness (structural integrity); — durability, including the choice of the design working life; — the extent and quality of preliminary investigations of soils and possible environmental influences; — the accuracy of the mechanical models used; — the detailing; f) efficient execution, e.g. in accordance with execution standards referred to in EN 1991 to EN 1999, g) adequate inspection and maintenance according to procedures specified in the project documentation. 2.3 Design working life of buildings The design working life should be taken as the period for which a building structure is expected to be used for its intended purpose. For the specification of the intended design working life of a permanent building see Table 2.1. Table 2.1 Design working life of structures Design working | _ Indicative ‘Examples life category | design working life (years) 1 10 ‘Temporary structures ” 2 101025 Replaceable structural parts, e.g. gantry girders, bearings 3 15 to 30 Agricultural and similar structures = 50. Building structures and other common structures - Monumental building structures, bridges, and 3 100 rar 2 . other civil engineering structures Structures or parts of structures that can be dismantled with a view to being re-used should not be considered as temporary. 2.4 Durability of steel structures In order to achieve an adequately durable steel structure, the following rules should be taken into account: — the intended or foreseeable use of the structure; — the required design criteria; — the expected environmental conditions; — the composition, properties and performance of the materials and products; — the properties of the soil: — the choice of the structural system; — the shape of members and the structural detailing; — the quality of workmanship, and the level of control; — the particular protective measures; — the intended maintenance during the design working life. The environmental conditions have to be identified at the design stage so that their significance can be assessed in relation to durability and adequate provisions can be made for protection of the materials used in the structure. The degree of any deterioration can be estimated on the basis of calculations, experimental investigation, experience from earlier constructions, or a combination of these considerations. Therefore, steel structures and their components should either be designed for environmental actions and fatigue or else protected from them. The effects of deterioration of material, corrosion or fatigue should be taken into account by appropriate choice of material (see EN 1993-1-4 [7] and EN 1993-1-10 [13]) and details (see EN 1993-1-9 [12]), or by structural redundancy and by the choice of an appropriate corrosion protection system. 2.5 Principles of limit states design 2.5.1 Theoretical basis Structural reliability is an ability of a structure to fulfil required functions from the viewpoint of preserving real service indicators in the actual conditions and limits during the required time period. Partial basic reliability components are as follows: — safety — do not endanger human health and environment, — serviceability — utilization of a structure for intended purpose, — durability — time period of the reliable service - design working life. The current state of the reliability verification of building structures has a semi probabilistic character with the theoretical background based on the second level reliability methods designated like engineering approaches to the reliability theory (see Fig. 1). Deterministic Probabilistic methods methods ‘Methods of 2. level calibration ‘Methods of 1. level Partial safety factor method Fig. 2.1 Classification of the reliability verification methods Methods of 3. level calibration The engineering method or also method of the extreme function of reliability margin belongs to these approaches, Using above-mentioned method, the reliability of structure or its component could be expressed by means of the reliability margin g in the following form: e-R-E, 1) where R is the general random variable structural resistance as a function of its m-components and E is the general random variable structural response to actions in the form of k- partial action effects. The expression (2.1) of the reliability margin g is only possible considering knowledge of the basic statistic characteristics of the random variables R and E , which can be obtained using test results, measurements and observations of the statistic methods. Considering g being the linear function of the statistically independent random variable R and E, the statistic characteristics of the reliability margin can be determined as follows: Hy = Ha Me > (22) o=oj+o2, (23) ; oe @4) %% Where /4,, gs Me are the means of the random variables g, R, E; O,.Oq+ are their standard deviations; a,.ay.a_ are their skewness coefficients. To determine the probability density function of the reliability margin, the following relation can be used when R and E are considered to be statistically independent £,(g)= Te g+E)f, (E)dE = fh (R)f;(g-E)AR . (25) where f, (R),f; (E) are the probability density functions of R and E. Resistance R EER ..... Limit state Fig. 2.2 Probability density function of the reliability margin g obability of failure Ps the probability of reliability P, (survival probability) and reliability index # are often used to quantify the reliability level. Considering the known probability density function f,(g) of the reliability margin, the reliability level can be defined: P.=P(g>0)=P(R-E>0)= fe(e)ae (2.6) é and the probability of failure P; then be expressed in the form: ° P, =P(g<0)=1-P, = ff(e)de. 2.7) Considering normal Gaussian distribution of the probability density function of the reliability margin, the probability of failure can be define as follows: (2.8) where ® is the cumulative distribution function of the normally distributed reliability margin gand the ratio 4/0 is the reliability index f. Reliability index f represents the structural reliability expression in a more appropriate way, because probability of failure achieves very small values like 10 till 10°. Elementary reliability index # can be expressed in the following form: 29) Voi+ Taking into account the reliability margin g as the function of random variables, the general reliability condition can be written in the form: Pr=P[R-E B= Ox (Pu) > (2.11) where oy is the inverse cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution, A isthe design target reliability index in accordance with Table 2.2. When the reliability margin g has unsymmetrical distribution, the values of the reliability index f can be determined using fractiles of the probability of failure considering relevant skewness coefficient a, Reliability verification of the structural member according to above introduced engineering approach seems to be very complicated task because R and E are the linear and also nonlinear functions of the random variables. Table 2.2 Design target reliability index for structural members Limit state Target reliability index 1 year 50 years Ultimate 47 3.8 Fatigue 1.510 3.87 Serviceability (irreversible) 29 | 1S ) See Annex B of EN 1990 2) Depends on degree of inspectability, reparability and damage tolerance. For example, the action effects E are the combination of the various types of actions usually expressed by means of their sum, but the resistance function R is usually expressed as the multiplication of the random variables relating to cross-sectional or structural member resistance. Therefore, the reliability margin g can be used in the form: X->X, (2.12) aot fs 2 a= eI where X; are the random variables in the n-dimensional space. Generally, the reliability margin calculation is relatively complicated and therefore approximate methods (FORM, SORM) or more often simulation methods (Monte - Carlo, Latin Hypercube Sampling and Importance Sampling) are used to calculate probability of failure P; or reliability index f in relevant applications. But, the above-introduced methods are not used for practical design of building structures, where the simplified approaches based on partial factor method are applied. 