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Past Il]__THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MARCH. 5, 2021 _369(15) Annex-B FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL BIO DATE FORM Photograph (FOR INDUCTION OF OFFICERS OF PMS/PCS INTO PAS (Under Provincial Management Services ) (PMS)Provincial Civil Services (PCS). Induction into Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS) Rules, 2020) 01. Roll No: (Tobe alloted by se FPSC) Personal No: 02, Present Pay Scale: 03, Name: 04. Father's Name: 05, Domicile (Self: 06, Province: 07. Date of Birth: Day _Month____ Year 08. Place of BirthiCity (Self): 09, Marital status: (Please mark only one put a tick mark (_)in the relevant box) Single Married ] DivoreeaWidow 10. cNnIc: 11. Religion: (Please put across in relevant box) Muslim Non Muslim 12, Particulars of the spouse (if married): Name nic. Nationality: Age: Education: Occupation: Present Designation: 13, Details of Children: {SNo,]_ Name ofthe Child | Age (Years) Present Occupation @ © © @ © 278 2 369(16) THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MARCH. 5, 2021 [Parr Il 14, Particulars of parents Father Mother (a) Place of birth (6) Date of birt (6) Date of death, if not alive: (6) Your age at his /her death: (© Education (highest dogreciclass Passed): (8) Profession {) Designation e pe 15, Give particulars of Brothers(B) and Sisters (S) in order of birth: SNe ‘Name Relationship | Age | Education Present Occupation @ o © @ © 16. Close relations in Civil Service: ‘SNo Name Relationship | Present Post presently held Pay Scale @ o oO @ © 17. Details of Immovable property (parents, Self and Family): SNo | Wdentification & nature of Assest(s) Mode of Cost of acquisition s acquisition/year @ o @ @ © 18. Annual Income of family Rs. Number of Dependents, Paar II] . 279 THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MARCH. 5, 2021 __369(17) 19, Academic Qualifications | iesiiony | tatation | Vear: | Grama? | sara [era |aiay No | attended [piv | Obtainea | Universicy | Subjects | ["@)_[ Manic 5 | intermediate | | BABSe @ [MANS |e [Serna (| PhD. @ Over 20, — Réeitionad QualieationsT raining SNo] Natureof Trainiog [AgenylOrganization | GradelDin] Duration] Vear ) o © @ © 21. Special Courses (if any): SNo ‘Name of Course Yer Tastitution @ o @ @ © 22, Languages (Excellent, Good, Fair): SNe @) & ©. @ 23. Tanguage iterary interest: Z28e a 6 369(18)_THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MARCH. 5, 2021 [Parr Il 24, Sports/Achievement (wit year): 25. Hobbies: 26. Publications (if any) with tte, journal, date of publication. 27, Travel Abroad: SNo | Countries Period ays) Purpose @ o © @ {eo 28, Postal Address: (in capital leters) 29. Permanent Address: (itifferent from above) 30. Telephone Number (if any) with City Cod Office: Residence: Mobile: 31, Miscellaneous: (Any other information) 32. Service Record: Year of Qualifying PMS/PCS through respective Pubic Service Conamission of Province/Region____Date of Appointment in BS-I7__ Present BPS-__Date of Promotion to Present Pay Scale Present Post held Department. Total Period of Service in BPS-17 and above 33. Posts Held in BPS-17 and above: 28) Paarl] THE GAZETTE OF PAKISTAN, EXTRA., MARCH. 5, 2021 369(19) [Pose Hela BPS From To Department Cadre or Ex-Cadre Post 34, Declaration: (1 Cenity tha he statements Ihave made inthis application are trve to thebestof my knowledge end ‘elie undestnd that any f the above statement ie false in any material respet or eit any material information relevant to my previous examination, service, ee. my application i lable to be rejeted and appointments able o be termined. (Thereby futher declare tat have never ber volved in any criminal / civil / disciplinary case or prosecuied in any criminals quas judicial proceedings involving moral turpitade (If involved, please give denied paiculr ofthe incident with ame of pie station and ate of ofeee) (ii) have read and understood “Provincial Management Services (PMSWProvncal Civil Services (PCS). Indocton into Pakistan Adminisratve Service (PAS) Rules, 2020" before filing this application form, and gre to abide by them in atality & uncondonaly 35. Certified that I have filled in Par-1 of NOC (Annex-A) and furnished the same to Secretary Services for verfication/authentication and countersigning by Chief Secretary and onward submission to Secretary, Federal Public Service Commission, Islamabad within one month. Signature: Date: Name of the Officer: (Ga Capital levers) Ise. 1 :

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