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The Twice Unsealed Tomb of the Necrobat Dead Soldiers

Four mice dead in a battle a long time

An ancient mouse kingdom beat the Necrobat skeleton army ages ago, trapping him in this Tomb. An old magic order found the
ago, weapons still at hand.
tomb and started to study it, waking the Necrobat. One member escaped, sealing the Tomb again. Now the Tomb has been
found once more.
Broken Bones
Four skeletons, three of them
The Last Camp destroyed, some with weapons still
Makeshift camp with eight sleeping bags. Three of them have dead sticking them to the ground.
mice inside, murdered while sleeping. There is a sturdy metal door
to the south with a thin slot as long as a mouse fist. This door can The Library
only be opened by inserting the Barrier Sword and turning. The Rows of bookcases. Notes about
sword can be extracted once the door is open. confinement magic and shield spells.
Barrier spell: creates a 1 square feet
barrier for 1hr.
The Tomb The Lever
There is a jeweled cup full of rubys (10) in the center of the room. Moving the lever to the right opens all
Near the cup there’s a translucent sphere of glowing light. Most of doors on Dead Soldiers.
the rubys look dull, 1d4 of them are shining. If the cup or shining Entrance Moving the lever to the left opens all
rubies are taken, the glowing stops and a giant skeleton bat, the Wall has some bricks on the floor, there’s a doors on Broken Bones.
Necrobat, will descend from the shadows in the ceiling and attack hole big enough for mice to go through. Currently pointing right.
them. If no mouse takes it Dill will try to take the cup and run away. Written on the wall, a warning about a great
The Sword Altar
evil lying inside.
Wall covered by a tapestry of a mice army fighting
In every room with dead mice or skeletons, a giant bat. Pedestal with a sword embebbed in it.
there's a 1 in 3 chance that one of them The ruby on the pommel shines a light around the
wakes up and attacks the party. pedestal. If removed, the ground will disappear,
leading to a spike trap (d4 dmg) underneath. DEX
Mice Skeleton: 2hp, 5 STR, 2 DEX, 2 WILL save to grab the pedestal before falling. WILL save
Attacks: bite (d4), claw (d4) to not drop the sword again in the pedestal. There’s
Wants to: create more skeletons for its a young mouse called Dill trapped, caught while
master looking for treasure. If rescued will follow the party
Necrobat: 5hp, 10 STR, 8 DEX, 10 WILL
Attacks: bite (d6), wing claw (d8) A dungeon by @ellohir
Critical damage: controls the incapacitated mouse
Wants to: escape and create a skeleton kingdom

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