2.5.2 Limit states ‘The structures occur in certain states during their lifetime, which could be divided: — from the viewpoint of activity: - service; - downtime; — from the viewpoint of failure: - failure-free state; - state of failure. Specific structural state is so called limit state. Limit state of the structure or its component occurs: — when performing required functions was stopped; — when the structure does not meet the proposed requirements anymore ; — in the case of structural collapse . In the case of building structures, two types of limit states have to be distinguished: — ultimate limit states —related to the safety and durability of structures — serviceability limit states — related to the serviceability of structures The limit states that concern the safety of people, and/or the safety of the structure should be classified as ultimate limit states. The following ultimate limit states have to be verified where they are relevant: — loss of equilibrium of the structure or any part of it, considered as a rigid body; — failure by excessive deformation, transformation of the structure or any part of it into a mechanism, rupture, loss of stability of the structure or any part of it, including supports and foundations ; — failure caused by fatigue or other time-dependent effects. The limit states that concern the functioning of the structure or structural members under normal use, the comfort of people, the appearance of the construction works from the viewpoint of high deflection or extensive cracking should be classified as serviceability limit states. The verification of serviceability limit states should be based on criteria concerning the following aspects: a) deformations that affect — the appearance, — the comfort of users, or — the functioning of the structure (including the functioning of machines or services), or that cause damage to finishing or non-structural members; b) vibrations — that cause discomfort to people, or — that limit the functional effectiveness of the structure; c) damage that is likely to adversely affect — the appearance, — the durability, or — the functioning of the structure. 12 Limit states should be related to design situations. The relevant design situations have to be selected taking into account the circumstances under which the structure is required to fulfil its function. Design situations should be classified as follows: — persistent design situations, which conform to the conditions of normal use; — transient design situations, which refer to temporary conditions applicable to the structure, e.g. during execution or repair ; — accidental design situations, which correspond to exceptional conditions applicable to the structure or to its exposure, e.g. to fire, explosion, impact or the consequences of localised failure; — seismic design situations, which refer to conditions applicable to the structure when subjected to seismic events. The selected design situations have to be sufficiently severe and varied so as to take into account all conditions that can reasonably be foreseen to occur during the execution and use of the structure. 2.5.3 Basic variables Actions and environmental influences Actions can be classified by their variation in time as follows: — permanent actions (G), e.g, self-weight of structures, fixed equipment and road surfacing, and indirect actions caused by shrinkage and uneven settlements; — variable actions (Q), ¢.g. imposed loads on building floors, beams and roofs, wind actions or snow loads; ~— accidental actions (A), e.g. explosions, or impact from vehicles. Certain actions, such as seismic actions and snow loads, may be considered as either accidental and/or variable actions, depending on the site location. Actions caused by water may be considered as permanent and/or variable actions depending on the variation of their magnitude with time. Actions should also be classified: — by their origin, as direct or indirect, — by their spatial variation, as fixed or free, or — by their nature and/or the structural response, as static or dynamic. An action should be described by a model, its magnitude being represented in the most common cases by one scalar which may have several representative values. For the limit state design, the representative values of actions are used. The main tepresentative value of the action entering calculations is the characteristic value of the action, which should be specified: — asa mean value, an upper or lower value, or a nominal value (which does not refer to a known statistical distribution); — in the project documentation, provided that consistency is achieved with methods given in EN 1991 [2] The characteristic value of a permanent action shall be taken as follows: ~ if the variability of G is small, one single value G, may be used; _ if the variability of G cannot be considered as small, two values shall be used — an upper value G isup and a lower value G kit 13 ‘The variability of G may be neglected if G does not vary significantly during the design working life of the structure and its coefficient of variation is in the range of 0.05 to 0.10 depending on the type of structure. G, should then be taken equal to the mean value. In cases when the structure is very sensitive to variations in G (e.g. some types of prestressed concrete structures), two values should be used even if the coefficient of variation is small. Then Gx ine is the 5% fractile and Gxsup is the 95% fractile of the statistical distribution for G, which may be assumed to be Gaussian. The self-weight of the structure may be represented by a single characteristic value and be calculated on the basis of the nominal dimensions and mean unit masses, see EN 1991-1-1 [3]. The characteristic value (Q,) of the variable action has to correspond to either: — an upper value with an intended probability of not being exceeded or a lower value with an intended probability of being achieved, during some specific reference period; — a nominal value, which may be specified in cases where a statistical distribution is not known, For example, the characteristic value of climatic actions is based upon the probability of 0.02 of its time varying part being exceeded for a reference period of one year. This is equivalent to a mean return period of 50 years for the time-varying part. However in some cases the character of the action and/or the selected design situation makes another fractile and/or return period more appropriate. For multi-component actions like the variable traffic action on bridges, the characteristic action should be represented by groups of values, each to be considered separately in design calculations, For combination of action, other representative values of a variable action should be taken into account: a) the combination value, represented as a product yQy, used for the verification of ultimate limit states and irreversible serviceability limit states; b) the frequent value, represented as a product y;Qj, used for the verification of ultimate limit states involving accidental actions and for verifications of reversible serviceability limit states; c) the quasi-permanent value, represented as a product y2Qi, used for the verification of ultimate limit states involving accidental actions and for the verification of reversible serviceability limit states. Quasi-permanent values are also used for the calculation of long- term effects. For