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Chữa đề IELTS Speaking 07/01/2023

Part I: Neighbors
1. Do you know your neighbors?

I know my neighbors, but not personally as I hardly ever visit them. I mostly keep to myself and
my closest friends.

2. Do you like your neighbors?

I like them because they seem affable and easy to get into a conversation with. Also, they are
respectful of my privacy and I would reciprocate that towards them.

3. Do you think you are a good neighbor?

I like to think so since I act friendly towards them and I don’t disrupt the peace. I hardly ever
misbehave myself whenever I’m around the neighborhood.

Part II: Describe an object that you think is beautiful

You should say:
• What it is
• Where you saw it
• What it looks like
• And explain why you think it is beautiful

One time while I was traveling in the UK in the coastal town of Brighton, I came across an old
warship which to me was beautifully constructed. It was specifically the HMS Speedy which was
captained by Sir Thomas Wilson during the colonial era. Captain Wilson was celebrated for his
daring exploits such as capturing ships belonging to other European powers as well as his
countless victories against pirates in the Atlantic Ocean, all the while using the HMS Speedy as
his main ship.
Like I said before, I saw the ship in the town of Brighton, which is a famous resort town in the
UK. Many tourists from the UK and abroad visit there because it is very picturesque with a nice
beach and interesting sites such as the Royal Pavilion and the Palace Pier. The ship itself looked
rather grand and imposing. It was built using oak which was both a strong and light type of
wood. That way it could easily float while also resisting cannonballs being fired at it. It was
painted in a combination of brown and black, with the hull being black and the decks being
brown all over. The sails were weaved from cloth and they were white all over. They were also
rather large as they had to be so that they could catch enough wind to push the ship forward.
When I first saw the HMS Speedy, I thought it was such a beautiful ship because for one, it was
pleasing to the eye. The color scheme brought out the majesty of the ship and the use of oak
added a sense of ruggedness to the ship which I quite admire. For another, I thought it was a
shining example of humanity’s capacity to build something big. The ship has demonstrated that
we can build big things that are practical despite their size.

Part III:
1. Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past? Why?

When it comes to man-made things, there are more of them now that are beautiful than ever.
Mankind has created aesthetically stunning buildings and artwork that are worth witnessing.
However, when it comes to natural beauty, there’s less of it now than before because of how
humanity has ravaged much of Earth’s nature to support its continued existence. For example,
there are less forests to explore and more waste is dumped which massively spoils the

2. What beautiful scenery spots are there in your country?

There are many all over Vietnam but I’ll stick to two. First, there’s the Phong Nha cave which is
the largest cave in the world. It has many rock formations which are rather impressive and it is
home to numerous animal species who live in it like bats, birds and lizards. Second, there’s Ha
Long Bay, which is home to numerous islands and islets that are shaped in various and unique
ways. I shouldn’t forget to mention that the water there is clear and pristinely blue.

3. Where do you think people usually come into contact with beautiful things?

Most of the time people come into contact with beautiful things in nature because it is easily
accessible to them. For example, a group of hikers can go to a forest and walk in it to admire
the various flora and fauna it has in store. Another example is that divers can swim deep into
the ocean and find the many unique fish and colorful coral reefs that thrive there. In short,
there is an abundance of beautiful things to find in nature.

4. Why do many people go to scenic spots in person instead of just reading about them in

One reason is that people want to see these spots and judge for themselves if they are
beautiful or not. These books may talk ad nauseam about how amazing these places are yet
people want to get a first-hand experience of these places and decide if these books are true or
are overexaggerating their claims. Another reason is people are often eager to visit these new
and beautiful places in person. They have a natural curiosity towards new experiences and are
thus willing to try them to see if they are worth it.
5.58 là điểm trung bình IELTS Writing tại Việt Nam, thấp nhất trong 4 kỹ năng. Vậy nên IELTS Xuân
Phi đã xây dựng khóa học chuyên sâu writing, để hỗ trợ các bạn khắc phục từng điểm yếu về Từ
vựng, Ngữ pháp, Phát triển ý tưởng... với cam kết tăng ít nhất 0.5 band sau khóa học!

✔ Chương trình học thiết kế riêng theo điểm mạnh – yếu từng học viên

✔ Bài viết được chữa chi tiết để học viên khắc phục từng lỗi nhỏ

✔ Giảng viên và trợ lý học tập riêng theo sát quá trình học

✔ Được học lại miễn phí nếu làm đầy đủ bài tập mà không tiến bộ

✔ Tặng sách Kho từ vựng nâng cao và Kho ý tưởng trả lời Writing Task 2
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