FIRMAMENT Rescue From Vandralen Manor

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FIRMAMENT is an action-fantasy RPG about warriors that

draw power from the celestial bodies in the vault of the sky. In
FIRMAMENT, you tell the story of a group of Champions, members
of an ancient order, dedicated to protecting the realm of Rakama.
You root out corrupt magic and those that use it, keeping the world
safe from it.

Written and designed by Erin Tierney

Art by Rilee Horowitz
Other art assets:
Warm_Tail on Shutterstock
Pikisuperstar on
Rawpixel on
Macrovector on

Rescue from Vandralen
Expedition Type
Recovery—Rescue a captured Champion
Expedition Enemy
The Raven Hundred
Fellow Champion Oku Luce was sent to investigate Vandralen
Manor, the seat of power of Aramaeis Vandralen, a liege of
the Vandralen family of the Raven Hundred. She has not been
heard from since, and Ophelia, a fellow devotee of the Midnight
Discipline and Oku’s friend, wants the player characters to go
on an expedition to rescue her. If any of the characters do not
currently have an Ask, Ophelia will request that character to keep
an eye out for ancient moonlight weapons—Vandralen is a known
Unbeknownst to the players, Oku has been Afflicted by
Vandralen, and is in thrall to him. They have to find her and defeat
her to remove the Affliction.

Vandralen Manor
The phaserings teleport the Champions just outside the gates of
Vandralen manor. A wrought iron fence surrounds the land and the
gates themselves are locked and magically warded. The Champions
are free to roll to get through the gates, but if they incur a
consequence for picking the lock or breaking through, Vandralen
knows that they are coming.
The Champions can approach the house from the front or
go around back. Outside the front door are two retainers, who
will see the Champions on the open path at Far range unless they
use a relevant power to hide. If the Champions go around back,
they encounter 1 stalker, 3 night hounds, and 1 afflicted caracal
returning from a hunt.
The inside of the house is laid out according to the following
maps. These maps have a general scale for ranges, but remember,
making quick judgments on range will help keep the game moving
quickly, so you don’t need to measure distances.



1. Drawing Room: 1 retainer.
2. Parlor: 2 courtiers.
3. Grand Room: Downstairs–1 Near
stalker, 1 courtier. Stairs–1
courtier. Upstairs–1 knight, 1 gaged

4. Statuary: If Champions alerted
enemies, Oku (thrall champion)
is here, makes one attack, and
disappears into darkness.
5. Kitchen: Empty, dumbwaiter to
top floor.



2 4 6

1. Bedroom: Empty, contains The
Huntress (ancient moonlight
runic rifle—burst, focused). Near
2. Tower: 1 knight.
3. Grand Room: See 1st floor. gaged

4. Bedroom: 1 retainer, 1 courtier.

5. 1 liege (Aramaeis Vandralen),
1 knight, 2 stalkers, 5 retainers,
Oku (midnight variant thrall
6. Pantry: Empty, dumbwaiter
from bottom floor.

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