buildings, for example, the frequent value is chosen in such a way, that the time it is exceeded is 0.01 of the reference period, i.e. 0.5 year. For road traffic loads on bridges, the frequent value is defined on the basis of a return period of one week. For loads on building floors, the quasi-permanent value is usually chosen so that the proportion of the time it is exceeded is 0.50 of the reference period. The quasi-permanent value can alternatively be determined as the value averaged within a chosen period of time. In the case of wind actions or road traffic loads, the quasi-permanent value is generally taken as zero. Material and product properties Properties of materials entering the reliability verification of a structure and its components (including soil and rock) or other product properties should be represented by characteristic values. When a limit state verification is sensitive to the variability of a material property, upper and lower characteristic values of the material property should be taken into account. Usually, following criteria are used to establish material property characteristic values: — where a low value of material or product property is unfavourable, the characteristic value should be defined as the 5% fractile value; — where a high value of material or product property is unfavourable, the characteristic value should be defined as the 95% fractile value. Material property values should be determined from standardised tests performed under specified conditions. A conversion factor should be applied where it is necessary to convert the test results into values that can be assumed to represent the behaviour of the material or product in the structure or the ground. Where insufficient statistical data are available to determine the characteristic values of a material or product property, nominal values may be taken as the characteristic values. The characteristic values of the structural stiffness parameters (¢.g. modulus of elasticity, creep coefficients) and thermal expansion coefficients should be represented by a mean value. Different values should be used to take into account the duration of the load. In some cases (e.g. in case of instability), a lower or higher value than the mean for the modulus of elasticity may have to be taken into account. Values of material or product properties are given in EN 1992 to EN 1999 and in the relevant harmonised European technical specifications or other documents. If values are taken from product standards without guidance on interpretation being given in EN 1992 to EN 1999, the most adverse values should be used. Geometrical data Geometrical data of cross-sections and structural members should be represented by their characteristic values, which can be taken as the dimensions specified in the design of buildings. Where statistical distribution of geometrical data is sufficiently known, values of geometrical quantities that correspond to a prescribed fractile of the statistical distribution may be used. 2.6 Verification by the partial factor method 2.6.1 Separated reliability condition Partial factor method refers to the semi probabilistic methods of the first level and it is the basic method for reliability verification of building structures in accordance with currently valid standards. It belongs among methods using individual partial safety factors in reliability conditions to express effect of random variability and time dependency of parameters entering the reliability verification. N. Streleckij introduced the concept of this method in 1947 and in the Slovak republic is used since 1968. The semi probabilistic concept of the partial factor method is characterised by deterministic format of reliability condition in the separate form: E, (2.16a) He (1+ Ge Be) S Hp (1- Aq ByY_) » respectively, (2.16b) where je , of @ ve are the mean value, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of action effects E and je , ox a vg are the mean value, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the structural resistance. The formulas are graphically shown in Fig. 2.3. Sensitivity factors of the action effects a and structural resistance ag are defined by following formulas: Op OR VOR +0E and their values used in practical applications were established according to EN 1990 [1] ag = 0.7 and ap = 0.8 which are valid for the range 0.16 (2.19) Rg =R(Xais@u)/%ea = R(MXui Fase Aa) = RK / Payee) » (2.20) where Frepi= WF 2.21) and 7g; __is the partial factor for the action which takes account of the possibility of unfavourable deviations of the action values from the representative values; ye; is the partial factor for action taking account of model and dimension uncertainties; Ymi _ is the partial factor for material properties; yu; is the partial factor for material properties taking account of model and dimension uncertainties; Ysa — is the partial factor which takes account of uncertainties due to load response modelling; yea is the partial factor taking account of uncertainties due to the structural resistance modelling: @jqq __ i8 the nominal value of a geometrical characteristic; Aa _ is the change of the nominal value of a geometrical characteristic; ™ is a converse factor accounting for the effect of test sample volume and scale, temperature and any other relevant parameters usually involved into the value of partial factor 74 ‘Assuming the proportional relation between action effect E; and action F;, and considering the design values ay of geometrical parameters in the form of nominal values ayom, Which may be respected in the most cases excluding situations, where geometrical parameter significantly affects structural resistance (e.g imperfection in the case of member buckling, lateral torsional buckling, web buckling etc), the partial factors y,, and y,,may be expressed in following form: Yai = Ysa Tei > (2.22) Yai = Tui Tra + (2.23) Direct relation for partial factors of action effects and structural resistance could be also obtained using definitions of design and characteristic values as follows: Ye = (Me + By Oe Op) IE, = bg (1+ By Oe Ve) /Ey (2.24) -_R, - T= Ry (4p - Bite) sill Auanve) a (2.25) : ‘The reliability condition (2.13) for ultimate limit states expressed by means of characteristic values of action effects and structural resistance and by the values of their partial factors should have following form: By =E (oj Gi, Yo Qua ZoiMoi Qui) S Ra =Ry/ Pu - (2.26) The following ultimate limit states shall be verified as relevant: a) EQU: Loss of static equilibrium of the structure or any part of it considered as a rigid body, where : — minor variations in the value or the spatial distribution of actions from a single source are significant, and — _ the strengths of construction materials or ground are generally not governing ; b) STR: Internal failure or excessive deformation of the structure or structural members including footings, piles and basement walls, etc., where the strength of construction materials of the structure governs; c) GEO: Failure or excessive deformation of the ground where the strengths of soil or rock are significant in providing resistance; d) FAT: Fatigue failure of the structure or structural members. When considering a limit state of static equilibrium of the structure (EQU), it should be verified that: where Ey.gxt is the design value of the effect of destabilising actions; Egy is the design value of the effect of stabilising actions. Where it is appropriate, the expression for a limit state of static equilibrium may be supplemented by additional terms, including, for example, a coefficient of friction between rigid bodies. When considering a limit state of rupture, excessive deformation of a cross-section, member or connection or stability loss of member (STR or GEO), it should be verified that: E, 1, (2.29) where the combination of actions in brackets { }, in (2.29) may either be expressed as: Lr esGes + HP + Peis ¥ L7Hoics » (2.30) or, alternatively for STR and GEO limit states, the less favourable of the two following expressions: LresGus # reP'# roo Qs + LVoMoiQes > (2.31a) ‘a a LS resGes + PP’ + 7: Q.y FL raiWoies » (2316) Fs fs where "+" implies "to be combined with"; z= implies "the combined effect of"; Gj __ is the characteristic value of permanent action effects; ¥03 _ is the partial factor for permanent action effects; is the characteristic value of prestressing action effects; y> __ is the partial factor for prestressing action effects; Qu _ is the characteristic value of leading variable action effects; Qxi is the characteristic value of the i-th accompanying variable action effects; Yai _ is the partial factor for leading variable action effects; yoi _ is the partial factor for the i-th accompanying variable action effects; Y%, is the factor for combination values of a variable action effect; vv; __ is the factor for combination value of the i-th accompanying variable action effect; € isa reduction factor for unfavourable permanent actions G. The values of the partial factors y for design action effects and yo factors for combination values of action effects should be obtained from EN 1991 [2] and from Annex A in EN 1990 ti}. The reliability condition for serviceability limit states should have the following form: ESG. (2.32) where Ey is the design value of the action effects specified in the serviceability criterion, determined on the basis of the relevant combination; Ca is the limiting design value of the relevant serviceability criterion. The design values of the action effects Ea in relation (2.32) should be determined by combining the values of actions that are considered to occur simultaneously, For the serviceability limit states, the following types of combinations of action effects should be considered to verify serviceability requirements and performance criteria: If the functioning or damage of the structure or finishes, or non-structural members (e.g. partition walls, claddings) is being considered, the verification for deflection should take account of those effects of permanent and variable actions that occur after the execution of the member. If the appearance of the structure is being considered, the quasi-permanent combination (expression 2.35) should be used. If the comfort of the user or the functioning of machinery is being considered, the verification should take account of the effects of the relevant variable actions. Long term deformations due to shrinkage, relaxation or creep should be considered where relevant, and calculated using the effects of the permanent actions and quasi-permanent values of the variable actions. Horizontal displacements are represented schematically in Fig. 2.5, where u is the overall horizontal displacement within the building height H, ui is the horizontal displacement within a storey height Hi Fig. 2.5 Definition of horizontal displacements From the viewpoint of satisfactory vibration behaviour of buildings and their structural members under serviceability conditions, the following aspects should be considered: a) the comfort of the user; b) the functioning of the structure or its structural members (e.g. cracks in partitions, damage to cladding, sensitivity of building contents to vibrations). Other aspects may be considered for each project and agreed with the client. For the serviceability limit state of a structure or a structural member not to be exceeded when subjected to vibrations, the natural frequency of vibrations of the structure or structural member should be kept above limit values which depend upon the function of the building and the source of the vibration. Those limit values can be found in relevant standards for building design. If the natural frequency of vibrations of the structure is lower than the appropriate value, a more refined analysis of the dynamic response of the structure, including the consideration of damping, should be performed. Possible sources of vibration that should be considered include walking, synchronised movements of people or machinery, ground bore vibrations from traffic, and wind actions. 2 3 MATERIALS 3.1 General The choice of the appropriate material is the basic task of the design of reliable and economic buildings and engineering structures. The material characteristics and properties affect global concept of the bearing structures due to dimensions of cross-sections and structural elements. The designer should choice such materials, using which the steel structures would be fabricated by the most simple and economic way to serve within whole durability respecting adequate service costs. The quality of structural steels is given by their mechanic, physic and technological properties in dependence on the chemical composition, structure, type of production and type of heat treatment. The decisive mechanic properties of structural steels are strength, elasticity, ductility, toughness and hardness of steel. Especially strength characteristics, ductility and notch and fracture toughness are the most relevant steel properties from the viewpoint of a structure design. 3.2 Structural steel The nominal values of the yield strength f, and the ultimate strength f, for structural steel should be obtained: — by adopting the values fy = Ren and fy = Rm direct from the product standard; — or using values given in Table 3.1, where the nominal values presented there should be considered as the characteristic values. For structural steels a minimum ductility is required that should be expressed in terms of limits for: - the ratio f, / fy of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength f, to the specified minimum yield strength fy; — the elongation at failure on a gauge length of 5.65,/A, (where Ao is the original cross- sectional area); - the ultimate strain &, where & corresponds to the ultimate strength f, . For the limiting values of the ratio f, / fy, the elongation at failure and the ultimate strain €,, the following values were recommended: ~ f/f = 1.10; - elongation at failure not less than 15%; = & 2 156, where ey is the yield strain («= fy / E). Steel conforming to one of the steel grades presented in Table 3.1 should be accepted as satisfying above mentioned requirements. The material should have sufficient fracture toughness to avoid brittle fracture of tension elements at the lowest service temperature expected to occur within the intended design working life of the structure. The lowest service temperatures to be adopted in design of individual structural elements are given in EN 1991-1-5 [4]. The maximum structural element thicknesses are defined in EN 1993-1-10 [13] depending on steel grade, minimum Charpy V-notch energy value, reference temperature and reference stress. If the conditions given int [13] are satisfied for the lowest specified temperature, no further check against brittle fracture need to be made. 2 Table 3.1 Nominal values of yield strength fy and ultimate tensile strength f, for hot rolled structural steel Nominal thickness of the element t [mm] Standard and t<40 mm 40 mm (Combination of models-<—>| Theoretical models y v y ; ‘Analytical Numerical fa canes models models v v yv y Laboratory Real Continual Finite models structures models models yi Y Static or dynamic structural response to actions Fig. 5.1 Classification of calculation models Numerical models use the apparatus of the numerical mathematics to find sufficiently sophisticated solution reflecting initial assumptions, conditions and limitations. They are able to determine the structural response to actions in the cases of very