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why did you choose this university?

-study their university

-culture, values, events, support for students, news

-reputation, lectureres, previous students

why do you want to study this course?

-passion and enthusiasm for the subject
-aligned with career goals
-read course curriculim: things that are engaging, that you are passionate

main interests
-passion outside of uni
-team sports, sports in general, reading, etc
-explain how this will positivley impact your studies

strengths and weaknesses

-real weakness that doesn't hurt you during the interview
-end on high note and express what you are doing to work on it

which part of your undergrad studies did you find the toughest?
-enjoyed studying and learning more about the subjects
-initial planning phase that you managed to ease yourself into

what's your biggest achievement and why

-recent and demonstrates that you are a completer
-always explain how the achievement has impacted you on a positive level
-good grades -> self-belief that you can go a long way in both your
education and career

explain how you intend to study

-have a plan prepared
-quality over quantity
-what works for you? -mind maps, key points of each lesson

how do you feel about your undergrad results?

-take responsibility
-be reflective and move onwards

what can you bring to the university?

-uni is a 2 way street: you get good lecturers and great facilities; they get
a good student
-demonstrate maturity, intelligence and an ability to contribute academically
and organiyationally
why did you choose this university?
-study their university
-culture, values, events, support for students, news

-reputation, lectureres, previous students

why do you want to study this course?

-passion and enthusiasm for the subject
-aligned with career goals
-read course curriculim: things that are engaging, that you are passionate

main interests
-passion outside of uni
-team sports, sports in general, reading, etc
-explain how this will positivley impact your studies

strengths and weaknesses

-real weakness that doesn't hurt you during the interview
-end on high note and express what you are doing to work on it

which part of your undergrad studies did you find the toughest?
-enjoyed studying and learning more about the subjects
-initial planning phase that you managed to ease yourself into

what's your biggest achievement and why

-recent and demonstrates that you are a completer
-always explain how the achievement has impacted you on a positive level
-good grades -> self-belief that you can go a long way in both your
education and career

explain how you intend to study

-have a plan prepared
-quality over quantity
-what works for you? -mind maps, key points of each lesson

how do you feel about your undergrad results?

-take responsibility
-be reflective and move onwards

what can you bring to the university?

-uni is a 2 way street: you get good lecturers and great facilities; they get
a good student
-demonstrate maturity, intelligence and an ability to contribute academically
and organiyationally
why did you choose this university?
-study their university
-culture, values, events, support for students, news

-reputation, lectureres, previous students

why do you want to study this course?

-passion and enthusiasm for the subject
-aligned with career goals
-read course curriculim: things that are engaging, that you are passionate

main interests
-passion outside of uni
-team sports, sports in general, reading, etc
-explain how this will positivley impact your studies

strengths and weaknesses

-real weakness that doesn't hurt you during the interview
-end on high note and express what you are doing to work on it

which part of your undergrad studies did you find the toughest?
-enjoyed studying and learning more about the subjects
-initial planning phase that you managed to ease yourself into

what's your biggest achievement and why

-recent and demonstrates that you are a completer
-always explain how the achievement has impacted you on a positive level
-good grades -> self-belief that you can go a long way in both your
education and career

explain how you intend to study

-have a plan prepared
-quality over quantity
-what works for you? -mind maps, key points of each lesson

how do you feel about your undergrad results?

-take responsibility
-be reflective and move onwards

what can you bring to the university?

-uni is a 2 way street: you get good lecturers and great facilities; they get
a good student
-demonstrate maturity, intelligence and an ability to contribute academically
and organiyationally
why did you choose this university?
-study their university
-culture, values, events, support for students, news

-reputation, lectureres, previous students

why do you want to study this course?

-passion and enthusiasm for the subject
-aligned with career goals
-read course curriculim: things that are engaging, that you are passionate

main interests
-passion outside of uni
-team sports, sports in general, reading, etc
-explain how this will positivley impact your studies

strengths and weaknesses

-real weakness that doesn't hurt you during the interview
-end on high note and express what you are doing to work on it

which part of your undergrad studies did you find the toughest?
-enjoyed studying and learning more about the subjects
-initial planning phase that you managed to ease yourself into

what's your biggest achievement and why

-recent and demonstrates that you are a completer
-always explain how the achievement has impacted you on a positive level
-good grades -> self-belief that you can go a long way in both your
education and career

explain how you intend to study

-have a plan prepared
-quality over quantity
-what works for you? -mind maps, key points of each lesson

how do you feel about your undergrad results?

-take responsibility
-be reflective and move onwards
what can you bring to the university?
-uni is a 2 way street: you get good lecturers and great facilities; they get
a good student
-demonstrate maturity, intelligence and an ability to contribute academically
and organiyationally

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