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SIR Muhammad Ali
Question # 1: What are the process and its mechanics by which a
semiconductor material can be made to conduct electricity? Draw a
flow chart to show what happens when this happens?
ANS: A Semiconductor can be defined as a material that has the characteristics
and ability to conduct a small amount of electrical current. Semiconductors have
much lower resistance to the flow of electrical current in one direction than in
another. Silicon wafers are an important ingredient in manufacturing
semiconductors and the process of adding controlled impurities to a
semiconductor is known as doping.

Process how semiconductor conduct electricity:

Most semiconductors are made by using silicon since it is abundantly available on

earth and is easy to work with. When an “impure” substance, such as boron or
gallium is introduced in small quantity, it causes the silicon crystal to become
unstable. This instability allows free movement of electrons. Free movement of
electrons causes an imbalance of electrons. This imbalance of electrons can
generate a charge which can be either a positive charge (if there are lesser
electrons) or a negative charge (if there are more electrons).
Flow Chart:

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