complicated spatial structures to describe their real behaviour more exactly. Variation or differential methods belong among typical examples of the continual numerical models used for determining structural response of plated or web structures. At present, the finite types of models are preferred based on discretisation of structural components into small elements - Finite element method (FEM). FEM represents the general approach to the solution of partial differential equations, where solution of physic problem is transformed into the numerical form and obtained numerical solution enables to describe the observed physic phenomena. Differential equations are solved indirectly by means of their transformed equivalent variation shapes. The results can be obtained by solution of integrals over investigated area in form of sum of integrals over arbitrary sub regions called finite elements. At present, FEM represents the general methods for structural analysis of building or engineering structures. In the case of steel structures modelling, it is necessary to take account of behaviour of joints connecting individual structural members or components. The effects of the behaviour of the joints on the distribution of internal forces and moments within a structure, and on the overall deformations of the structure, may generally be neglected, but where such effects are significant (such as in the case of semi-continuous joints) they should be taken into account. To identify whether the effects of joint behaviour on the structural analysis should be taken into account, three joint models should be differentiated as follows: — simple, in which the joint may be assumed not to transmit bending moments; — continuous, in which the behaviour of the joint may be assumed to have no effect on the analysis; — semi-continuous, in which the behaviour of the joint needs to be taken into account in the analysis 5.2 Global analysis Generally, the global analysis means the determinations of the structural response to actions in the form of internal forces and moments. The internal forces and moments may generally be determined by means of: - first-order analysis, using the initial geometry of the structure; - second-order analysis, taking into account the influence of the deformation of the structure. The effects of the deformed geometry (second-order effects) should be considered if they increase the action effects significantly or modify significantly the structural behaviour. First order analysis may be used for the structure, if the increase of the relevant internal forces or moments or any other change of structural behaviour caused by deformations can be neglected. This condition may be assumed to be fulfilled, if the following criterion is satisfied: = 210 = for elastic analysis it 6) iq = E215 — for plastic analysis Fea where Oc, is the factor by which the design loading would have to be increased to cause elastic instability in a global mode; Fes is the design loading on the structure; Fa is the elastic critical buckling load for global instability mode based on initial elastic stifthess. A greater limit for og; in case of plastic analysis is given in equations (5.1) because structural behaviour may be significantly influenced by non linear material properties in the ultimate limit state e.g. where a frame forms plastic hinges with moment redistributions or where significant non linear deformations from semi-rigid joints occur. Portal frames with shallow roof slopes and beam-and-column type plane frames in buildings may be checked for sway mode failure with the first-order analysis if the criterion is satisfied for each storey. In these structures Or may be calculated using the following approximate formula, provided that the axial compression in the beams or rafters is not significant: sella = (Be . 62) . les Bis where Heq _ is the design value of the horizontal reaction at the bottom of the storey to the horizontal loads and fictitious horizontal loads; Vea _ is the total design vertical load on the structure on the bottom of the storey; Oya is the horizontal displacement at the top of the storey, relative to the bottom of the storey, when the frame is loaded with horizontal loads (e.g. wind) and fictitious horizontal loads which are applied at each floor level; h _ ig the storey height. 29 Ava Fig. 5.2 Notations for calculating ox for multi-storey buildings When the influence of the deformed geometry of a structure has to be taken into account, following rules should be applied to consider these effects and to verify the structural stability. The verification of the stability of frames or their parts should be carried out considering imperfections and second-order effects. According to the type of frame and type of the global analysis, second-order effects and imperfections may be taken into account by one of the following methods: a) both totally by the global analysis; b) partially by the global analysis and partially through individual stability checks of members according to chapter 6; c) for basic cases by individual stability checks of equivalent members according to chapter 6 using appropriate buckling lengths in accordance with the global buckling mode of the structure. Second-order effects may be calculated using an analysis appropriate to the type of structure (including step-by-step or other iterative procedures). For frames where the first sway buckling mode is predominant first order elastic analysis should be carried out with subsequent amplification of relevant action effects (e.g, bending moments) by appropriate factors. For single storey frames designed on the basis of elastic global analysis second-order sway effects due to vertical loads may be calculated by increasing the horizontal loads Hrg (e.g. wind) and equivalent loads Veg @ due to imperfections (see 5.3) and other possible sway effects according to first order theory by the factor: — provided that a, 2 3.0, (5.3) @, where Oe; may be calculated according to relation (5.2), provided that the roof slope is shallow and that the axial compression in the beams or rafters is not significant as defined in 5.2.1(4)B in EN 1993-1-1 [6]. For multi-storey frames second-order sway effects may be calculated by means of the method using relation (5.3) provided that all storeys have a similar - distribution of vertical loads and - distribution of horizontal loads and - distribution of frame stiffness with respect to the applied storey shear forces. In accordance with type of method taking account of the second-order effects and imperfections, the stability of individual members should be checked according to the following approaches: a) If the second-order effects in individual members and relevant member imperfections (see) are totally taken into account in the global analysis of the structure, no individual stability check for the members according to chapter 6 is necessary. b) If second-order effects in individual members or certain individual member imperfections (e.g. member imperfections for flexural or lateral torsional buckling) are not totally taken into account in the global analysis, the individual stability of members should be checked according to the relevant criteria presented in chapter 6 for the effects not included in the global analysis. This verification should take account of end moments and forces from the global analysis of the structure, including global second-order effects and global imperfections (see 5.3) when relevant and may be based on a buckling length equal to the system length. Where the stability of a frame is assessed by a check with the equivalent column method according to rules presented in chapter 6 the buckling length values should be based on a global buckling mode of the frame accounting for the stiffness behaviour of members and joints, the presence of plastic hinges and the distribution of compressive forces under the design loads. In this case internal forces to be used in resistance checks are calculated according to first- order theory without considering imperfections. 5.3 Imperfections 5.3.1 General For design of steel structures, appropriate allowances should be included in the structural analysis to take account of the effects of imperfections, including residual stresses and geometrical imperfections and any minor eccentricities present in joints of the unloaded structure. The following types of imperfections should be taken into account in case of steel structures: — geometric imperfections such as lack of verticality, lack of straightness, lack of flatness, Jack of fit; — material imperfections such as residual stresses arising due to hot rolling or welding — structural imperfections such as eccentricities in joints of structural members in frames, etc, Taking account of all types of imperfections is very complicated and requires elastic-plastic global analysis of the structure, Therefore, equivalent geometrical imperfections should be used in practical design, with values reflecting and expressing approximately the possible effects of all type of imperfections unless these effects are included in the resistance formulae for member design (see chapter 6). The following equivalent geometrical imperfections should be taken into account: a) global imperfections for frames and bracing systems; b) local imperfections for individual members. 5.3.2 Imperfections for global analysis of frames For implementation of equivalent geometrical imperfections in global analysis, their imperfection shape and size should be known. The assumed shape of global imperfections and local imperfections may be derived from the elastic buckling mode of a structure in the plane of buckling considered. From the viewpoint of the structural reliability, both in and out of 31 plane buckling including torsional buckling with symmetric and asymmetric buckling shapes should be taken into account in the most unfavourable direction and form. For frames sensitive to buckling in a sway mode the effect of imperfections should be allowed for in frame global analysis by means of an equivalent imperfection in the form of an initial sway imperfection and individual bow imperfections of members. The imperfections may be determined as follows: a) global initial sway imperfections, see Fig. 5.3: ©=0, a, a, , (5.4) where @, _ is the basic value: @, = 1/200; On is the reduction factor for height h applicable to columns: 2 2 “=z but 5 H=oNew H=oNea — <_ Ne tea Fig. 5.4 Configuration of sway imperfections 6 for horizontal forces on floor diaphragms When performing the global analysis for determination of end forces and moments to be used in member checks according to chapter 6.3, local bow imperfections may be neglected. However for frames sensitive to second-order effects local bow imperfections of members additionally to global sway imperfections should be incorporated in the structural analysis of the frame for each compressed member where the following conditions are fulfilled: ~ at least one moment resistant joint at one member end; A f, - A>05, (5.7) a where Neg is the design value of the compression force; 2 is the in-plane non-dimensional slenderness calculated for the member considered as hinged at its ends; A___ is the cross-sectional area of the member; f is the characteristic value of steel yield strength. The effects of initial sway imperfection combined with and local bow imperfections may be replaced by systems of equivalent horizontal forces, introduced for each column according to Fig. 5.4 and Fig. 5.5. These initial equivalent imperfections should apply in all relevant horizontal directions, but should only be considered in one direction at a time. For multi- storey beam-and-column building frames, equivalent forces according to Fig. 5.5 should be applied at each floor and roof level. 33 initial sway imperfections initial bow imperfections Nea Nea Nes New en | Hun = BI I FSP sNeseos —— — LB Y BI t Bi =| SI ESI] Newco a t t Nea New Nua Fig 5.5 Replacement of initial imperfections by equivalent horizontal forces The possible torsional effects on a structure caused by anti-symmetric sways at the two opposite sides should also be considered in accordance with Fig. 5.6. A a eee 5 caxesuexwesee| 7 was 1 translational sway \ 2 rotational sway F , a—t 8 al aeet pond | (a) Sides A-A and B-B sway (b) Sides A-A and B-B sway in same direction in opposite direction Fig. 5.6 Translational and torsional effects (plan view) ‘As an alternative to the above described shape of initial equivalent imperfections, the shape of the clastic critical buckling mode 7, of the structure may be applied as a unique global and local imperfection. Then, the size of initial bow imperfection may be taken as values: Na — 20 Nr El Nae : where for eo can be written: Tair = &0 Tee > 6.8) ua! za e,= a (4-02) Zu for 2>02, (5.9) Nyy 1- yA is the relative slenderness of the structure; (5.10) a is the imperfection factor for the relevant buckling curve; x is the reduction factor for the relevant buckling curve depending on the relevant cross-section; @uk is the minimum force amplifier for the axial force configuration Neg in members to reach the characteristic resistance Npx of the most axially stressed cross-section without taking buckling into account; Gee is the minimum force amplifier for the axial force configuration Neg in members to reach the elastic critical buckling; Mnx _ is the characteristic bending resistance of the critical cross-section, e.g. Me,rk or Mpix according to cross-section classification; Nex — is the characteristic resistance to normal force of the critical cross-section, i.e. Nourk EI 7, mx iS the bending moment due to 7; at the critical cross-section; nec is the shape of elastic critical buckling mode. ‘The amplifiers an. and do of the members should be calculated under an assumption that structure is loaded by axial forces Neg only that result from the first-order elastic analysis of the structure for the design actions. 5.3.3 Imperfection for analysis of bracing systems Bracing systems ensure lateral stability of building frames and also the stability of structural compression member within the length of them. In the analysis of bracing systems the effects of imperfections should be included by means of an equivalent geometric imperfection of the members to be restrained, in the form of an initial bow imperfection with amplitude: e, = @,L/500 , (5.11) where L is the span of the bracing system os(i+ ) . (6.12) m in which m is the number of members to be restrained. and As a simplification, the effects of the initial bow imperfections of the members to be restrained by a bracing system may be replaced by the equivalent stabilizing force as shown in Fig. 5.7: ey +4; 43 = DN 8 where é is the in plane deflection of the bracing system due to q and any external loads calculated from first-order analysis. If the second-order analysis is used, 4, may be taken as 0. (5.13) Where the bracing system is ensuring the stability of the compression flange of a beam of constant height, the force Ney in Fig, 5.7 may be obtained from Ne =Me/h , (5.14) where Meg is the maximum moment in the beam and h is the overall depth of the beam. 35 When a beam is subjected to bending moment and external compression force, Nrg should include a part of the compression force. New ee eo ~ imperfection The force Neu is assumed uniform within the span ga ~ equivalent force per unit length _L of the bracing system, It is slightly conservative 1 ~ bracing system for non-uniform forces. Fig 5.7 Equivalent stabilizing force “ Nes 6 L-splice 2- bracing system DSS ce ee 26Nex 2 é Nea nul Fig. 5.8 Bracing forces at splices in compression elements At points where beams or compression members are spliced (see Fig. 5.8), it should also be verified that the bracing system is able to resist a local force equal to @,,N,4/100 applied to it by each beam or compression member which is spliced at that point, and to transmit this, force to the adjacent points at which that beam or compression member is restrained. 5.3.4 Member imperfections In the most cases, the effects of local bow imperfections of members are included in the formulas valid for member buckling resistance. Where the stability of members is taken into account using second-order analysis according to section 5.2, imperfections ¢9 should be 36 considered for compression members. For the second-order analysis taking account of lateral torsional buckling of a member in bending, the imperfections may be adopted as: four =K Gy» (5.15) where eo is the equivalent initial bow imperfection of the weak axis of the profile considered and for k the value k = 0.5 is recommended. In general an additional torsional imperfection needs not to be allowed for. 5.4 Methods of global analysis The internal forces and moments may be determined using either: a) elastic global analysis or b) plastic global analysis. Elastic global analysis may be used in all cases and is based on the assumption that the stress- strain behaviour of the material is linear, whatever the stress level is. The assumption is valid for both the first-order or the second-order global analysis and even if the resistance of a cross-section is based on its plastic resistance, Elastic global analysis may also be used for cross-sections the resistances of which are limited by local buckling. Plastic global analysis may be used only where the structure has sufficient rotation capacity at the actual locations of the plastic hinges, whether this is in the members or in the joints and the stability of members at plastic hinges is sufficiently ensured, Where a plastic hinge occurs in a member, the member cross-sections should be double symmetric or single symmetric with a plane of symmetry in the same plane as the rotation of the plastic hinge and it should satisfy the following requirements: a) at plastic hinge locations, the cross-section of the member which contains the plastic hinge should have a rotation capacity of not less than that is required at the plastic hinge location; b) in a uniform member sufficient rotation capacity may be assumed at a plastic hinge if both the following requirements are satisfied: — the member has Class 1 cross-sections at the plastic hinge location; — where a transverse force that exceeds 10 % of the shear resistance of the cross-section, (0.1 Vira) is applied to the web at the plastic hinge location and web stiffeners should be provided within a distance along the member of b/2 from the plastic hinge location, where h is the height of the cross-section at this location. c) where the cross-section of the member vary along its length, the following additional criteria should be satisfied: — adjacent to plastic hinge locations, the thickness of the web should not be reduced for a distance each way along the member from the plastic hinge location of at least 2d, where d is the clear depth of the web at the plastic hinge location; — adjacent to plastic hinge locations, the compression flange should be Class 1 for a distance each way along the member from the plastic hinge location of not less than the greater of: — 2d, where d is as defined in section a), — the distance to the adjacent point at which the moment in the member has fallen to 0.8 times the plastic moment resistance at the point concerned. — elsewhere within the member the compression flange should be Class 1 or Class 2 and the web should be Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3. 37 Where a plastic hinge occurs in a joint the joint should either have sufficient strength to ensure the hinge remains in the member or should be able to sustain the plastic resistance for a sufficient rotation, see EN 1993-1-8 [11]. As a simplified method for a limited plastic redistribution of moments in continuous beams where some peak moments calculated by an elastic analysis exceed the plastic bending resistance of 15% maximum, the parts in excess of these peak moments may be redistributed in any member, provided, that a) the internal forces and moments in the frame remain in equilibrium with the applied loads; b) all the members in which the moments are reduced have Class 1 or Class 2 cross-sections; ¢) lateral torsional buckling of the members is prevented. Plastic global analysis allows for the effects of material non-linearity in calculating the action effects of a structural system. The behaviour should be modelled using one of the following methods: ~ elastic-plastic analysis with plastified sections or joints as plastic hinges; ~ non-linear plastic analysis considering the partial plastification of members in plastic zones; ~ rigid plastic analysis neglecting the elastic behaviour between hinges. The bi-linear stress-strain relationship presented in Fig. 5.9b may be used for the grades of structural steel specified in section, Alternatively, a more precise relationship in Fig. 5.9¢ may be adopted in accordance with rules given in EN 1993-1-5 [8]. mh wn a o ey a) b) °c) Fig. 5.9 Bi-linear stress-strain relationships Rigid plastic analysis may be applied if no effects of the deformed geometry (e.g. second- order effects) have to be considered. The stress-strain diagram according to Fig. 5.9a should be used in this analysis. In this case joints are classified only by strength according to EN 1993-1-8 [11]. 5.5 Classification of cross-sections The role of cross-section classification is to identify the extent to which the resistance and rotation capacity of cross-sections is limited by its local buckling resistance. Depending on the slenderness of individual elements of cross-section, four classes of cross-sections are defined, as follows: Class 1 cross-sections (called as compact) are those which can form a plastic hinge with the sufficient rotation capacity required for plastic analysis without reduction of the resistance. ~ Class 2 cross-sections (called as compact) are those which can develop their plastic moment resistance, but have limited rotation capacity because of local buckling. 38 ~ Class 3 cross-sections (called as semi-compact) are those in which the stress in the extreme compression fibre of the steel member assuming an elastic distribution of stresses can reach the yield strength, but local buckling is liable to prevent development of the plastic moment resistance. - Class 4 cross-sections (called as slender) are those in which local buckling will occur before the stress achieve the yield strength in one or more parts of the cross-section. The classification of a cross-section depends on the slenderness of the individual compression cross-sectional parts defined as the width to thickness ratio. Compression parts include every part of a cross-section which is either totally or partially in compression under the considered action combination. In general, the various compression parts at a cross-section (such as a web or flange) can be in different classes. A cross-section is classified according to the highest (least favourable) class of its compression parts. The limiting slenderness for Class 1, 2, and 3 compression parts should be obtained from Table 6. Cross-section with a part which not fulfils the limits for Class 3 should be taken as Class 4. Alternatively, sections of Class 4 may be treated as Class 3 sections if the width to thickness ratios are less than the limiting proportions for Class 3 obtained from Table 6.1 when ¢ is increased by: f, / (5.16) Fon 6a where ctom,c¢ is the maximum design compressive stress in the part taken from first-order or, where necessary, the second-order global analysis. However, when verifying the design buckling resistance of a member using section 6.3, the limiting proportions for Class 3 should always be obtained from Table 6.1. Where the web is considered to resist shear forces only and is assumed not to contribute to the bending and normal force resistance of the cross section, the cross section may be designed as Class 2, 3 or 4 sections, depending only on the flange class. 39 6 ULTIMATE LIMIT STATES 6.1 General The ultimate limit states relate to reliability attributes such as safety and durability. In case of steel structures, the ultimate limit states are derived from the fractures of the steel structural members causing rapture of material with the following member collapse. The following types of fracture should be distinguished: — tough fracture; — brittle fracture; — fatigue fracture. The tough fracture arises in case of quiet static loading due to exceeding the material strength. It is accompanied by the significant plastic deformations arising after attainment of the yield strength. The fracture area is dead, smooth and is oriented in direction approximately of 45° to the plane of stressing. Brittle fracture could occur due to failure of atomic coupling within the splitting of crystallographic grain. The brittle fracture area has glazy crystal appearance and it is rectangular towards stressing direction. It is usually arising in conjunction with a crack and after attainment of its critical length the brittle fracture with a great velocity occurs. Brittle fracture is considered to be very dangerous due to very small plastic deformation following the type of fracture without any fracture signalisation. Liability to brittle fracture is depending on: — chemical composition of steel, especially on the content of carbon, siliceous, sulphur and phosphorus; — temperature of material, especially the low temperature supports arising of brittle fracture; — stress state, spatial stress state is very dangerous from the viewpoint of brittle fracture; — thickness of material, material of the greater thickness is more prone to brittle fracture; — material treatment and quality of structural details. In the case, when a structural member is subjected to the repeated cyclic stressing followed by a local material plasticization, the fatigue fracture can occur. Material defects and inappropriate structural details represent the structural notches usually considered as initiators of possible fatigue fractures. In the adjacent area of the notch, the local plasticization occurs due to stress peaks. The stress peaks are sources of microscopic cracks mutually connecting to bigger cracks having length of 10 to 100 xm. When the crack is oriented upright to direction of main tension stresses, it can develop to the fatigue fracture assuming no changes of stress state in the notch adjacent area. The fatigue fracture area is characterised by two parts. One part of fracture area is glaze and the second one is grainy. The smoothed area is arising due to crack developing. The grain area is a consequence of the brittle fracture caused by local reduction of dimensions due to crack. Then, the following ultimate limit states of steel structures can be derived from the above presented types of fractures: — limit state due to exceeding of material strength (STR); — limit state caused by excessive plastic deformation (STR); ~ limit state induced by the loss of stability of structural members (STR); — limit state of brittle fracture (STR); — limit state of fatigue fracture (FAT); 40 Table 6.1 (sheet 1 of 3) Maximum width-to-thickness ratios for compression parts __ — [ c Axis of bendi tk, t t 4h tar 4 ty 5 A 1 4 et “¢ l cr] Axis of ~ TT | ~ bending aes Part subject to] Part subject to Part subject to bending and bending compression compression f t Stress 1 = distribution in f+] atin parts aaa c | We (compression | | - | (esa) positive) = = 5 — y f when @>0.5 ; ¢/t< is 1 cits 72e c/t<33e oe when @ $0.5 ; ¢/ts == a when @>0.5 : c/t< —- 2 c/t<83e c/t 382 No when a $0.5 : c/ts—— a Stress S iG distribution in = parts {+ le le | (compression | er * / positive) ~ i a ‘ whentps] ere/e 0,67 + 0,33 3 c/t< 1246 c/t<42e P when y <-1" :¢/t $ 62e(1-y),/(-y)| 6 235 275 355 460 « [| 10 | ox 0.81 0.75 0.71 *) yws-1 applies where either the compression stress o< fy or the tensile strain & > fy/E 4 Table 6.1 (sheet 2 of 3); Maximum width-to-thickness ratios for compression parts Outstand flanges | c. ‘ rit t! Te t t is Rolled sections Welded sections Gis Part subject to Part subject to bending and compression compression Tip in compression Tip in tension Siress distribution in parts (compression positive) 9e 1 c/ts9e clts= a 2 c/ts10e ais t0e @ Stress —_ distribution in +] =e parts 1 (compression | i-e—2— | positive) 3 eltst4e olts21 ek, For kg see EN 1993-1-5 fy 235 275 355 | é 00 81 42 Table 6.1 (sheet 3 of 3): Maximum width-to-thickness ratios for compression parts ‘Angles h ey nt Does not apply to angles Refer also to “Outstand t b in continuous contact flanges” (see sheet 2 of 3) 4 with other components Class Section in compression Stress _ distribution Cas, across section Ly! (compression positive) - b+h 3 h/tsise: 2" <11.5¢ 2t Tubular sections t f 4 Class__| Section in bending and/or compression 1 dit <506* 2m d/t< 706 3 d/t< 9027 Note: For d/t>90e see EN 1993-1-6. £ 235 275 355 420 460 é 1.00 0.92 0.81 0.75 0.71 [2 1.00 0.85 0.66 0.56 0.51 Except for above introduced ultimate limit states directly corresponding to the individual fractures, the limit state caused by loss of equilibrium (EQU) of the structure or any part of it, considered as a rigid body, should be proved. For symbols STR, FAT and EQU see section 2.6.2. By means of classification of steel cross-sections, the relevant limit state for checked cross- section should be defined and also the method for global analysis, model for determination of the structural resistance and character of cross-sectional resistance assessment should be specified. From this viewpoint, the values of partial factors ym for structural steel should correspond to the classification of cross-sections depending on various characteristic values of resistance as follows: — resistance of cross-sections whatever the class: yao = 1.00: ~ resistance of members to instability assessed by member checks: ji = 1.00 ; - resistance of cross-sections in tension to fracture: ywa = 1.25; ~ resistance of joints: see EN 1993-1-8 [11] 43 6.2 Resistance of cross-sections In accordance with the reliability concept described in section 2,5, the design value of an action effect at any cross-section should not exceed the corresponding design resistance. If several action effects act simultaneously the combined effect should not exceed the cross-sectional design resistance for that combination. The design values of resistance should depend on the classification of the cross-section. Elastic verification according to the elastic resistance (see Class 3 sections) may be carried out for all cross-sectional classes provided that effective cross sectional properties are used for the verification of Class 4 cross-sections, by which the effect of local buckling may be taken into account. For the elastic verification the following yield criterion for a critical point of the cross section may be used based on the Huber-Mises-Hencky (H-M-H) hypothesis of plasticisation, unless other interaction formulae is applied: 2 2 2 Orta a Sata _| Zxea_ |] _Ca0a_|, 3 ta | <10, (1) fy /Yvo0 fy/7mo) (fy /ru0 Jf /7m0 £,/Yva0 where ox

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